(edited by Moderator)
So, I'm at the final fight against Scarlet
So manly he doesn’t even show up and sends Rox to do the job for the honor of being in his warband.
Braham better not get Majory, Rox, and Kasmeer as his 3 girlfriends. I swear.
kitten fanfiction.
Oh right, usually its 4 guys to 1 barely competent mostly there to be a LI girl. Anet better get on that.
Honestly yes, the LS has been fairly woman centric and if they introduce more characters the next should probably be a guy but PS wasn’t (Treherne is the main, Ryltock and Logans bromance is fairly central.) and the guys can deal with not being the majority for once.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
I fail to see the issue?
Why does the gender matter?
I’d rather ANet thought “Let’s make a fun and/or interesting character” rather than “Oh ok, we have 10 females and 9 males so we have to make a male now”.
“Strong guy character” is just an stereotype. Stories don’t have to have one to be valid. Rytlock, as aforementioned, is quite the strong character in the story, anyway, and I assume we haven’t seen the last of him (I refuse to believe he will stay at his Black Citadel Office forever.)
No offense meant, however-feel free to disagree.
Depends on what you mean with strong.
I’d say Logan is pretty strong.
But….but….what about the true hero of the story.
We love you Evon!
Depends on what you mean with strong.
I’d say Logan is pretty strong.
For maybe the 5 minutes he isn’t worried that Jenna is about to drop dead at any second and he should be right there to make sure it doesn’t happen.
I like Brahm. He’s dumber than a sack of bricks but he seems like a fairly together person with clear goals and motivations.
Braham better not get Majory, Rox, and Kasmeer as his 3 girlfriends. I swear.
kitten fanfiction.
He just gets Rox and Frostbite…
Yes, it’s THAT kind of fanfic ?_?
But….but….what about the true hero of the story.
We love you Evon!
Evon is extremely weak for a Charr. He’s dependent on others to run his schemes, and the workers he employs make him have to do things himself (which he then fails at). He spends all his time trying to exploit the weak economically because most types could just run him through.
He’s exactly the type of being you’d expect to run away to go serve an evil Dragon. Dragon’s manipulate these types by bribing them with power, which was the original goal of why they wanted money in the first place.
But….but….what about the true hero of the story.
We love you Evon!
Evon is extremely weak for a Charr. He’s dependent on others to run his schemes, and the workers he employs make him have to do things himself (which he then fails at). He spends all his time trying to exploit the weak economically because most types could just run him through.
He’s exactly the type of being you’d expect to run away to go serve an evil Dragon. Dragon’s manipulate these types by bribing them with power, which was the original goal of why they wanted money in the first place.
Ah, but if the dragons kill everyone, who is left to buy BLC’s? Plus he’d probably just turned into an ice or crystal zombie in the end anyway.
And what that minotaur Evon whine whole time? I think that he was so president candidate or something and he still whine whole time.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Ah, but if the dragons kill everyone, who is left to buy BLC’s? Plus he’d probably just turned into an ice or crystal zombie in the end anyway.
What tells you he’s the type to believe that’s the outcome of a crooked ‘soul-selling’ deal? He probably thinks he’s outsmarting a weakened and previously sleeping foe.
Corrupt beings cannot comprehend the magnitude of planet-forging power they are dealing with when they seek to betray a greater being: especially when they are used to working as a team, and they are only dealing with a single being.
I don’t really know of any strong males, treehearne is weak. Logan runs away, Rytlok acts tough but does nothing. Braham is a dolt. Anet wants moar hawt girls, either single strong girls or girls that kiss. Tyrian males are there to do the farming!
Gosh and golly, why isn’t this another rehash of Four Big Strong Blonds and the Token Delicate Lady Healer?
ANet, you’d best get to fixing this quick. After all, we’ve already pulled the misandry card — and as you know, misandry is totally real and super devastating to the butts of many dudebros and Nice Guys out there. (Also, as we all know, Scarlet only ever killed men, we tooooootally caught that. If it weren’t for sir norn the meatwielder over there, the ending would have been the equivalent of a manipedi party, thirty minutes of derisive cackling over what ye great womyn have wrought, and putting down all those foolish men who so chivalrously wanted … well, something, I guess. Even more time in the spotlight? To see Kasmeer’s illusionary outfit drop? Neo-post-sociofeminist scheme? OMG.)
