Self-imposed game and character challenges?

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


So, the Tyrian Travels thing lately has somehow reminded me of some of the self-imposed challenges players have come up with over the years, like the Iron Man Challenge outlined here:

The recent Vikki and Momo posts have made me think of a new type of challenge that I might actually attempt: The Non-Combat Challenge (I am not clever with names, lel)

How difficult would it be to try to get a character through from level 1 to level 80 without the use of any tomes as well as avoiding combat entirely? No weapons equipped, and only utility skills which do no damage could be used. Perhaps you’d have to limit a character to using a specific set of gear like the Iron Man Challenge to keep the difficulty up. Using a tanky guard build with full exotics, for example, would basically nullify any real reason to run from combat when you could practically wade through most mobs.

Thoughts? Anyone want to attempt this with me? Level through only exploration, gathering, non-combat renown hearts and other “friendly, helpful Tyrian” methods? It probably sounds incredibly boring to most, but I think it sounds interesting.

If you have some other ideas on ways to spice this challenge up, or if you have some other unique challenges you’ve read about or come up with, post them here. I’m curious to see if anyone has tried some really wacky things and found something they had a lot of fun with.

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kyrie.8530


could call it: “the pacifist” challenge.
i would really like for anet to add some of these into the game with asociated titles, while we keep having these content droughts. but i doubt it’ll be too fun if you’re not allowed to fight. it’s basicly playing a nodefarmer. untill you farmed so many berrys, and hacked so much wood, that u feel ready to take on a dragon.

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

People did it during the first year. A common strategy was getting exploration XP plus doing hearts which didn’t require combat (a lot of them, as it turns out).

It’s tedious, so I don’t recommend that everyone try it and I certainly recommend that you think of it as a solo activity — it’s very unlikely that anyone can manage to be there with you for the entire 1-to-80, um, experience.

As I recall, those who completed it posted that they had a lot of fun. I don’t remember if anyone did it “ironman” (death = start over), although I’m sure that everyone said that if they accidentally killed, they would start over.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


I started a challenge with my “weekly lv10 key character” just for fun and now i can’t stop it. Anyone here know Warhammer? Well i created a warrior Norn Slayer with blue tatoo and orange crested hairs. The Challenge is: first death=delete… And the challenging thing is i don’t use the chest armor and the only weapon set is the double axes. So long i killed all the HP in the starting areas the Jungle wurm fire ele jormag shaman behemoth some area bosses and my masterpiece i don’t know how…. tequatl when i was lv 18. And it gave me an ascended weapon chest too lol. Now sorry…. i must fullfill my Slayer’s oath.
edit oh right Now i’m lv 26 keep going up \o


Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I think avoiding combat completely would be extremely difficult.

Yesterday I randomly decided to re-create Vikki and Momo’s journey so far and I found that even sticking to the roads (as I assume Vikki would) and discounting events that happened along the way (like a Haven getting attacked while I was there) I was getting attacked a lot. Usually it was just one or two ‘animals’ like raptors, spiders or wargs. But they were still attacking me.

(I also noticed a huge chunk of the journey is missing. The stories jump from the Tengu Bridge in Caledon to Shaemoor with only a mention of crossing the Krytan border in between. That’s 1/2 of Caledon, all of Kessex Hills and 1/2 of Queensdale that was skipped, so I had to guess the route. Also going to the Weeping Isle required going in completely the wrong direction, I ended up going in a big loop around Mabon Market and the Ruins of the Unseen.)

You might be able to avoid killing anything, but I think you’d have to accept being attacked.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


How difficult would it be to try to get a character through from level 1 to level 80 without the use of any tomes as well as avoiding combat entirely? No weapons equipped, and only utility skills which do no damage could be used. Perhaps you’d have to limit a character to using a specific set of gear like the Iron Man Challenge to keep the difficulty up. Using a tanky guard build with full exotics, for example, would basically nullify any real reason to run from combat when you could practically wade through most mobs.

The question is: are you able to complete the tuturial instance without any combat? Do you wait for someone to come arround and finish the boss for you or does it die if you wait long enough?

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I don’t tend to do big things like this, but I do frequently get distracted from what I was doing with new goals I’ve just come up with which may not serve any actual purpose. Usually trying to reach a part of the map that may or may not be accessible via some complicated jumping (not jumping puzzles, just bits of the scenery you’re not supposed to be on).

Sometimes I’m a bit disappointed when I reach a point I think isn’t supposed to be accessible and I find a chest or a crafting node or something else that tells me Anet did expect people to find their way up there.

