Server Troll problems.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cross.3805


on my server we are constantly putting up with a server troll, all he does is nothing but harasses everyone on the server causing conflicts everywhere, we’ve all did the “block him” report him and id have to say we’ve had over 200+ people report him, people turn in pictures of what he says to Anet, people fileing complaints to Anet about him. yet after 2 months nothing has been done, I’ve had a friend quit the game cuz he didn’t feel like putting up with the trolling anymore so I really wanna know what has to give in order to get this person out.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I want to know what this Master Troll can do if he apparently can kitten a whole server off, and you can’t even put him on the ignore list.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


ANet has to make a business decision about what its triggers are for banning somebody.

Without all the data, and it would be inappropriate to post it here, there is really nothing more that can be added to this thread.

My guild and I left a previous game where a troll not only went unimpeded, he was literally driving customers off of the server and out of the game, including new players. Eventually found him on the alpha server helping the devs test new raid content. Disgusted, after most of the server had him on ignore, we left the game.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I want to know what this Master Troll can do if he apparently can kitten a whole server off.

“Hey I put these random swords into the forge that I paid 1g for and got something called Dusk. Now I put 4 more swords in and Dawn came out, what is this?!?!”

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cross.3805


we’ve had people leave our server just because they did block him but others didn’t and they’d see them argueing with the troll so they didn’t wanna put up with it anymore and went to a new server.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


we’ve had people leave our server just because they did block him but others didn’t and they’d see them argueing with the troll so they didn’t wanna put up with it anymore and went to a new server.

That is a classic tactic, along with having “groupies” that support the troll in chat… causing further disruption in chat and impacting the community as a whole. Often the intent is to incite others to react in a way that would cause those reacting to the troll to be banned.

We ended up just getting the word out in chat that most of the community had the person on ignore and letting players draw their own conclusions. Some simply also put him on ignore and went on their way, others felt the need to argue / confront further adding to the disruption.

It was not a good customer experience for the server as a whole.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


How quiet is this server that one guy can troll everyone?

Even if he’s on 24/7 he can only be in one place at a time. Surely most people would never even run across him?

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Kinda weird that anyone let that bother them.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cross.3805


he trolls a lot in LA and EB

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So don’t hang out in LA…problem solved. For the most part, Rata Sum has a better arrangement for banking/auction/guild bank and crafting anyway.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


This thread made my internet day…especially when i saw ‘’we left the server’’ and another guy ‘’we left the game’’ ‘’we had over 200 to put him in ignore list’’ priceless.

You have the tools, solve it by yourselves…real life will be so hard for you because apparently you cant even handle this…anyone who doesnt ignore a because hes having fun too, ive been in both sides.

But..“Hey I put these random swords into the forge that I paid 1g for and got something called Dusk. Now I put 4 more swords in and Dawn came out, what is this?!?!” i just loled…this cant be considered hard-troll, what kind of people play in that server, and for troll a whole server…priceless.

I took an arrow to the knee

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Angelus.1042


Welcome to the big world of MMO’s… or…welcome to the internet…

The dusk and dawn thing made me laugh rather hard…

(edited by Angelus.1042)

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


“Hey I put these random swords into the forge that I paid 1g for and got something called Dusk. Now I put 4 more swords in and Dawn came out, what is this?!?!”

Sounds like that server sucks at countertrolling. Seriously. I trolled Runescape’s forums during the QQ wars and I can tell you from experience that if something like that irritates you then the troll is winning and with very little effort.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473



We left the game… after we dealt with the troll. (Didn’t think posting that before was necessary.) Since you’re interested:

Even after the huge number of people had reported the troll for sexist, racist, and other ToS violations, by our calculation, the troll had lost the devs multiple dozens of new players and current subscriptions. Those are only the ones we knew about, might actually have been higher.

The tools provided by the dev were inadequate. The devs did not enforce the ToS they did have, and then they turned around and rewarded the troll by allowing him first access to the highly anticipated new raid dungeon. Bad business decision based on attrition numbers; that was the dev’s choice. /shrug

As for the troll, some of us managed to pass some helpful hints to the troll’s guildmaster, correctly informing his guildmaster that the reason their guild lost their “Server First” title on the top end raid dungeon completion (a status they were struggling hard for months to reach in competition with two other guilds) was because the troll who was their off tank was not only absolutely incorrect in his strategy, and approach; his spec and gear were part of the reason they failed. Repeatedly. And it was painfully obvious from anybody in the know that he was incompetent in all those areas; somehow the troll had managed to “snow” his guildmaster because he was “topping the dps charts” week after week. (Which btw, does not measure dead guildmates and the constantly replaced set of abused healers who were trying to carry him.)

