Selfish Fail

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: S Co T T.7910

S Co T T.7910

Not even a week in and im 90% certain iv wasted money on this game.

Being an avid GW1 player for many years, achieving GWAMM and the 50/50 hall i loved guild wars. But this is not guild wars. Before a little flame let me just say i completely understand the point of a game needing to evolve to keep up with modern tech and competitors and that this subject has probably been covered hundreds of times (but iv only just got the game so its new to me)

But, the creators and developers should be ashamed of themselves with this installment. Completely left the roots of the original GW and became drinking buddies with the guys over at blizzard.

1. It’s just a WoW re brand job

2. what is with the viewpoint areas in the map? did i buy assassins creed?

3. there is zero point in choosing a profession based on how that profession helps a party, seeing as they have scrapped that idea and gone with “every prof can do anything” idea.

4. i understand its a fantasy game but when have rangers used great swords? and elementalists used daggers? in any form of fantasy rpg? takes the point out of choosing a ranger for his bow and an ele for his backline nuking skills.

5. no monks? Understandably with the way gw2 plays now you cant monk seeing as its basically you alone against the world most of the time. Might be hard for the non monkers to understand but some players liked being dedicated healers, something slightly satisfying knowing you have kept your team from wiping.

It just seems the dev’s thought “what should we do? expand on our soaring success of GW1 or should we cash in, make a 2nd rate WoW and buy that dream holiday home in the Caribbean we want?”

Why fix something thats not broken? all GW1 needed was better graphics, playable asura/sylvari etc.. new big map/storyline (maybe a level cap increase) but thats about it.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firefly.5982


Not even a week in and im 90% certain iv wasted money on this game.

1. It’s just a WoW re brand job

2. what is with the viewpoint areas in the map? did i buy assassins creed?

3. there is zero point in choosing a profession based on how that profession helps a party, seeing as they have scrapped that idea and gone with “every prof can do anything” idea.

4. i understand its a fantasy game but when have rangers used great swords? and elementalists used daggers? in any form of fantasy rpg? takes the point out of choosing a ranger for his bow and an ele for his backline nuking skills.

5. no monks? Understandably with the way gw2 plays now you cant monk seeing as its basically you alone against the world most of the time. Might be hard for the non monkers to understand but some players liked being dedicated healers, something slightly satisfying knowing you have kept your team from wiping.

It just seems the dev’s thought “what should we do? expand on our soaring success of GW1 or should we cash in, make a 2nd rate WoW and buy that dream holiday home in the Caribbean we want?”

Why fix something thats not broken? all GW1 needed was better graphics, playable asura/sylvari etc.. new big map/storyline (maybe a level cap increase) but thats about it.

So. You played for a week and make a judgement. That already says it all, but I will still address your points.

1. How is GW2 like Wow? Honestly? I don’t get it…there is no raiding. There is no ganking. There is no forceful gear progression and grind. No mounts. No set roles for classes. No monthly fee. I really don’t get, what exactly is like WoW in GW2?

2. They are there to point you to places on the world, from which you can enjoy a specifically interesting/beautiful view. If you don’t like that, don’t go there.

3. If you don’t think every profession has there very specific pros and cons, you haven’t played enough. Wait, you only played for a week… >.> Yes, theoretically every class can do ‘everything’, but certain classes can do certain things way better, than others. Condition dmg for example is not the best choice for every class. Certain classes have much more valuable support skills, than others. Etc.

4. Just because Rangers are stigmatized to use bows in other games, doesn’t make that the rule. If you don’t want to use a GS on your ranger, use a bow! Shortbow OR longbow by the way…If you want to use a staff on your ele, go ahead. Or a scepter maybe? The ‘standard’ weapon choices for the professions are still there…we just have more options now. Which allows for more variety in game – if you chose to utilize it. Nothing forces you to play a weapon that doesn’t feel right to you.

5. Yeah, no monks. Instead you are now allowed to pick any profession you enjoy and make it into a monk. You can play full support if you want to, without being forced to play a certain class. Which in return frees everybody from the “I have to have this or this class in my party or we fail” mindset, that limits playing choices and teaming up with people simply due to the fact that they don’t play ‘the right class’

Any other questions and/or concerns? I strongly suggest, that you wait longer, than a week, to make a judgement call. Many things in this game might be new and many might need some getting used to, simply because it has never been done this way – but a week hardly is enough time to say something like “GW2 sucks.”