I’ll also set extra ‘rules’ for myself, like for example I don’t ever use Tomes and rarely use XP boosters when leveling my permanent characters, because I feel like if I’m going to commit to playing them indefinitely I should be willing to take the time to level them up (and I do enjoy leveling).

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


How difficult would it be to try to get a character through from level 1 to level 80 without the use of any tomes as well as avoiding combat entirely? No weapons equipped, and only utility skills which do no damage could be used. Perhaps you’d have to limit a character to using a specific set of gear like the Iron Man Challenge to keep the difficulty up. Using a tanky guard build with full exotics, for example, would basically nullify any real reason to run from combat when you could practically wade through most mobs.

The question is: are you able to complete the tuturial instance without any combat? Do you wait for someone to come arround and finish the boss for you or does it die if you wait long enough?

The NPCs will kill it if you wait long enough but it takes a very long time without players helping.

This one I’ve actually done. I wanted to test firstly whether it was possible to complete the instance without doing anything and secondly if the reward would still give enough XP to get you to level 2. (Yes you can and and yes it does).

You can run straight through to the boss without doing anything else (each instance includes a gate of some sort so you can’t enter the boss area while the fight is active, but that’s also just a matter of waiting for it to open) and then if you just wait there the NPCs will kill the boss, eventually.

You have to be within range to get credit for the event however (I think there’s an orange circle on the map). If you’re too far away, or in the case of the charr one above the tomb instead of inside it, you won’t get credit and the instance won’t end. But even if you’ve just stood there the entire time and haven’t attacked or been attacked you will get through.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


There was a guy a few months ago that played necro in a duel by literally rolling his face across the keyboard. You could try that in open world, would probably do pretty well.

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


How difficult would it be to try to get a character through from level 1 to level 80 without the use of any tomes as well as avoiding combat entirely? No weapons equipped, and only utility skills which do no damage could be used. Perhaps you’d have to limit a character to using a specific set of gear like the Iron Man Challenge to keep the difficulty up. Using a tanky guard build with full exotics, for example, would basically nullify any real reason to run from combat when you could practically wade through most mobs.

The question is: are you able to complete the tuturial instance without any combat? Do you wait for someone to come arround and finish the boss for you or does it die if you wait long enough?

You don’t even have to do the tutorial, there is a way to get out of it and start your adventure in real Tyria at lvl 1!

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


You don’t even have to do the tutorial, there is a way to get out of it and start your adventure in real Tyria at lvl 1!

Wasn’t that fixed a while ago (if you are talking about PvP/WvW warps)? Maybe guildhall… Didn’t test it yet.

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


You don’t even have to do the tutorial, there is a way to get out of it and start your adventure in real Tyria at lvl 1!

Wasn’t that fixed a while ago (if you are talking about PvP/WvW warps)? Maybe guildhall… Didn’t test it yet.

I am not sure if they fixed the guildhall one I used it after they got rid of pop one this was right after they allowed us to queue anywhere again.

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

If you could get to level 30-ish and had a receptive guild, a banner bot warrior would probably be decent for spamming dungeons to 80. Fill in the gaps with the world boss train and populated event chains as feasible for your level.

Call the build Conscientious Objector and give him/her/it appropriate armor skins, or even unarmored for the lols.

Now I’m thinking about this too much.


Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HnRkLnXqZ.1870


If you have some other ideas on ways to spice this challenge up, or if you have some other unique challenges you’ve read about or come up with, post them here. I’m curious to see if anyone has tried some really wacky things and found something they had a lot of fun with.

I’m doing another challenge, for the third time now. Traveling the world, on a lowlevel character. Basically you start right after the tutorial and try to reach the highlevel zones of tyria. Orr, FGS, Heart of Maguuma. Once you are there, you pick an impossible to reach location and try to reach it. Like the gates of Arah in Orr, or the falls in AB. You can pick whatever class you want, even thief. The challenge is over once you reached level 40. You can kill what you want and use HPs as you please. Traits and Skills are allowed, also gliding. You will die a lot.

I created that challenge long ago, because I wanted to “farm” silver doubloons. So I needed access to as many jumping puzzles as possible. Some in the highlevel zones are quite easy to complete, but hard to reach. So I picked my jumper-character and started running. It is quite surprising how far you can get. And since we have the mastery system, players will think your low green number next to the name is your mastery rank and not your actual level.

Sill enjoy it a lot, and will do it again.

dulfy-effect: Knowledge is power. But without fame, you are just a freak.

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerrand.3085


Bringing myself to log on every day until I hit the daily achievement point cap -.-