Proof was in the pudding from the guild who completed the raid sequence first, not once, but turned around and completed it again, (having already secured the server first title.)

With our help, strategy, gear and spec were shared. The troll was immediately kicked from the losing guild and relocated (in his shame) to another server and had to start his own guild there. Oh. And yes. Everyone in game (across all servers) knew the story by then. And his character name.

Sorry, I did not indicate we had actually dispatched the troll. He was an unimportant boor except for the fact that the devs never understood he cost them subscribers. Their loss.

Sad to see professional trolls, er, boors, in GW2 as well. Doing the same predictable things. Boors exist. Society usually ostracizes them. As is appropriate.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


A really proficient troll doesn’t use racial stuff or sexual stuff. Anet will ban for that. There are much better ways to troll. The only real way to deal with them is to block them. If they’re arguing with other people, block them too, if they bother you.

Problem solved.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bewhatever.2390


A really proficient troll doesn’t use racial stuff or sexual stuff. Anet will ban for that. There are much better ways to troll. The only real way to deal with them is to block them. If they’re arguing with other people, block them too, if they bother you.

Problem solved.

Let’s be clear here.

We’re talking about griefers. People who derive satisfaction from damaging the game experience of other players.

Having people’s play experience damaged is bad for business. Tends to cause players to not want to pay a monthly fee, or buy gems…or even log in.

And we are not talking about simple boors who block handles quite nicely. We’re talking about the people determined to damage the game play of others in ways block cannot handle. Needless to say, I’m not going to describe ways of doing that for you, or on this thread.

To be blunt, these people are bad for business. Rules be ****ed, the right thing for the business is to simply ban them. That’s problem solved. Anything short of that is problem continued and business lost.

(edited by bewhatever.2390)

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


A really proficient troll doesn’t use racial stuff or sexual stuff. Anet will ban for that. There are much better ways to troll. The only real way to deal with them is to block them. If they’re arguing with other people, block them too, if they bother you.

Problem solved.

Let’s be clear here.

We’re talking about griefers. People who derive satisfaction from damaging the game experience of other players.

Having people’s play experience damaged is bad for business. Tends to cause players to not want to pay a monthly fee, or buy gems…or even log in.

And we are not talking about simple boors who block handles quite nicely. We’re talking about the people determined to damage the game play of others in ways block cannot handle. Needless to say, I’m not going to describe ways of doing that for you, or on this thread.

To be blunt, these people are bad for business. Rules be ****ed, the right thing for the business is to simply ban them. That’s problem solved. Anything short of that is problem continued and business lost.

Absolutely agree.

Especially the bolded part.

I spelled out the sexist and racist chat as obvious ToS violations that the devs in the other game chose to ignore, at their expense, after multiple reportings from dozens of players. I certainly wasn’t going to list everything that was done.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Okay, without knowing what this guy is doing (and I agree for you not saying it publicly) I can’t tell what it is. However, if he’s only in Lion’s Arch I wouldn’t leave a game because of him. That’s just me.

I agree, griefers should be banned. But I also think that, most of the time, there’s ways to avoid being griefed. Not all the time…but most.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Every server has them, every online game has them… that’s the interweebs for ya.

If you or others on the servers are fed up with it but fail to take the /ignore option then it’s for those affected by it to rise above it.. leaving a game because you fail to utilise the tools provided seems a little drastic to me.

On Underworld there are 2 very well know trolls that constantly show up in EB and get to work on insulting anyone and everyone… commanders especially but hey/ignore is your friend.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


I cannot understand how the troll can still cause trouble for you once you’ve blocked them. You must be interacting (i.e. feeding) the troll for him to cause problems with you. Next time, should read the warning signs, don’t feed the troll, especially on a full moon!

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


This is something I did during Halloween in Guild Wars 2.

I was trolling people, forcing a waypoint cost on them. Trolling is not something I do day out, day in. This was something I did for fun in spirit of Halloween.

Is your troll on your server doing such things, or just using words in map chat and such to tick you off?