I mean, what sort of world are you trying to push on us here with these weird and — and just offensive notions like personal friendships and relationships overcoming cultural boundaries? Disgusting; obviously you’re just trying to push us into dirty thoughts because it’s gosh darned unreasonable to imagine that a lady character might help a male character for any reason beyond … uh … furry seduction? Gross gross gross.
(Wow, that sure was a lot of BS; maybe it evens things up a little, lol.)
Seriously, though, welcome to 2014, fellow player, where at some point even gaming companies recognized that ladies exist, and they can do stuff, and have stuff, and make stuff happen! Even big things (that aren’t contained — or not-so contained — in their shirts)! I totally get that for the overwhelming majority of human history, things have been focused on dudes and stuff, and this is kind of a weird anomaly, but don’t worry; one living story’s worth of more innies than outies isn’t about to displace you from … something, I guess. Characters you can really super relate to? Characters you really want to relate to? (Musclebound WASP specimen of manly perfection, I’m guessing?)
Or does the fact that you say it took you 20 times viewing a cutscene before gender became a point of contention mean anything? They all have flaws (some way more than others); Kasmeer may be a power player, but she’s still scared and hiccupy and vastly imperfect. Jory’s … well, kind of dumb for a PI (or someone wanting to survive in Scarlet land, lol). Rox seems like she’s changed a lot, for the better. Honestly, every character is flawed, male and female alike; just because more dudes aren’t square-jawed, stoically staring into the distance Conan-types doesn’t mean they’re being belittled in any way. :| It just means they value or have grown in ways much different than, uh, probably what you want to see? Are used to seeing?
My personal opinion is that it’s different, and much more interesting than the overused mega archetypes we get stuck with in a lot of popular media. That the total face of media in general seems to be changing to open up spaces for more types of characters is a relief. That a wider variety of people are responding in ways usually reserved for Straight White Dudes is super cool.
If none of that means anything to you, though, and there are just too many virgingers on your screen for you to bear … well, great, you’re in luck! You have a near-infinite amount of media to consume that caters pretty heavily to your tastes. The rest of us will be chilling out over here, enjoying a rare moment of recognition for once. :>
we’ve already pulled the misandry card — and as you know, misandry is totally real and super devastating to the butts of many dudebros and Nice Guys out there.
Maybe you should study mythology and theology some time instead of just politics. I didn’t just draw the misandry card. I drew four of them. Show your royal flush and you win.
Normal people who get multiple of the hardest degrees imaginable have a complex problem in mind they need to solve. With the amazing brain she was supposed to have, she disregards all warning about the dangers of the eternal alchemy machine. Why? Because of where they came from.
As anyone who’s deeply studied evil and insanity concepts before can indicate, a person cannot be changed drastically from their original self to become an entirely different person. If Scarlet was ever a good person underneath, she never could have become this. When she goes over the edge, all the flaws and sins that used to exist in the original person become amplified. She just fakes the ‘good-girl-underneath’ role so well, even in her diaries. She tricks all the gullible alliance brutes into joining her side (to protect her), and then she throws them into slaughter. Amidst the new reality she’s creating, both sides become ‘brutes’. Then she’s so energetically giddy while she’s absolutely losing the key parts of her living forces. Because: all those cannon fodder dumb males. She’s even butchering Sylvarri so it’s not just a racial thing.
And she pulls out Jenna’s fembots near the end. Ummm. How about using your previously living army to manufacture more structural coverage and defenses on your robots? They’d be more brutally effective, and any genuine sadist would love that result. Nope, can’t do. They’d look too masculine covering up those curves. Must manipulate the instinct of chivalry to make men look evil.
The only coherency here is that she’s an obvious female supremacist, disregarding reason and sense even though she has them, to show to the world that females are superior to males. I expect that the dragon that helped delude her would also be something else; a young female shadow archetype, the little sister dragon.
(edited by Master Fuhon.1068)
A Machismo thread
Braham better not get Majory, Rox, and Kasmeer as his 3 girlfriends. I swear.
kitten fanfiction.
Braham and Rox get married and adopt Taimi, calling it.
There’s a lot of powerful females leading the charge, and I don’t think Braham is any weaker considering how much Rox sees him as a able enough companion. He’s certainly it’s the Meg Griffin of the group. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see Canach joining the group sometime in the future, but hopefully they keep his more interesting characteristic (anti-hero, willing to go to some extremes to get the job done, regardless of morality) and allow his new motif (in the cell, he seems a bit too repentant of his actions, maybe some clarifications as to what extent) to have some impact but not total reform.
