Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
To spice up the rewards from dungeons, how about adding really nice skins/items that have a reasonably low chance of dropping from bosses? We already have the tokens and coins and more as a secured reward for completing the dungeon.
I think this could give an additional and different reason to do dungeons that adds some excitement.
I’d thought that it would be great. Discuss?
Ive posted about this idea plenty of times before. Its what made Gw1 dungeons so addicting. That small chance of getting a super sick skin that was worth a lot of gold that you could keep or sell ALONG with a guaranteed gold reward.
These things are allready ingame, but only a minority.
Best example is the “final rest” scythe staff from the shadow behemoth, which is only obtainable there. It was long hidden behind an unreasonable low RNG percentage.
However, these items exist, but not very visible or “special” enough.
Tehy are by no means on the level of the “green” weapons obtainable in GW1, nor are there enough around.
As for your dungeon suggestion. there are already dungeon specific items available, however they are usually not cosmetic and not engame worthy so far.
here is an area where A-net can definetly do some work.
A few patches ago we got “champion” weapons, however i don`t find them that special, because they are recyled skins allready ingame with some effects slapped on.
Since almost every weapon has effects right now i am kinda bored and as they are not enemy specific (as far as i know) i don`t understand why different enemytypes have have different bags, but the same contents
Why from bosses? Have them potentially drop from any mob in the dungeon, that way people have a reason to kill rather than skip…
Why from bosses? Have them potentially drop from any mob in the dungeon, that way people have a reason to kill rather than skip…
Well, I guess that this ties to my long gone excitements in World of Warcraft… If there was one (back then probably a few) items that you want, it’s a lot more exciting if they drop from a boss (assuming it’s a difficult one!). Knowing that you need to defeat this ~difficult boss in order for a chance to get the item(s) you’re after adds a lot more tension to the fight, because it matters to you! If it’s just from random trashmobs, that excitement is gone, because each trash would have a very low drop chance in comparison to if it only dropped from that 1 boss. In addition, you’re not going to get excited for each and every trashmob you kill anyways….
(sorry for the wall o’ text)
Um… Yeah… That 0.00005% chance of getting a “super sick skin” from a trash mob is NOT going to make me want to kill them.
Shadow Behemoth drops Spirit Links and Final Rest
Jormag drops Breath of Jormag
And Aetherrised Nightmare stuff are only obtainable from TA Aetherpath as random drops.
We got them but just not many of them.
It exists… partially.
In each dungeon (each path even), you have a chance to drop a recipe that you can use to craft a trinket.
So ok, it’s not a skin, but the system already exists (hence the initial “partially”).
Um… Yeah… That 0.00005% chance of getting a “super sick skin” from a trash mob is NOT going to make me want to kill them.
Exactly! Kinda what I was going on in my wall of text.
Shadow Behemoth drops Spirit Links and Final Rest
Jormag drops Breath of JormagAnd Aetherrised Nightmare stuff are only obtainable from TA Aetherpath as random drops.
We got them but just not many of them.
Yeah, I guess… But they’re indeed not a lot of them, and aren’t Bind on Acquisition.
Keep dreaming as in not gonna happen, why? Because there’s no profit in it, right Anet?
Love their business-model and what they’re doing with them! Sensible amount of milking. Feels like part of their model is based on gratitude from the players due to the absence of subscription-fees, making us buy things as a “thanks” to the devs.
(edited by Phadde.7362)
Zhaitan’s Reach drops only from Tequatl. It’s a super creepy looking scepter, a grasping undead hand. Very suitable for a Necromancer.
Most of the named exotics that aren’t made from crafting or mystic forging have a random rare chance to drop anywhere and then there are the named exotics that only drop from Champion mobs but iirc each of the world bosses has a particular one that they and only they drop.
To spice up the rewards from dungeons, how about adding really nice skins/items that have a reasonably low chance of dropping from bosses? We already have the tokens and coins and more as a secured reward for completing the dungeon.
I think this could give an additional and different reason to do dungeons that adds some excitement.
I’d thought that it would be great. Discuss?
Id support this.
The new Twilight Arbor path can drop special weapons..
the ghost eater from the ascalonian catacombs has a small chance to drop an exotic back piece.
except it doesn’t have a unique skin… or any skin at all.
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