Secret LA Skritt Meeting
That’s the only Skritt meeting I have encountered, but when I was stood nearby I heard them have that dialogue several times. So if that is the secret meeting then maybe they appear at midnight and just repeat their dialogue a few times?
The information seeker continually walks around and then has that conversation. The devs in the POI specifically said there was a secret meeting on the beach at midnight with the skritt but they did not say where or if the midnight was Anet time or halfway through the in-game nights. There is another secret skritt meeting in a hidden place near the ship in the Silverwastes that supposedly only takes place around 10:30 but not sure if it is am or pm or what time zone it takes place in.
Oh, in that case I’ve not found it.
Assuming it is midnight ingame time you could use this page ( to calculate roughly when midnight should be as it shows when night starts and ends and updates for each day-night cycle.
Thanks I will try that during a night cycle and see what happens. I love that Anet has put stuff like this into the game that you have to figure out to see what is going on. I always felt the skritt are up to something big and suspect they may be referring to the boat in the Silverwastes, lol.
I did finally find where someone caught the Silverwaste scrum meeting:
(edited by Aerinndis.2730)