Show your character's appearance progress

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dishy.3168


Showoff how far your character has progressed from when you first started to how they look now!


Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


… I never saved all the pictures of Sarth (My charr warrior) while she was leveling, and when I returned. But I do remember ever look she ever had.
When she was just starting, I had her in “Whatever leveling armor I could find”, running sword, shield, and Rifle, all of basic appearance. I got the “Marine” dye early, so her colors were Tarnished Steel on the metal bits, with Marine for all the leather backings, and Antique Gold for the little highlights.

After about level 50, I discovered Banded armor and Flame weapons (Charr T2 cultural wepaons). The Flame Shield looked completely awesome, and I dyed my armor to match it, with an all around less ramshackle look. When I first hit 80, I created two sets of armor for her. One, using Carrion stats, kept her overall leveling look, though I traded out the pants for T2 Cultural, helm for Draconic, upgraded all the weapon skins to Legionnaire, found the Iron Legion shield skin, and changed her color scheme to Iron+Regal, to match her legion. I also made a set of Berzerker gear using just straight-up Scallywag, using the same dye scheme, and most armor pieces hidden to show off the most fur. Then I took a year-and-a-half break from the game.

When I came back in January, I started running Mace+Axe/Axe+sword in the berzerker gear while I explored HoT maps.Then there were golden wings in the gemstore. I used a makeover contract to choose a bolder fur color, choose a slightly different physique, change her eye structure a bit, and grow her horns and teeth out. I started working on Sunrise, made a new set of berzerker gear, using the Gladiator chestpiece, Primeval Legplates, Banded Pauldrons, and Heavy Plate Gauntlets, Greaves, and Helm, dyed Lifesblood and Gold (later Prosperity). She also started using Greatsword (I went from Dhuumseal, to Khyrasor, to Dawn. And I found it’s burst was a massive sweep instead of situational hiltbash) and a Rifle, in all its Gunflamey Glory.

Finding Berzerker gear a bit too squishy, and it was back when Gunflame was still glorious, I revisited my old ‘soldier’ look, and replaced the banded pieces with full charr cultural armor – mostly a blend of T1 and T2, using Soldier stats. Iron Legion Shield/Legionnaire Rifle, swapping out Legionnaire sword and Mace mainhand as needed for trucking through dungeons with my guild. That set of armor didn’t last long, though, because I learned how to run Berzerker properly (And it was back when Warrior sustain was bad even in tank stats)

I went back to the Barechested Gold Wing look, especially since I had Sunrise by then, and the dungeon crashing got me the Golden Wing Rifle. I created a Guardian with the exact same name and look (With a letter substitution), but dyed Blue+White, then later given White wings instead of Gold. While leveling, though… well, it was just after April, and I had all the Super Adventure skins for guardians. She wore the Royal Guard armor to hide leveling crap, and dyed to perfectly match the Super Sword and Super Shield she wielded. I even bought the Super Glider for her. That was fun.

Then, months later, with the release of LS3 I got into raiding. Sunrise obscured too much of the battlefield to see the boss tells, so I had to swap it for a less flashy weapon – So I went all-out on a Bloodstoned look. Bloodstone Greatsword and Rifle, then Axe, Mace, and Shield (I have gone on to finish the BLoodstone weapon collection). Her armor got an update – Dyed silver and Bloodstone Coral. Helm replaced with the Bloodstone Crown (I really wish charr ears didn’t clip through), Breastplate and Boots switched to Primeval to match the pants, Pauldrons and gauntlets went Dreadnaught, for more spikey goodness.

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Which one is before, and which one is after?

I think there was another thread like this just recently. You might find it interesting.

Good luck.

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azuriusz.6724


Top to bottom:
1. (Launch) The start of her journey. Unaware of the hardships yet to come.
2. (Early years) First scars mark her body as she gains the power and experience to face the Dragons.
3. (Currently) Dead bodies litter her path. Friend and foe alike.


Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

1: Zerina, as she first steps out of Rata Sum a year and a half ago (Late March, 2015).
2: Zerina today, she’s traveled far, and saw a lot of things.


Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Still using exotic gear, with some ascended trinkets, working on the ascended backpack from WvW reward track.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andulias.9516


OK, here is my mesmer. I don’t think for the most part she has changed that much, but still. The first screenshot is of her mere hours after she was created, the second – while leveling up and exploring the world, the third and fourth are in HoT and the other two – as she is at this moment:

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I don’t have any old screen shots of Kindzi from the start ^^ that’s been so long ago!

Shes come a long way from then though, an adventurer fresh out of Divinities reach, to being Treah(gbhiebgieug)’s lackey that does all the work so he can take all the credit. And now adventuring in Ember bay~

When she started I tended to try to make her look “adventury”, now she dresses alot more casual


Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Launch, Day 1. Way back when there were a million humans being made and the centaur bridge event got upscaled into insanity. As you can see, I’ve made very few changes to my choice of utility skills over the years.

…and when my luck was good. Celestial Dye first drop ;D

(And for those who know me, the MH pistol because I wasn’t getting any dagger drops; the irony).

The latter; As you can see, I learned the ways of the mesmer, for a time. Needless to say, I was quite difficult to pin down with the combined abilities

I haven’t changed my wardrobe in years (although my stats have definitely improved!).

I’ll get a more recent one soon. Not at home so I don’t have any screenshots of recent play.


(edited by DeceiverX.8361)

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I think there was another thread like this just recently. You might find it interesting.

Yep, though that one is focused on reproducing old screenshots as exactly as possible so it’s not quite the same

I have many alts who have changed over time thanks to RP events in their lives. But let’s see if I can stick with my “main” for this.

BWE1 version — BWE2 version — BWE3 version — Head Start weekend — Level 31 — Level 80 (RP garb) in Oct 2012 — Oct 2013 — Feb 2014 (Fall of LA) — Oct 2014 — Oct 2015 (invisible glider bug) — Nov 2015 (Daredevil) — Apr 2016 (HOPE)

Since then I’ve pretty much kept that look for him so I’ll stop there.

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lgutsl.3257


My main character Pookiee. Started off as a male but my earlier pictures were on my old computer that got ruined.

1st – when I first got Volcanus.
2nd – Finally stopped gambling on the forge, farmed and got my first 2 Legendary’s Bolt(made) and Flameseeker(bought).
3rd – Did the achievements for SAB earlier in the year, sporting both bauble infusions.
Last 3 – Most recently just got Eternity(bought) and Bitfrost(made).


Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: demitel.1340


How far? Hmm, let’s see.

1st picture: Minding my own business and looking at the scenery. Low graphics since I was playing on a potato back in the days. Taken 5th of October 2012

2nd picture: Little upgrade. 10th of October 2016


Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Aww, I wished I had screenshots of earlier times =s
I remember fable2 had a history of you chatacter and all the outfits you had, wish anet could have something like this to look back and ponder ( I’ll choose to shuffle and draw. Very bad joke ignore this )

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Figlilly.3907


Neither of my pictures are very artistic but I do have my first picture ever taken on 7 Feb 2013. She was a shaky little girl back then and not very good at moving in a straight line.

My character has not progressed that much. Well, she got to level 80, attained map completion, finally finished her story. She even learned to walk through doorways without bumping into the walls but who cares because now she can glide. However, no legendary weapon and not even an ascended sock has come her way. She has gained around 20 siblings so that is something. I guess she now dreams of the heady days when she was an only child.


(edited by Figlilly.3907)

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tensei.5784


(edited by tensei.5784)

Show your character's appearance progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cynz.9437


1. One of the first screenshots i took in game. Just Killed Zhaitan (remember when story mode took like 5 hours because it was so long people kept quiting and fight itself was loooooonnnggg). I knew nothing, like Jon Snow back then xD
Dat standard white sylvari face zzz for lack of any better (it took a while for Anet to add new faces/hairstyles), mishmash of armor because transmutes were too expensive for me, heck, i think i didn’t even have full exotic at that point. OMG gems were cheap back then 2-3 g (if not less) for 100gems QQ

Last: couple years later, too many hours pve grind for skins (including legendaries), LS, some raids, too many fractals, too many hours in WvW, endless hours in pvp (90% of my play time), tournaments (funded gem store purchases xD), legend titles……… i try out everything really, but i love pvp. Wish it offered more skin choices than it does atm.


All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)