Silver Doubloons
Nope, the Juggernaut is one of the most expensive legendaries to build because of the silver doubloons. You won’t have similar problems with the rest of it. For most legendaries the price deciding factor are the T6 mats, so once you got them the grind is over.
My answer would be to go grind something else. Sell that something else. Buy doubloons with the money. I don’t go out of my way to get any particular t6 mat but I’ve always got multiples of blood, scales, sacs etc. and I think I have the same 1 doubloon in my inventory that I’ve had all year. Maybe I have 2. If I was saving up for something with doubloons I wouldn’t try and collect them.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
So it would be safe to say, either
A) The Juggernaut is the only legendary (not counting Eternity as it requires Sunrise and Twilight) that makes you either really work for it or waste all your kitten money. Unless you like to flip tp or have sold other legendaries or wasted real money for it.
B)Increase the possibilities of getting Silver Doubloons cause this drop rate or acquiring rate is dumb
It is possible to target Silver Doubloons for farming, but people don’t like doing it because it is boring which is why the price is so high.
You can:
1. Open Jumping Puzzle Chests on appropriately leveled characters.
2. Kill Dredge in Lornar’s Pass and open their mining bags.
3. Throw upgrades (pebbles, etc.) into the Mystic Forge.
4. Do events on the maps that are giving them out as a Map Reward.
The drop rate is fine if you do these things.
You can mine iron and nuggets will drop from that. Forge the nuggets for doubloons.
Or you can buy nuggets on buy order and forge them directly.
At least if you get one of the other doubloons from forging they have a decent value as well now.
The chance of getting [Silver Doubloons] is ridiculous
Eh, it’s pretty decent for lower-level characters. The problem is that you need 250, not just a few.
and I believe I spent roughly as much money on them as the precursor itself is worth at the moment.
Why is that an issue? Legendaries are expensive; the precursor is only part of that cost.
But at least from what I’ve been looking through wiki and other info the other gifts are relatively way cheaper.
In particular, the precursor varies from being less than 5% of the cost (Rage:Frenzy) to around half (The Legend:The Bifrost). For Juggernaut, the precursor is about a quarter of the cost; the ‘gift’ is slightly more. In contrast, for Frenzy, the Gift is is nearly triple the cost of the precursor.
In other words, there’s no particular rule that says that the cost of the gift needs to be less.
The chance of getting [Silver Doubloons] is ridiculous
Eh, it’s pretty decent for lower-level characters. The problem is that you need 250, not just a few.
and I believe I spent roughly as much money on them as the precursor itself is worth at the moment.
Why is that an issue? Legendaries are expensive; the precursor is only part of that cost.
But at least from what I’ve been looking through wiki and other info the other gifts are relatively way cheaper.
In particular, the precursor varies from being less than 5% of the cost (Rage:Frenzy) to around half (The Legend:The Bifrost). For Juggernaut, the precursor is about a quarter of the cost; the ‘gift’ is slightly more. In contrast, for Frenzy, the Gift is is nearly triple the cost of the precursor.
In other words, there’s no particular rule that says that the cost of the gift needs to be less.
Exactly, the issue is you’d have to be (if it’s your only toon) or need to have low level character to have decent chance. Of course you can still mystic forge them with pebbles, nuggets and copper doubloons but that’s still a chance of getting the Doubloon out of it. So you have be lucky to get one from playing with the mystic toilet.
What I meant was that the Juggernaut’s gift cost is way higher compared to any other legendary gift, even Bifrost.
What I meant was that the Juggernaut’s gift cost is way higher compared to any other legendary gift, even Bifrost.
That’s entire an issue of preference — there’s no fundamental reason that all gifts should have similar costs, any more than precursors should be valued the same. Juggernaut is one of the most popular legends and its cost reflects that.
Unless you want to argue that Frenzy’s precursor’s cost is too low compared to others or that The Moot’s Gift (entertainment) is too low at 30g (+ boxes o’fun, which are either ‘free’ or a PITA for most people).
tl;dr some precursors are expensive, some gifts are expensive; others aren’t — that’s what happens in a free market, in which player demand impacts the price.
A lot of people know you can forge for them using nuggets, fewer people seem to know that you can forge using 3 pebbles and 1 lump.
As the guy above already mentioned, you need a character within the correct level range. Wiki says level 21 – 35. But if you take a closer look it drops between 21 and 39.
Reason: When you loot a chest, and it scales with your level (ill explain that below), you get loot within a level range between your level and 5 levels below. Now when you are aware of this situation, you may realize that 21 is a horrible level to farm Silver Doubloons. A level like 28 or better 30, leads to no errors about the loot-level.
I wonder about this. Do you mean weapon/armor as well? I used to collect doubloons with a small army of characters, most at level 21, up to 30, and I always got tier 2 upgrade items.
If wool/leather/logs is included too, I think I did get jute/T1 weapons and armor.
I used the LA puzzles and the one in Caledon where you have to go underwater to get there, near the Grove.
I do recall that at some point the non-city JP loot behavior changed so that I always got character level appropriate items, I want to say at the time ascended materials were added. But as it was long ago I can’t be sure.
Seems to be correct, thank you. I deleted the original.