(edited by Vieux P.1238)
When Anet came out with the idea of no gear grind & everybody would be on the same level on GW2, i fell in love. The idea was in theory… Revolutionary! Finally no more long hours of grinding for the best stats & gear. No more being gangked at every turn by other players cuz they have better sets then you. & for a time it was good. Skill vs skill. But after a wile, the feeling started to turn stale & ppl started to be less & less exited. Especially that there is no true balance between characters. So In the long run, the theory of putting everyone on the same playing level, failed. I found out i do like having better gear then others. I dint like the grind but somehow i’m thinking if it was implemented in the game, i might not mind as much. I mean we grind for skins all the time. & in the end..the feeling of it is just, meh!
Maybe it’s time to merge some old school with some new. I believe players in general in most games do feel more exited when the goal is to grab new & more powerful gear with stats that will make them stronger & better. Not just gear but skills also could be quested to make players unique from others players.
New skins are fun, but i don’t get a blood rush from it. Something to think about.
Ps: Yes, it would take lots of new math to tweak it into the game. but that’s the name of the game if you want to stay above & popular.
(edited by Vieux P.1238)
GW1 proved that gear grind, gear treadmills are not necessary.
Do they need some nice skins that are challenging to obtain via game play? Yes. However, more stats do not need to be involved.
As for skill power grind… go ask GW1 vets how they liked the title grind faction skills. No thanks.
GW1 proved that gear grind, gear treadmills are not necessary.
Do they need some nice skins that are challenging to obtain via game play? Yes. However, more stats do not need to be involved.
As for skill power grind… go ask GW1 vets how they liked the title grind faction skills. No thanks.
On the other hand….I wouldnt mind if there were some skill skins you can turn on and off. As long as its not pure RNG and you worked toward a change in animation for some given skills, it could be fun. Wintersday skin on my engineer’s Supply drop dumps a snow man in the middle instead of a heal turret model.
Based on the massive amount of rage when they added a slight (more or less insignificant) stat increase for a rather grindy set of gear I would say people overall playing the game would not want more of it.
GW1 proved that gear grind, gear treadmills are not necessary.
Do they need some nice skins that are challenging to obtain via game play? Yes. However, more stats do not need to be involved.
As for skill power grind… go ask GW1 vets how they liked the title grind faction skills. No thanks.
On the other hand….I wouldnt mind if there were some skill skins you can turn on and off. As long as its not pure RNG and you worked toward a change in animation for some given skills, it could be fun. Wintersday skin on my engineer’s Supply drop dumps a snow man in the middle instead of a heal turret model.
That would be nifty, and something I would support.
I just don’t support power creep. Power creep simply leads to bosses with more hp to make the encounters harder, as opposed to making the encounters smarter and more interesting tactics wise. Its the cheap way out.
If you like having better gear then others, then maybe you should craft Ascended gear… problem solved
All other things being equal, it should always come down to skill not gear, so no!
If you like having better gear then others, then maybe you should craft Ascended gear… problem solved
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
I got to admit, some interesting points & answers from all of you.
If you like having better gear then others, then maybe you should craft Ascended gear… problem solved
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
I got to admit, some interesting points & answers from all of you.
Got a source for this?
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
I got to admit, some interesting points & answers from all of you.
I personally have very little ascended gear, despite playing more or less daily.
Two weapons (one on each of my two mains) and accessories and rings on both of them.
Not a single back-pack or armor piece though. So no, not everyone have them.
If you like having better gear then others, then maybe you should craft Ascended gear… problem solved
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
I got to admit, some interesting points & answers from all of you.
Nope, nope and nope again.
If you like having better gear then others, then maybe you should craft Ascended gear… problem solved
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
I got to admit, some interesting points & answers from all of you.
I don’t! Yet, anyway.
It’s one of my loooooooong term goals. As in, I start on it, say kitten it, go do something else, then repeat the process. So…it’ll be a while before I’m done.
