Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo.2691


With the recently popularity of Tera, do you think GW2 developers should make a mouse-aim combat system? Reticule targeting, tab to lock on target, remap mouse 1 & 2 to abilities and a good ground targeting mechanic.

It wouldn’t hurt to add the option for players who prefer the action set-up, GW2 can support the system (a player made addon did a pretty good job at replicating it), and it could fatten up the playerbase some.

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I do not think Tera is that populate as it may seem to be from what ppl are saying you cant move all that well when attking.
Any way melee weapons would not be amiable as for ranges weapons i can see this but you must understand that they where trying for a true action mmorpg but they could not do it. So we have a near action mmorpg. The thing is about true action mmorpg or games lag and the ability for a pc to run become a major factor. As things stand it would be painfully hard to hit a stealth person with the near action and if it was full action it would be imposable to hit them at all.
Some weapons are some what mouse target but there is no true radical but i could see it to being an option where you could make some range attks into true action like.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcain.9106


Whilst a mod for this does exist I don’t think it is what GW2 needs. I’ve tried this mod and I don’t agree that it adds to the game. Whilst it’s a nice experience IMO it doesn’t add to the game.

What I would rather see is a ‘Mouse-look’ option, optional of course, so I don’t have to hold down the right mouse button. It does make combat much easier and you wont have the sudden target changes which appears to be happening more often now.
Only downside to either of these options is using an AoE as their placement would be where you’re currently looking, which might not be the most ideal place or where you want them to be.

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Would not mind a simple mouse look toggle vs the current hold to look.

Thinking about it i suspect one reason why it is not in is because ANet put the interact action on the right mouse button. Now why they did it that way is anyone’s guess…

as for placing AOE while in mouse look, not a problem for me. I am so used to FPS grenade lobbing that having to lead the target that way is more natural to me than running one way while using the camera to aim over the shoulder. Then again i can see why people do it the other way as you move faster going forward than sideways or backwards…

then again i would not mind seeing a “hold to fire/attack” option, so that i do not have to hammer my keyboard to death playing engineer with grenades (or time some of the more wonky weapon attack chains).

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


The combat mode mod that’s out seems to work fine, but I do believe that it would be worth creating an in-game option.

It doesn’t seem to need the addition of THAT much work, could be easily done in a week (at MOST) with a team of two people.

And more options is always better than less.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DuskTwilight.4862


There’s no reason not to have the option and I suggested this a lot back in beta.

The mod had some mouse lag for me so I didn’t like it. I pretty much play this way already anyways holding right mouse most of the time.

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I play with the targeting mod in question, and after only a few minutes with it I couldn’t imagine going back.

But I have to say, Tera is a terrible example, and it’s combat system feels no more action-y than WoW’s, even with the targeting system. GW2 on the other hand, with a functioning targeting system, is amazing, every movement and attack feels impactful and has a more personal feel to it. It’s almost like playing like playing an MMO Ocarina of Time (Z-Targeting is similar, a button can be bound to shut the camera lock on or off on the fly), especially during some of the better boss battles.

However, in order to be considered an ‘okay’ mod, it does have it’s limitations, it relies on the in game auto-targeting and this causes problems. Auto-target frequently refreshes the target, so you can be forced to switch targets mid fight just by one target stepping in front of another at an inopportune time, it gets even worse when targets stand on top of each other or overlap. And the auto-targeting isn’t very exact when aiming from long range or for targets at different depths of field. All in all it actually makes PvP way more difficult. I’d really like if they made an official one.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I asked for this alot when the game first came out and a little in beta I would still like to see it happen

Should GW2 make a 'mouse-aim' option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo.2691


It’s totally do-able and should be considered. It is becoming a popular way to play games and GW2 can support the mechanics.