Simplying Armor Stat Distribution!
Would make it alot easier to manage stats but their will be problems with the current crafting system. Insginias will be replaced or removed?
While the idea is overall more streamlined, reworking the entire item and crafting system (and making sure nobody gets the short end of a stick) sounds like a LOT of work.
Also, what does this “change” do to every piece of equipment listed on the TP (or the prices in general)?
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I think the way to do this is customizable Inscriptions (and insignia). Basically, you would craft a blank Inscription and pieces for each stat (one major, two minors), and then combine the pieces via the discovery pane. This would probably be more expensive than the normal Inscriptions, but not excessively so.
The advantage I see for this option is full customizability with a minimum of change from the existing system. No new major mechanics need to be created to make it happen, as it would just use the current crafting system. For simplicity, the crafting results would need to be account bound on acquire, similar to ascended gear.
This could be abused using min maxing to a point where the game is no longer fun…
most stat combinations do exist, maybe not focussed how you’d want it…,
also this would be nice if you do not want anything to work for…. in the next updates, they removed the need for asacended recipes already, just unlock 1 and the (cheaper/more abundant) exotic inscriptions (way cheaper then ascended recipe’s) and your done.
In my head I see a vision of days past:
Also pvp used to have the Amulet/Gem combination and it wasd removed cause players couldn’t understand (work with) the system , so I do not see the reason to (re-)introduce this system. It would appeal to some but it was rejected due to MANY problems.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
I think you Simplying’ed “simplying” too much.
Let me ask you this:
Who uses Healing Power?
What class benefits most from it? Elementalist? Engineer.
Not really.
Everyone uses either Berserker’s or Assassins stat spreads for PVE, or Soldier stat spread for PVP/WVW.
I’d much rather see GW1’s stat system make a bit of a come-back. Where armor in the old game had stats such as +10 Axe Mastery or Discipline for Warriors:
GW2 could have something like X amount of power could improve a Necromancer’s Signets by a certain degree. (Of course it wouldn’t count stat gains from the signet passives). Something along those lines would make the other stats much more valuable, and actually open up for builds.
I would really like to see some kind of equipment customization system put in place to solve this problem. I think they really touched on something with agony resistance and the way you upgrade and invest into a piece of gear. It’s kind of a nice balance between vertical and horizontal progression. I would like to see the ability to combine an insignia/inscription with a piece of ascended equipment and you get the ability to switch the equipment’s stats to this new stat type on the fly. You could then eventually combine that equipment with every type of insignia/inscription and be able to switch to any stat combination on the fly. The same thing could be done for runes/sigils. This, in combination with a system to save and swap between builds, would encourage build diversity without having to completely re-work equipment stats.
Alternatively remove the "focus" on the stat sets. So the above Berserker axe example would be: Power 194, Precision 194, Ferocity 194. Equal in all 3 stats.
Just run the similar stats like Berserker and Assassins with same stats but different name.
It would simplify the system, without changing anything existing in game like crafting. Runes and sigils still work as normal. There would be slightly less max stacking of a single stat like power or condition damage. And we would get rid of arbitrary differences in stats that makes Berserker cost more than Assassin’s because everyone favor power. It would also help some of the weird stat sets that often have undesirable focus stat (Healing power often, probably also Toughness now).
*Sits down with a coca cola, and awaits being swarmed with hate*
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
Great idea, I support it.
Sad that Anet will prolly not even look at this idea.
Sits down with a coca cola, and awaits being swarmed with hate
I hate Coca Cola.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I use healing even though it has been nerfed into oblivion.
Zealots,Nomads, Clerics and Celestial…
Healing still has use, though the horrific scaling does make it VERY bad…. maybe unless used heals at your full party, but if this is used i wonder if developers ever consider cleaving attacks.
The fact last patch removed 300 healing on all my healing specs and requires traiting for mostly temporary effects most not coming close to the original effects, It would have been very nice if all healing reliant skills would have been compensated for 300 healing loss but they were not… the fact most healing comes from minor attributes means there is still a lot of points which have been unaccounted for, also stats have not been compensated by adding relevant trinkets: Zealot trinkets are still NOT avalable in ascended! So you aree left with2 choices 1 go zerk and lose a lot of potential healing OR go clerics and lose your DPS spec.
You can play how you want as long as it concerns killing stuff… support has been hit in both healing and boon duration…..
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
I use healing power. Zealots / Clerics. It’s always just enough to turn a bad moment in a fight into a successful one. I have tested this against full zerk, or just zerk/cleric and even zealots/zerk mix. With the same group in the same dungeon paths, the difference between my most dps or my most healing focused was about 10 to 20 seconds to the overall run time.
I’d much rather have an entire fight take 10 seconds longer if it’s that much easier.
On topic: I’d like to see more stat combos, but not with a 4th stat added. Juggling all of the combos is tough as it is if you want good synergy or balance, and if you min/max your builds you are very limited in your choices in some avenues due to missing stat combos not existing in armor / trinkets / weapons.
Lets get all existing stats available across the board first, then work on expanding what needs to be introduced.