Thus far I have:
Light Sin top
Light Sin pants
Zojja’s Greatsword
Zojja’s Axe (x2)
Zojja’s Focus
Zojja’s Staff
An assortment of trinkets
And a long kitten “to do” list. It gives my farming purpose I guess. shrug
GW1 proved that gear grind, gear treadmills are not necessary.
Do they need some nice skins that are challenging to obtain via game play? Yes. However, more stats do not need to be involved.
As for skill power grind… go ask GW1 vets how they liked the title grind faction skills. No thanks.
On the other hand….I wouldnt mind if there were some skill skins you can turn on and off. As long as its not pure RNG and you worked toward a change in animation for some given skills, it could be fun. Wintersday skin on my engineer’s Supply drop dumps a snow man in the middle instead of a heal turret model.
That would be nifty, and something I would support.
I just don’t support power creep. Power creep simply leads to bosses with more hp to make the encounters harder, as opposed to making the encounters smarter and more interesting tactics wise. Its the cheap way out.
agreed. im making ascended weapons and working on ascened trinkets for all my characters as they level and as i have access, but not worrying about ascended armor until all those bases are covered. The increase is marginal for the effort. I would much prefer smarter encounters based on the same expected gear then simple encounters that assume big auto attack damage.
Not a vertical grind, but I’d love to have a horizontal gear grind.
The problem we got is that character progression hits a very solid brick wall very early in this game. In terms of actual skills and mechanics, your character hits their peak at 80, there’s a bit more with cosmetics but once you get your ideal look, that’s done because every change of clothing needs a transmutation charge.
I really feel that we need something after level 80.
Not a vertical grind, but I’d love to have a horizontal gear grind.
The problem we got is that character progression hits a very solid brick wall very early in this game. In terms of actual skills and mechanics, your character hits their peak at 80, there’s a bit more with cosmetics but once you get your ideal look, that’s done because every change of clothing needs a transmutation charge.
I really feel that we need something after level 80.
Something like Maudry or the Spinal Blades concept? Only applied to some armor skins?
Not a vertical grind, but I’d love to have a horizontal gear grind.
The problem we got is that character progression hits a very solid brick wall very early in this game. In terms of actual skills and mechanics, your character hits their peak at 80, there’s a bit more with cosmetics but once you get your ideal look, that’s done because every change of clothing needs a transmutation charge.
I really feel that we need something after level 80.
people in here (most of the responders not the OP) are using “skill” to refer to the ability of the player to complete a certain piece of content, not the various attacks/traits the character has access to.
Not a vertical grind, but I’d love to have a horizontal gear grind.
The problem we got is that character progression hits a very solid brick wall very early in this game. In terms of actual skills and mechanics, your character hits their peak at 80, there’s a bit more with cosmetics but once you get your ideal look, that’s done because every change of clothing needs a transmutation charge.
I really feel that we need something after level 80.
Something like Maudry or the Spinal Blades concept? Only applied to some armor skins?
i would support that. provided they give us a, inventory tab specifically designated to all those random items haha
Not a vertical grind, but I’d love to have a horizontal gear grind.
The problem we got is that character progression hits a very solid brick wall very early in this game. In terms of actual skills and mechanics, your character hits their peak at 80, there’s a bit more with cosmetics but once you get your ideal look, that’s done because every change of clothing needs a transmutation charge.
I really feel that we need something after level 80.
Everybody is getting that same feeling. Something major has got to happen!
Not a vertical grind, but I’d love to have a horizontal gear grind.
The problem we got is that character progression hits a very solid brick wall very early in this game. In terms of actual skills and mechanics, your character hits their peak at 80, there’s a bit more with cosmetics but once you get your ideal look, that’s done because every change of clothing needs a transmutation charge.
I really feel that we need something after level 80.
Everybody is getting that same feeling. Something major has got to happen!
Many of us have made these suggestions before…..
…they are trickling there way in….
…just takes time (omg that ‘T’ word!)
Everybody is getting that same feeling. Something major has got to happen!
The main problem is that not everyone wants the same thing. So who should they listen to?
Gear grind: a big no, at least for me.
