(edited by Adry.7512)
Show support for anet
Not sure what planet you’re from, but nowadays it’s way easier to hate and criticise than to come with solutions or praise something, or even be objective for that matter.
It gives people a superiority complex that makes them feel good for a second and make them forget about the failures in their own lives.
Think of it as a trendy “flavor of the month” stress reliever.
What is this “support” thing you talk about?
PS: #leavetaimialone
Historically, I have been extremely supportive of GW2. I started a guild here based around fellow refugees from my WoW guild – and I pushed hard to get them to follow me here. I even kept my WoW subscription alive for a year just so I could continue to encourage additional friends to make the leap to this game. I’ve been active across most social media and encouraged a lot of friends to come to GW2 in the past few years.
Even now, my guild remains very active – with more than 250 unique members logging on in the past two weeks (all from a guild that started with 9 members back at launch).
However, I rarely talk about the wonder of GW2 any more. Things have changed. Specifically, two trends have changed my perspective on the game and severely muted my enthusiasm and desire to proselytize for it today (neither of which will come as any surprise to people that know me).
The first was the uninspired and unfriendly way they chose to implement raiding into end game. The lack of such blatant disregard for other players was a core reason so many of my friends came to GW2 in the first place.
The second is the seeming abandonment of support for guild and community focused activities. The last new guild mission was four years ago. The new maps seem to be tailored for a bunch of random single players rather than for groups of friends. And, while there have been some new decorations for guild halls, many features they once touted (larger instanced PvP area for example) seem to be just as abandoned as missions.
So, while I still enjoy playing (primarily because of my many friends here), I find it very hard to recommend the game to anyone the way I did in years past. The lack of support for in game communities (most notably guilds) combined with the focusing of resources on exclusionary cookie cutter raid content have simply muted my excitement for the game’s future.
As always, though, this is just me. I am sure there are many who feel very differently.
(edited by Blaeys.3102)
Not sure what planet you’re from, but nowadays it’s way easier to hate and criticise than to come with solutions or praise something, or even be objective for that matter.
It gives people a superiority complex that makes them feel good for a second and make them forget about the failures in their own lives.
Think of it as a trendy “flavor of the month” stress reliever.What is this “support” thing you talk about?
#aintnobodygottaimfodatPS: #leavetaimialone
Hahahaha yup.
Historically, I have been extremely supportive of GW2. I started a guild here based around fellow refugees from my WoW guild – and I pushed hard to get them to follow me here. I even kept my WoW subscription alive for a year just so I could continue to encourage additional friends to make the leap to this game. I’ve been active across most social media and encouraged a lot of friends to come to GW2 in the past few years.
Even now, my guild remains very active – with more than 250 unique members logging on in the past two weeks (all from a guild that started with 9 members back at launch).
However, I rarely talk about the wonder of GW2 any more. Things have changed. Specifically, two trends have changed my perspective on the game and severely muted my enthusiasm and desire to proselytize for it today (neither of which will come as any surprise to people that know me).
The first was the uninspired and unfriendly way they chose to implement raiding into end game. The lack of such blatant elitism (and I know the weight that word carries) was a core reason so many of my friends came to GW2 in the first place.
The second is the seeming abandonment of support for guild and community focused activities. The last new guild mission was four years ago. The new maps seem to be tailored for a bunch of random single players rather than for groups of friends. And, while there have been some new decorations for guild halls, many features they once touted (larger instanced PvP area for example) seem to be just as abandoned as missions.
So, while I still enjoy playing (primarily because of my many friends here), I find it very hard to recommend the game to anyone the way I did in years past. The lack of support for in game communities (most notably guilds) combined with the focusing of resources on exclusionary cookie cutter raid content have simply muted my excitement for the game’s future.
As always, though, this is just me. I am sure there are many who feel very differently.
