Silver Doubloons Price and Rarity
Hmm I’m pretty sure you can probably find these in some sort of loot bag , you might want to look into those. Apart from that the wiki also says you can get them from the mystic forge at a 5% chance:
As a mystic forge random reward. Throw in any of the following combination: 3 Pebbles and a Lump; Mix together at any rate pebbles and nuggets; or nuggets and marks. Chance sits around 5% to get a Silver Doubloon.
They come from the bags bandits and pirates in the 20s drop as well. That’s where I get mine.
I just did a quick search for you and have discovered that these bags have a chance to contain them:
Small Miner’s Bag
Bag of Pilfered Goods
Light Bag of Booty
Light Miner’s Bag
Good luck playing the lottery!
Creating alts for this purpose seems a bit silly.
If the doubloons are worth that much, it seems like a good opportunity for someone to churn them out from the forge at a nice profit.
Or make them in the mystic forge.
There is no reason to pay the TP price compared to the costs of churning them out that way.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I just used up some of my pebbles and lumps I had to test this and made 6 silver doubloons total. Made a nice 6 gold from this, not bad for a loss of just my lumps really. Thanks for this post dude, you learn something new every day!
Tip: forge any of the crap emblem things you get most of the time to make even more doubloons and more lumps.
while you can get doubloons from bags, chests or the mystic forge and it is silly to pay the outrages prices at the trade post, you have to admit he has a point about the effects of item scaling on material gathering. There’s a very limited window between 20-45 to gather materials corresponding to that level range directly. Chances are you’ll out pace that range leveling up from the experience gained in the attempt to farm the desired goods and coming back at a higher level only further decreases the odds of getting what your looking for because 90% of the loot from chests or corpses is scaled up to a higher level.
This means you have to rely on farming the bags rather than the materials directly and it’s still a gamble because there’s no guarantee the materials you want are what you’ll get. I could open 100 small moldy bags hoping for wool cloth and get everything but.
while you can get doubloons from bags, chests or the mystic forge and it is silly to pay the outrages prices at the trade post, you have to admit he has a point about the effects of item scaling on material gathering. There’s a very limited window between 20-45 to gather materials corresponding to that level range directly. Chances are you’ll out pace that range leveling up from the experience gained in the attempt to farm the desired goods and coming back at a higher level only further decreases the odds of getting what your looking for because 90% of the loot from chests or corpses is scaled up to a higher level.
This means you have to rely on farming the bags rather than the materials directly and it’s still a gamble because there’s no guarantee the materials you want are what you’ll get. I could open 100 small moldy bags hoping for wool cloth and get everything but.
While this is all true that’s the point of RNG and these items being “rare”. Having said that he can still mine pebbles and lumps for that 5% shot at creating these items and his level will not effect him in any such way.
While this is all true that’s the point of RNG and these items being “rare”. Having said that he can still mine pebbles and lumps for that 5% shot at creating these items and his level will not effect him in any such way.
Fair enough. Its just that RNG is sometimes far too skewed toward the one in a million side of the scale. Often turning “rare” into “impossible”. With the current crafting system RNG really doesn’t work out too well. Patterns take so much in the way of materials that it’d be much more preferable to have a stable drop rate than a totally random chance.
WOW, they sure have skyrocketed
If someone thinks 5% is “impossible” then the rest of the adversity to be overcome in making a Legendary is gonna blow that person’s mind .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Yeah but 5% is still a fixed rate. If you go by the law of averages, attempting a doubloon 100 time, 5 times you will meet with success. Now this is a perfect case scenario and it’s usually never that simple. Often you’ll find you have to pump close to 100,000 or more tries in there for the rates to start evening out but it will eventually happen. With random number generation, you could end up never hitting the mark. after 100,000 tries you may be no closer in getting a doubloon then when you first started.
For luxury items like the black lion boxes RNG makes sense. I don’t like it but it makes sense. For crafting materials there should be a fixed rate.
And anybody who crafts a legendary is an infinitely more patient and/or lucky individual then I will ever be. In over 1200 hours of playing I have only ever gotten 1 lodestone drop. I couldn’t imagine having to collect 100+
For luxury items like the black lion boxes RNG makes sense. I don’t like it but it makes sense. For crafting materials there should be a fixed rate.
