Server lag/ Skill delay
I personally have not had any lag or skill lag with the megaserver but if you think yourself and others are having this issue then you’d probably get more done by contacting support on this site than posting on the forums.
I haven’t noticed an increase during regular play, but it’s become noticeably worse during world boss events and especially over the weekends. Everything slows down a bit, pauses sometimes, none of my attacks will appear to fire off, then my party will inform me (no chat lag) that the boss has been dead for a few minutes despite me seeing everything still going on.
I do apparently attack though, so I still get credit.
mostly I’ve noticed it takes longer to get into a map. But I’ve always had trouble with skill lag so I cant blame the megaserver for that.
That reminds me, I used to only get infinite loading screens in Caledon Forest, but since the megaservers I’ve been getting infinite loading screens in capital cities too.