So I am almost [Now] level 80......

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


And this is my first character getting to level 80 and I have a few questions….

How does the in game economy work?

Whats Living story?
When can I hop on it?
What have a missed?
Whats the point?

Exotic vs Legendary vs Ascended?
How do I acquire?
Can you go into detail about them?

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’ll skip the economy question.

The living story is new content that comes out about every two weeks, sans breaks. If you’ve been logging in every two weeks, you have unlocked all the chapters and you can start them as soon as you’re level 80. Just go to the journal in your hero tab, click on the living world and start it.

What you’ve missed is Season 1 which was a mixed back anyway. The game will sort of assume you know what’s been happening. You can watch one of the youtube videos on it or look it up in the wiki to find out what happened if you care, or contact me in game and I’ll tell you all about it until you’re bored to death. lol

What’s what point?

Legendary and ascended have the same stats. Exotic is good enough to do 99% of the content in the game everything except the highest level fractals. Ascended weapons have to be crafted. Legendaries have the same stats, and are much harder to make but often have cooler skins (or overdone according to some people).

Legendaries take a long time to get and a lot of work/farming but don’t give you a stat advantage over ascended, which isn’t much better than exotic in the first place.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Some additional things about item quality:
- ascended weapons and trinkets have a pretty nice stat boost compared to exotic
- ascended armor is a very little tiny ridiculous amount better and takes the most time of all the ascended stuff. It simply is just if you are bored or like to have BiS gear.
- legendary items have a nice feature: you can change the stats on it anytime (if out of combat)

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Best ways to get ascended. Use laurels from dailies for the amulet. Find a guild for guild missiosn for ascended accessories. Run fractals for ascended rings.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


I’ll skip the economy question.

The living story is new content that comes out about every two weeks, sans breaks. If you’ve been logging in every two weeks, you have unlocked all the chapters and you can start them as soon as you’re level 80. Just go to the journal in your hero tab, click on the living world and start it.

What you’ve missed is Season 1 which was a mixed back anyway. The game will sort of assume you know what’s been happening. You can watch one of the youtube videos on it or look it up in the wiki to find out what happened if you care, or contact me in game and I’ll tell you all about it until you’re bored to death. lol

What’s what point?

Legendary and ascended have the same stats. Exotic is good enough to do 99% of the content in the game everything except the highest level fractals. Ascended weapons have to be crafted. Legendaries have the same stats, and are much harder to make but often have cooler skins (or overdone according to some people).

Legendaries take a long time to get and a lot of work/farming but don’t give you a stat advantage over ascended, which isn’t much better than exotic in the first place.

Exotics: Craft or buy? And why?

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’ll skip the economy question.

The living story is new content that comes out about every two weeks, sans breaks. If you’ve been logging in every two weeks, you have unlocked all the chapters and you can start them as soon as you’re level 80. Just go to the journal in your hero tab, click on the living world and start it.

What you’ve missed is Season 1 which was a mixed back anyway. The game will sort of assume you know what’s been happening. You can watch one of the youtube videos on it or look it up in the wiki to find out what happened if you care, or contact me in game and I’ll tell you all about it until you’re bored to death. lol

What’s what point?

Legendary and ascended have the same stats. Exotic is good enough to do 99% of the content in the game everything except the highest level fractals. Ascended weapons have to be crafted. Legendaries have the same stats, and are much harder to make but often have cooler skins (or overdone according to some people).

Legendaries take a long time to get and a lot of work/farming but don’t give you a stat advantage over ascended, which isn’t much better than exotic in the first place.

Exotics: Craft or buy? And why?

Me? I’d run dungeons and get them for free, because you not only save on the exotics, but dungeons are a pretty good way to make money. Unless you’re into WvW in which case you can farm badges to get exotics. You can also use karma and get exotic temple armor.

You might even get lucky and get a few exotic drops along the way. You can do all the content in rares too.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Exotics: Craft or buy? And why?

If you are leveling crafting, craft em.
If you have all the stuff and the crafting leveled, craft em.

If you have lots of karma, buy the temple gear
If you like dungeons, run like 2 a day for a week and you’ll have enough for your whole set
If you simply have lots of gold, just buy it on the TP.
If you have lots of badges, get the wvw gear.

The reasons for doing something are going to change from person to person, just as Vayne demonstrated. He’d opt to dungeon and get his set that way. I have a guildie that opts to just buy all her exotics off the TP because she can afford it. My husband and I tend to be rich in Karma, so we get Temple Gear (and now that it offers zerker, bonus!). I also have lots of badges from random time in eotm, so I use it to get wvw gear. I made gear (and then sold lots of it cause I didnt need it) via crafting to get professions to 500.

Lot of options, just depends on what suits how you play.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhianne.4027


It’s also worth noting that you can’t salvage WvW or karma gear, so you won’t be able to get the upgrades out of it cost-effectively if you decide you want to change them.

Getting gear from dungeons, WvW or karma is also fixed cost independent of the stats, whereas buying from the TP the more popular stat combinations are more expensive. Karma vendor armour may also have runes you want already in it (mostly if you want soldier’s stats and Melandru runes).