And anybody who crafts a legendary is an infinitely more patient and/or lucky individual then I will ever be. In over 1200 hours of playing I have only ever gotten 1 lodestone drop. I couldn’t imagine having to collect 100+
Buy stacks of bags. Open bags. Sell what you don’t need. Buy more bags.
If I were going towards Juggernaut that’s what I’d do, in fact I have been doing that and I get about 5-10 silver doubloons per day without trying very hard. And about 20-30 lodestones of various types, hundreds of lesser slivers, shards, piles etc.
I keep getting these doubloons from light bags. Only buy light/medium bags, or even farm centaurs. They drop as hell there.
I get a lot of silver doubloons, eve being lv 80.
I’ve purchased bags, even gathered several hundred personally. I’m not saying it’s not effective. Just pointing out that the OP has a point about level scaling affecting mats gathering and the down side of RNG based drop rates.
I’ve purchased bags, even gathered several hundred personally. I’m not saying it’s not effective. Just pointing out that the OP has a point about level scaling affecting mats gathering and the down side of RNG based drop rates.
You can work with what it is, or you can kitten about what it should be. One tends to be more effective than the other.
People saying we should get ’em via the bags or the MF are… well, kind of missing the most important point.
The point being, Silver Doubloons manage to make the Juggernaut significantly more difficult/ expensive than most other legendaries.
Well I just upgraded my nuggets to more lumps to use up the rest of my pebbles and made another 11 silvers so that’s a total of 16 for today at that 5% rate. Not bad really when all I did was mine rocks as I went along while playing the game.
People saying we should get ’em via the bags or the MF are… well, kind of missing the most important point.
The point being, Silver Doubloons manage to make the Juggernaut significantly more difficult/ expensive than most other legendaries.
Ok… if you’re careful, it’s possible to get small/light loot bags and so on for less money than the average value of their contents. Save the doubloons and whatever else you need, sell the rest, use the money to buy more bags. As long as you are smart about it, you’ll end up with more money than you started with, and a growing collection of silver doubloons.
How is this more difficult and expensive?
I’ve purchased bags, even gathered several hundred personally. I’m not saying it’s not effective. Just pointing out that the OP has a point about level scaling affecting mats gathering and the down side of RNG based drop rates.
You can work with what it is, or you can kitten about what it should be. One tends to be more effective than the other.
Wasn’t really my intention to come across as complaining. I was more or less just trying to entertain a discussion on the vices and virtues of the current gathering system.
I have worked for what I have, I enjoy working for what I have. I understand the importance of protecting the integrity of the game. if everything was handed to you what’s the point right? Doesn’t mean that I can’t call shenanigans when it comes to certain features of the game.
If you approve of things being the way they are, then that’s your thing. I don’t entirely share your views but that doesn’t mean I’m not receptive to what your saying.
A difference of opinion doesn’t mean we cant have a civil conversation about it and discuss the good, the bad and the ugly. Sometimes it’s nice to have a conversation just for the sake of having a conversation. That’s all.
Glad to see that, most “discussions” here are the equivalent of someone sticking his fingers in his ears and shouting “I’m right and I can’t hear you! Nanananana!”
However, with regards to level scaling and loot drops, it’s not a simple thing. Most MMO players are used to going back to lower levels and one-shotting everything they see. A max-level toon is generally tougher than a level 10 even when scaled down, but if all they ever got was level 10 loot then there would be little reason to hang out there.
And if all they ever got was level 80 loot then they would have easier kills than high-level areas and would never venture into higher areas. So it’s a mix of both, and they’ve been tweaking the loot system for months trying to find a good balance. It’s a delicate subject, if it was obvious that they should “do such-and-such” the they already would have.
Silver doubloons seems to be something that fell through the cracks. You get them occasionally in chests when you’re the right level, but I think the chests are one of the things that always scales to your level – an 80 doing the jumping puzzle in Queensdale doesn’t want to see a level 14 green for a reward. So low levels get copper doubloons from the chests, mid-levels get silver and gold, while high levels get platinum.
