Scribe decorations disappearing
I am a noob and just had the same issue. So I sent in a bug report but then I found out what the issue is. You only craft the “blueprint” so to speak. It goes into that machine thing right next to the Scribing station and you have to complete the craft there. Once done it will go into your storage area.
Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?
As Paulytnz said, decorations that you craft go into the machine called the ‘Assembly Device’, and need to be manually queued in order to be made. Each decoration only takes about 30 seconds. Once they are made from there, they’ll automatically be entered into your guild’s decoration vault, ready to be placed by your decorators.
Blood & Merlot [Wine]
Paulytnz – tyvm that was my problem. Sheesh (and I am not a noob).