Skimpy armor for male characters
I’ve a question for those of you that are saying that the game is sexist for having some ‘skimpy’ armors for females: what do you say to female players, regardless of their own real life proclivity, that want there to be these types of armors for their female characters? Over the years I’ve asked of the many female gamers I’ve met, particularly in both gw1 and gw2, whether they’d life for ‘skimpy’ armors to be done away with completely. And almost without exception the answer has been an emphatic Kitten No (with only one exception that comes to mind of an older gamer that would only make Asura). I mean, if its something women also want, is it still sexist?
I’ll field this one. IMHO, it’s not sexist to offer skimpy/revealing/sexy armor for women, what is sexist, is that there is not ALSO, skimpy/revealing/sexy armor for the men.
But just so we’re clear, independent of the state of male armor, female armor that shows skin isn’t sexist to you?
Sexism is about being unfair.
Case in point, Conan ran around in a loin cloth displaying beefcake everywhere he want, Red Sonja wore a Chain-mail Bikini giving cheesecake… so they both dished out the cake pretty good.
That is not Sexism.. Even if they were both being sexualized.
Sexism is where Red Sonja is still forced to wear the Bikini and Conan is given a three layer leather armor that covers him completely.
Equally so, if Conan was still forced to run around in his Loin Cloth and Sonja was given a full suit of double layer chainmail, that too would be sexist.
Being sexual, or looking sexy, has nothing to do with Sexism.
Or such is my feels on the matter.. I am sure someone will say I am wrong.
I would have to agree. In GW1, half the male norn ran around shirtless, but I guess they’ve gotten more prudish in the past quarter century. Shame.
I’ve a question for those of you that are saying that the game is sexist for having some ‘skimpy’ armors for females: what do you say to female players, regardless of their own real life proclivity, that want there to be these types of armors for their female characters? Over the years I’ve asked of the many female gamers I’ve met, particularly in both gw1 and gw2, whether they’d life for ‘skimpy’ armors to be done away with completely. And almost without exception the answer has been an emphatic Kitten No (with only one exception that comes to mind of an older gamer that would only make Asura). I mean, if its something women also want, is it still sexist?
A woman, or even some women, wanting something does not prevent it from being sexist. There are women who believe, or at least state that they believe, that women should be subbordinate to men. Sexist even if the person stating the belief is female.
That’s a big leap from personal tastes to think oneself is subordinate to another. And also a mine-field if I ever saw one. To be frank, you don’t really have to tell me that in certain parts of the world where there is a real patriarchy, yes women are taught to believe that but in respect to this discussion, which ones probably going to play video games: the one that just likes to show a little skin or the one that lives….in other places?
You asked if something can be sexist even if a woman wants it. I pointed out that it can be, and provided an example. The example, for what its worth, is not from some, “other places,” or, “certain parts of the world,” but rather is taken from members/citizens of, theoretically, enlightened countries and cultures.
Something can be sexist regardless of the gender of the individual who desires it.
If this was a thread for the removal of any armor style, I’d be against it but since this is a request for the addition of armor styles I’m all for it.
More choice = Better.
I’ve a question for those of you that are saying that the game is sexist for having some ‘skimpy’ armors for females: what do you say to female players, regardless of their own real life proclivity, that want there to be these types of armors for their female characters? Over the years I’ve asked of the many female gamers I’ve met, particularly in both gw1 and gw2, whether they’d life for ‘skimpy’ armors to be done away with completely. And almost without exception the answer has been an emphatic Kitten No (with only one exception that comes to mind of an older gamer that would only make Asura). I mean, if its something women also want, is it still sexist?
A woman, or even some women, wanting something does not prevent it from being sexist. There are women who believe, or at least state that they believe, that women should be subbordinate to men. Sexist even if the person stating the belief is female.
That’s a big leap from personal tastes to think oneself is subordinate to another. And also a mine-field if I ever saw one. To be frank, you don’t really have to tell me that in certain parts of the world where there is a real patriarchy, yes women are taught to believe that but in respect to this discussion, which ones probably going to play video games: the one that just likes to show a little skin or the one that lives….in other places?
You asked if something can be sexist even if a woman wants it. I pointed out that it can be, and provided an example. The example, for what its worth, is not from some, “other places,” or, “certain parts of the world,” but rather is taken from members/citizens of, theoretically, enlightened countries and cultures.