And due to the magic of supply and demand, silver doubloons are worth a stack of plats each. I think a lot of people have been hoarding coppers under the assumption that Anet would let them forge coppers into silvers, thus giving them an instant 100 gold or so from the TP sales, or enough silvers to make the Juggernaut. But they probably don’t want to encourage this, so they won’t that route.
A lot of things about the Legendary journey looks better on paper than in practice, and this is one of them. Perhaps when they revisited the process over the last several months, they seized the opportunity to update and streamline the process. I hope so…
Thanks everyone for your contribution. However, the prices are telling a very different story. If Silver Doubloons were as easy to obtain by forging, opening loot bags etc. at 460,000 players logged in playing concurrently at Guild Wars 2’s peak, we shouldn’t even be seeing these type of supply numbers (Total supply on the auction house is currently 503 pieces).
In fact, if they were even fairly easy to obtain, the prices won’t be where they are now. For example, are silk scraps easy to obtain? Yes they are. And how do we know that? Looking at the trading post, they are virtually selling at vendor value.
How do we know then that Silver Doubloons are not easy to obtain? They are not only not selling at vendor value, but they are selling wayyyy above vendor value.
Yesterday, prices were as follows -
As at 12.46pm, 8th September 2013,
Total supply on the trading post = 212
Buy Price = 1g 1s
Sell Price = 1g 32s
Today, 9th September 2013, as at 12:19pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 503
Buy Price = 1g 21s 1c (+20s)
Sell Price = 1g 24s 99c
One of the forummers commented that he managed to forge 6 Silver Doubloons easily, and earned 6g for himself.
Question – If it were so easy, why stop there? Might as well carry on forging and you can get yourself more than 1,000g based on the buying orders, which can easily absorb 1,000 pieces.
People saying we should get ’em via the bags or the MF are… well, kind of missing the most important point.
The point being, Silver Doubloons manage to make the Juggernaut significantly more difficult/ expensive than most other legendaries.
So what? It’s a legendary, it’s supposed to be expensive. If you want to go cheap, then get a different weapon.
Yeah it sucks! I finished mine 2 weeks ago and had to pay 70s/doubloon.
Pebbles also suck since you need 500 of them to get few doubloons and it sometimes went more expensive then buying them from TP.
Parking alt was also slow and it’s faster to just farm gold and buy from TP.
Tried bags and those worked for a while but prices went up on those also and after few 100 of them seemed that it pays off only if you get really lucky opening them.
AN really needs to change the drop rate or the recipe ’coze atm it costs you 325 g to buy them.
Thanks everyone for your contribution. However, the prices are telling a very different story. If Silver Doubloons were as easy to obtain by forging, opening loot bags etc. at 460,000 players logged in playing concurrently at Guild Wars 2’s peak, we shouldn’t even be seeing these type of supply numbers (Total supply on the auction house is currently 503 pieces).
In fact, if they were even fairly easy to obtain, the prices won’t be where they are now. For example, are silk scraps easy to obtain? Yes they are. And how do we know that? Looking at the trading post, they are virtually selling at vendor value.
How do we know then that Silver Doubloons are not easy to obtain? They are not only not selling at vendor value, but they are selling wayyyy above vendor value.
Yesterday, prices were as follows -
As at 12.46pm, 8th September 2013,
Total supply on the trading post = 212
Buy Price = 1g 1s
Sell Price = 1g 32sToday, 9th September 2013, as at 12:19pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 503
Buy Price = 1g 21s 1c (+20s)
Sell Price = 1g 24s 99cOne of the forummers commented that he managed to forge 6 Silver Doubloons easily, and earned 6g for himself.
Question – If it were so easy, why stop there? Might as well carry on forging and you can get yourself more than 1,000g based on the buying orders, which can easily absorb 1,000 pieces.
This guy gets it. Everyone else… learn something about how markets work. People aren’t paying 1g+ for doubloons for sheeps and giggles… they are paying it because it is barely less cost efficient than forging them and MUCH more time efficient. If there was an efficient way to get doubloons, then within hours some folks would figure it out and flood the market in order to make massive gold.
And I keep hearing this… getting some free doubloons from the pebbles and nuggets you’ve accumulated after 1000 hours of play does not mean doubloons are easy to get… you’ll have to play another 1000 hours to get your stock back up to try again. And you could have sold those pebbles directly for a similar profit, meaning “free” is not actually free.