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


I’ll skip the economy question.

The living story is new content that comes out about every two weeks, sans breaks. If you’ve been logging in every two weeks, you have unlocked all the chapters and you can start them as soon as you’re level 80. Just go to the journal in your hero tab, click on the living world and start it.

What you’ve missed is Season 1 which was a mixed back anyway. The game will sort of assume you know what’s been happening. You can watch one of the youtube videos on it or look it up in the wiki to find out what happened if you care, or contact me in game and I’ll tell you all about it until you’re bored to death. lol

What’s what point?

Legendary and ascended have the same stats. Exotic is good enough to do 99% of the content in the game everything except the highest level fractals. Ascended weapons have to be crafted. Legendaries have the same stats, and are much harder to make but often have cooler skins (or overdone according to some people).

Legendaries take a long time to get and a lot of work/farming but don’t give you a stat advantage over ascended, which isn’t much better than exotic in the first place.

Exotics: Craft or buy? And why?

Me? I’d run dungeons and get them for free, because you not only save on the exotics, but dungeons are a pretty good way to make money. Unless you’re into WvW in which case you can farm badges to get exotics. You can also use karma and get exotic temple armor.

You might even get lucky and get a few exotic drops along the way. You can do all the content in rares too.

By free, Vayne means that when you run a dungeon you earn dungeon tokens. Once you get enough you can use the tokens to buy level 80 exotic weapons. It takes about 5 dungeon runes to get one weapon. Each dungeon offers a only weapons of a certain types. If you know what you want in your build you can look it up on the wiki, or ask here and we can tell you.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


In answer to your “what is the point.” The only point to the end game in GW2 is to have fun.

There is no meaningful progression to speak of. The best way to play GW2 at 80 is to decide what you are interested in and do that. What you are interested in can change from day to day.

The primary thing people tend to do is
a) living story for a couple of days when it comes out.
b) grind living story achievements
c) WvW
d) PvP
e) dungeons
f) fractals (which I distinguish from fractals because the groups don’t always overlap).
g) grind ascended gear (a full set will take a while).

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Easiest ways to get exotics:

1) Karma gear from the Orr temples if you have enough karma.

2) WvW exotics, purchased with badges of honor. You will have to play a lot of WvW/EoTM to get enough for a full set, but if you enjoy that content it is easy as pie and adds up quickly.

3) Dungeon farming, specifically CoF – not only is it one of the fastest dungeons to farm, but also has Berserker stats, which are considered a strong stat combination.

4) Purchase straight off of the TP. This could cost you 50g+ depending on the stat combination.

5) Don’t even bother with Exotic trinkets, start going for Ascended. Laurels can get you rings and amulets. Guild commendations for Accessories. FoTM can work for rings but it is RNG based and you can’t control the stat combinations that drop like you can with laurels. Inside WvW areas you can buy ascended rings for less laurels, but also needs badges I believe. This might be the best way to go especially if you like WvW.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhianne.4027


Inside WvW areas you can buy ascended rings for less laurels, but also needs badges I believe. This might be the best way to go especially if you like WvW.

You get a 10 laurel discount on each item in exchange for paying 250 badges of honour per item. If you like/can tolerate running around with the zerg in Edge of the Mists for an evening or two, this is a great deal.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


If you are a power based character, for 99% of the content you will want either Berzerker gear (power, precision, or ferocity) (PvE) or Soldier’s gear (Power, Vitality, Toughness) (WvW , Tequatl, and Wurm).

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

FoTM can work for rings but it is RNG based and you can’t control the stat combinations that drop like you can with laurels.

You can, before you’re put into a position where you’re worrying about RNG. Ring drops from fractal completion don’t start until fractal level 11, meaning you need to have completed (at least) ten sets of fractals first. Each time you complete a fractal set, you get a Pristine Fractal Relic. For ten of those, you can buy a ring with stats of your choosing. So you’ll have one ring for sure by the time you reach the levels where they can drop randomly, and even if you’re unlucky getting the drops you want, ten more completions will get you the second ring of your choice.

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


Can someone point me to an Eternity Legendary Greatsword crafting guide? I looked for a bit and couldn’t find one anywhere.

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


Living Story –

Just kidding, in my humble.

You missed One of the more beautiful areas (Kessex) getting uglified, Teq became pointless to all but the dedicated, new skills which most people don’t bother with at 25 points for crap. More new skills with Necro one being pretty much kittene

Ps. WvW, hah, those guys are never happy, ANet asked them to post footage for a promo vid or something. The cheeky monkeys kinda voiced opinions instead.

(edited by Paul.4081)

So I am almost [Now] level 80......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Living Story –

Just kidding, in my humble.

You missed One of the more beautiful areas (Kessex) getting uglified, Teq became pointless to all but the dedicated, new skills which most people don’t bother with at 25 points for crap. More new skills with Necro one being pretty much kittene

Ps. WvW, hah, those guys are never happy, ANet asked them to post footage for a promo vid or something. The cheeky monkeys kinda voiced opinions instead.

Teq is no more for the dedicated. You do have to show up early but enough people know how to beat him now where you don’t need a preorganized group anymore.