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


So, are you quitting?

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FallenTear.3710


" It’s just a WoW re brand job "
Well; Don’t need read anything

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dronzer.8392


" It’s just a WoW re brand job "
Well; Don’t need read anything

Yep, I read up until that point too and stopped.

That point completely invalidates his entire thread if he really truly believes that.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

If GW2 is just a WoW clone, they why would someone complain about all the things it is missing from ‘every RPG fantasy (WoW) game’?

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I already responded to your points in your previous topic. None of them are good or valid.

1. WoW had more in common with GW1. Trinity, more than 5 man dungeons, no vistas, classic quests, etc. GW2 has almost nothing in common with WoW and yet you call it a WoW clone unless mechanics that ARE in WoW would be brought back?
3. All professions have different skills. Guardians and mesmers are good for reflections, elementalists are good at destroying objects with their frost bow, etc.
4. You are mixing rangers with archers. A ranger is a hunter. Aragon from LOTR was a ranger. What did he use? Swords.
Elementalists can use any object to focus and let their energy trough. I’m surprised that they’re not given even more weapons.
5. You knew that there will be 0 trinity before buying the game.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i want to add something, all fantasy games begin with tolkjen and ands with dungeons and dragons. gandalf a mage could use a sword, while every wizard in dungeons and dragons could at least use a dagger as weapon.

i think it’s stupid to consider ranger only bow proficiency. what is specifically forbbiding them to learn how to swing a great sword?
and what’s wrong with more option, more fantasy, and more freedom from stupid class stereotypes?

you act like oblivion was never there to teach you something useful about fantasy and roles…

i finish saying that i’m glad there is no monk. so i don’t have to build a party for doing anything, i just go with what people bring with them

Looking for a gay friendly guild?
Join the Rainbow Pride

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASaturnus.4980


By the way, the only reason rangers couldn’t use greatswords in GW1 is that there were no greatswords in GW1. Both hammer and scyth were valid weapon choices though.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

I played 1000’s of hours in Gw1 and I can tell you for fact that it needed more than a couple more player races, new big map or level cap increase. All of those useless or double skills, instanced maps and waiting for a monk for everything (just to name a few) made me very happy when I finally got to play Gw2. Don’t get me wrong I still love the original but it was time to evolve.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deSade.9437


Well, you will be missed. Not.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Totally agree OP, if others cannot see how much like WoW it is Anet did their job right..

Obviously this game is designed for a revolving door market..

and people saying there is no forced gear and grind, try playing the game from level 1 again and see how much the games changed since beta, and ascended is forced if you WvW..

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


Not even a week in and im 90% certain iv wasted money on this game.

All those aspects of the game have been widely known for a very long time now. Anyone who actually read something about the game before purchasing it would have learned those things. For someone who buys a game based on name alone, well, you know the saying, “a fool and his money…”.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


1. It’s just a WoW re brand job

2. what is with the viewpoint areas in the map? did i buy assassins creed?

3. there is zero point in choosing a profession based on how that profession helps a party, seeing as they have scrapped that idea and gone with “every prof can do anything” idea.

4. i understand its a fantasy game but when have rangers used great swords? and elementalists used daggers? in any form of fantasy rpg? takes the point out of choosing a ranger for his bow and an ele for his backline nuking skills.

5. no monks? Understandably with the way gw2 plays now you cant monk seeing as its basically you alone against the world most of the time. Might be hard for the non monkers to understand but some players liked being dedicated healers, something slightly satisfying knowing you have kept your team from wiping.

In point 1 you claim that GW2 is essentially a WoW clone, and then in 2-5 you prove that it is not.

How can you reconcile claiming that it is a WoW reskin and then listing how it is not ?

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


1. It’s just a WoW re brand job

I stopped reading at this line.

Have you actually played World of Warcraft? – For that matter have you played Guild Wars 2 – the two are utterly un-alike.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Totally agree OP, if others cannot see how much like WoW it is Anet did their job right..

Pray tell, how is this game like WoW? Is it the gear grind that makes you say it’s like WoW? Or perhaps the raids? The tanks, healers, and threat system? Maybe it’s the open world PvP? I know! It’s the mounts! Yeah, I can see all the similarities now. This game is totally like WoW! You’ve opened my eyes, Dante; for that I thank you.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


4. i understand its a fantasy game but when have … elementalists used daggers? in any form of fantasy rpg? takes the point out of choosing a ranger for his bow and an ele for his backline nuking skills.

