Shatterer Achievements

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kururu.8140


I was wondering if there are any guilds who actually host this battle. I’m currently at 9/10 achievements, but No-Fly Zone and Smash the Dragon seem impossible because every single group is completely clueless. I’ve done most of the Shatterer battles since it was updated to be harder and I’m still at 0% for No-Fly Zone. I’m not a fan of achievements which are completely reliant on pug groups.

I’m not sure if it’s because the Smash the Dragon achievement is bugged and people want to wait until it’s fixed to even try. Or maybe it’s because it’s a new experience and people are still learning? Even so, I’m curious if anyone hosts this.

(edited by Kururu.8140)

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talindra.4958


we joined the organised community group and managed to get the smash the dragon two days ago. as for no fly, we will need to do more, but we dont need no fly for 10/10 reward
are you in EU? the EU ts community host a few attempts daily.

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kururu.8140


we joined the organised community group and managed to get the smash the dragon two days ago. as for no fly, we will need to do more, but we dont need no fly for 10/10 reward
are you in EU? the EU ts community host a few attempts daily.

Yes, I’m in EU. I’m not sure if the server I’m on matters for things like World bosses?
I didn’t know Smash the Dragon was possible due to the bug. o-O

Thanks, though!

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


Give it a bit of time. People are still learning and some of those other achievements mean that a proportion of the players may not be focussing 100% on the boss. For example, I need 5 more gliding dodges and to kill about 400 more ads to reach 9/10.

In a week or two I think we’ll see the “smash” regularly achieved. The “No fly” one may remain somewhat more rare though.

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


It is bugged, however beyond the achievement it is simply not necessary to break his bar. His storm isn’t dangerous at all, so what incentive is there for people to break him once their achievement is done?

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arlee.7038


It is bugged, however beyond the achievement it is simply not necessary to break his bar. His storm isn’t dangerous at all, so what incentive is there for people to break him once their achievement is done?

You get triple damage done to him after his bar is broken so the fight is over that much quicker if you do break him.

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


It is bugged, however beyond the achievement it is simply not necessary to break his bar. His storm isn’t dangerous at all, so what incentive is there for people to break him once their achievement is done?

You get triple damage done to him after his bar is broken so the fight is over that much quicker if you do break him.

In itself is an excellent feature…however he’s completely killable without that with very little effort from the groups. So again, no one feels it is necessary to do so

The healing crystals show how a mechanic can incentivise a group. If players don’t wake up and organise here, it can cause an unexpected downfall.

Perhaps the lightning storm can insta kill or causes an earthshake to launch players right out of the valley so they have run back. It just needs a reason for it to exist in the fight that makes a genuine difference to whether it fails or succeeds.

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arlee.7038


It is bugged, however beyond the achievement it is simply not necessary to break his bar. His storm isn’t dangerous at all, so what incentive is there for people to break him once their achievement is done?

You get triple damage done to him after his bar is broken so the fight is over that much quicker if you do break him.

In itself is an excellent feature…however he’s completely killable without that with very little effort from the groups. So again, no one feels it is necessary to do so

The healing crystals show how a mechanic can incentivise a group. If players don’t wake up and organise here, it can cause an unexpected downfall.

Perhaps the lightning storm can insta kill or causes an earthshake to launch players right out of the valley so they have run back. It just needs a reason for it to exist in the fight that makes a genuine difference to whether it fails or succeeds.

I think that’s mostly because right now there are enough people to just brute force kill him. In a few weeks when there’s less people regularly doing it, it’ll be a bigger problem.