Skill based content
Did you beat all four paths of Arah explorable mode yet?
I refuse to get a legendary till they have some kinda skill or epic based content to earn them with, I would like to see them roll out some content that tests players builds and skills and rewards those who push forward. Oh and don’t get me started on fractals I’m just 19 shy of being at 500 runs and being 1 shot from anything is hardly skill based fights fractals are pretty tame and easy still. Give us content that tests us and makes us think while rewarding those who do so without RNG to everything under the sun.
Did you beat all four paths of Arah explorable mode yet?
NO i will admit i am missing one path. The one with dwayna(i think it is) i did attempt this 3 times early in the game life however it was bugged back then.
but i dont just want a hard final boss i was thinking something like how FoW was back when GW1 was fresh.
I refuse to get a legendary till they have some kinda skill or epic based content to earn them with, I would like to see them roll out some content that tests players builds and skills and rewards those who push forward. Oh and don’t get me started on fractals I’m just 19 shy of being at 500 runs and being 1 shot from anything is hardly skill based fights fractals are pretty tame and easy still. Give us content that tests us and makes us think while rewarding those who do so without RNG to everything under the sun.
Yes…an actual (long) quest to earn a legendary would be nice…not this “buy it off the TP” garbage or something to that effect… that’s not “legendary” imo.
This thread isn’t about legendary weapons, they are fine how they are, maybe legendary armor set earned by a dungeon, that an avg person can only get done maybe once per week,
No hard content, more content that can be done by auto attacking and without dodging!
I speak for the majority of the Guild Wars 2 playerbase, we don not want challenging content! We don’t want content that is longer than 10 minutes.
More SABs!
No hard content, more content that can be done by auto attacking and without dodging!
I speak for the majority of the Guild Wars 2 playerbase, we don not want challenging content! We don’t want content that is longer than 10 minutes.More SABs!
You only speak for the majority of Nick.6972s. Even then, I’m not too sure. lol
No hard content, more content that can be done by auto attacking and without dodging!
I speak for the majority of the Guild Wars 2 playerbase, we don not want challenging content! We don’t want content that is longer than 10 minutes.More SABs!
You only speak for the majority of Nick.6972s. Even then, I’m not too sure. lol
fyi, it’s true. The majority, the average player, doesn’t want challenging content because they already think easy content is difficult. They want to be able to faceroll while thinking they’re super awesome and they want to complete the content in 30 minutes or less, because anything more doesn’t fit into their schedule. The majority consists of casual players, not gamers and their primary computer use is for facebook. Mainly, this is how WoW works, but I assume it’s the same in every MMO that uses social media.
I refuse to get a legendary till they have some kinda skill or epic based content to earn them with, I would like to see them roll out some content that tests players builds and skills and rewards those who push forward. Oh and don’t get me started on fractals I’m just 19 shy of being at 500 runs and being 1 shot from anything is hardly skill based fights fractals are pretty tame and easy still. Give us content that tests us and makes us think while rewarding those who do so without RNG to everything under the sun.
Yes…an actual (long) quest to earn a legendary would be nice…not this “buy it off the TP” garbage or something to that effect… that’s not “legendary” imo.
So don’t buy your Legendary weapon. Craft one yourself, don’t buy a single item from the Trading Post. That will make it pretty kitten legendary.
No hard content, more content that can be done by auto attacking and without dodging!
I speak for the majority of the Guild Wars 2 playerbase, we don not want challenging content! We don’t want content that is longer than 10 minutes.More SABs!
This boy is on a rampage after his thread asking for content made artificially harder got shut down. Will you ever stop posting the same thing over and over again? Thanks.
Oh and by the way SAB is gonna be insanely hard when later worlds and hard-mode come out. I bet what you want that you won’t be able to complete it when it’s finally done.
But yeah I do agree that the game needs something a little more challenging, but since it would only benefit a minority, I understand why it’s not their priority.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Really? Wasn’t aware of that.
