One thing I noticed while going back to previous zones as a higher level to do jumping puzzles is that the chest rewards are randomly all at the level of the zone or randomly all at my level, and it seems like a really strange decision.
Jumping puzzle difficulty doesn’t decrease if you come back to the zone as a higher level character, so why do the chests for these things often contain zone-level loot as opposed to loot scaled up for my character? I went back to Metrica Province as a level 7X character and did Goemm’s Lab, which is gruelling no matter what level you are. The result? A couple blue level 14 pieces and one green level 14 piece.
I can understand why drops from mobs are only sometimes scaled, because this way you can’t lock yourself out of lower level drops and at the same time you aren’t getting fantastic loot from easier enemies. But when you’re dealing with chests it’s a different story. You’re putting in a lot of game time (i.e. Goemm’s Lab) with the chance that all of that game time will be rewarded (chest rolls scaled drops) or none of it will be rewarded (chest rolls zone level drops). Jumping puzzle difficulty is static with level, so please scale chest drops 100% of the time.