My friend the game isn’t without flaws. It has a lot of room for improvement, but it’s a great company with a caring staff who really care about the game. There isn’t much of that. If you think about it, most of guild wars 2 expansion features are due to players suggestions and ideas along with the developers ideas. What is the game lacking?? PVP, which I imagine will be fixed in xpac 2, and wvw which they said they will fix….soon. Additionally, this game lacks a lot of quality of life and minor details, that can be added in the future. The point is to continue supporting until the company stop supporting us. That’s how it works, they care about the game? They’re passionate? Okay, then support inspire of the facts. Keep encouraging change over and over year after year, INSPITE OF. Continue it until Anet stops caring, stops supporting us, stops being fair.
My friend the game isn’t without flaws. It has a lot of room for improvement, but it’s a great company with a caring staff who really care about the game. There isn’t much of that. If you think about it, most of guild wars 2 expansion features are due to players suggestions and ideas along with the developers ideas. What is the game lacking?? PVP, which I imagine will be fixed in xpac 2, and wvw which they said they will fix….soon. Additionally, this game lacks a lot of quality of life and minor details, that can be added in the future. The point is to continue supporting until the company stop supporting us. That’s how it works, they care about the game? They’re passionate? Okay, then support inspire of the facts. Keep encouraging change over and over year after year, INSPITE OF. Continue it until Anet stops caring, stops supporting us, stops being fair.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying here. I’m just explaining why I have a hard time praising the game in its current state.
There are still a lot of GREAT features to the game – better than any other MMO on the market, imo. And I definitely see how much ArenaNet cares about the game. I still believe they are a very good development company with a lot of talent. And I still love Guild Wars 2.
But, the way they have chosen to use (and not use) resources in the past 2 years has me – and, I think, many others – slightly concerned. So, while I still love the game, I’m not going to actively praise them for doing things that, imo, push the game away from what made it so great in the past. They need to re-earn some trust first (again, just opinion).
I agree with Blaeys, at least about the raid issue.
But I do lots of stuff with my guild, including HOT metas, hero point runs, zone completion. In essence, I found HoT to be a perfect platform for my guild to play together.
We really don’t raid (we’ve toyed with it a bit) but we do a lot of open world stuff together, including story achievements, the new zones, and map completion.
Edit: As to being nice to Anet, I’m only as nice as I am happy with the game. Why would I recommend a game I was less than happy with?
I still do recommend the game to friends, but not at quite the rate I once did.
I tried getting people to buy in. Kitten, I bought the game for two of them. It didn’t stick. The couple I bought for are old-school WoW raiders: zoom to endgame, flail around on raid content until a drought, unsub. There’s not enough creature complexity or reward to keep them happy.
My housemate won’t get back into it:
He could fall victim to playing dress-up, but he likes gear progression.
He likes tough melee things, but GW2’s enemy design hate melee characters.
He’d get bored during the game’s 3-month content droughts.
I’m still fond of GW2, and I play every day, but at some point I have to admit that it’s just not meant for some MMO players.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I have to ask, why? I mean I would like the company to succeed but I play the game to have fun with my friends and my guild. We are primarily a wvw guild, that’s what I enjoy. That mode is dying and Anet doesn’t really seem to care. I’m sure in a monetary sense they have some vested interest but they have definitely switched to catering to specific content over others. So I ask why would I bring my friends in to socialize with me while the activity I enjoy is burning down around us? If anything having a buddy spend cash on a product I may abandon shortly after seems cruel.
I try to support AN the best I can. Even though I do not always agree with their decisions on direction of the game/professions. I post on occasion on these forums but not often and fortunately its a balance of good and bad, not all one sided. As others above I’ve tried to recruit friends from other games to GW2 but it is a struggle.
I’ve helped support AN through gem purchases (more than I can even recall) over the years and will continue to do so because GW2 offers things that other mmos do not. For the most part the community is awesome (beware the forums), the enviroment is stunning, the combat is the most interactive and I can’t go back to grinding for gear every couple of months endlessly.