Why make hard content that requires skill, players would enjoy hello kitty minigame more.
Yes, they clearly stated that they are aiming at Nintendo-hard content for SAB final levels/hard mode. And they are making it particularly hard because SAB has an easy-mode too, so the majority of players will be able to get through anyways. But enough derailing the thread from me.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
…i’m looking for something that myself and party can expect to fail at, and have to push and plan to achieve success.
Did you try the game of life? You know, finish school, get a job, get married and have kids, try to pay off the mortgage? Given your expectations of failure, you might like the game of life.
…i’m looking for something that myself and party can expect to fail at, and have to push and plan to achieve success.
Did you try the game of life? You know, finish school, get a job, get married and have kids, try to pay off the mortgage? Given your expectations of failure, you might like the game of life.
Lol troll hard, but i got all those things part from my own kids, but at 22 i can wait.
…i’m looking for something that myself and party can expect to fail at, and have to push and plan to achieve success.
Did you try the game of life? You know, finish school, get a job, get married and have kids, try to pay off the mortgage? Given your expectations of failure, you might like the game of life.
Lol troll hard, but i got all those things part from my own kids, but at 22 i can wait.
Seriously, some of you guys asking for Hard Content should try the Game of Life. You might start to appreciate some chill out gaming time with online friends. And you paid off the mortgage at 22? I’m calling bullkitten.
(edited by Herr der Friedhoefe.2490)
I tend to laugh at elitists because they’re just so darn cute, but the OP does have a point. The game is rich and deep enough that those who do excel at playing should have a Holy Grail to call their own, something that is just insanely hard that they can throw their best times at and mock those lesser life forms that can’t even do the runs. Seriously, OP I agree with you.
No hard content, more content that can be done by auto attacking and without dodging!
I speak for the majority of the Guild Wars 2 playerbase, we don not want challenging content! We don’t want content that is longer than 10 minutes.More SABs!
You only speak for the majority of Nick.6972s. Even then, I’m not too sure. lol
fyi, it’s true. The majority, the average player, doesn’t want challenging content because they already think easy content is difficult. They want to be able to faceroll while thinking they’re super awesome and they want to complete the content in 30 minutes or less, because anything more doesn’t fit into their schedule. The majority consists of casual players, not gamers and their primary computer use is for facebook. Mainly, this is how WoW works, but I assume it’s the same in every MMO that uses social media.
Not everyone who only has 30 minutes to play is crap. I was a hardcore gamer before I got a full time job/other responsibilities, and still toss on a good 5-10 hours of game time during the weekends. I, too, would love to see 30 minute long max content but I’d bet all the gold on my character that my engie could roflstomp 75% of the people on the forums in a duel any day of the week
(edited by Tolmos.8395)
…i’m looking for something that myself and party can expect to fail at, and have to push and plan to achieve success.
Did you try the game of life? You know, finish school, get a job, get married and have kids, try to pay off the mortgage? Given your expectations of failure, you might like the game of life.
Yeah curse those nolifers who play several hours a week and who don’t like easy content and who already have the things you mentioned.
Since i started checking 100% posts of people finding content too easy is from a guardian/warrior player >.<
Could it be that PvE balance is just a little to be reviewed?
Also that differently from what dev said:
Its not that guard and war are balanced and other professions are uneffective ..
War and Guard are INSANELY OP in pve…….
Lets go on counting :| for now 8 out of 8 ……
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
SAB was not meant to be hardcore content, neither was Flame & Frost. These were both added so that EVERYONE could take part and have a bit of fun. Also, not every player has the same skill set or preferences. What you find easy others find hard and visa versa. There is, from what I have seen, enough content in this game to cater for most types of player. I find dungeon explorables and fractals quite hard and that is enough challenging content to keep me happy.