Braham better not get Majory, Rox, and Kasmeer as his 3 girlfriends. I swear.
kitten fanfiction.
Braham and Rox get married and adopt Taimi, calling it.
There’s a lot of powerful females leading the charge, and I don’t think Braham is any weaker considering how much Rox sees him as a able enough companion. He’s certainly it’s the Meg Griffin of the group. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see Canach joining the group sometime in the future, but hopefully they keep his more interesting characteristic (anti-hero, willing to go to some extremes to get the job done, regardless of morality) and allow his new motif (in the cell, he seems a bit too repentant of his actions, maybe some clarifications as to what extent) to have some impact but not total reform.
He didn’t really need to repent because he was never really a “bad guy”. He did what he did to destroy the contracts binding people to the island. He never intended to harm civilians nor did he know the extent that his plan would affect the island’s wildlife I’m assuming from the fact that he was only against the Consortium and genuinely wanted to help the people contracted to them.
“Since it’s mostly females, she decides she ‘wants to talk’ about her plot. "
I disagree. She was just monologuing. (a la Syndrome in The Incredibles. lol)
“I’m curious where they go with this Norncat romance in the epilogue, since they have previously introduced incest to the storyline between Caithe and Faolain (firstborne sisters) and non-consentual mind domination between Jenna and Logan. I’ve seen minimal complaints about these, "
Hmm, aren’t all Sylvari begotten by the Pale Tree? I’m pretty sure they are all brothers and sisters, and whether they are lovin’ on each other, or not, it would seem as if they are asexual from a reproductive standpoint. I could be wrong on this.
Now, you’ve seen minimal complaints about Logan? lol You should join the groups and the mapchat on my server. He’s the most belittled “hero” I’ve ever seen. NO guy thinks he’s anything other than a pantywaste. And, ladies, if you had a guy like that, you’d dump him within a week as you lost respect for him. Disagree if you’d like, but there’s zero way you could respect that guy. And women don’t stay with a guy they don’t respect.
“miriya rant”
Umm, wow, looks like I got one on the hook. Uhhh, well, you sure read a LOT into my eleven sentence post. haha
First, I’m pretty sure that Logan gets mani-pedi’s with Trahearne. I have that on good authority. Don’t doubt me on this.
Next, Kasmeer is a dolt. I didn’t say they were strong females, I said they were females. Hiccups? Really? What? The only thing worse than her and Marjory’s smarmy crap is Logan and his pathetic whining about Jenna. Rytlok should just gut him and get it over with.
I’m also pretty sure I never said ANYTHING about relationships overcoming cultural boundaries and stuff like that. What are you even talking about?
Women can do stuff? Really? Thanks for your enlightenment. It was brilliant. Let’s look at this, since you say welcome to 2014.
A. It isn’t 2014. It’s freakin’ Tyria. It’s a fantasy world. Not the real world. I don’t play it because it reflects the real world. I play it to GET AWAY from the real world.
B. Women can do stuff in Tyria? (Because that’s what we’re talking about, right? The game?) Wow. Thanks. I hadn’t noticed that with the excess of playing-field-leveling things like magic and Azuran technology that physical strength would play an equal role with mental strength. Thanks for your insight into women being able to do things. Apparently, from the story writer’s view, women are the ONLY ones that can do things. (Were you guys in the same Women’s Studies class?)
As far as it taking me 20 times to notice the discrepancy, I’m really not sure what you’re getting at. I was just watching Marjory and Kasmeer make out the first 19 times, so that may be why it took me a while to notice. (Just re-enforcing your stereotypical WASP motif that you are a bit hung up on.) As an aside, you are really angry, Padawan. I’m sorry the world is against you because you have 2 X chromosomes. Poor thing.
A rare moment of recognition for women? Really? Really?
Hmm, looking at my company’s intranet page right now shows me that it’s, buh-what?!, Women’s History Month! Whoa, there’s Sally Ride and Wilma Rudolph and Sandra Day O’Conner and Elena Kagan and pictures from Women’s Suffrage rallies at the turn of the century. Good thing they’ll have Men’s History Month, next month, so it allllll evenssssss outtttttt. Cuz that’s what we’re after, right?
In Tyria. Not the real world. Because we’re not talking about the real world.