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Griefing and Trolling are two different things.

In-game trolling can be tongue and cheek fun.

In-game griefing is rather more malicious.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kharr.5746


Maybe this troll is really an ANET dev that is taking out his/her frustrations with the community out on random people and can’t be banned. Think about it O_o #conspiracy

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260



We left the game… after we dealt with the troll. (Didn’t think posting that before was necessary.) Since you’re interested:

Even after the huge number of people had reported the troll for sexist, racist, and other ToS violations, by our calculation, the troll had lost the devs multiple dozens of new players and current subscriptions. Those are only the ones we knew about, might actually have been higher.

The tools provided by the dev were inadequate. The devs did not enforce the ToS they did have, and then they turned around and rewarded the troll by allowing him first access to the highly anticipated new raid dungeon. Bad business decision based on attrition numbers; that was the dev’s choice. /shrug

As for the troll, some of us managed to pass some helpful hints to the troll’s guildmaster, correctly informing his guildmaster that the reason their guild lost their “Server First” title on the top end raid dungeon completion (a status they were struggling hard for months to reach in competition with two other guilds) was because the troll who was their off tank was not only absolutely incorrect in his strategy, and approach; his spec and gear were part of the reason they failed. Repeatedly. And it was painfully obvious from anybody in the know that he was incompetent in all those areas; somehow the troll had managed to “snow” his guildmaster because he was “topping the dps charts” week after week. (Which btw, does not measure dead guildmates and the constantly replaced set of abused healers who were trying to carry him.)

Proof was in the pudding from the guild who completed the raid sequence first, not once, but turned around and completed it again, (having already secured the server first title.)

With our help, strategy, gear and spec were shared. The troll was immediately kicked from the losing guild and relocated (in his shame) to another server and had to start his own guild there. Oh. And yes. Everyone in game (across all servers) knew the story by then. And his character name.

Sorry, I did not indicate we had actually dispatched the troll. He was an unimportant boor except for the fact that the devs never understood he cost them subscribers. Their loss.

Sad to see professional trolls, er, boors, in GW2 as well. Doing the same predictable things. Boors exist. Society usually ostracizes them. As is appropriate.

It would seem block would be all that is needed to stop this troll. I am not sure what the problem is. How can this troll troll you if you cant see what he says.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Just a few things I’d like to respond to here:

Even after the huge number of people had reported the troll for sexist, racist, and other ToS violations, by our calculation, the troll had lost the devs multiple dozens of new players and current subscriptions. Those are only the ones we knew about, might actually have been higher.

If he really did such things I am unsure why Arenanet would not give him temp/perma bans after several instances. But blocking should have worked for those involved. And once blocked, I am not sure how they could continue to troll you as you cannot see them talk.

The tools provided by the dev were inadequate. The devs did not enforce the ToS they did have, and then they turned around and rewarded the troll by allowing him first access to the highly anticipated new raid dungeon. Bad business decision based on attrition numbers; that was the dev’s choice. /shrug

The tools provided are-Block, In game Report, Email Support Report, and simply leaving the area after blocking. If these were done, I’m not sure why players were affected, as for the reporting, Arenanet won’t let you know what they have done that is an internal thing.

With our help, strategy, gear and spec were shared. The troll was immediately kicked from the losing guild and relocated (in his shame) to another server and had to start his own guild there. Oh. And yes. Everyone in game (across all servers) knew the story by then. And his character name.

It seems as though people are making this person far more famous than they should.. By bringing so much attention to them in game, I think you are doing the opposite of helping. Now not only is he a troll, but now you have made him famous..

Sorry, I did not indicate we had actually dispatched the troll. He was an unimportant boor except for the fact that the devs never understood he cost them subscribers. Their loss.

Just to clarify, there are no “subs” in gw2 as it is a B2P game. Once you pay there is no further cost to enjoy the game.

And as others have said, I am confused why anyone would leave an MMO knowing that these people exists EVERYWHERE… just because they did not like this person. They should have blocked/reported and moved on. Posting that people left just makes him look more epic.. because by definition, that is exactly how you feed a troll in the first place… Which I’m sure was not the purpose of this thread.

I think there was a serious lack of anti-trolls on your server, I would suggest that you find them as those people often get bored with the lack of trolls in GW2 compared to other games. They would be happy to assist you.