But sometimes I want an easy or medium challenge. Cos, you know, I’ve had a crap day at work and just want to take my mind off things and relax. I don’t want a challenge I want fun. If the devs only catered to hardcore players and made every dungeon or mini game difficult, their player base would drop dramatically.
I’m not saying they should not add more difficult content, and I am sure they will at some point. They’ve added fractals, so I am confident they will add more. But not everyone wants/enjoys difficult content and Anet is not going to ignore those players, thankfully.
As to the game of life analogy, that’s not really helping the argument much. A lot of people like a challenge in their game, it’s why they log in in the first place. That doesn’t mean they should be denied a challenge. An MMO needs to cater to a very wide audience and the sooner we ALL realise this the sooner we can ALL accept that there is easy content AND difficult content. Personally, I think Anet has done a very good job in this regard, considering how difficult that is.
I never said i do not like Flame and Frost or SAB neither did i say they released it as Hard content, I’m saying they have release 90% of there content as something anyone can do. All i am looking for is something that everyone can “Try” and do. I’m farming this southsun map a lot. It’s nice i can watch some TV have a drink and still make some coin while i relax. but when i get days off and its 4pm every i had to do is done i want to do something that will challenge a party.
I didn’t make this post to say i’m better than others. I just want to say Anet/Devs its ok to give us something we just might not be able to farm.
To add the Flame and Frost Last boss fight. When i saw that and first got to do it i was just… so excited and couldn’t wait to get back in. But first time doing it for the whole party and we completed it first time in. Come on we are not all simple minded.
(edited by Devils.3679)
Try doing the content in full magic find gear. That should prove to be challenging.
Sanctum of Rall – Visit the site for Recruitment!
While I am not against harder content that requires skill and time to complete, I don’t think the community wants more ‘time consuming’ content. Sure, we have people calling for ‘more content’ and ‘harder content’ left, right, and center, but when they get it, they aren’t happy with it. No matter the shape, size, or difficulty.
For those calling for harder content, I don’t think that’s what the majority really honestly want. And I’m not talking about just the people that can only play maybe an hour a day either. The hard core players don’t like ‘time consuming’ which is why things like speed clears exist. Even hard core players want to ‘faceroll’ through the content so they can get their quick rewards. Gotta have that instant gratification.
Prime examples – We had hard content in GW1 – FoW, UW, DoA – but people complained that they took ‘too long’ that they ’couldn’t be completed with pugs’ etc and so on. It took time, skill, and teamwork to complete those things. If you got a bad player, you were NOT going to make it through. If someone screwed up and you wiped, you started OVER.
…Until gimmicky speed clears came along – and ‘easy mode’ was born:
DoA – Glaiveway
FoW – Manlywway
UW – Sinway or w/e it was called
People don’t want ‘time consuming’
They don’t want ‘challenging’
They want to be able to spam a specific rotation and waltz through the content for their pretties, and CoF P1 is becoming an excellent example of this crap in GW2.
People are calling for things that make them work to achieve it, and when they get even something slightly inconvenient, they explode into a torrent of whining on the forums.
I feel really sorry for Anet at times. They are kittened if they do, kittened if they don’t.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
Active forum users form less than 1% of the playerbase. even if 99% of the players here on this site don’t want harder content, doesn’t mean all the other people in game thinks the same.
LanfearShadowflame.3189 does have a good point, But i remember really enjoying FoW UW in the early days of GW1. I stopped playing GW1 short time after eotn gave us an “easy mode” because A) why would you do something in 2 hours you could do in less than 1. couldn’t get players to do non-easy mode due to ^A^..
but yes he has a point making us grind a dungeon for 2 hours isn’t hard content.
maybe a solo dungeon. I really do not know however.
Honestly those Star levels in Mario recently have increase in difficulty. That bloody last level in SMG2 is brutal!