Skill grind: that is something I’d like to see in GW2. Some of the best memories I have on my (admittedly short) time in GW1 was checking a build I’d like to try, and then seeing that for some of the skills I’d need to get a sigil of capture and go to hunt a mini boss deep inside some jungle, or get to an outpost far away from anywhere I had mapped because the only vendor that carried the skill was there, or even having to farm faction reputation to buy it. I’m one of the very few (or so it seems) that enjoy the new way to acquire skills, and I’d really like to see it taken a step forward to the way it was in GW1.
Gear Grind: NO. No no no no no and just for confirmation, NO.
Skill Grind: While I wouldn’t mind seeing new skills get added into the game, I think ANet is wary of creating more skill bloat like what they had in GW1. GW1 had TONS of skills, but the vast majority of them were mediocre and never used at all.
Nah. It’s lazy design. It’s basically upping stats by 10% across the board for the game and calling it content. Good progression is new mechanics, new skills, new approaches to boss design, new weapons for classes, new classes, new dungeons, new Fractals, Raids, etc.
Progression to me isn’t power arbitrarily going up and just slapping the moniker of “progression” on it. Progression is the designers moving the game forward in new and exciting ways that haven’t been tried before. I also feel like gear grind is an old-hat design thing that was done when people were playing MMOs and they all had subscriptions. It was a way to lock someone into paying that monthly fee by time-gating it. I was fairly ticked when they time-gated crafting Ascended weapons and armor except as a money sink.
If you want gear grind, please see any other MMO on the market – and take your ascended gear with you.
If you like having better gear then others, then maybe you should craft Ascended gear… problem solved
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
no. none of my characters equip ascended armor and weapons, only my warrior has full ascended trinkets (back item, 2 rings, 2 accessories) and that’s it.
guild wars 2 is fine without stats gear grind.
please go play another game if you want to have stats gear grind.
thank you.
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
As a matter of fact, it’s not true. There are still people in this game that actively played for at least a year and still haven’t managed to complete even one ascended gear set.
Everybody has Asc gear. :s
As a matter of fact, it’s not true. There are still people in this game that actively played for at least a year and still haven’t managed to complete even one ascended gear set.
exactly, i have played since 3 days head start official na / eu launch, with 2,700+ hours clocked in (many AFK hours though) and currently have 1,800+ gold in my account wallet but non of my characters are wearing ascended armor or using ascended weapons.
i’m simply a very casual spvp / pve / wvw player that does not enjoy grinding. i have a howl precursor warhorn but i refuse to grind to make it into a howler legendary warhorn. i dun even have 100% world completion anyway although i have 100% completion of all the 4 wvw maps since launch.
tl; dr
guild wars 2 is a game made for casuals, the majority.
their best interest will always be taken care of first.
The thing is, gear with higher stats doesn’t thrill or interest me and never did. Getting a cool looking skin is more exciting to me.
That’s what this game is about. If you’re not into it, there are many games with gear grind.
I dint like the grind but somehow i’m thinking if it was implemented in the game, i might not mind as much. I mean we grind for skins all the time. & in the end..the feeling of it is just, meh!
Let me just bounce this back at you:
When Anet came out with the idea of no gear grind & everybody would be on the same level on GW2, i fell in love. The idea was in theory… Revolutionary! Finally no more long hours of grinding for the best stats & gear. No more being gangked at every turn by other players cuz they have better sets then you. & for a time it was good. Skill vs skill. But after a wile, the feeling started to turn stale & ppl started to be less & less exited.
You might enjoy having vertical grinding introduced to the game, but do consider:
And, finally:
You got many other mmorpg with gear grind. Please go play them. I quit playing MMO because it’s not fun anymore. Until Guild Wars 2 came out.
The only good MMO I know without ridiculous gear grind and/or ridiculous cash shop, without ever feeling bored, is Guild Wars 2. Let those who want grind play other MMO. You got WoW. They had an expansion pack. Go play it. Let us who enjoy playing dress up enjoy Guild Wars.
No gear grind, ascended is all, kkthxbye
I find all the responses interesting! I thQ for the feedback. I’m still not convince that skin is all we need in this game to keep us interested. But i do respect the value of it.
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