Sexy male armor
warrios have something really skimpy and it is the pit fighter chest, or the gladiator, both are bare chest (mostly) and sexy, everytime i look my guardian norn wearing this i remember why i created it^^
anyway more sexy outfit for male for every armor type would be very welcome by me^^
Join the Rainbow Pride
the game engine can’t handle the amount of manliness exuded by exposed norn chest hair
Such options exist (pit fighter, for example).
If anything, and for the sake of equality, I’d like to see some equally top less female armor. But of course “equality” is usually just a word people like to throw around when they need some token to leverage their lacking argument.
Edit: kitten it. The webpage sees to default to medium human armor regardless of the link… Just go to the top and choose “Male” > “Heavy” > “Norn”
(edited by ProxyDamage.9826)
All Norn based, male chest showing gear sets:
Such options exist (pit fighter, for example).
If anything, and for the sake of equality, I’d like to see some equally top less female armor. But of course “equality” is usually just a word people like to throw around when they need some token to leverage their lacking argument.
There are several topless female armor in the game already…
You didn’t specify race..
EDIT: clicking on the link doesn’t work, but copying and pasting them does.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Apart from a few heavy armour sets, there are criminally few revealing male armours. Even if you discount barechested, a lot of the time the guys of Tyria are afraid to even wear bare arms, or show some chest cleavage.
I say, down with trenchcoats! We need more form-fitting clothes, more cute guy butts, more bare manly manliness and we need it, stat.
and we human? well, i’ll stalk some norn than^^
Join the Rainbow Pride
Such options exist (pit fighter, for example).
If anything, and for the sake of equality, I’d like to see some equally top less female armor. But of course “equality” is usually just a word people like to throw around when they need some token to leverage their lacking argument.
There are several topless female armor in the game already… didn’t specify race..
Could you link the pictures directly? (Right click > copy img url)
The website seems to break links for some reason…
Also: For the same races that the male versions are available.
Those are pretty good, but I’m talking actually bear chested with an accessory, or maybe one strap. Pit fighter comes the closest, but it’s not quite there. T3 human light armor looks like a bathing suit, so I want the same for my norn
and we human? well, i’ll stalk some norn than^^
You get some chest showing armor for as well..
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
but i’m a mesmer, i can’t wear those we light wearer have only the feathered armor
Join the Rainbow Pride
I wish I could fight in the nude. I mean I can, but I want to retain my stats lol. My dream armor would be a sort of combo of chaos and tattoos from gw1. Imagine the chaos glove effect covering feet, hands, groin, and belly, and the rest of the body has glowing tattoo lines.
On a related note, I wish Charr didn’t have any loin cloths. It should just be a tuft of fur there. If the Skritt can get away with it, why not Charr?
As has been said there’s a few heavy armour sets that show off more skin on men. Unfortunately medium and light armour-wearers get barely anything outside of a couple of cultural sets, which is a shame when I fancy having a better look at my guys. I mean female light-armour wearers get tonnes of revealing armour options, but we men get covered up in most of them, a travesty.
The Named armor chest piece is VERY revealing for Warrior and Guardian… unfortunately I have yet to see anything beyond Norn Cultural Armor that shows some skin on male Medium Armor characters… Light Armor suffers the same conundrum. The best I can find are form-fitting outfits that at least show the outline of the body, even if you can’t see skin.
The Named armor chest piece is VERY revealing for Warrior and Guardian… unfortunately I have yet to see anything beyond Norn Cultural Armor that shows some skin on male Medium Armor characters… Light Armor suffers the same conundrum. The best I can find are form-fitting outfits that at least show the outline of the body, even if you can’t see skin.
There is literally ONE light armor piece that shows off their chest, but even then it’s not as much as the guardian or warrior option…
WTB revealing male armors, how can I bask in my manliness if I’ve gotta walk around covered in clothing?
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Well well well, now that the Christopher Street Day adherents have been sufficiently catered to, could I perhaps finally get my jester costume? ^.^
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.