LanfearShadowflame.3189 does have a good point, But i remember really enjoying FoW UW in the early days of GW1. I stopped playing GW1 short time after eotn gave us an “easy mode” because A) why would you do something in 2 hours you could do in less than 1.
couldn’t get players to do non-easy mode due to ^A^..
but yes she has a point making us grind a dungeon for 2 hours isn’t hard content.
maybe a solo dungeon. I really do not know however.
Fixed that for you ~.^
I enjoyed doing FoW and UW ‘old school’ and really the only ‘speed clear’ that I enjoyed was Ursanway, mainly because I could take anybody I wanted to. No one was excluded because they weren’t the right class. Although, I played those things because they required teamwork, and because generally just being with the people made them fun. Hell, failing was even fun in the right group. It wasn’t all about how quickly you could get to the cookie.
I tried the other speed clears….even did glaiveway to make some cash on my ele (them torment weapons aint cheap), but they always lacked the camaraderie you found in ‘balanced’ groups.
So maybe partly what we’re missing isn’t so much ‘difficulty’ as that ‘feeling’…
Although, I’d love to see them throw something the equivalent of Skellies of Dhuum into CoF P1 just to see those speed clear groups crap themselves. hehehehehehehe
Active forum users form less than 1% of the playerbase. even if 99% of the players here on this site don’t want harder content, doesn’t mean all the other people in game thinks the same.
Or it could mean that. Do you have evidence either way?
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!
Thank you for correcting me, She is 100% correct. and added a point i was missing. FUN! god i remember when i first started tanking FoW there was a lot of yelling for a res lol, could we have an 11th skill for ressing. This would give so much more depth into what Anet could put out in the way of content.
Thank you for correcting me, She is 100% correct. and added a point i was missing. FUN! god i remember when i first started tanking FoW there was a lot of yelling for a res lol, could we have an 11th skill for ressing. This would give so much more depth into what Anet could put out in the way of content.
A lot of people ‘neglect’ the fun factor. Games have turned into jobs these days. Its about how efficient you can be, how fast you can get the shiney (oooo shiney), no longer really about the teamwork or about just having a laugh with random people or just enjoying yourself as you find new things. There have been any number of occasions (in both GW1 and GW2) where the group I was with has completely died and it was FUN. More of a ‘what the heck just happened’ moment then a ‘its so-and-so’s fault’ moment. Pure, simple, and enjoyable. I think we need more of this, things that inspire these types of moments rather than something hard for the sake of being hard.
Oh, and I forgot to add…tanks are so overrated :p I think we did FoW (even in the old days) without a tank 95% of the time. Uber monkage ftw!
Player: -dies- Where’d my bond go?
Monk: I removed it
Player: WHAT? Why?
Monk: Because you’re a moron
Player: Rez me!
Monk: Why?
Player: …
Ah, the good old days….
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
Maybe all they need to do is add in-game voice chat for parties.
i really dont know
Thank you for correcting me, She is 100% correct. and added a point i was missing. FUN! god i remember when i first started tanking FoW there was a lot of yelling for a res lol, could we have an 11th skill for ressing. This would give so much more depth into what Anet could put out in the way of content.
A lot of people ‘neglect’ the fun factor. Games have turned into jobs these days. Its about how efficient you can be, how fast you can get the shiney (oooo shiney), no longer really about the teamwork or about just having a laugh with random people or just enjoying yourself as you find new things. There have been any number of occasions (in both GW1 and GW2) where the group I was with has completely died and it was FUN. More of a ‘what the heck just happened’ moment then a ‘its so-and-so’s fault’ moment. Pure, simple, and enjoyable. I think we need more of this, things that inspire these types of moments rather than something hard for the sake of being hard.
Oh, and I forgot to add…tanks are so overrated :p I think we did FoW (even in the old days) without a tank 95% of the time. Uber monkage ftw!
Player: -dies- Where’d my bond go?
Monk: I removed it
Player: WHAT? Why?
Monk: Because you’re a moron
Player: Rez me!
Monk: Why?
Player: …Ah, the good old days….
Agree .