Endless Petrification Tonic
This guy gets it. Everyone else… learn something about how markets work. People aren’t paying 1g+ for doubloons for sheeps and giggles… they are paying it because it is barely less cost efficient than forging them and MUCH more time efficient. If there was an efficient way to get doubloons, then within hours some folks would figure it out and flood the market in order to make massive gold.
And I keep hearing this… getting some free doubloons from the pebbles and nuggets you’ve accumulated after 1000 hours of play does not mean doubloons are easy to get… you’ll have to play another 1000 hours to get your stock back up to try again. And you could have sold those pebbles directly for a similar profit, meaning “free” is not actually free.
I just pulled six silver doubloons from bags in about half an hour. You’re right, I don’t have a clue…
Well crud…..and here I was just merching these silly things because I figured they were worthless now that they were +boon and no longer +MF. Oh well, I’ll know for next time. I get these stupid things all the darn time….
Thanks everyone for your contribution. However, the prices are telling a very different story. If Silver Doubloons were as easy to obtain by forging, opening loot bags etc. at 460,000 players logged in playing concurrently at Guild Wars 2’s peak, we shouldn’t even be seeing these type of supply numbers (Total supply on the auction house is currently 503 pieces).
In fact, if they were even fairly easy to obtain, the prices won’t be where they are now. For example, are silk scraps easy to obtain? Yes they are. And how do we know that? Looking at the trading post, they are virtually selling at vendor value.
How do we know then that Silver Doubloons are not easy to obtain? They are not only not selling at vendor value, but they are selling wayyyy above vendor value.
Yesterday, prices were as follows -
As at 12.46pm, 8th September 2013,
Total supply on the trading post = 212
Buy Price = 1g 1s
Sell Price = 1g 32sToday, 9th September 2013, as at 12:19pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 503
Buy Price = 1g 21s 1c (+20s)
Sell Price = 1g 24s 99cOne of the forummers commented that he managed to forge 6 Silver Doubloons easily, and earned 6g for himself.
Question – If it were so easy, why stop there? Might as well carry on forging and you can get yourself more than 1,000g based on the buying orders, which can easily absorb 1,000 pieces.
If you read my second (actually perhaps it’s 3rd) post you would see I didn’t stop there and made a further 11 until I ran out of all pebbles and lumps. I was not going to resort to buying pebbles as they are at about 1 silver each almost and since I don’t really need these items why should I? I had done enough tests and made some nice gold out of it.
I read your original post, I did a quick search on the wiki to see if I could find a solution for you. I did, then even tested it for you. I gave the feedback on those tests to say that hey it can work and you don’t need to muck about with low lvl alts sitting at jump puzzles (which if you ask me is an exploit of sorts since they are not actually doing the whole JP each day and just sitting right at the chest for the reward).
If you are not going to even look at trying that for yourself or accepting there are viable methods to obtain this item that you want; then all I can say is good luck with getting Anet to hand these items to you on a silver platter.
Thanks everyone for your contribution. However, the prices are telling a very different story. If Silver Doubloons were as easy to obtain by forging, opening loot bags etc. at 460,000 players logged in playing concurrently at Guild Wars 2’s peak, we shouldn’t even be seeing these type of supply numbers (Total supply on the auction house is currently 503 pieces).
In fact, if they were even fairly easy to obtain, the prices won’t be where they are now. For example, are silk scraps easy to obtain? Yes they are. And how do we know that? Looking at the trading post, they are virtually selling at vendor value.
How do we know then that Silver Doubloons are not easy to obtain? They are not only not selling at vendor value, but they are selling wayyyy above vendor value.
Yesterday, prices were as follows -
As at 12.46pm, 8th September 2013,
Total supply on the trading post = 212
Buy Price = 1g 1s
Sell Price = 1g 32sToday, 9th September 2013, as at 12:19pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 503
Buy Price = 1g 21s 1c (+20s)
Sell Price = 1g 24s 99cOne of the forummers commented that he managed to forge 6 Silver Doubloons easily, and earned 6g for himself.
