Skill Points for Traits?

Skill Points for Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thejolmt.6091


I never get on forums, but this is ridiculous. You have to spend skill points for skills…and also to use the mystic forge, and now for traits. Seriously? The alternate being…what…go to places you don’t want to go and be forced to go do crap you don’t want to?

Oh, but level 80’s have an abundance of skill points. Okay, you grandfathered them in. So now they STILL have all the skill points that your other lowbie characters need and no need for them.

ArenaNet didn’t think this through. The skill point spending is now unbalanced and the game economy is starting to tilt in an unfavorable fashion.

I don’t have to spend trait points for skills, so why should I have to spend skill points for traits. Keep skill points for skills, trait points for traits, and for the love of all things holy, stop messing with an already good system.

(edited by thejolmt.6091)

Skill Points for Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lheimroo.2947


New characters don’t have the kind of skill points asked for.. so yes, you face the bad choice between engaging in tedious zone clears for single traits, or trying to pvp on a low-level character, or .. just going without the trait you want until you can spare the money and sps.

Is it bad? Yes, holy god. And I fully suspect they just don’t want to maintain two separate versions of the game between NA and China.. but lemme tell you this; I don’t play asian grinder mmos.

Skill Points for Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vespers.1759


gaawwwd this change kittenes me off. It would have been “okay” if i was on my first character, but now it’s just kitten.

I am currently leveling my 6th 80. I have already done all the map completion I want to on my other 5 characters. I do not want to do more mapping so I can wait for certain events to pop and get my traits. The thought of doing it again makes me want to uninstall the game. All I want now is to get my character to 80 as fast as possible.

Luckily I have some skillpoint scrolls saved, but I pity anyone who doesn’t because getting the traits is a super chore.

I wouldn’t care if a first character got traits this way, but alts should just get them.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Skill Points for Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


And I fully suspect they just don’t want to maintain two separate versions of the game between NA and China.. but lemme tell you this; I don’t play asian grinder mmos.

I don’t either. And there are plenty of other MMOs out there so if they want to go that way just tell me now…

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Skill Points for Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thejolmt.6091


I have 80’s of all the professions. I have them built the way I want with the traits I want. Having to jump through hoops or try to find where to earn more skill points if I wanted to rebuild them or even for the new characters I make and level up really makes me want to quit playing entirely. I don’t do PvP. I prefer PvE, and there just simply aren’t enough ways to earn SP in the game short of “leveling” once you hit 80.

So, what? I have to suck as a player until then? Quit screwing things up. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. And for the love of Pete, don’t “improve” it either. Leave it be. It’s bad enough you wait to start giving us trait points. We have to wait several levels to get them at all, and then you slam a bunch at us the closer we get to 80. I used to be able to get a good feel for my character by level 14ish; now I have to wait til like…50. I’m just grateful most of my character leveling happened before they screwed this up so I didn’t have to deal with the headache.

Any other suggestions for good MMO’s I could play instead? I’ve tried a bunch of crap already that was ‘eh’. This game went from great to ‘eh’ in about 3 months time of “improvements”.