Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegeta.2563


Why is the Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic going to cost 1 silver, and equal to the master salvage kit (rare), thats 15 silver per 25 salvages. With this thing.. its going to be 25 silver for 25 salvages.. rip off much? Not to mention you have to buy gems to get it in the first place.

I honestly do not thing it is worth the money, If the 1 silver price remains.

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Doesn’t sound like it’d be worth the money at all because making mystic salvage kits is super cheap and easy + quick to do. The only reason the copper salvage o matic is so awesome is because you can use it on all the trash items that aren’t worth using mystic kits on while at the same time conserving loads of inventory space that you’d have had to waste on basic/fine kits.

For people like me who probably don’t use mystic kits on anything lower than yellows/rares, you don’t go through them enough to justify needing or wanting the silver salvage o matic.

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegeta.2563


Maybe if this was Gold Fed .. and equal to Black Lion Salvage Kit with 100% .. then maybe 1 silver per salvage would be ideal.. but since its not.. anet fails..

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

It’s a convenience item. yes it costs the same as master kit, but no you never have to visit the merch again for a a kit or have a kit run out while out exploring.

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegeta.2563


It’s a convenience item. yes it costs the same as master kit, but no you never have to visit the merch again for a a kit or have a kit run out while out exploring.

Not sure how spending $20 to get 1k gems is a convenience. And no it doesn’t cost the same, its charging at least 40 copper more per salvage, did you even go to math class?. At least with the copper fed one.. its 3 copper.. you are saving half a copper per salvage when you compare it to the one it’s equal to. The cost to salvage for the Silver Fed .. should be adjusted to 50-60 copper to be more balanced. I’m sorry but I rather stock up on Master kits vs spending an extra 10 silver.

Although I doubt ANet will read any of this.. they are just out for the money.. so they figured if you spend more salvaging using this thing.. u’ll run out of money faster.. then u’ll have to buy more gems to convert to gold to continue salvaging.

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

take the cost of it in gems convert to gold , split that into silvers.
how many master salvage kits it would buy.
take the total uses , thats how many uses you’ll need to break even.

it won’t take long at all if your a farming for a legendary.

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

It’s a convenience item. yes it costs the same as master kit, but no you never have to visit the merch again for a a kit or have a kit run out while out exploring.

Not sure how spending $20 to get 1k gems is a convenience. And no it doesn’t cost the same, its charging at least 40 copper more per salvage, did you even go to math class?. At least with the copper fed one.. its 3 copper.. you are saving half a copper per salvage when you compare it to the one it’s equal to. The cost to salvage for the Silver Fed .. should be adjusted to 50-60 copper to be more balanced. I’m sorry but I rather stock up on Master kits vs spending an extra 10 silver.

Although I doubt ANet will read any of this.. they are just out for the money.. so they figured if you spend more salvaging using this thing.. u’ll run out of money faster.. then u’ll have to buy more gems to convert to gold to continue salvaging.

Then don’t buy it? The copper one makes sense because of how much merch fodder drops in the game that one can justify spending a big upfront cost on an item that barely saves any money through it’s use.

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Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


if you cheap out and use self acquired forge stones you are wasting 90c per salvage
if you’re a salvage junkie who purchases stones in the gem store
you are saving 11.40s per salvage

it’s possible my math is wrong
but if it’s not, you’re welcome

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when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

if you cheap out and use self acquired forge stones you are wasting 90c per salvage
if you’re a salvage junkie who purchases stones in the gem store
you are saving 11.40s per salvage

it’s possible my math is wrong
but if it’s not, you’re welcome

Yes please show your work.

Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic Costs 1 Silver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rangersix.1754


if you cheap out and use self acquired forge stones you are wasting 90c per salvage
if you’re a salvage junkie who purchases stones in the gem store
you are saving 11.40s per salvage

it’s possible my math is wrong
but if it’s not, you’re welcome

Thing is, you can get PLENTY of mystic forge stones for free. I’ve got about 150 sitting in my bank right now without EVER buying one.