Sincere thanks

Sincere thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matt H.6142

Matt H.6142

Thanks for the skill pass-through. I think you found a lot of the traits I’d never select because they competed with better ones, or they were underwhelming, and made them something to consider and play with, particularly the signet traits, and a lot of revenant ones.
Ammo is great. Such a QOL improvement for the warrior axe, kick, bolas and daredevil distracting daggers.
I’ve liked the guardian changes. I’ll miss being able to cheese the underground fractal with the spirit shield, but making it more of a reaction skill will be good everywhere else. They’ll be very reliable now. Applying light aura with staff 2 added some nice flavor.
Ele conjures are a lot more fun for at least casual play. I don’t know about the water arrow charges, but let’s see how it goes.
Hopefully ranger spirits will have a rethink one day. Maybe effects like the Siren’s Landing Dirges affecting allies and enemies.
Necro – crazy Spectral changes. A lich sucking player vitality. Nice.
Thanks again. Drudge through all the complaints a little stronger now.

Fort Aspenwood home
All Professions Level 80

Sincere thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genesis.5169


Overload nerf on ele pretty much nullified the conjure change.

These forums are a joke its not for opinions or debate its just a safe place for people to cry at.

Sincere thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sina.7350


Sucking up won’t get you free items :P

On a more serious note, praising bad decisions and ones with ulterior motives is not positive reinforcement.