- Sun Tzu, Art of War
Silverwaste Chest Farming
- Sun Tzu, Art of War
I wonder how OP would feel if the bonus and final VW chests were limited to once per day like world bosses…
tbh I thought they are…….
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
I wonder how OP would feel if the bonus and final VW chests were limited to once per day like world bosses…
tbh I thought they are…….
You can do Vinewrath and get the end chests over and over and over and over again all day long.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
“I don’t like x, limit other people from doing it because it annoys me”
1. Press “y”
2. Create LFG for event map or look for one that is 90% of the time up.
3. Join event map.
I wonder how OP would feel if the bonus and final VW chests were limited to once per day like world bosses…
tbh I thought they are…….
You can do Vinewrath and get the end chests over and over and over and over again all day long.
kitten why am I not doing this…. :P
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Your reply is what makes no sense.. never since SW was patched from the original buried chest spawn has there ever been 10x more event maps than there are CF maps…
Event maps are hard to find most days unless your prepared to sit and wait a whiles for one to pop, or try to get lucky jumping maps to hit an empty copy where you can start your own.
Chest farm maps are a poor lazy game design aimed at trying to retain as many players in game for as long as possible in the hope that more gem sales will happen to buy the latest re-skinned, re-themed item in the store. But ANET like it that way, they like all the failtrain and chest farms because it does just what they want… keeps players logged in longer meaning they don’t have to take more time than necessary actually developing meaningful content that has a lot better replay value.
Weird. My guild do a SW map from 0 to 100% every week. We always end up right away on a 0-10% map when we log. Everytime I want to make a event map I up end on a 0-10% map right away. Everytime I want to do a chest farm I end up on a 0-10% map right away.
I never have problem finding a event map between 50-90%. Ya sometime there isn’t one on the LFG, but it usually start to appear pretty quicly. Keep in mind that most of those LFG fill out super quickly.
When I walk into the Silverwastes, I shout : “Is this an event or chest train map?” And if I get an answer, I join whichever it is. (If they say event, I do event. If they say Chest, I track down the zerg). If I don’t get a reply (rare), I open LFG and join whatever is currently open.
As people suggested already: try to change map and get one with events. There are lot more event maps than chest run maps. No need to nerf.
Although I can understand your point of view: the reward/chests could drop during the events.
The comments in this thread keep repeating the same things:
- “I think chest farming is boring” and its variant “I think chest farming is bad for the game.”
- “I don’t understand why people don’t use the LFG tool to find the type of silverwastes map they want.”
I don’t think the two groups have much to say to each other: the first group expects all maps to align to their preferences and ignores the use of the LFG tool; the second group expects that the entire community accepts that using the LFG tool is as convenient as just spawning into the instance.
Regardless of my stance, I’m against the OP’s suggestion. The change wouldn’t improve the game enough for the entire community and there are other changes that would, including working on other maps and/or event chains.
Silverwaste was supposed to be a map to do the events and fight multiple bosses, NOT a chest farming map. If GW2 wants to keep chest farming in, make it for a limited time, so that those of us that like doing the events can. It is unfair that those of us who like doing the events have to wait until the chest farming group deems it the right time to do so. I also refuse to jump from map to map to map just to find some people to do events with. Keep the chest farming in, just limit it.
How do you propose they limit it?
I personally think chest farm zergs are fun ^_^ You get to see all sorts of interesting characters along the way. The prizes beat out the long jumping puzzle prizes too, which is good for the achievement once only.
Silverwastes is a great map because it caters to both types of groups. You can have fun with the events, or you can join a chest train. If you don’t want to be in one type, join a map that is your type and everyone’s happy.
The downside though is that I don’t like how tedious it can sometimes be to get to a map you want. Having to wait for or ask for a taxi, only to find many times that the map is full can get frustrating. The map you want to get to is game content you’d like to enjoy, so why do we need the hassle and map jumping separating us from the game content we’d like to consume?
I know the dev team has said they don’t like the district system from GW1, but honestly I’d still like to see something like that brought to GW2 so you have more control over the map you’re trying to get into. Remember those wintersday events in GW1 where odd districts were Grenth and even districts were Dwayna? I imagine the GW2 community would quickly organize itself around a similar system for Silverwastes such as odd districts for events and even districts for chest farms.
i honestly dont see this as a problem at all. do you not know how to use lfg?
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
Keys are given in bulk, therefore chests are farmed in bulk.
Anet created this “problem” with their reward system. I’d take this up with them.
Silverwaste was supposed to be a map to do the events and fight multiple bosses, NOT a chest farming map.