Question – If it were so easy, why stop there? Might as well carry on forging and you can get yourself more than 1,000g based on the buying orders, which can easily absorb 1,000 pieces.
If you read my second (actually perhaps it’s 3rd) post you would see I didn’t stop there and made a further 11 until I ran out of all pebbles and lumps. I was not going to resort to buying pebbles as they are at about 1 silver each almost and since I don’t really need these items why should I? I had done enough tests and made some nice gold out of it.
I read your original post, I did a quick search on the wiki to see if I could find a solution for you. I did, then even tested it for you. I gave the feedback on those tests to say that hey it can work and you don’t need to muck about with low lvl alts sitting at jump puzzles (which if you ask me is an exploit of sorts since they are not actually doing the whole JP each day and just sitting right at the chest for the reward).
If you are not going to even look at trying that for yourself or accepting there are viable methods to obtain this item that you want; then all I can say is good luck with getting Anet to hand these items to you on a silver platter.
Hey Paulytnz,
I appreciate the kind gesture of you taking time to look up the wiki and running tests of your own to help out on the Silver Doubloons. Before I submitted this post, I actually also did tests on my own and googled other player’s experiences with obtaining this item.
You got really lucky at the forge and I’m not certain if you realized it. In fact, if you were to look over at the crafting discussion page, you will see similar posts about the same topic right on the first page.
Those threads were created 3 months ago before mine, and prices at that time rose from 40s to over 80s a piece. I hope this doesn’t come across as me putting you or anyone down for that matter, but for the many of us who are trying to get 250 Silver Doubloons for the legendary hammer, the conclusion was, parking multiple alts that are around the level 24 at jumping puzzle chests, was the least painful way of obtaining them.
Today, 10th September 2013, as at 1:43am,
Total supply on the trading post = 491
Buy Price = 1g 16s (-4s)
Sell Price = 1g 34s 98c
aww shooot
guess that whole stacks of doubloon in my bank finally gonna give me some fortune.
Those threads were created 3 months ago before mine, and prices at that time rose from 40s to over 80s a piece. I hope this doesn’t come across as me putting you or anyone down for that matter, but for the many of us who are trying to get 250 Silver Doubloons for the legendary hammer, the conclusion was, parking multiple alts that are around the level 24 at jumping puzzle chests, was the least painful way of obtaining them.
Today, 10th September 2013, as at 1:43am,
Total supply on the trading post = 491
Buy Price = 1g 16s (-4s)
Sell Price = 1g 34s 98c
Supply is low because it’s a rare drop and people are hoarding them, whether for later sale or as part of a Legendary. I’m not making stuff up and genuinely want to be helpful to anyone going for Juggernaut because I briefly considered it and the price/rarity of these things was an influence on my decision that it wasn’t worth the frustration.
Silver doubloons are a rare drop from certain bags, and while they aren’t the only rare in the bags they do show up often enough when you buy stacks of them. I’ve been seeing about 1-2 per stack, though a few minutes ago I hit a lucky streak and got five in one stack. Currently I have 16 waiting to be sold.
Yes, it’s tedious to sit there clicking on stack after stack of bags, but the contents you don’t need sell fairly well and if you’re careful with bid prices and patient, within a couple of weeks you can get a stack of them essentially for free because the average price of the other contents of the bags is at least equal to the cost of the bags themselves, evening out, or slightly higher, showing a profit even if you keep the doubloons for yourself.
For me, one doubloon can pay for most of the stack by itself, so getting two per stack means I more or less doubled my money. It’s a nice bonus to see one pop up. And it’s quicker than the jumping puzzles.
I think the issue right now with the under supply of Silvers is probably due to the fact that a lot of other people are hoarding what they get as well as buying what they can afford from the TP which of course lowers the amount of them available on the TP.
Also by judging from the TP values on pebbles (Tier 1 mat) it seems to me a fair bit of people realise about this and are buying these up to try and make their own. That or a lot of people have taken up crafting all of a sudden which have put demand on these items.
I certainly am not against the core idea of this thread. I agree that because of your level you should not be hindered from being able to get certain items in areas of the game. I think that JP chests are not really the way to go about getting these items however.
