Silverwaste chat spam
The only way to turn it off as far as I know is to turn off the chat entirely, which is not at all ideal for most people.
Oh I’m sure you can turn it off, as well as npc chatter etc. Open up the chat system and click on the settings icon (looks like a cog or whatever you call it in your country). Pretty sure I have mine turned off.
Oh I’m sure you can turn it off, as well as npc chatter etc. Open up the chat system and click on the settings icon (looks like a cog or whatever you call it in your country). Pretty sure I have mine turned off.
Doesn’t work, tried already.
Strange whenever I’m in silverwastes I don’t seem too spammed by the messages, maybe I just learned to ignore them long ago…..
Strange whenever I’m in silverwastes I don’t seem too spammed by the messages, maybe I just learned to ignore them long ago…..
Hehe, maybe. Well, maybe you don’t notice it as much when you’re in silverwaste, because you’re busy doing events. I wouldn’t notice it either if it wasn’’t for guild chat. I check guild chat to see what’s going on and i have to scroll up to find what people said. Same for whispers =/
It just doesn’t make sense to me that I get these notifications in guild chat for example, doesn’t fit. Should really be just map chat imo, since map chat is relevant to that map and its events.
Awkward moment when you actually can turn it off….
How does one turn off that yellow event text that consumes my party and guild chat tabs?
I have three tabs- Party, Guild, and Map. Party for party and whispers only. Guild for guild only. Map for say, map, team, squad, emotes. It’s annoying that these event texts consume all chat channels >.<
According to the Wiki, Server messages can not be disabled as they provide (at times) important warnings and status messages.
Perhaps, some day, the Devs will initiate a difference between event-related messages and game/build-type messages, so that the event messages could be toggled on/off.
Good luck.
A tip I would give would be to expand your chat window out as much as possible or as you can bear. That may help somewhat with missing messages from guildies.
So do we report Anet to the devs for spamming in chat?
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
According to the Wiki, Server messages can not be disabled as they provide (at times) important warnings and status messages.
Perhaps, some day, the Devs will initiate a difference between event-related messages and game/build-type messages, so that the event messages could be toggled on/off.
Good luck.
That’s really the problem here. These messages are flagged as Server messages when they should be flagged as Game messages, which would then allow them to be toggleable. I’ve only really seen this issue in Silverwastes.
You can find it in Metrica, as well, if you resolve not to finish the Renown Heart that has them. Lol.
As noted above, perhaps they will be separated one day.
Why does silverwaste fill all your chat channels with event notifications? This is super annoying, I don’t need to see that in guild chat or whisper channel. Please restrict it to map chat only or give an option so we can turn it on/off for each channel.
If such option already exist, please tell, but doesn’t look like it.
I don’t find it annoying at all — I want to know what’s going on in the map, even if I’m just doing the jumping puzzle.
Still, I agree with your main point: there should be more options for which bits of chat we see in our custom channels. I don’t want to know when people sign off or not; I do want to know that they are offline when are try to whisper them and yet both of these system messages are tied together by the same option.
You actually can turn off game messages as well as other types of chats in each chat tab.
Here is how to do it: click the tab at the top of your window for the chat tab you want to modify. On the left side of the tab next to tab name is a little down arrow. Click this arrow and check/uncheck the types of messages you want or don’t want to see in that chat tab. This also gives you the option to rename the chat tab.
To create a new chat tab click the ‘+’ sign on the right side of the tabs at the top of your chat window. To remove a chat tab click a tab to select it then click the ‘X’ on the right side of the tab name. I have a separate chat tab only for combat messages and another tab only for game messages so my main tab doesn’t have everything thrown together.
Here is a screenshot of what the chat options looks like.
Thank your for the effort, but I think we all know about this already. Problem is none of these options work for silverwaste chat, since like others figured it out, it’s server wide messages which cannot be turned off.
I hope A-net changes that.