Skill Bar

Skill Bar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katoomba.6905


OK dumb question, have been away for a looong time. So I am a noob again.

Where is the skill bar??? There is something for everything like your wardrobe, dyes, etc etc but I have pushed every button possible and cannot find where do I see my skills. As I play from start, skills appear in the boxes on the general view as I play, but where is the overview of all of that?

There is the shop, and there is pvp and there is character, and there is well everything but no indication of where the skill bar is…….

Skill Bar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crescendo Forte.4821

Crescendo Forte.4821

Hero Panel (H)>Build (2nd Tab Down, Square/Hexagon Icon)>Weapon Skills. (3 more tabs at the top left.)

To UNLOCK new utility skills, you go to Hero Panel>Training. You use Hero Points (Skill Points, renamed if you were around back then) to unlock them.

To change the utility skills without using the panel, get out of combat and click the tiny semi-greyed line above the utility skills. Note you cannot change weapon skills. You will also have to unlock certain things if you are playing a new character.

Skill Bar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katoomba.6905


thanks so much!