In WoW, mages can use a dagger — or a sword. More importantly, in GW, casters could equip any weapon they wanted to. My prot monk had a Firey Gladius. My Ele used a shield. In D&D, mages can use daggers.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Totally agree OP, if others cannot see how much like WoW it is Anet did their job right..

Obviously this game is designed for a revolving door market..

and people saying there is no forced gear and grind, try playing the game from level 1 again and see how much the games changed since beta, and ascended is forced if you WvW..

Yeah, no it isn’t.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


I love how the OP claims this game is like WoW, then goes on to complain about features missing from GW2 that are in WoW. Rather mind-boggling.

-“No defined roles/holy trinity like in WoW!!” WoW Clone.
-“Rangers should be like Hunters in WoW! Only Bows!!!” WoW Clone.
-“No dedicated Healers like in WoW!!” WoW Clone.

Please tell me you are trolling….

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FateOmega.9601


None of the points matters really. This is a game and a game is suppose to entertain you. if you don’t like it then you have wasted your money. Luckily you realised it early. Try asking them for a refund politely.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think you wasted your money too. Your mind wasn’t open enough to give it a fair go. You wanted Guild Wars 1 version 2, and this is not that. It’s a new game set in the same universe, 250 years later.

In many ways it’s an improved game and many who liked Guild Wars 1 like Guild Wars 2 as much or better. I’m 50/50 and GWAMM to, but I prefer Guild Wars 2 to Guild Wars 1. Some reasons.

1. Trading Post – because standing in Spamadan to sell stuff sucked
2. Being able to change out skills in a dungeon instead of having to return to an outpost and starting over. This actually gives you more skills to use in any one play sesssion, even though you have less skills over all.
3. Build Wars – Sorry you don’t have the right build, you can’t join our Underworld group
4. No Jumping – You may not like jumping puzzles and vistas, but a whole lot of people do. No jumping is the number one complaint against Guild Wars 1.
5. Underwater combat – In Guild Wars 1 you couldn’t enter the water at all. I guess they hadn’t invented swimming yet.
6. Pathing – Guild Wars 1 was pathed completely. You couldn’t go where you want. Here I am, the great ranger, exploring the world…if I could only find away around this log.
7. Heroes – Great if you love to solo, bad if you want any kind of challenge. It got so bad that with heroes, you could do just about anything in PVe without even being there. Builds like Sabway, discordway, ursan, perma-sin…so many builds that made the entire game meaningless.

I loved Guild Wars 1, but let’s take off the rose colored glasses. It had some great stuff but some really bad stuff too (like half the mission bonuses in Prophecies).

The MMO genre had grown quite stale before Guild Wars 1, and though Guild Wars 2 is by no means a perfect game, it’s definitely a step in the right diretion.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Everything you said is wrong, but this obviously isn’t the game for you. Anet has been pretty good about returns, so get your money back and go play WoW some more, you obviously came here wanting the same thing no matter what your #1 point claims.

So leave. You won’t be stopped. You won’t be missed. You won’t have to learn a scary new game with Great Swords and Daggers. Don’t let the Skrit hit you in the backside on your way out.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FernandoCruz.7036


4. i understand its a fantasy game but when have rangers used great swords?

Minsc in Baldur’s Gate 2

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Minsc in Baldur’s Gate 2

You and Boo and I, hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice!

I could never decide whether he thought I was a ranger or a hamster.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zuraith.6104


Point is you’re leaving, right?

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


All fantasy MMOs are based on D&D which was based on Lord of the Rings. Last time I checked, Aragorn used a sword.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6345


That moment when OP no longer responded to his thread.

And you called GW2 a rebranded WoW?
Wow… O_O

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

All fantasy MMOs are based on D&D which was based on Lord of the Rings. Last time I checked, Aragorn used a sword.

Rangers can use swords in DnD; they can even use huge two handed swords if they want to.

