Should I wait until Apr 15?

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CombatWombat.9051


Hi there,

I just purchased Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition as it was on sale and I was just wondering if I should wait until after the feature pack comes out before I start playing. I know the feature pack has a lot of changes so would it be worth it to wait so I don’t have to learn everything again?

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


If you wait then you forgo all of the fun you could be having between now and then. The only difference between making a character prior to the 15th is that it would be locked into the current method of unlocking traits…which really isn’t a bad thing. Characters created after the 15th will follow the new method for trait unlocking. You could always make a 2nd character after the 15th to see if you prefer the changes and then delete/remake your first character that is locked to the current way of advancement.

Summary: Start having fun now.

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Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


you wont have to learn much “again”.

Things that are changing are how skins work(will be simple to understand/get used to the change).
and traits. They’re also changing to as simpler form, and you dont really have to worry about understanding them…..if you want to wait.
You can still play. Its not going to change that much that you’re going to feel lost.

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harvest.2506


Nah, I’d get it now while its on sale, the changes On April 15 won’t be noticed by someone just starting out, but makes a world of improvement and quality of life of the people who have been playing longer, You’ll get all the benefits anyways.

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LastShot.4762


I suggest you don’t wait, all characters made before 15th will have their traits unlock.

Since we don’t know what Anet will make us do to unlock some of the essential traits, it’s better safe than sorry to just make the character now, and you can decide to play later.

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandeh.5248


I’m not 100% how the trait changes actually works for new characters.

Right now you get one trait points per level, and after the patch it will be 14 trait points. Each of the new trait points will unlock “one upgrade” instead as the old system where you needed 5 for one “upgrade”.

They did say that characters made after the patch will have some traits “locked and will have to explore and find them”.

At launch I would love that idea, but I don’t think it’s that big of a difference if you start playing now.

My best tip is to enjoy the leveling process. It was one, if not the best leveling processes I’ve ever had in an MMO. It had some lack of content at launch, but leveling now compared to launch seems only positive for new players.

Although the MEGASERVER launches for the 1-15 level zones at the 15th. If you want a blast in the starting zone I would recommend waiting, most starter zones right now lack some players.

But there should be enough people around, anyway most events in the starter zones are solo able, but you might encounter some that require a few players to complete.

Again not sure how the traits works after patch, but I believe after patch you will have to explore to unlock some of the traits, which is a good feature imo.

But as a new player you won’t notice too much of a difference if you start now or after the patch. Starter zones sure will be more populated after the patch. So you will have more of the “launch” feeling with more players around. As it is now, there is one popular starting zone “human” where people farm champions. Don’t ask me why, doesn’t seem worth it to me.

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

You might want to start now. As I understand it, traits will be a pain to get for characters created after April 15 while characters created before April 15 will be grandfathered in.

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


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Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I’d play it now and make 5 professions so that up to 12 traits from each line are unlocked from you since the feature patch will change that.