Just wish the rest of the legendary weapons would be released and for professions to be balanced better. With how the metas work, I cannot play how I usually do in other MMOs but thats a compromise I make.
My friend the game isn’t without flaws. It has a lot of room for improvement, but it’s a great company with a caring staff who really care about the game. There isn’t much of that.
If you think about it, most of guild wars 2 expansion features are due to players suggestions and ideas along with the developers ideas. What is the game lacking?? PVP, which I imagine will be fixed in xpac 2, and wvw which they said they will fix….soon.
As a wvw player I’m sorry, but I’m more incline to take a see it to believe it approach to gw2 now, as have most of my other friends. They didn’t say they would “fix” wvw soon, please stop spreading that type of false hope that has dragged along wvw players for many years already, keep it real.
The only things they have stated for it’s future is skirmish rewards and ascended vendor, maybe a new map may come in the expansion but given the response for the last one it wouldn’t be surprising if it didn’t. There are many other problems with wvw that may never be fixed.
Certainly will not recommend the expansion to a friend unless they are heavily into pve which I know is the only area that will be covered firmly by the expansion, even then it’s wait until you see what comes with it first.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by…” – Dark Helmet
As a human race, mostly we only have loyalty to our own selfish desires and then mask it to seem as if we care about anything other than ourselves. It’s all psychological and human nature of course, so I understand that “we all want anet to prosper” but “we don’t want to help them if they don’t do this and this and make all my dreams come true”….riiiight
. Here’s an idea, try to overcome those very primative human instincts, which we all have and all battle within ourselves, and support anet. Tell your friends to play, buyyyy their expansions, add life to the community. Yes anet NEEDS to work on several things to improve quality of life and our community as a whole, so give them ideas on how to do so. This game has some good dedicated players, but a big chunck aren’t and fall victim to what I stated on top. I’m not saying throw your money at them, but hey if you like the game, then support it. Spread the word, and add life to the community.
Yow, I mean, I’m as cynical as anyone and don’t have any faith in humanity, but that first line there… yeesh. I mean, human beings are social creatures and while we may be selfish, I don’t think everyone is loyal only to themselves and that kindness and altruism are only masks for that. I mean, people do genuinely care about other people. Even total kittens can still care for another person. I hope this isn’t how you feel.
As to the point, I buy stuff with gems, and I like it, so it’s all good here.
I might consider supporting Anet with real money again if they come good and give me something for my extra Copper Salvage kit which is entirely useless now.
I was perfectly fine giving them money for extra things like costumes/outfits/unlimited tools just for the extra skins (I have 3 sets now)/etc.
But once they burned me on that second salvage kit I stopped and will not spend another dime until they come good on that.
As for the OP, I don’t think ANY company should have players throwing money at them unless they are providing something of value for that money or the game is in such an outstanding situation at the time it would be considered a crime not to throw money at them. Right now on the second front I don’t think this is the case.
In fact I might say Anet are lucky they may be getting sales on the gem store for keys and cosmetic stuff as well. Having said that the Gemstore is a “bonus” for them anyway. Initial sales and expansions (both past and going forward) really are and should be all that they need.
So thank you OP for the effort, but fool me once, can’t fool me a second time and all that. :P
cough Oh and yeah and that magic word “integrity” (points back up to situation with regards to second salvage kit).
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
As a human race, mostly we only have loyalty to our own selfish desires and then mask it to seem as if we care about anything other than ourselves. It’s all psychological and human nature of course, so I understand that “we all want anet to prosper” but “we don’t want to help them if they don’t do this and this and make all my dreams come true”….riiiight
. Here’s an idea, try to overcome those very primative human instincts, which we all have and all battle within ourselves, and support anet. Tell your friends to play, buyyyy their expansions, add life to the community. Yes anet NEEDS to work on several things to improve quality of life and our community as a whole, so give them ideas on how to do so. This game has some good dedicated players, but a big chunck aren’t and fall victim to what I stated on top. I’m not saying throw your money at them, but hey if you like the game, then support it. Spread the word, and add life to the community.