By the way, a little off topic but still on the subject of weapons, there’s a Chinese movie on Netflix right now called “The Great Magician” where they use torches as a weapon … I’d never cared much for the idea in game until I saw that fight; now I want one.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

And you called GW2 a rebranded WoW?
Wow… O_O

I’m starting to think he didn’t even play the game.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Totally agree OP, if others cannot see how much like WoW it is Anet did their job right..

Obviously this game is designed for a revolving door market..

and people saying there is no forced gear and grind, try playing the game from level 1 again and see how much the games changed since beta, and ascended is forced if you WvW..

Umm what? I have 6 chars right now with 100% world complete and personal stories complete what are talking about I have found no gear grind while leveling them to their lvls/world complete.

Maybe you are just in too much of a hurry to rush a new alt straight to lvl 80 to WvW or whatever who knows…….

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


Not even a week in and im 90% certain iv wasted money on this game.

1. It’s just a WoW re brand job

2. what is with the viewpoint areas in the map? did i buy assassins creed?

3. there is zero point in choosing a profession based on how that profession helps a party, seeing as they have scrapped that idea and gone with “every prof can do anything” idea.

4. i understand its a fantasy game but when have rangers used great swords? and elementalists used daggers? in any form of fantasy rpg? takes the point out of choosing a ranger for his bow and an ele for his backline nuking skills.

5. no monks? Understandably with the way gw2 plays now you cant monk seeing as its basically you alone against the world most of the time. Might be hard for the non monkers to understand but some players liked being dedicated healers, something slightly satisfying knowing you have kept your team from wiping.

It just seems the dev’s thought “what should we do? expand on our soaring success of GW1 or should we cash in, make a 2nd rate WoW and buy that dream holiday home in the Caribbean we want?”

Why fix something thats not broken? all GW1 needed was better graphics, playable asura/sylvari etc.. new big map/storyline (maybe a level cap increase) but thats about it.

So. You played for a week and make a judgement. That already says it all, but I will still address your points.

1. How is GW2 like Wow? Honestly? I don’t get it…there is no raiding. There is no ganking. There is no forceful gear progression and grind. No mounts. No set roles for classes. No monthly fee. I really don’t get, what exactly is like WoW in GW2?

2. They are there to point you to places on the world, from which you can enjoy a specifically interesting/beautiful view. If you don’t like that, don’t go there.

3. If you don’t think every profession has there very specific pros and cons, you haven’t played enough. Wait, you only played for a week… >.> Yes, theoretically every class can do ‘everything’, but certain classes can do certain things way better, than others. Condition dmg for example is not the best choice for every class. Certain classes have much more valuable support skills, than others. Etc.

4. Just because Rangers are stigmatized to use bows in other games, doesn’t make that the rule. If you don’t want to use a GS on your ranger, use a bow! Shortbow OR longbow by the way…If you want to use a staff on your ele, go ahead. Or a scepter maybe? The ‘standard’ weapon choices for the professions are still there…we just have more options now. Which allows for more variety in game – if you chose to utilize it. Nothing forces you to play a weapon that doesn’t feel right to you.

5. Yeah, no monks. Instead you are now allowed to pick any profession you enjoy and make it into a monk. You can play full support if you want to, without being forced to play a certain class. Which in return frees everybody from the “I have to have this or this class in my party or we fail” mindset, that limits playing choices and teaming up with people simply due to the fact that they don’t play ‘the right class’

Any other questions and/or concerns? I strongly suggest, that you wait longer, than a week, to make a judgement call. Many things in this game might be new and many might need some getting used to, simply because it has never been done this way – but a week hardly is enough time to say something like “GW2 sucks.”

GW2 has more in common with typical MMO snooze fests than it does with GW1 is the point.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Congratz OP, i did not know i could read a post that makes me facepalm this much.

My god…

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Really ironic that you picked the perfect title for this post.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


Yes, GW2 is indeed a fantasy rpg.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mourningcry.9428



Cut the OP a little slack. Not sure how many hours they may have logged, but any vet would have to agree that they haven’t had a chance to really experience the game.

Give em a chance. No need to bash ’em and scare ’em away. Initial impression can be misleading for some.

I encourage the OP to give it a little more chance, hook up with a solid guild/group to show em the ropes and maybe show why some of those assumptions may not hold.

I think the point was made that his initial impressions may be slightly biased.

Used to expect more from the GW community….

Selfish Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Since this thread is not inviting to constructive and healthy discussion, it is now closed.

Thank you for your understanding.