Or for a small fee I’m sure Vayne could guest to your server :P

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelthios.5902


Is it me? oh god please tell me its me

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Ignore them,block them,fraps it and send it to Anet…Done.Stop playing on a server…? Are you for real…grow some thicker skin and learn to realize theyre at the bottom,doing it for attention since they can’t get it at home.Ignore…move on,laugh it off,These people aren’t worth your breath or attention At all,trust me on that.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Blocking doesn’t stop the people from sending you mail right? jw

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Blocking doesn’t stop the people from sending you mail right? jw

“/block or /ignore – prevent a player from contacting you in any way.”

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Some people seem to be confused about Goldenwing’s post. He was relating an incident that happened in another game, nothing about this particular Troll in GW2.

If you have screenshots of this ‘Troll’ harassing others in chat, send them to Customer Support and let them deal with it as they see fit. In the meantime, either block or stay out of the areas that cause you discomfort…that is all I can suggest. Good luck. =)

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


Geotherma, please read the posts carefully, you’ve missed a couple of defining facts.

And yes, I understand ANet’s reporting system. And the tools ANet has to use. I can understand how in-game tools are not always adequate.

As for making the troll famous… he had already spread his bragging across the game as the “best” tank, promoting himself, getting others to pay him as a “teacher”, selling his “secrets of success”. He was already known.

Didn’t leave the game because of a boor, we left for a variety of reasons, the last one being the dev’s unwillingness to enfore their own rules, as well as rewarding the person egregiously breaking the rules on a continual ongoing basis. Slight integrity issue for us.

The issue in all this is that the devs in the other game not only did not have adequate in-game blocking/reporting tools, when they did get information from multiple sources, they turned a blind eye and it cost them money. Boors, are not only bad for the community, they can be bad for business.

As for boors themselves, yes, after 55 years, I and my guildmates (some same age), understand they exist in MMOs, the work place, the world at large. Dismissing them as irrelevant is one option. I use it all the time on forums. There are other cases where /block is inadequate and I was responding to the OP in agreeing. (Again, as bewhatever and I have said, we are not going to spell them out here.) There are some good suggestions on this thread, which hopefully will help the OP. Getting the entire server to /block the person can be challenging.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

The fact that gw2’s block system doesn’t even work properly and you can still read their chat in half the channels….

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Geotherma, please read the posts carefully, you’ve missed a couple of defining facts.

And yes, I understand ANet’s reporting system. And the tools ANet has to use. I can understand how in-game tools are not always adequate.

As for making the troll famous… he had already spread his bragging across the game as the “best” tank, promoting himself, getting others to pay him as a “teacher”, selling his “secrets of success”. He was already known.

Didn’t leave the game because of a boor, we left for a variety of reasons, the last one being the dev’s unwillingness to enfore their own rules, as well as rewarding the person egregiously breaking the rules on a continual ongoing basis. Slight integrity issue for us.

The issue in all this is that the devs in the other game not only did not have adequate in-game blocking/reporting tools, when they did get information from multiple sources, they turned a blind eye and it cost them money. Boors, are not only bad for the community, they can be bad for business.

As for boors themselves, yes, after 55 years, I and my guildmates (some same age), understand they exist in MMOs, the work place, the world at large. Dismissing them as irrelevant is one option. I use it all the time on forums. There are other cases where /block is inadequate and I was responding to the OP in agreeing. There are some good suggestions on this thread. Getting the entire server to /block the person can be challenging.

How is block inadequate? This is where I am confused, if you cannot see what he is writing how are you affected in any way.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

Geotherma, please read the posts carefully, you’ve missed a couple of defining facts.

And yes, I understand ANet’s reporting system. And the tools ANet has to use. I can understand how in-game tools are not always adequate.

As for making the troll famous… he had already spread his bragging across the game as the “best” tank, promoting himself, getting others to pay him as a “teacher”, selling his “secrets of success”. He was already known.

Didn’t leave the game because of a boor, we left for a variety of reasons, the last one being the dev’s unwillingness to enfore their own rules, as well as rewarding the person egregiously breaking the rules on a continual ongoing basis. Slight integrity issue for us.

The issue in all this is that the devs in the other game not only did not have adequate in-game blocking/reporting tools, when they did get information from multiple sources, they turned a blind eye and it cost them money. Boors, are not only bad for the community, they can be bad for business.

