So...I got bored

So...I got bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MorceluLebeau.5109


Ok, I’ve tried multiple times since the fractual update to get back into the game but frankly its boring now, before it was get to level 80 get a max suit of armor and then start going out looking for skins and looks. Aka effort = reward.

Now when I log in its ok…I know I have to log in get to 80, then go into fractuals and pray to the RNG gods that I hope my gear drops…to me even thinking of that is boring, if I wanted a RNG treadmill I would have stuck with WoW. I have uninstalled, reinstalled and uninstalled multiple times just Trying to get into the game and play. How ever I just cant do it, the game I couldnt stop playing in its bores me to death when I even think of logging in.

So...I got bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


It’s two rings and a back piece, all of which will be made available outside of FoTM. Why are you forcing Yourself to grind FoTM when you know there is just no need?

I’ve never even been in one and I have 2 80s, still having plenty of fun here.

So...I got bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JCWolf.1674


Ok, I’ve tried multiple times since the fractual update to get back into the game but frankly its boring now, before it was get to level 80 get a max suit of armor and then start going out looking for skins and looks. Aka effort = reward.

Now when I log in its ok…I know I have to log in get to 80, then go into fractuals and pray to the RNG gods that I hope my gear drops…to me even thinking of that is boring, if I wanted a RNG treadmill I would have stuck with WoW. I have uninstalled, reinstalled and uninstalled multiple times just Trying to get into the game and play. How ever I just cant do it, the game I couldnt stop playing in its bores me to death when I even think of logging in.

Each to his own…I’m still enjoying it and have played it constantly since beta, but GW2 does need to evolve. Arenanet need to start listen to all the suggestions and acting upon them now or people are just going to jump ship onto the next big thing that comes along. The suggestion and WvW forums are full of excellent ideas.

Stop with all the holiday fluff guys, and start acting on the core mechanics of the game.

So...I got bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: atombrain.9701


I’m only level 9 and I’m already bored. Nothing is really grabbing me and unlocking skills as a elementalist isn’t fun at all. All I do is run around killing things for almost no purpose but exp. I don’t find anything great just from killing mobs. I’m playing the plant people and the story is not entertaining, nothing cool happens, I don’t feel satisfied after completing the main quests. Exploring only gives you a panoramic view of something I already saw. The world is pretty but it is also pretty boring. Points of interests are a neat idea but most aren’t very interesting at all. The random events can be exiting but I don’t feel well rewarded for completing them. I’m sure that most of the game’s glory is in PvP but I wanted something more.

So...I got bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


It’s two rings and a back piece, all of which will be made available outside of FoTM. Why are you forcing Yourself to grind FoTM when you know there is just no need?

I’ve never even been in one and I have 2 80s, still having plenty of fun here.

Will be …… at some unknown point in time in which the state of the game can have changed many times and more stuff for FotM can be put in.

I understand and share the OPs point of view.