Something can be sexist regardless of the gender of the individual who desires it.
At some point though, you have to understand the actual definition of words so you can clarify a personal interpretation of a situation. Sexist and sexism is prejudice or discrimination by sex. That may look cut-and-dry negative but prejudice is not a bad thing, we do it every day to evaluate situations and keep ourselves safe and out of bad situations, and discrimination is a completely neutral thing that people can’t help but do for everything (have you seen how many categories of gender there are on the internet? that’s discriminating individuals into groups by perceived sexual orientation/preferences).
Now sexist is discriminating by sex which, in this context, is a good thing for female characters but labeled as bad. Females characters have choices that some male characters want. This may have to do with relating to realism, where women tend to dress more fashionably and more expressively while men dress for utility and more strictly which is why you don’t have as many open chest/bare arm options for men (because it reflects life) or perhaps it’s just that most simply don’t care and are using their resources on what sells. This might also reflect majority opinion, as you don’t see that many threads about “skimpy male armor” (I post in every one that pops up).
But if the latter were true, and it’s more about majority and not about some agenda, then all we have to do is ask for options. There’s no reason to give an excuse (sexism) for asking for said option. Even the most infuriating game to play as a male character (Tera), I wouldn’t call sexist, they just aiming for cash so they only release new classes for female characters…I don’t play that game much anymore.
As someone who plays heavy armor I wish there was skimpy armor for females.
Oh, gimme a break! There are enough “tiddy holder” sets.
Wow I thought this thread was a joke the first time I saw it.
How old are you to not understand the issue and the wish for equality?
A woman, or even some women, wanting something does not prevent it from being sexist. There are women who believe, or at least state that they believe, that women should be subbordinate to men. Sexist even if the person stating the belief is female.
Thank you. This is exactly the case.
So, as the OP already stated in their initial post, there are two options: Either stop creating armor sets where the female version does not equal the male one and is skimpy (thus sexist) in comparison (while the male couterpart fully covers the body), or start creating an equal amount of skimpy armor sets for male characters.
(edited by Ashantara.8731)
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
Please GW2, stop oppressing your male characters.
Let them walk around in comfort and style, displaying their physical handsomeness to all who appreciate the male physique. There is nothing wrong with the exposed male body, please stop forcing them to hide it with suffocating full coverage armors.
People want an agenda it seems so there it is. FREE THE MEN!
Also, give female characters the ability to use the male armor sets!
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
Thank you, but it is unnecessary. We do understand quite well what the OP stated he or she wanted, but conversations by nature do change their exact topic of discussion as they move forward. Doubly so for the internet. I only asked a question of a similar theme in response primarily to some of the language people were using in this thread.
And I made a bad joke about tumblr, which I won’t apologize for.
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
No, there aren’t enough revealing sets for either gender IMHO if you look at the gallery someone posted on this thread a day ago.
Those of you out there who dislike revealing sets, please don’t attempt to speak for other players. I’m a woman and I like showing skin on my characters… and so do my girlfriends (oops, do we suffer from internalized misogyny?) . It’s pretty sexist too to dictate what a woman can or cannot wear doncha think?
That said, choice is always good: more options, more happy players in my book.
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
Well, to be fair its an almost universal policy for businesses to require that customers wear a minimum of clothing. The whole “No shirt, no shoes, no service” deal from back in the day.
I’ve a question for those of you that are saying that the game is sexist for having some ‘skimpy’ armors for females: what do you say to female players, regardless of their own real life proclivity, that want there to be these types of armors for their female characters? Over the years I’ve asked of the many female gamers I’ve met, particularly in both gw1 and gw2, whether they’d life for ‘skimpy’ armors to be done away with completely. And almost without exception the answer has been an emphatic Kitten No (with only one exception that comes to mind of an older gamer that would only make Asura). I mean, if its something women also want, is it still sexist?
A woman, or even some women, wanting something does not prevent it from being sexist. There are women who believe, or at least state that they believe, that women should be subbordinate to men. Sexist even if the person stating the belief is female.
That’s a big leap from personal tastes to think oneself is subordinate to another. And also a mine-field if I ever saw one. To be frank, you don’t really have to tell me that in certain parts of the world where there is a real patriarchy, yes women are taught to believe that but in respect to this discussion, which ones probably going to play video games: the one that just likes to show a little skin or the one that lives….in other places?