Active forum users form less than 1% of the playerbase. even if 99% of the players here on this site don’t want harder content, doesn’t mean all the other people in game thinks the same.
Do you think players that don’t come to the forums are more hard core or less hard core.
Everyone who follows the MMO industry for any length of time knows that the bulk of MMO players are casual. Devs from other games have said it. It’s a pretty well known fact.
Ghostcrawler, one of the main WoW developers said that only 5% of the playerbase ever see the hardest content. 5%.
Do you really think Guild Wars 2 is any different?
Active forum users form less than 1% of the playerbase. even if 99% of the players here on this site don’t want harder content, doesn’t mean all the other people in game thinks the same.
Do you think players that don’t come to the forums are more hard core or less hard core.
Everyone who follows the MMO industry for any length of time knows that the bulk of MMO players are casual. Devs from other games have said it. It’s a pretty well known fact.
Ghostcrawler, one of the main WoW developers said that only 5% of the playerbase ever see the hardest content. 5%.
Do you really think Guild Wars 2 is any different?
And that’s what the whole argument against hard content tends to boil down to.
Hard content is, by definition, harder to program than the stuff you can make for casuals. So a dungeon fit for casuals and a “hard dungeon” have very different development times. The former also has a much wider audience than the latter.
So from a point of view of optimizing developer time, the casual dungeon makes more sense.
Also, just take a look at the player base. We have a whole community of speedrunners. Those people sure as hell don’t give two licks about difficulty. If anything, they’re the anti-thesis of it. So even our “hardcore” playerbase is split to people who desire hard content and people who desire the opposite.
I refuse to get a legendary till they have some kinda skill or epic based content to earn them with, I would like to see them roll out some content that tests players builds and skills and rewards those who push forward. Oh and don’t get me started on fractals I’m just 19 shy of being at 500 runs and being 1 shot from anything is hardly skill based fights fractals are pretty tame and easy still. Give us content that tests us and makes us think while rewarding those who do so without RNG to everything under the sun.
I completely agree that in order to fix many things wrong with the game they must stop making legendary items an economy only thing. It’s breaking the whole game.
We filthy casuals can’t get anything to drop because they made the legendaries a T6 grind, and the hard core content doesn’t give anything in the way of legendary mats really to add to the prestige of having a legendary item.
So in that spirit in order to satisfy the needs of both of these parties they should make the dungeons all give something that will make legendaries (no more T6 mats just some kind of token currency or something maybe a prerequisite to purchase without 10 months of grinding but hard enough content to satisfy the hardcore folks, or maybe some kind of special varied run system where there’s a daily dungeonpath sequence that would change daily for legendaries that would force people to explore the harder paths in the dungeons if they wish to get a legendary item) but at the same time return the T6 loot to the rest of the world so that legit farmers can get back to the business of getting rewarded for our time playing.
It would be a win win.
As far as casual dungeons are concerned, there should be no such thing. I am a casual player I came to this game to escape the constant need to run a dungeon that every other cookie cutter mmo forces us all to do. There shouldn’t be a casual dungeon in this game, they changed the focus of the dungeons in Nov 2012 to be all about the hardcore folks so they really should be doing that. Changing the dungeons so that doing a certain number of the harder paths per day would give the new non T6 crafting materials for these paths used specifically for gaining a legendary would solve the problem of people running CoF 1 all the time and would solve the economy problem right off the bat.
And they could concentrate on giving us casuals the things we need like permanent open world content each month (even if it was 4 DEs and 1 meta at a time) as well as return the mats for crafting to those of us who don’t use the mystic toilet so we can finally at long last feel like we are being rewarded for our time in the world each day.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Disclaimer: This is not a brag-post.
I played FFXI for six years. I was an excellent player with excellent gear and an excellent static party of linkshell mates. From running Chains of Promathia start to finish to low-manning Charby for a Joyeuse, there was no challenge we couldn’t overcome with skill. And we enjoyed the challenge of these types of difficult content (CoP 6-4 being the ultimate example).