You don’t need to go point for point on the Scarlet stuff I said. That was just a lore rewriting exercise to try to address the things you were mentioning and tie up the Scarlet story thematically, [somewhat] more realistically, and in a more adult way. I expect the epilogue to be something designed for teenagers or something else. I was only saying those things to show how the story and characters could have come across by mixing different details. Disagreement is fine.
Hmm, aren’t all Sylvari begotten by the Pale Tree? I’m pretty sure they are all brothers and sisters, and whether they are lovin’ on each other, or not, it would seem as if they are asexual from a reproductive standpoint. I could be wrong on this.
Now, you’ve seen minimal complaints about Logan? lol You should join the groups and the mapchat on my server. He’s the most belittled “hero” I’ve ever seen. NO guy thinks he’s anything other than a pantywaste. And, ladies, if you had a guy like that, you’d dump him within a week as you lost respect for him. Disagree if you’d like, but there’s zero way you could respect that guy. And women don’t stay with a guy they don’t respect.
I know about plants (Pale Tree) being hermaphrodites (one gender) in real life, and the Sylvarri seem to fit the metaphor of being the tree ‘leaves’; firstborne could be ‘branches’ even. They take on a similar shape to a humanoid race for practical (political and social) reasons. Relationships where people get together to have offspring are different from those forged primarily around sex, companionship, or friendship. Some people seek the other half that completes the whole; while others seek the twin. There are different definitions of interpersonal love styles for humans: erotic, ludic, storgic, pragmatic, manic, and agapic. And I actually think the Sylvarri experience a communnal type of ‘love for all’ that is taught to them by observing Pale Tree (I can’t think of an appropriate word). They learn other love styles by watching other races.
I’ll make up a coherent version of Logan like I did Scarlet. It’s subtle and probably depends on which personal story playthrough you did, because I did a few. There’s actually two versions of Logan you see:
The weak Logan everyone despises is when he’s under the mesmer manipulation of Jenna. Jenna has growing insecurities and isolation from being queen, and she controls him for both the protection and the company. This is a reflection of what one woman ‘wants’. Not a man free to act; not a man fulfilling what he thinks she needs. Except he kind of is, because he is permitting her do this to him.
The second Logan, when she releases him from control, is when he’s allowed to be himself… sort of. He’s been traumatized by the constant mental controlling and almost looks to do things that would prevent it from happening in the future. But he juggles the fact that he still has a duty to queen and country, and accepts these things as fulfilling part of that duty. He knew Jenna before, and maybe he no longer trusts her entirely, but he understands a bit about why she controls him because he absolutely believes in being bound to duty. The relationship is seriously strained, as are his relationships with his comrades from her controlling (Destiny’s Edge), so he puts police work and patrols as a priority in fulfilling his duty.
Logan’s strength, if you didn’t see any of it before, is in how he deals with a bad lot of obligations and a serious lack of independence; and it’s at a younger age than most people would be accustomed to. It’s hard to see the strength of an overburdened person, until you realize the load they are carrying (while complaining minimally about it, mostly to justify to Rytlock). Along with the obvious implications that Jenna dominates Logan, Rytlock easily putting him down is a further part of his weak appearance; especially when you realize Rytlock is just a teenage boy. Logan probably could do more about that, rather than just to take it out on criminal scum.
(edited by Master Fuhon.1068)
Crusher dan, poor human storyline
Depends on what you mean with strong.
I’d say Logan is pretty strong.
His quadriceps muscles are pretty strong.
- Mike Obrien
Two new gay males coming next LS season. They will kiss in the finale :S
(edited by Light.7493)
Fine, you keep chucking my trolling post into the deep end of the pool! =P
So, I had to go back and read your previous posts a little more carefully.
As anyone who’s deeply studied evil and insanity concepts before can indicate, a person cannot be changed drastically from their original self to become an entirely different person.
I think I read that St. Augustine said something along the lines of “Give me a child until he is five years old, and anyone can have him after that, and he won’t go wrong.” I could be totally wrong on this. You’ve obviously forgotten more about philosophy and theology than I have ever learned, but I’ve always thought that was a good quote. heh
The weak Logan everyone despises is when he’s under the mesmer manipulation of Jenna. Jenna has growing insecurities and isolation from being queen, and she controls him for both the protection and the company. This is a reflection of what one woman ‘wants’. Not a man free to act; not a man fulfilling what he thinks she needs. Except he kind of is, because he is permitting her do this to him.