You asked if something can be sexist even if a woman wants it. I pointed out that it can be, and provided an example. The example, for what its worth, is not from some, “other places,” or, “certain parts of the world,” but rather is taken from members/citizens of, theoretically, enlightened countries and cultures.
Something can be sexist regardless of the gender of the individual who desires it.
At some point though, you have to understand the actual definition of words so you can clarify a personal interpretation of a situation. Sexist and sexism is prejudice or discrimination by sex.
I didn’t comment as to whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. That was not the question to which I was responding.
I do know the definition and it is still sexist, by that definition.
I’ve a question for those of you that are saying that the game is sexist for having some ‘skimpy’ armors for females: what do you say to female players, regardless of their own real life proclivity, that want there to be these types of armors for their female characters? Over the years I’ve asked of the many female gamers I’ve met, particularly in both gw1 and gw2, whether they’d life for ‘skimpy’ armors to be done away with completely. And almost without exception the answer has been an emphatic Kitten No (with only one exception that comes to mind of an older gamer that would only make Asura). I mean, if its something women also want, is it still sexist?
I’ll field this one. IMHO, it’s not sexist to offer skimpy/revealing/sexy armor for women, what is sexist, is that there is not ALSO, skimpy/revealing/sexy armor for the men.
Gladiator. Scallywag.
Also, I can run t3 frac with no chest armor on.
I agree totally with the general tenor of the OP. I’ve been wanting more pants and the like for female characters. It shouldn’t be that female characters are treated like swimsuit models while male characters are dressed in tortured armor configurations (who can actually fight in more than half of those crappy armors?). Why are armors gender defined in any event? If its a body model issue, just create male and female versions of everything. How hard can it be?
Its a new world, Anet. Get with the program.
I’ve a question for those of you that are saying that the game is sexist for having some ‘skimpy’ armors for females: what do you say to female players, regardless of their own real life proclivity, that want there to be these types of armors for their female characters? Over the years I’ve asked of the many female gamers I’ve met, particularly in both gw1 and gw2, whether they’d life for ‘skimpy’ armors to be done away with completely. And almost without exception the answer has been an emphatic Kitten No (with only one exception that comes to mind of an older gamer that would only make Asura). I mean, if its something women also want, is it still sexist?
I’ll field this one. IMHO, it’s not sexist to offer skimpy/revealing/sexy armor for women, what is sexist, is that there is not ALSO, skimpy/revealing/sexy armor for the men.
Gladiator. Scallywag.
Flamewrath.Also, I can run t3 frac with no chest armor on.
skimpy implies the revelation of body parts deemed “sexual.” Hairy chests, while possibly sexy (I hope so, having one), doesn’t quite equate to cleavage, posteriors, and similar areas that are revealed on female characters.
And by the way, anyone asking for skimpy male armor in the light or heavy classes is either blind, stupid or lazy.
The only people in this game who have a legit gripe over non-skimpiness are male medium classes. End of story.
As a side note for FEMALES who want to cover up;
Ornate Guild
I don’t feel like going into medium armor since this took 5 minutes as it is.
Tell me more about how there are no modest female armor options.
Blind. Lazy.
And by the way, anyone asking for skimpy male armor in the light or heavy classes is either blind, stupid or lazy.
The only people in this game who have a legit gripe over non-skimpiness are male medium classes. End of story.
As a side note for FEMALES who want to cover up;
Ornate Guild
Trickster’sI don’t feel like going into medium armor since this took 5 minutes as it is.
Tell me more about how there are no modest female armor options.Blind. Lazy.
Pants. Female characters want pants. Not blousy genie pants. Not butt capes. Pants. Practical combat wear.
And by the way, anyone asking for skimpy male armor in the light or heavy classes is either blind, stupid or lazy.
The only people in this game who have a legit gripe over non-skimpiness are male medium classes. End of story.
As a side note for FEMALES who want to cover up;
Ornate Guild
Trickster’sI don’t feel like going into medium armor since this took 5 minutes as it is.
Tell me more about how there are no modest female armor options.Blind. Lazy.
Stupid.Pants. Female characters want pants. Not blousy genie pants. Not butt capes. Pants. Practical combat wear.
and literally every medium armor ever
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
You make me glad I live in a cold place.
