Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I understand that there are already multiple threads on this subject, but the more flood the forums the better chance someone with the ability to do something about it will see our need for help.
For the past few nights (night where I live, Canada, Ontario) anywhere from 8PM to 12AM the servers will begin to lag horribly before they crash. Multiple people are experiencing this and just before I posted this thread I was in Crucible Of Eternity and we were all disconnected. We all rejoined, but the lag was so bad some of us were teleporting all over the place until we eventually gave up trying and called it quits.
I don’t know what’s causing this or if it’s an easy fix. But it’s effecting a lot of people and for lengthy periods of time makes the game unplayable. Skill and utilities won’t work, messages take up to 10 seconds to send, you get hit/killed by invisible enemies, it’s quite serious and it’s more than a handfull of people experiencing it.
Also, on that note, when the servers go “down” so to speak, this website as well is sometimes either inaccessable all together, or takes long periods of time to load the pages where as any other website works just fine.
So I am requesting your help/attention, ANet and NCSoft. Something is very wrong here.
So you know that there’s several posts, but have you read them to understand what’s going on?
No one from Anet has actually confirmed that these are DDOS attacks so how can we know for sure?
So you know that there’s several posts, but have you read them to understand what’s going on?
Yes. That’s why I said help/attention. I understand that it’s possibly a DDoS attack but that hasn’t been proven. So until further notice I’ll assume the cause of this to be open to debate. I’m not going to let ANet or NCSoft off the hook until I see solid evidence that this isn’t their fault. Not that I’m blaming them right now, I understand it may not be something they can fix. Still, I would like some sort of attention for this.
No one from Anet has actually confirmed that these are DDOS attacks so how can we know for sure?
Because we read the news?
So just because something happened somewhere we all assume that’s what’s happening to us?
So you know that there’s several posts, but have you read them to understand what’s going on?
Yes. That’s why I said help/attention. I understand that it’s possibly a DDoS attack but that hasn’t been proven. So until further notice I’ll assume the cause of this to be open to debate. I’m not going to let ANet or NCSoft off the hook until I see solid evidence that this isn’t their fault. Not that I’m blaming them right now, I understand it may not be something they can fix. Still, I would like some sort of attention for this.
Neither NCSoft or ANet are specifically targeted, the attackers are targeting the company that hosts their servers.
So just because something happened somewhere we all assume that’s what’s happening to us?
No. Because we know who hosts their servers and we know what is happening to said servers.
Has anet ever stated what server they use?
Guild Wars 2 uses Cloudflare, as does League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and many other game and software services.
kitten Trolling is attacking Cloudflare with massive DDoS attacks.
It shouldn’t take a degree in calculus to put 1 and 1 together here. Now stop. isn’t at fault. There is nothing they can do about it. Stop trying to blame them. You’re wrong.
They’re game designers, not internet CSI, NSA, FBI crime solvers. isn’t at fault. There is nothing they can do about it. Stop trying to blame them. You’re wrong.
Business accountability 101.
When your supplier or subcontractor screws up, you own that. Accountability doesn’t shift because anet doesn’t want to handle the hardware themselves. If after over a week anet’s subcontractor hasn’t gotten its act together, accountability falls on anet for picking a crappy subcontractor. People are perfectly right to blame them in that regard.
Business accountability 101.
When your supplier or subcontractor screws up, you own that. Accountability doesn’t shift because anet doesn’t want to handle the hardware themselves. If after over a week anet’s subcontractor hasn’t gotten its act together, accountability falls on anet for picking a crappy subcontractor. People are perfectly right to blame them in that regard.
Then Activision, Riot, and pretty much every major game company picked a crappy subcontractor.
This isn’t the result of crappy work. It’s a DDoS attack on a nigh unprecedented scale. kitten near every cloud server on the planet would be overwhelmed by this.
On top of that, it’s NCSoft’s call as to what cloud service they use, not
You want someone to blame? Go get kitten Trolling.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
And it would be preferable to shut down the game for a week or two or however long while they sought out and started using another service? What if they had a contract with their current service? Should they pass the cost of paying for two services onto their playerbase?
It’s easy to sit back and say: They should do this and that….
I suspect ArenaNet knows the best (for the game as a whole) way to handle this while the attacks are out of their hands. You can always choose to play at a different time of day while there isn’t an issue. It’s not like you are losing money because you paid a subscription. I imagine ArenaNet is trying their best, and on the other hand, is losing some money over this.
Yah, but I read the story, and even McAffee, At&T, and Sysmantec told them exactly what to do to patch the kitten thing.
Even with the information given, the attacks are still occurring against Cloudflare.
One thing I learned with companies, working for one myself, is that they have to have their little board meetings in order to talk about their so called “response”.
Right now, I have no doubt Arenanet has been dealing with their “subcontractor” on this whole security issue. After that comes to, “what sort of damage was done to our own business model.” Namely the affected players.
And then comes, “What’s our official policy on this matter.” Since they probably DID not have an official policy on this matter. This takes brain storming. I’m sure they were sitting around a nice oak table, or a really ugly table, throwing ideas back and forth. I’m also sure their own Security management team manager was in the room with them, on the whole security matter of their own system.
After all is said and done, they will have come to a “Response” situational report. Usually this is a stupid MEMO, which is passed around to their workers about “Confidential information”. What occurred. What to do if people start asking you questions. Who to properly direct those questions to, and not to answer any reporters. Officially it’s all, “No comment.”
Now after this memo has circulated about security concerns, and what one is expected to not talk about publically, you still have the matter of how much the company wishes to divulge to the general public. The “Response”.
It’s going to go two ways. Since the attack wasn’t directed towards Arenanet itself, all the response would be to let the Subcontractor deal with the media problem, and all their affected business customers and interests.
Or….they’ll issue a general apology, the situation as it stands, who was involved, and any and all actions taken or to be taken.
However, this is usually done after the weekend, after everyone catches their breath.
If at any time Law Enforcement was brought in, on this subject matter, then you have a slight wrench in the works, because then…you have a Gag order not to discuss the matter in any relationship to any and all affected party’s. Because now it’s an “Ongoing criminal investigation.”
Next week should be quite interesting. Tune in next week. Same Lions Arch time, same Lions Arch channel.
Guild Wars 2 uses Cloudflare, as does League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and many other game and software services.
kitten Trolling is attacking Cloudflare with massive DDoS attacks.
It shouldn’t take a degree in calculus to put 1 and 1 together here. Now stop. isn’t at fault. There is nothing they can do about it. Stop trying to blame them. You’re wrong.
Well to be honest, I didn’t know that and still not sure about it. Here’s a quote from a post in the tech section:
Without a response from Anet, I will hold Anet responsible for their connection problems. I don’t listen to random people surmising, based on assumptions.
This pretty much sums it up for me. If I’m playing a game and I’m having connection issues with the game itself but the rest of the internet is working fine, I come to the forums and look for a dev response. If there is no dev response, I look on twitter. If there is nothing on twitter then considering I have no idea what’s going on, I submit a ticket. Plain and simple. Why should I have to look any further than the forums and/or twitter? This is their game, they should keep us updated.
Just means, they’re waiting word from the cloud server and/or law enforcement. You’ll probably see a statement Monday morning. It’ll go along the lines of, “Hello fellow community members and players: As you may be now aware that a certain situation has arisen. We have ascertained on such a date an event occurred. We would like to take this moment to apologize for last weeks inconvenience. We are working very closely with our security interests and/or law enforcement in this matter. We will share with you any information as it becomes available….”
So on, and so on. That they havn’t made a response yet, doesn’t mean they are going to refuse to respond. I’m sure they had one hell of atypical disruption of their normal business operations.
I played the original Guild Wars for 7 years. I been playing Guild Wars 2 since Beta. I don’t think I’m going to quit any time soon. I luvs my Guild Wars.
This pretty much sums it up for me. If I’m playing a game and I’m having connection issues with the game itself but the rest of the internet is working fine, I come to the forums and look for a dev response. If there is no dev response, I look on twitter. If there is nothing on twitter then considering I have no idea what’s going on, I submit a ticket. Plain and simple. Why should I have to look any further than the forums and/or twitter? This is their game, they should keep us updated.
Because if the FBI is involved (and it most likely is), likely is not ALLOWED to say anything pertaining to the case. You’re not going to GET a response no matter how much you blame them for it.
At which point, you can do some legwork and put 1 and 1 together, like many others have. It’s not hard to piece this mess together and who claims to be responsible.
Well you’ll definitely get an apology about the disruption, and of the cloud server attack. That has already hit the internet news relays from here to Timbuktu. And since everyone is talking about it, it’s something that just can’t quietly go away.
In which case, I’m sure the FBI would need an unlimited supply of poptarts in order to keep going in their crucial investigative work.
Remember, poptarts are the fuel of any investigative work, so make sure you send a box to Arenanet and the FBI.
Seems they could at least acknowledge the issue and admit that there is nothing they can do. They don’t have to name any names. Just keeping people in the dark makes them think they are ignoring their player base.
kitten I kinda hate that I’m defending a corporation or company on any level, but yah, it’s just one of those really stupid things that every business does. The “how do we respond publically to this issue.” They probably want to hit us up with as much information at the same time, instead of piecemeal.
I mean if the information of who, what, why, how, and when came at you in a jumbled mess, you’d still be clamoring for all the rest of the information, and yelling even loader, thinking that they didn’t hear you.
So, chances are they are putting together of the what, when, how, who. The only answer you may not get to this entire situation is why. Why would someone go around trying to muck about disrupting a Cloud server. Well this particular cloud server runs security, and most crackers will do it for two reasons. One reason is the prestige. The whole one upmanship is a big deal to some circles. The second reason would be slight of hand. Disrupt and snatch. You see the one hand disrupting, but you didn’t see the other hand do a snatch. And usually the snatch is profit oriented. Of course that is the one question arenanet isn’t going to be able to answer, when they finally do make a statement.
Just means, they’re waiting word from the cloud server and/or law enforcement. You’ll probably see a statement Monday morning. It’ll go along the lines of, “Hello fellow community members and players: As you may be now aware that a certain situation has arisen. We have ascertained on such a date an event occurred. We would like to take this moment to apologize for last weeks inconvenience. We are working very closely with our security interests and/or law enforcement in this matter. We will share with you any information as it becomes available….”
So on, and so on. That they havn’t made a response yet, doesn’t mean they are going to refuse to respond. I’m sure they had one hell of atypical disruption of their normal business operations.
I played the original Guild Wars for 7 years. I been playing Guild Wars 2 since Beta. I don’t think I’m going to quit any time soon. I luvs my Guild Wars.
It’s already Monday evening where I live and still no response. No worries though I have already decided I’m not playing tonight.
Guild Wars 2 uses Cloudflare, as does League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and many other game and software services.
kitten Trolling is attacking Cloudflare with massive DDoS attacks.
It shouldn’t take a degree in calculus to put 1 and 1 together here. Now stop. isn’t at fault. There is nothing they can do about it. Stop trying to blame them. You’re wrong.
Cloudflare isn’t a server hosting service … it’s a safety/performance network intermediary. ANet has publicly stated that Akamai provides the actual server capacity.
That being said, here’s a rather humorous link given the circumstances:
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