Servers that complete Baltahazaar?
I’ve tried to “friends, country men, brothers! A day may come when the courage of men fails, but it is not this day, let us retake the Temple of Balthazar!” in zone chat.
The response is always something of the tune to “lol, it’s still bugged, noob.”
I see chat in LA on Gate of Madness every few days of guilds organizing runs to complete it. I’ve never gone with them so I can’t confirm they finish it, but I’m pretty sure they do.
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief
I’ve tried to “friends, country men, brothers! A day may come when the courage of men fails, but it is not this day, let us retake the Temple of Balthazar!” in zone chat.
The response is always something of the tune to “lol, it’s still bugged, noob.”
Classic! I must try that some time since Balthazar has become my personal crusade.
I’ve also found numerous ways to unstick the chain when it becomes bugged- mostly if you let the pact Npc’s get killed- just kite mobs to them- the event resets fine.
The problem is getting players to follow the plan though
I participated in a Balthazaar kill yesterday on Sanctum of Rall. I do it every couple of days along with the Zho’Qafa Catacombs event (trying for the rumored and highly rare Final Rest staff).
I participated in a Balthazaar kill yesterday on Sanctum of Rall. I do it every couple of days along with the Zho’Qafa Catacombs event (trying for the rumored and highly rare Final Rest staff).
Another one of my obsessions sadly I have had no luck with that since I can only get my husband to do it with me- that is a suicide mission for two players.
I guess you haven’t had any luck with getting Final Rest?
I play on sorrows furnace and its open pretty regularly there. Most people farm the events around those areas. If its not open find a commander and get him on board with opening it up people typically follow them on the map.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
I participated in a Balthazaar kill yesterday on Sanctum of Rall. I do it every couple of days along with the Zho’Qafa Catacombs event (trying for the rumored and highly rare Final Rest staff).
Another one of my obsessions
sadly I have had no luck with that since I can only get my husband to do it with me- that is a suicide mission for two players.
I guess you haven’t had any luck with getting Final Rest?
I run it with my guildmates mostly, we have a big guild and can always find peeps for groups.
No luck yet on Final Rest, but I’m willing to give it a few more runs
Is that the (only) place to find Final Rest? Wiki has no info on it, just the pic and some stats, but nothing on where to find it.
I tried last night to help take the Balthazaar temple (after doing Melandru and Grenth), but we couldn’t kill him (didn’t even get him to 50% i think) in the 10 minutes. Was hoping we would, so I could also unload some Karma and get a couple exotic armors, but we just couldn’t kill him. I really wish they would increase the time we have to try to kill him (even if its only another 5 minutes). 10 minutes seems too short a time to try to kill the priest, even when there was probably at least 20 of us trying. Hoping it either happens again tonight so I can try it again, or its already completed.
Please give us a keyring…
I’ve tried to “friends, country men, brothers! A day may come when the courage of men fails, but it is not this day, let us retake the Temple of Balthazar!” in zone chat.
That’s excellent. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t have more luck, but I really think that’s the way to go about it – gather up a few brave souls, or a guild or two, and venture forth. If I saw a sweet message like that I’d be tempted
Gonna give SoR a go then, couldn’t hurt. Thanks for the responses all
Crystal Desert has the Temple completed – FYI.
My guild on Gunnar’s Hold is putting together a team of at least 40 players to do the entire event chain. The priest battle is only the last part of 6 group events …
See for yourself:
Completing the entire chain of 6 events opens up more loot rewards at the end, but takes a large group of very well coordinated players, cos it is very hard to do. Probably one of the most difficult things in the game. Lvl 80’s with full exotics (no MF kit, please…) and voice chat are required …