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
What about in casual settings like going out to eat with friends, going to a movie or concert, going out for a drink with your work friends, going to school, going to work or even formal settings like work meetings, recitals, formal banquets, ect?
We’re talking about adding more skimpy male armor to a fantasy game where players already have the option to be 9 feet tall with a huge neon handlebar mustache while carrying a disco ball and being followed by a miniature Lord Faren in speedos. Why are we bringing what’s socially acceptable in real life into any of this?
More skimpy armor for males! More options! Let players escape the pressures of real society and live out their fantasies in this fantasy MMO!
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
What about in casual settings like going out to eat with friends, going to a movie or concert, going out for a drink with your work friends, going to school, going to work or even formal settings like work meetings, recitals, formal banquets, ect?
It’s still about the same. I don’t get where people think that women dress like tramps all the time and men are modest. It just ain’t what I see.
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
You make me glad I live in a cold place.
What about a man wearing a muscle shirt and spandex shorts or a speedo makes you so uncomfortable that you have to post a “kill it with fire” gif?
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
What about in casual settings like going out to eat with friends, going to a movie or concert, going out for a drink with your work friends, going to school, going to work or even formal settings like work meetings, recitals, formal banquets, ect?
It’s still about the same. I don’t get where people think that women dress like tramps all the time and men are modest. It just ain’t what I see.
It’s not about dressing like tramps (i never said that) it’s about the amount of covering and the variety of options. So you’re saying that, for example, in a formal work setting with a professional dress policy, men and women have the same amount of options?
Why are armors gender defined in any event? If its a body model issue, just create male and female versions of everything. How hard can it be?
Its a new world, Anet. Get with the program.
So much this.
Why are armors gender defined in any event? If its a body model issue, just create male and female versions of everything. How hard can it be?
Its a new world, Anet. Get with the program.
So much this.
It likely has something to do with players wanting their female character to look like women and their male character to look like men.
So we’re asking for skimpy male armor but want armor to be non gendered? Excuse me, but if the armor has a bare chest, should the female version also be the same?
(edited by Oda Nobunaga.2395)
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
You make me glad I live in a cold place.
What about a man wearing a muscle shirt and spandex shorts or a speedo makes you so uncomfortable that you have to post a “kill it with fire” gif?
Its called a joke, bro. People are overly tense on this thread, tryin’ to break the tension with bad humor.
(edited by The Greyhawk.9107)
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
What about in casual settings like going out to eat with friends, going to a movie or concert, going out for a drink with your work friends, going to school, going to work or even formal settings like work meetings, recitals, formal banquets, ect?
It’s still about the same. I don’t get where people think that women dress like tramps all the time and men are modest. It just ain’t what I see.
It’s not about dressing like tramps (i never said that) it’s about the amount of covering and the variety of options. So you’re saying that, for example, in a formal work setting with a professional dress policy, men and women have the same amount of options?
Leo’s got a point here, in a white collar job men are almost universally required to wear a button down shirt and slacks (and often a tie and a jacket). Women in this sphere at least do typically have more options, including options to, you guessed it, expose more skin. And not even in any salacious way either, a very modest knee-length skirt does show skin, whereas men can’t really get away with wearing shorts. I’ll admit I’m not sure how to necessarily apply this to game armors, but outside that Leo’s still correct.
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
it’s still silly and unnecessary, women typically wear skimpy clothes out in public, but you never see a dude with his shirt off at the store for example.
yah know.. there are signs on most store doors that say “No shirt no Service” for a reason.
But that aside, where I live, I see a lot of guys wearing “muscle” shirts, spandex shorts, sometimes wearing nothing but sneakers and speedos™ while out power walking.
So honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.
What about in casual settings like going out to eat with friends, going to a movie or concert, going out for a drink with your work friends, going to school, going to work or even formal settings like work meetings, recitals, formal banquets, ect?
It’s still about the same. I don’t get where people think that women dress like tramps all the time and men are modest. It just ain’t what I see.
It’s not about dressing like tramps (i never said that) it’s about the amount of covering and the variety of options. So you’re saying that, for example, in a formal work setting with a professional dress policy, men and women have the same amount of options?