Yow, I mean, I’m as cynical as anyone and don’t have any faith in humanity, but that first line there… yeesh. I mean, human beings are social creatures and while we may be selfish, I don’t think everyone is loyal only to themselves and that kindness and altruism are only masks for that. I mean, people do genuinely care about other people. Even total kittens can still care for another person. I hope this isn’t how you feel.
As to the point, I buy stuff with gems, and I like it, so it’s all good here.
Of course it doesn’t apply to everyone homie lmao.
I think many of us regular players are just getting annoyed with AN in general. Both from their general lack of responses to the forums most of the time and to the lack of concern for problems with in game balancing. Profession balance is still a problem, the prices of materials like hardened leather is still a problem, but you wouldn’t know if this concerns then because they don’t tell us hardly anything anymore.
Thanks for the advice, but I don’t believe I need it.
I will keep criticizing every single thing I think Anet is doing wrong, AND supporting the amazing game they have made (through recommendation and money) at the same time.
The first is not contrary to the second. They are part of the same interest in making GW2 grow.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Thanks for the advice, but I don’t believe I need it.
I will keep criticizing every single thing I think Anet is doing wrong, AND supporting the amazing game they have made (through recommendation and money) at the same time.
The first is not contrary to the second. They are part of the same interest in making GW2 grow.
Good job that’s exactly the right approach. You don’t need the advice because you’re doing exactly what I suggested.
I am not going to spent any cent for this game until ArenaNet have been shown to me that it is worth to spent any money for it. I am going to check out very carefully, will I even buy expansion 2.
After the HoT this game has not been casual friendly anymore. All those goals what I had in my mind, have get out of my reach. There is coming all the time new and new things what we should hunt or do. There are million currencies what we need to get, if we want to buy something from the game.
Last Tyria’s mastery points from core game what I should hunt to open last Legendary mastery tier, are eluding me. I am not able to get them. Raids are only for Elitist players. That means that I am not able to reach Legendary armor or weapon.
So why should I spend money in this game? I am not recommended this game anymore, not even my friends as I did before HoT. My end game is harvesting materials if I ever get ascended gears to my characters, even it seems to be most impossible because lack of some materials. And no, I am not going to buy any materials from Tradingpost.
Translation: If you do not bring out the pom poms and support the game through recommendations and money, you are a terrible person who has given in to selfishness and overpowering primitive instincts.
Would you be willing to accept the possibility that Anet has some shred of responsibility for losing such support?
I’ll show support for anet when they show support for WvW.
Or at the very least have the courtesy to explain to their customers why they have abandoned the game mode.
I’ll show support for anet when they show support for WvW.
Or at the very least have the courtesy to explain to their customers why they have abandoned the game mode.
I completely understand and agree. What was suppose to be a huuuuuuuge part of the game has been left in ruins with no signs of ideas nor direction.
hey if you like the game, then support it. Spread the word, and add life to the community.
Honestly, Guild Wars 2 really isn’t good enough to recommend.
There are many more weird skills than not, CC can be too long and damage is ridiculously high across the board meaning that fights are too short.
These are problems with core design and won’t get improved in a patch. Let posterity remember Guild Wars 2 as a mess that Arenenet never even tried to fix.
Not sure what planet you’re from, but nowadays it’s way easier to hate and criticise than to come with solutions or praise something, or even be objective for that matter.
Around 2014, the forum readers gave Arenanet literally THOUSANDS of solutions here:
And here is a thread from around the same time where players state that Arenanet are doing nothing to maintain WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Arena-Net-where-s-the-new-CDI/first
And here is a thread where Mike O’Brien claims that Arenanet read and respond to feedback: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Communicating-with-you/first
(edited by Svarty.8019)