As for boors themselves, yes, after 55 years, I and my guildmates (some same age), understand they exist in MMOs, the work place, the world at large. Dismissing them as irrelevant is one option. I use it all the time on forums. There are other cases where /block is inadequate and I was responding to the OP in agreeing. There are some good suggestions on this thread. Getting the entire server to /block the person can be challenging.

How is block inadequate? This is where I am confused, if you cannot see what he is writing how are you affected in any way.

Block is bugged. It doesn’t work properly and anet refuses to acknowledge it / fix it. Check the bug forums.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Geotherma, please read the posts carefully, you’ve missed a couple of defining facts.

And yes, I understand ANet’s reporting system. And the tools ANet has to use. I can understand how in-game tools are not always adequate.

As for making the troll famous… he had already spread his bragging across the game as the “best” tank, promoting himself, getting others to pay him as a “teacher”, selling his “secrets of success”. He was already known.

Didn’t leave the game because of a boor, we left for a variety of reasons, the last one being the dev’s unwillingness to enfore their own rules, as well as rewarding the person egregiously breaking the rules on a continual ongoing basis. Slight integrity issue for us.

The issue in all this is that the devs in the other game not only did not have adequate in-game blocking/reporting tools, when they did get information from multiple sources, they turned a blind eye and it cost them money. Boors, are not only bad for the community, they can be bad for business.

As for boors themselves, yes, after 55 years, I and my guildmates (some same age), understand they exist in MMOs, the work place, the world at large. Dismissing them as irrelevant is one option. I use it all the time on forums. There are other cases where /block is inadequate and I was responding to the OP in agreeing. There are some good suggestions on this thread. Getting the entire server to /block the person can be challenging.

It just sounded more by the wording that people left solely because of the troll, which seems silly to people. Someone above stated that instance of trolling and moving servers was another game, I must have missed where it stated that, probably my lack of caffeine for the day :P

I definitely despise trolls, and many will work to rid Tyria of them. This term “boors” is new to me, now I have to google it..

I don’t think it is necessary to get the entire server to block them, you just need a few things.

1. A person well versed in anti trolling, as this riles the troll up and accounts for many screenshots and reports via email to be had.
2. Everyone reporting who sees it with pics, but not just in game, outside as well.

The email imo is the best option as you get a personalized response. Also, imagine it from arenanets point of view. “I keep getting emails that I have to take the time to read and respond to. They all point at this one guy, and it is taking time away from helping players with other problems like glitches or account issues. I’m going to hammer this troll with temp bans until they learn to stop wasting players and my time.”

Emails feel much more effective, and I have noted their effectiveness on occasion. In game reports work probably, but you really don’t get responses through them.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


Geotherma, good post. Going back and rereading my original post regarding leaving, yeah, late night posting… I needed to be clearer. That would be rather silly. (Reaching for my own caffeine.)

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Geotherma, please read the posts carefully, you’ve missed a couple of defining facts.

And yes, I understand ANet’s reporting system. And the tools ANet has to use. I can understand how in-game tools are not always adequate.

As for making the troll famous… he had already spread his bragging across the game as the “best” tank, promoting himself, getting others to pay him as a “teacher”, selling his “secrets of success”. He was already known.

Didn’t leave the game because of a boor, we left for a variety of reasons, the last one being the dev’s unwillingness to enfore their own rules, as well as rewarding the person egregiously breaking the rules on a continual ongoing basis. Slight integrity issue for us.

The issue in all this is that the devs in the other game not only did not have adequate in-game blocking/reporting tools, when they did get information from multiple sources, they turned a blind eye and it cost them money. Boors, are not only bad for the community, they can be bad for business.

As for boors themselves, yes, after 55 years, I and my guildmates (some same age), understand they exist in MMOs, the work place, the world at large. Dismissing them as irrelevant is one option. I use it all the time on forums. There are other cases where /block is inadequate and I was responding to the OP in agreeing. There are some good suggestions on this thread. Getting the entire server to /block the person can be challenging.

How is block inadequate? This is where I am confused, if you cannot see what he is writing how are you affected in any way.

Block is bugged. It doesn’t work properly and anet refuses to acknowledge it / fix it. Check the bug forums.