But that is exactly what this discussion is about. Imagine if you worked in an Office were Men wore full length Slacks and a button up long sleeve shirt, Shirt, and Women were expected to wear biker chaps, a thong and a Bodice.
That is what is happening in most MMO’s. women are given skimpy, sexually revealing outfits and men are modestly covered.
All anyone is asking for is to give the guys the Chaps, thong and muscle shirt, while the women wear their chaps, thong and bodice, and I don’t think that is being unreasonable.
All Id want is my conan the barbarian looking armor sets, or just a fur loincloth similar to his. Id love to also have the ability to have an invisible chest plate for say norn or charr, Id love to have Something Akin to the Druid from Diablo 2’s base armor skin, Anything that has furs and pelts along with some kitten cosmetics.
Why are armors gender defined in any event? If its a body model issue, just create male and female versions of everything. How hard can it be?
Its a new world, Anet. Get with the program.
So much this.
It likely has something to do with players wanting their female character to look like women and their male character to look like men.
If you want to wear something more traditionally associated with gender, you’re still free to do so and you’ve still got options. But, I’m not sure how your comment applies to the aforementioned male chest revealing and female chest revealing items. Are you saying that chest revealing men look like women? Or vice versa? I’m not clear on your point here.
Pants. Female characters want pants. Not blousy genie pants. Not butt capes. Pants. Practical combat wear.
and literally every medium armor ever
That’s the problem. Light doesn’t have any. How hard is it to make pants in all armor classes?
Leo’s got a point here, in a white collar job men are almost universally required to wear a button down shirt and slacks (and often a tie and a jacket). Women in this sphere at least do typically have more options, including options to, you guessed it, expose more skin. And not even in any salacious way either, a very modest knee-length skirt does show skin, whereas men can’t really get away with wearing shorts. I’ll admit I’m not sure how to necessarily apply this to game armors, but outside that Leo’s still correct.
lol now you’re making me blush. No one ever agrees with me but perhaps it’s because I tend to take a contrary stance on most subjects.
If you want to wear something more traditionally associated with gender, you’re still free to do so and you’ve still got options. But, I’m not sure how your comment applies to the aforementioned male chest revealing and female chest revealing items. Are you saying that chest revealing men look like women? Or vice versa? I’m not clear on your point here.
There was nothing mentioning “chest revealing” in the post you quoted. The question my reply was answering was “Why are armors gender defined in any event?”.
But that is exactly what this discussion is about. Imagine if you worked in an Office were Men wore full length Slacks and a button up long sleeve shirt, Shirt, and Women were expected to wear biker chaps, a thong and a Bodice.
Bad example. Imagine you and a group of buddies from work decide to go out for a drink. The guys may wear something like this:
While your female friends may wear something similar to the above OR:
And that is what is happening in GW2 (what happens in other MMOs is a different story), female characters are given skimpy gear along side modest gear and male characters are partially excluded from skimpy gear.
All anyone is asking for is to give the guys the Chaps, thong and muscle shirt, while the women wear their chaps, thong and bodice, and I don’t think that is being unreasonable.
Like I said in a previous post, there’s nothing wrong with asking for more options but when people make blatantly false statements or over-exaggerations, you leave room for people to punch your posts in the gut and weaken your requests.
we need skimpy male sets.
why do i even bother with cool norn tatts, sylvari glowy-ness, charr nat.geo. rp’ing, or asura markings if I can’t see them?
Bad example. Imagine you and a group of buddies from work decide to go out for a drink. The guys may wear something like this: your female friends may wear something similar to the above OR: that is what is happening in GW2 (what happens in other MMOs is a different story), female characters are given skimpy gear along side modest gear and male characters are partially excluded from skimpy gear.
No.. what is going on in GW2 is this..
See.. the problem that everyone is talking about?
No.. what is going on in GW2 is this..
See.. the problem that everyone is talking about?
All i see from that example is poorly designed clothing for both sexs.
Bad example. Imagine you and a group of buddies from work decide to go out for a drink. The guys may wear something like this: your female friends may wear something similar to the above OR: that is what is happening in GW2 (what happens in other MMOs is a different story), female characters are given skimpy gear along side modest gear and male characters are partially excluded from skimpy gear.
No.. what is going on in GW2 is this..
See.. the problem that everyone is talking about?