But the vast majority of MMO players aren’t looking for simply aren’t interested in or capable of dealing with these types of challenges. And that creates a dilemma for the content designers. You can’t lock contend (like FFXI’s Sea) behind difficult content because you’ll be denying a huge section of your game to said content. And you (for the most part) can’t appease the challenge-seeking players by throwing out difficult content without making the rewards equally impressive.
That leaves the choice between making difficult content that very few players will appreciate or spending those resources elsewhere. And something to keep in mind with regards to challenge as it pertains to GW2 is this game doesn’t have many gear checks. This means all challenge would simply be a test of skill, and some players are far more skilled than others.
I do miss the challenges of FFXI and I do think GW2 is far too easy, but I understand why ANet set the bar so low with regards to challenge. I’m still able to enjoy the game despite it’s easy difficulty, but I fully understand where some players would be left wanting to test themselves. For better or for worse, the game is what it is. And video games in general, not just MMOs, have realized that easy content appeals to more people.
Disclaimer: This is not a brag-post.
I played FFXI for six years. I was an excellent player with excellent gear and an excellent static party of linkshell mates. From running Chains of Promathia start to finish to low-manning Charby for a Joyeuse, there was no challenge we couldn’t overcome with skill. And we enjoyed the challenge of these types of difficult content (CoP 6-4 being the ultimate example).
But the vast majority of MMO players aren’t looking for simply aren’t interested in or capable of dealing with these types of challenges. And that creates a dilemma for the content designers. You can’t lock contend (like FFXI’s Sea) behind difficult content because you’ll be denying a huge section of your game to said content. And you (for the most part) can’t appease the challenge-seeking players by throwing out difficult content without making the rewards equally impressive.
That leaves the choice between making difficult content that very few players will appreciate or spending those resources elsewhere. And something to keep in mind with regards to challenge as it pertains to GW2 is this game doesn’t have many gear checks. This means all challenge would simply be a test of skill, and some players are far more skilled than others.
I do miss the challenges of FFXI and I do think GW2 is far too easy, but I understand why ANet set the bar so low with regards to challenge. I’m still able to enjoy the game despite it’s easy difficulty, but I fully understand where some players would be left wanting to test themselves. For better or for worse, the game is what it is. And video games in general, not just MMOs, have realized that easy content appeals to more people.
I wish I could find the quote, but… back when AoC changed management after its initial poor performance, the new guy in charge said that their demographics showed that their player-base was repeating easier content, and not the harder content. MMO’s are by their nature based on repetitive play. If hard content is introduced, players either make repeating it palatable through things like speed clears, or they do it a few times, then ignore it.
In GW2, you need look no further than the changes to Orr events from April 30. I see people claiming to enjoy this content, but I don’t see the temple events being completed — or even attempted. Take Lyssa, for example. Since April 30 there have been 13 “temple opened” posts in the Lyssa thread — several from the same server.
I refuse to get a legendary till they have some kinda skill or epic based content to earn them with, I would like to see them roll out some content that tests players builds and skills and rewards those who push forward. Oh and don’t get me started on fractals I’m just 19 shy of being at 500 runs and being 1 shot from anything is hardly skill based fights fractals are pretty tame and easy still. Give us content that tests us and makes us think while rewarding those who do so without RNG to everything under the sun.
Legenday’s have so little value for the effort needed to get one that if I ever got one, I would simply buy it off of the TP (I considered it this last weekend, but there really isn’y one I even want that badly). Playing the TP can net you a ton of gold in a relatively short period of time, especially if you have a decent amount of start up cash on hand. Not to mention doing the daily Meta chest circuit and farming the chest events in SSC, and you can easily make enough gold to buy a Legendary far faster than you could get one by jumping through all the hoops. It also saves you from having to bother with the whole “100% world complete”.