Perhaps asking for something like the copper (or whatever the very basic tier of them are called) to be craft-able to silver would be a better solution? Perhaps even going in the opposite direction, salvaging gold down to x amount of silver? That or selling these items straight up at a vendor or something I don’t know….
I do know however that a lot of low-mid tier items are costly at the moment due to the fact that people generally just do not play in the maps where you get these items from. Things such as platinum ore fore example is up to 1 silver each. So it’s not only the rarity of these kinds of items that make them so costly but also the fact that people don’t play in the areas where they come from. The bags are so expensive because again not many people play in the areas where they drop.
All of that is part of the problem as well and needs to be addressed.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
So it’s not only the rarity of these kinds of items that make them so costly but also the fact that people don’t play in the areas where they come from. The bags are so expensive because again not many people play in the areas where they drop.
Remember also, that lvel 80 would get level 80 loot most of the time, even if in low level zone. And platinum dubloons are just not that good a drop.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I got two of these from the Demongrub Pits chest. Was a nice surprise to see the value when I sold them on the TP
During the first week of invasions, i bought plenty of light bags of booty between 60-70 silver. They were so cheap because aetherblades dropped them during invasions in low lvl zones.
As they mainly dropped t2 mats, which are after t6 the 2nd most expensive mats on the tp, i made at least 1G profit per stack without selling the doubloons.
I bought around 80 stacks of bags over all and got around 1 doubloon per stack.
Now the prices of the lootbags have doubled and even though doubloons gone up as well, t2 mats declined a bit, so i stopped using this method.
Even though it might still be profitable, i lost interest in this because i make more profits per hour with other methods than getting 20G from opening 5k lootbags per hour and selling its contents.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
For keeping track:
As at 12.46pm, 8th September 2013,
Total supply on the trading post = 212
Buy Price = 1g 1s
Sell Price = 1g 32s
9th September 2013, as at 12:19pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 503
Buy Price = 1g 21s 1c (+20s)
Sell Price = 1g 24s 99c
10th September 2013, as at 1:43am,
Total supply on the trading post = 491
Buy Price = 1g 16s (-4s)
Sell Price = 1g 34s 98c
11th September 2013, as at 2:27pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 958
Buy Price = 1g 8s 86c
Sell Price = 1g 19s 77c
I’ve personally sold about 50 since Monday morning. Note that it is impossible for these snapshots to accurately show how many are being sold because over half the doubloons I listed sold within an hour, and prices run up and down from 1g to 1.4g. A once-a-day snapshot of what hasn’t been sold yet doesn’t mean anything.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
So it’s not only the rarity of these kinds of items that make them so costly but also the fact that people don’t play in the areas where they come from. The bags are so expensive because again not many people play in the areas where they drop.
Remember also, that lvel 80 would get level 80 loot most of the time, even if in low level zone. And platinum dubloons are just not that good a drop.
Oh I’m 100% sure you will always get loot bags at the level of the map. You wont get heavy moldy bags for example from zombies in Kessex Hill. But yes I see your point.
Make doubloons of all kinds drop from champion loot bags. Make em about the same rarity as lodestones. Problem solved.
I just finished this gift and it really was a pain in the …
WOW, they sure have skyrocketed
Yep.. I bought a full stack for around 55s on average when I was going to make my Juggernaut. I still have them and it’s a little tempting to sell them.
For keeping track:
As at 12.46pm, 8th September 2013,
Total supply on the trading post = 212
Buy Price = 1g 1s
Sell Price = 1g 32s
9th September 2013, as at 12:19pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 503
Buy Price = 1g 21s 1c (+20s)
Sell Price = 1g 24s 99c
10th September 2013, as at 1:43am,
Total supply on the trading post = 491
Buy Price = 1g 16s (-4s)
Sell Price = 1g 34s 98c
11th September 2013, as at 2:27pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 958
Buy Price = 1g 8s 86c
Sell Price = 1g 19s 77c
12th September 2013, as at 2:43pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 594
Buy Price = 1g 12s 5c
Sell Price = 1g 32s 99c
Glad to have bought my 250 silver doubloon back when they cost 90s (I saw that they were dangerously rising).
That said, I agree with OP, they are extremely rare nowadays, I didn’t even dropped one in my whole lifetime in game (1300 hours).