Of the same token, we also have some stuff like this:
as well as many examples where, as far as exposed skin goes, there is little to no difference between male and females:
Bad example. Imagine you and a group of buddies from work decide to go out for a drink. The guys may wear something like this: your female friends may wear something similar to the above OR: that is what is happening in GW2 (what happens in other MMOs is a different story), female characters are given skimpy gear along side modest gear and male characters are partially excluded from skimpy gear.
No.. what is going on in GW2 is this..
See.. the problem that everyone is talking about?
Of the same token, we also have some stuff like this:
as well as many examples where, as far as exposed skin goes, there is little to no difference between male and females:
See we have moved off the topic.. so again
Minor Reminder: This is a topic asking for the addition of Skimpy Male Armors to go along with the Skimpy Female armor..
This is not asking to remove any of the existing Skimpy Female armor.
Just because there is some semblance of fairness for some of the armors, this does not change the original point, that the OP wants male equals to the Female masquerade armor, and, they should be put in.
Most armor in this game is completely designed for half naked females. Male armor is usually an afterthought, where all they do is remove some flairs and details from the female version and give males a more drab version.
It’s really sexist armor design. Look at Luminescenet armor for the most blatant examples.
Even the legendary armor covers the males up from head to toe while the women show skin.
You’ll never get parity since Kristen Perry left the character/art team and she was the only one championing equality.
Now all armor is half naked female with males virtually in full body veils.
You’ll never get parity since Kristen Perry left the character/art team and she was the only one championing equality.
Now all armor is half naked female with males virtually in full body veils.
Again, when people speak in hyperbole, I feel forced to expose it.
There’s more to an MMO than running around actually playing the game. Want to show off your sylvari bioluminescence or charr fur patterns? Stand in a city for a few hours naked. No one will bat an eye. You might even get some… like-minded individuals to join in. Then, when you’re done with that, strap on that body-conforming, oppressively sexist full plate set and smash some heads.
You’ll never get parity since Kristen Perry left the character/art team and she was the only one championing equality.
Now all armor is half naked female with males virtually in full body veils.
Again, when people speak in hyperbole, I feel forced to expose it.
Now grab all the armors. Not just your cherry picked cases which make the vast minority.
You’ll never get parity since Kristen Perry left the character/art team and she was the only one championing equality.
Now all armor is half naked female with males virtually in full body veils.
Again, when people speak in hyperbole, I feel forced to expose it.
vs grab all the armors. Not just your cherry picked cases which make the vast minority.
Did you not say “You’ll never get parity since Kristen Perry left the character/art team and she was the only one championing equality.”? Those links may be aimed to provide more parity. Like i said, hyperbole…
Fyi, those are light armor sets that will be released in the PoF expansion.
(edited by Leo G.4501)
You’ll never get parity since Kristen Perry left the character/art team and she was the only one championing equality.
Now all armor is half naked female with males virtually in full body veils.
Again, when people speak in hyperbole, I feel forced to expose it.
vs grab all the armors. Not just your cherry picked cases which make the vast minority.
But it isn’t the vast majority that’s “skimpy” , its not even half (wouldn’t even be a quarter if you took Charr and Asura into account, but I don’t need to be told that we aren’t really doing that). There’s a difference between being hyperbolic and being dishonest.
I"m not actually against more options, just so you know. Rather, not unlike Leo, I feel the need to point out what (to me at least) appear to be fallacious arguments and question aberrant statements.
(edited by The Greyhawk.9107)
Once again, I’m all for more male armors options. I’m not even talking about skimpy here, but about basic quality. Examples have been quoted : inquest, whispers, conurer or carapace light chest pieces are basic pajamas for males.
Some of the leaked new armors are encouraging though.
So, even before asking for more skin (which is also required a lot, to repurpose base sylvari, charr or norn character design), even before asking to be able to show my perfect 6 pack or whatever, I really really wish for light armors to be less flat, less stale, less basic long sleeved shirt with a random pattern on it, less no interesting texture, less no colour effect with dyes.
For an elonian theme, I’d really like to see more armors like paragons used to have (elite sunspear ftw), things like anubis guard in stargate…
As for heavy armors : too many fridges all around. Same issues, same wishes.
All we need are options, much more options. Skimpy or not, fully clothed or not so fully clothed, shiny or simple looking, silly fantasy or realism, etc. Applied to both sexes.