Didn’t know it was bugged. I have never actually had to block anyone in this game. I have pretty thick skin though and could care less what people say in chat. I rarly read it unless it is guild chat.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Circling Skies.1872

Circling Skies.1872

Is this on Sea of Sorrows? Cause if it is I bet a lot of people there know who you are talking about. He/She is annoying and likes to blame people/guilds for “ripping him off” and such. I know they have been reported. All I can tell you is ignore them. Leave LA if they are there filling up the chat. Tell the truth I don’t notice him anymore.

This person had a questionable name and changed it. First name start with an F and the second name with a R?

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Is this on Sea of Sorrows? Cause if it is I bet a lot of people there know who you are talking about. He/She is annoying and likes to blame people/guilds for “ripping him off” and such. I know they have been reported. All I can tell you is ignore them. Leave LA if they are there filling up the chat. Tell the truth I don’t notice him anymore.

This person had a questionable name and changed it. First name start with an F and the second name with a R?

In other games they allow you to see peoples previous names. The account name feature of GW2 is amazing for discouraging trolling,stealing etc, perhaps the history availability would further that usefulness.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: r z.7261

r z.7261

Really people?

Put your big boy pants on, this is ridiculous. Letting 1 person ruin the game sounds like a personal problem. You’re letting him do it to you.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: declan.3968


Is this on Sea of Sorrows? Cause if it is I bet a lot of people there know who you are talking about. He/She is annoying and likes to blame people/guilds for “ripping him off” and such.

It’s a different person from FR, the guy who was trolling in LA was a V, he can be found in some nexus forums if you search hard enough. FR is an EB troll whom nobody follows or helps, Thor is the siege builder and this V guy is some player who is jaded with the game and taking his frustrations out on casuals.

This kinda happens in every game, so don’t worry, just ignore once and move on.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Really people?

Put your big boy pants on, this is ridiculous. Letting 1 person ruin the game sounds like a personal problem. You’re letting him do it to you.

I totally agree,Learn how to deal with them and never take it personal,Laugh at them..and Move on.Do not ever let these people even"try" and ruin your gaming experience,YOU payed for this game and your letting some kid ruin it ? Come on….

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Man I remember the old days when MUDs had worldwide channels and loads of new 12-14 year old kids were discovering the internet daily. Oh and you couldn’t just block users easily, and it was a crapshoot whether GM’s were around, cared and wanted to do anything about it.
GW2 is positively relaxing in comparison…

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


First rule of trolls: don’t feed them. If someone does violate the CoC then report them. If they’re trolling more skillfully then block them. If you see that others are responding to the troll then block them too. It’s highly unlikely that mature players will be supporting trolls and those that do are simply supporting the troll—block them.

The controls provided by the game are adequate to deal with this problem (and it is a problem in every game with people). If they are somehow circumventing the controls in some way report them and they will be dealt with.

I have a number of people on my block list and I don’t have any problem with trolls in this game.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


I’m always amused by complaints like this. People act like the chat box is pinned to their foreheads so the have no choice but to read it. I’ve grown so used to tuning it out, I don’t see whispers half the time. Trolls like the person OP complains about thrive on attention, as has been said umpteen times in this thread. Ultimately, people obsess so much about shutting someone up that THEY become the trolls thru their control issues.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tagus Eleuthera.7305

Tagus Eleuthera.7305

Trolls are just a part of life. Its important to remember that people who take pleasure in annoying others are generally very unhappy and unsatisfied individuals… and that karma is a kitten! What goes around comes around. I can think of a few people that I know who take pleasure in messing with other people, and they are all without exception miserable in their lives and constantly screwing things up and then having to deal with the repercussions of their mistakes. Just take the high road and watch… its more fun that way.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mfernandez.4172


this is like the issue of people dancing on WvW dead bodies for a little laugh. Its a video game. Go outside some more, Get a life and enjoy the game :-)


Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Man I remember the old days when MUDs had worldwide channels and loads of new 12-14 year old kids were discovering the internet daily. Oh and you couldn’t just block users easily, and it was a crapshoot whether GM’s were around, cared and wanted to do anything about it.
GW2 is positively relaxing in comparison…

From my experience most trolls fit the 18-38 age brackets, most 12-14 yo i’ve met were pretty adult compared to much older players…

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Such issues are meant to be reported to our customer support team, so please submit a ticket about this situation, and our team will look into it.

This thread is now closed, thank you.