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier
For keeping track:
As at 12.46pm, 8th September 2013,
Total supply on the trading post = 212
Buy Price = 1g 1s
Sell Price = 1g 32s
9th September 2013, as at 12:19pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 503
Buy Price = 1g 21s 1c (+20s)
Sell Price = 1g 24s 99c
10th September 2013, as at 1:43am,
Total supply on the trading post = 491
Buy Price = 1g 16s (-4s)
Sell Price = 1g 34s 98c
11th September 2013, as at 2:27pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 958
Buy Price = 1g 8s 86c
Sell Price = 1g 19s 77c
12th September 2013, as at 2:43pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 594
Buy Price = 1g 12s 5c
Sell Price = 1g 32s 99c
13th September 2013, as at 6:07pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 573
Buy Price = 1g 12s 11c
Sell Price = 1g 40s
For anyone going after the legendary hammer and requiring 250 Silver Doubloons, your cost for this component just went up by 25g for the last 6 days that price tracking has started on this thread.
If you didn’t farm more than 5g a day, basically you are moving more out of the pocket each day. Supply for these things are so tight that it is highly unlikely that if you were to outbid the highest priced buyer, your order would get filled at all, even if they were just 10 Silver Doubloons.
If you want to get it, you gotta take the asking prices of the willing seller.
250 Silver Doubloons would cost anyone at current rates a whopping 365g and up.
If someone thinks 5% is “impossible” then the rest of the adversity to be overcome in making a Legendary is gonna blow that person’s mind
I see what your saying about 5% being impossible but here is something else for you the only thing for your legendary that has lower than that is the precursor so please just stop talking everything else has a set recipe whether it be mystic forge and GARUNTEED to get said item ie. lodestones even the mystic clovers have a 25-32% chance to net a clover or 10 depending on recipe I flushed over 200g worth of pebbles and lumps and walked away wtih 3 doubloons so dont give me that crap the OP is right the freaking thing isn’t even rare quality anymore last I saw it was fine RNG is breaking this game the die hard gamblers that probably have spent more than they care to say trying the lotto are the only ones like yea this is cool even tho they curse everytime they don’t get the rng’d item
If someone thinks 5% is “impossible” then the rest of the adversity to be overcome in making a Legendary is gonna blow that person’s mind
I see what your saying about 5% being impossible but here is something else for you the only thing for your legendary that has lower than that is the precursor so please just stop talking everything else has a set recipe whether it be mystic forge and GARUNTEED to get said item ie. lodestones even the mystic clovers have a 25-32% chance to net a clover or 10 depending on recipe I flushed over 200g worth of pebbles and lumps and walked away wtih 3 doubloons so dont give me that crap the OP is right the freaking thing isn’t even rare quality anymore last I saw it was fine RNG is breaking this game the die hard gamblers that probably have spent more than they care to say trying the lotto are the only ones like yea this is cool even tho they curse everytime they don’t get the rng’d item
200g for only 3! I am speechless……
I managed to make 17 or so from just what I had in the bank in the way of pebbles/lumps and I didn’t have one full stack of any….
If the RNG seriously IS this bad or varied from player to player then I don’t know, perhaps it needs to be looked at.
Mystic forge chance is way less than 5% actually
And the main problem with silver doubloon is that you cannot really upgrade copper doubloon to get silver (but u can upgrade silver to get gold).
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
14th September 2013, as at 8:39pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 357
Buy Price = 1g 12s 61c
Sell Price = 1g 30s 60c
So what? It’s a legendary, it’s supposed to be expensive. If you want to go cheap, then get a different weapon.
It’d be “cheap” without the Doubloons? No it wouldn’t.
I very much doubt they intended for the Silver Doubloons to be the subject of such artificially-high prices. A low/mid-tier material, never used for its primary purpose (as an upgrade component)? I think this was an oversight.
The lodestones were intended to be the difficult crafting component. At least those could be reliably farmed by Lvl-80s.
14th September 2013, as at 8:39pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 357
Buy Price = 1g 12s 61c
Sell Price = 1g 30s 60c
15th September 2013, as at 7:02pm,
Total supply on the trading post = 513
Buy Price = 1g 17s
Sell Price = 1g 19s 99c