Selling eternity

Selling eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Planing on making and selling eternity. If anyone has managed to do this also how long did it take to sell, did you get undercut at any time. I have everything I need just worried about getting undercut. Any advice is welcome

Selling eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Just realised I may have put this in the wrong section, oh well

Selling eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


When posting a listing on the trading post for a high priced item like a legendary, there is always the risk that someone will undercut your listing, even if only by 1c. I would recommend checking the history of Eternity’s TP listings through a site like which allows you to see the entire history of an item’s trading post listings, with buy orders and sell offers alike.

Look for a listing within the last six months to a year or so which is close to the price you’d like to sell yours at, and follow the chart to see how long it was listed for that price before it finally sold. This should give you an estimate time frame on how long it may take, but as with everything else related to the trading post, this data will not be 100% representative of what your experience will be. Perhaps you will get lucky and list the weapon, only to find it sells within minutes of your posting. Perhaps you will be undercut by not one other seller, but ten. It could go either way.

The strategy I always take when I list a high ticket item on the trading post is to first do the research as I suggested above—check the item’s TP history and find the “average” price it typically sells at, and use that as a baseline for the highest price I should be posting mine at. I find that the closer I am to this self-imposed price ceiling, the longer it will take the item to sell. If I undercut that “average” price by an amount low enough to entice buyers and turn off other potential sellers who might want to similarly undercut me, but high enough that I still make a profit (or get the amount I’d like to get out of it), then I’m happy.

The trick is finding the happy medium between listing the item low enough that you dissuade other sellers from undercutting you and high enough that you still get what you want out of the sale. There is no perfect formula or equation that I know of to guarantee a profitable sale, I’m afraid.

I hope this helps. Good luck with the sale!

Selling eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’ve sold & advised people on selling legendaries. Here’s the one obvious sure thing: if you sell to a buy offer, it sells instantly without risk of anyone undercutting. Any other action means you’re adding some risk that you won’t sell soon or (less likely) at all at your chosen price.

To mitigate that risk, you can look at historical data: what was the highest WTS / lowest WTB offer within the the same period of time you’re willing to wait to sell? How many Eternities were sold during that time? Has supply or demand been increasing/decreasing?

It’s usually a safe bet, even with legendaries, to pick a price in between today’s buy & sell offers and it’s often likely that you can do significantly better.

I know that’s generic advice; if you want details, contact me in game — it’s probably better for you if you’re the only one seeing specific numbers.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”