Sep feature pack will lock parts of LS?
No, it means that people who haven’t logged in and collected the shiny green star that unlocks the episode for your account will have to purchase it on the gemstore for 200gems. The same as all the previous LS releases this season.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
Logging on during a story’s “active” release unlocks it for play for free.
Someone who doesn’t log on during its active release has to pay a gem fee to unlock that portion of the story and play it.
That comment means the “free unlock” period for Part 2 will be until the Feature Patch. So anyone who logs on during that period gets it unlocked for free, and once its unlocked you can play it any time.
It means that you can unlock episode 4 until they release episode 5, whenever that is. As long as you’ve unlocked part 1, you will be able to play. Whatever episodes you’ve unlocked, meaning downloaded and logged in, you can play (even skipping an episode). If you’ve missed logging in during any of the episode releases, you can buy them for 200 gems
Got it, thanks!
Another Feature Pack already? I haven’t recovered from the first one yet!
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist