Server full? Please, why

Server full? Please, why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HermiBoi.4791


For a week ago I bought gems to transfer from FSP to Desolation. I found out that almost every server is full, and I was thinking: Ok, this might be a small problem they have now, maybe they fix it fast. A week later, still 11 servers full. Let that sink in. 11 servers are full, if you have played the game for the last year, you know that at most maybe 2 servers were full. At most. Now its at a constant 11 server full, even at 5am. Yes you heard me. 5am. I woke up earlier today, trying my best to get a spot, still no change. Now this is just embarrasing for a-net. How they just leave the problem and does nothing about it. I have contacted support 3 times over the last week, they all say the same: At the moment the server is full, please try to check in and see if a spot opens. A week later, still nothing. Is this a attempt to balance server population? Or is it just a population problem and more players joined after the F2P change.

Please comment your opinion, and who knows. If this post gets big maybe A-net will notice and do something about it.

Server full? Please, why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Trying at different times of day will very rarely help because the server population is based on the number of accounts that have chosen that server as their home world, not the number of people currently logged on.

Secondly since July it’s based on only the number of people who play World vs. World on that server, because this is the only game mode where your server matters. This makes it much slower to change, but also more meaningful.

Since Megaservers were introduced all PvE maps have been shared between all servers in a region, so although you’re more likely to meet people from your server you can and will play on the same maps as people from all the other servers. In other words it doesn’t matter which server you’re on. As far as I know it’s never mattered for PvP.

So unless you want to play WvW on Desolation specifically there is no need to transfer. If you do then you may be in for a long wait, since Desolation is currently the top ranked EU server it’s unlikely many people will transfer off of it and likely any spots will fill up quickly.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Server full? Please, why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Ok. You don’t know the game’s history. So here it is.

Not too long ago servers were considered full by the numbers of accounts on them. It was possible to sneak into a server that dropped down for a few seconds as people transferred off of it. However the WvW population wasn’t happy about it. They requested (repeatedly) that the server population be tied to WvW activity instead. So ANet did this. However to account for activity rather than overall server population, the metrics can no longer be from one second to another second. Now they are over days, or weeks. For this reason the servers no longer have places that open up for a few seconds for someone to slip in. People who want to transfer must now wait until enough WvW players transfer off the server they are playing on or stop playing WvW and for enough time to pass that the metrics see the population drop, so that the server drops down below full.

You may now thank the WvW players for asking for server population to be tied to WvW activity.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)