Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzieballista.8015



In the hope of getting a definitive answer from Arenanet on this issue, could we please keep this topic relevant to WvW Skill lag and not just lag in it’s general shapes and forms in other areas of the game, or latest patch lag.

We don’t need to hear that you don’t have skill lag or that this latest patch wasn’t meant to address the skill lag issue, although I think many of us thought that as a by-product things might get a little better with the ability to play around with wvw settings, but alas it’s still auto attack ftw.

The fact of the matter is the problem exists for the majority of WvW users in large scale fights, and there has been nothing done about this mounting issue for some time.

At this point there is little to no enjoyment playing W V W in large groups, and unfortunately Tier 1 WvW = LARGE groups. WvW motivation is all about reaching the top, but when things deteriorate the better you get what’s the point of progressing.

I have a high end computer well and truly above maximum recommended specs. I run GW2 on i7 3960x 6 core with 2 Asus GTX 680 4gig gpu’s SLI, on a Asus Rampage iV – formular motherboard with 32gig of ram.

I can run most any game on maxim setting, yet on GW2 I get skill lag on best performance settings set from within the gw2 UI. My internet connection is a 15 mb link+ which means the issue is at the skill server end of the game.

Unfortunately I cant kill the enemy with mere sight alone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about being able to see the enemy, but unfortunately in a staring competition this generally means the best auto attack wins in most cases.

Is this game breaking for you?

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terok.7315


With how strange and down-right dumb the enemy players have been acting in large zerg fights, it would surprise me if I was in the minority with skill lag. Right now it’s not game breaking for me as I’m still getting over the excitement of seeing the people I’m pouring AOE on. But if this lasts for much longer I may take a break from WvW till its resolved.

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Yesterday I was in the solo-dungeon (Living story) and I was lagged as hell: 1-2 sec freezes ><

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Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Skill lag is 100% real.

How else could i survive in the middle of 50 enemy players in Tier 1 WvW, while taking almost no damage.

No one can hit me, and i can’t hit them.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


i5-2500k, 8GB RAM, 660Ti lags like hell couldnt use most of my skill, i couldnt even finish ppl on ground i had to autoattack them to death….Seriously this game needs to use DX11 theres no way ppl are gonna OC their CPUs on 4,5 GHz just to dont get lag in GW2…
It really blows iam runing BF3 on ultra (2xMSAA) and it bearly drops below 50fps with, Tomb Raider even that its bad game for nvidia without tessfx i still get roscksolid 50-60fps on highest settings. In gw2 ive meet 1 zerg with 50 which isnt even on screen and it instantly drops to 30-40fps….

(edited by BadHabitZz.1856)

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


i5-2500k, 8GB RAM, 660Ti lags like hell couldnt use most of my skill, i couldnt even finish ppl on ground i had to autoattack them to death….Seriously this game needs to use DX11 theres no way ppl are gonna OC their CPUs on 4,5 GHz just to dont get lag in GW2…

Your PC specs have nothing to do with skill lag.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


Doesnt matter the game still runs poorly even without server lags….

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


I have to agree.
Taken over sm and could not use any skills,also trying to heal just not happing.
and to put the icing on the cake,standed attack was taken ages as well for a caster.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jubskie.3152


I’m from SEA and as soon as a zerg vs zerg fight happens, I’m reduced to observing what happens and watching my skill bar flash over and over.

Worst part: whenever I try to enter a tower through a door, i keep rubberbanding over and over. Zerg Vs. Zerg is unplayable for me

EDIT: grammarz

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Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozzieballista.8015


It’s a sure sign that free transfers to lower population servers is an attempt to relive sever strain, it’s not an answer to this problem, but it’s a safe bet that Arenanet’s network infrastructure is unable to handle the current WvW population in tier 1.

With the addition of the rank system that will only further encourage large zerg style play to amass rank score in as fast away as possible. rather than gain points in a strategic fashion will do nothing but further the issue

I’m in one of the largest SOR WvW guilds and server transfers is not an option. we’ve been on SOR since beta and moving would never happen, and should not be deemed a solution to server skill lag

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Science.6709


SWTOR also used an engine that couldn’t handle the game. My impression is that our technology isn’t yet able to create an MMO that runs smoothly.

To have huge delays or even complete unresponsiveness when I’m trying to play the game the way it’s meant to be played…this is a pretty grave matter.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


My impression is that our technology isn’t yet able to create an MMO that runs smoothly.

The actual problem behind some of the things going on with skill lag, condition stacking issues, rubber-banding, amongst a large number of other issues have more to do with their poor network architecture and layout, not to mention their DB implementation and it’s network topology as well. The whole reason we have limited condition stacks is to limit the impact on the aforementioned. It may just be a “budget” thing where they simply do not have the money to invest in expanding their infrastructure to handle things properly because aside from that there is no excuse.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyphent.2967


We all know its a problem, at least take solace in the fact that when you’re getting skill lag, everyone is getting skill lag. ANet has said they’re working on solutions for it.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


SWTOR also used an engine that couldn’t handle the game. My impression is that our technology isn’t yet able to create an MMO that runs smoothly.

To have huge delays or even complete unresponsiveness when I’m trying to play the game the way it’s meant to be played…this is a pretty grave matter.

Haha, yes. Yesterday, everyone in my WvW started complaining about skill lag and i immediately had a flash back to the early days of SWTOR. They managed to fix/improve this issue is SWTOR so hopefully it wont be impossible for GW2 to do the same.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Not sure why people are posting their computer specs. It has nothing to do with skill lag. Skill lag is an ANet server problem, their servers cannot process all of the skills fast enough in large battles.

In no way would any graphics settings have anything to do with skill lag, so I do not know why anyone thought this would be any better with more WvW graphics options.

ANet needs to get better servers or a better way to process all the skills at once.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkeye.5318


Just left WvW, when I am across the map from the zerg v zerg, dueling a single person, and we just auto attack each other, even heals dont work, thats when I draw the line. This needs to be fixed