Source ?
chest farmers are also event doers because of the shovels
plus chest maps do not ruin event maps, you can always lfg out
Your reply is what makes no sense.. never since SW was patched from the original buried chest spawn has there ever been 10x more event maps than there are CF maps…
Event maps are hard to find most days unless your prepared to sit and wait a whiles for one to pop, or try to get lucky jumping maps to hit an empty copy where you can start your own.
Chest farm maps are a poor lazy game design aimed at trying to retain as many players in game for as long as possible in the hope that more gem sales will happen to buy the latest re-skinned, re-themed item in the store. But ANET like it that way, they like all the failtrain and chest farms because it does just what they want… keeps players logged in longer meaning they don’t have to take more time than necessary actually developing meaningful content that has a lot better replay value.
You are a funny guy. I do every day around 5 eventmaps/vw per hour. After I have done one it takes around 1 min. in average until I have aa lfg group with SW events 70%+.
I can underatand that it seems hard to NOT get a sw 70%+. So if you want todo full event map from 0-100% then I have an awesome solution for you: Just relog! You will get an empty 0% SW like 99% of the times.
Ther you can grind solo these events up to ~80% and for the Rest people will join ‘automatically’!Your rant against cf is out of place. It is really hard to find a cf map during primetime and it takes alot time and effort to get one. So if you are lucky to find a cf map, then you should embrace the farm, so you have at least a little bit fun ingame
Ooh rubbish every map I ever land in is a chest farm lazy kitten copy… the reason SW chest farm was allowed to exist is to keep numbers in game.
You think the cf is fun content – any other MMO developer looking at it must be laughing their socks off at such innovative development ideas.
But your last comment has at least some merit… the events within the game hold very little replay value and the fun is sucked right out of them pretty fast, which added to some of the grind aspects of the game only serve to make SW cf an easy, if not braindead option.
Personally I don’t care which option players take, that’s not my issue – both events and cf have merit to the game…. but don’t try making out its a cf map that’s hard to find.. they fill up in under a minute and 3 more appear on the LFG… everyday all day it is littered with them.. open event maps are much fewer and far between and once one event map is completed 99% of the time it turns straight into a cf map.
Do I hate chest farming – nope, whatever floats ya boat, I even join one maybe a few times a week for a circuit before dieing of boredom… but they hugely outnumber event maps for sure. Creating your own event map, as I already said in my original post isn’t hard if that’s what you want…. I merely said it was harder to find an open event LFG compared to an open CF.
I merely said it was harder to find an open event LFG compared to an open CF.
Sorry but this isnt true!
Look at the lfg tool. Right now during the last 10 minutes there showed up !8! different sw xx% event lfg’s. Not even 1 CF lfg has been posted the last 10 minutes.
You know that these “SW xx%” are lfg’s for events and not for cf, righ?
PS: That a map after vw defeat changes to cf is the only smart move. I guess noone likes it to stand 20 min. around doing nothing and then start events from 0%, so of course after vw maps change to cf maps.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Using the LFG is not hard. I just think it’s a bit lame that we have to use that mechanism to get into the content we want to consume. Time spent waiting for someone else to offer a taxi plus time spent failing to get into maps that are already full is time not playing the game. My opinion is that map management shouldn’t be such a prominent aspect of game play.
Silverwaste was supposed to be a map to do the events and fight multiple bosses, NOT a chest farming map. If GW2 wants to keep chest farming in, make it for a limited time, so that those of us that like doing the events can. It is unfair that those of us who like doing the events have to wait until the chest farming group deems it the right time to do so. I also refuse to jump from map to map to map just to find some people to do events with. Keep the chest farming in, just limit it.
I use the LFG tool to find Chest Train maps, I advise that you get off your high horse and find Event Maps. No offense but being lazy is no excuse to have something else that people enjoy doing, nerfed, because you refuse to use the tools given.
My home server is Tarnished Coast but it seems like the chest trains are starting to die off. (Thankfully) The chest trains would have been a problem if Anet hadn’t have given static spawn points for chests. They can be removed and people can still ping for chests and run the train, but it would greatly shift the game play back towards completing events. I think it should have been this way from the beginning.
There’s still legitimate challenge. We almost wiped here:
I have daggers set to ensure I can rez people and not be subjected to the random disabling shot bug where even screenshotting or looting does it. We managed to win.
it would greatly shift the game play back towards completing events.
I wonder if it would help if they made it so at least one stack of perseverance was required to see a lost bandit chest that was dug up by someone other than yourself. (I’d say you should always see chests you dug up yourself, even with no perseverance.)