So, she was literally controlling him?! I did NOT know that. What storyline is that in? (looks to see what toon he can delete to roll a new one for this story. =P). That puts quite the new spin on things. So, we needed to do a Logan intervention. lol
As far as what women want, I really think that women are genetically pre-disposed to try to domesticate and control men. However, if the man actually gives into her controlling, she loses all respect for him because he’s not even strong enough to stand up to her. If he doesn’t, then there is a constant tension as she keeps trying to control him. It’s such a jacked up dynamic. lol I think that all women do that to one degree or another. I’ve read about a couple of studies that demonstrate this concept. What a pain. haha
The second Logan, when she releases him from control, is when he’s allowed to be himself… sort of. He’s been traumatized by the constant mental controlling and almost looks to do things that would prevent it from happening in the future.
This leads into another theory I have. Nearly every boy and girl, by the time they are 16 or so, has been screwed over by someone of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, they make every subsequent boyfriend or girlfriend pay for what that original person did to them. This sets up another jacked up dynamic. haha The “why did that upset you so badly you must be nuts you psychopath!” dynamic. So, I am starting to have a little more sympathy for Logan. lol
Two new gay males coming net LS season. They will kiss in the finale :S
Somehow, that wouldn’t surprise me.
For the Logan/Jenna thing, mind magicks are brutal and screwed up things to ever be dealing with in this genre. It could create a clone that you interract with long enough for you to forget what the real thing was like. It can get in your dreams and give you a vision of someone being harmed, or the real sensations of you being tortured. It could pretend to be Balthazar aiding you. There’s more to the control than you are seeing when a bunch of pretty butterflies and purple beams of light fly around; just like burning in the game really is a painful type of burning. When someone is under mind attack, it is targetting their own specific psychological weaknesses. [Does Logan see a Tyria burning all around him, under new leadership, as a realistic glimpse of the future?] Mental attack that is strong enough to register as physical pain (and bring down a life bar) is also ridiculously powerful.
As far as political power relationships go, they are extremely messed up; not the fairy tales you heard about as a kid, even if they looked like that on the outside. Logan’s married to civic duty; and that’s an unrequited, abusive relationship; that puts him in positions for worse to happen.
I think I read that St. Augustine said something along the lines of “Give me a child until he is five years old, and anyone can have him after that, and he won’t go wrong.”
I look at theology as a generalism and not specificism, and also not to a major degree, because I want to generate practical solutions instead of philosophizing all day. Theology can be as broad or narrow a field as you make it. You could study the theology of one book, one religion, or one era. Things get rewritten, the original language gets changed to be specific to issues people are facing in a specific era, and no one truly knows the full context of what one line or portion was supposed to be about. That’s why I don’t typically waste my time discussing these things on the internet: one gets ‘philosophically trolled’, it’s always a huge conversation to join.
St. Augustine could say you’re quoting him out of context… making him look quite prideful in his assertion which references the duty of protecting and teaching young children, and the concepts of contact and exposure to good teaching (rather than to evil or insanity). There are implicit assumptions that the most powerful demons don’t come to overtly tempt children; that only a corrupted human can be evil enough to persistently do that. The child can be prepared for his future confrontations with demons, but needs to be protected from the dangers of the non-spiritual word. Christianity defines humans as having mortal sin that corrupts, and numerous flaws, but I don’t want one of those endless discussions that could happen about single passages that’ve been rewritten over and over again to try to find the ‘right’ meaning.
Evil and insanity are entirely different things though, even though ‘modernists’ improperly lump them together. They’ve both been discussed across the many stories of multiple cultures, and they’re even documented by people as their ‘science’. Evil is a perpetrator and insane is a victim. Originally, these things were viewed as possession by demonic or ethereal types. Retelling fables can only do so much, without hearing the accounts of people who were formerly part of cults, survived torture, struggled against command hallucinations and delusions, and fought in wars. One man only has his own lesson on evil; whether he learns it or ignores.
There are proper “evil tempts” stories where they go into detail how ‘enemies’ use the existing weaknesses of the vessel they intend to take over or have serve them. Scarlet is rushed and undetailed. Biblically, there is the well-known story of human Jesus and Satan in the desert. Commercially, you could play through the beginning of the mage story of Dragon Age involving the fade. There are also ‘reverse’ stories like “Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins”, where the person must trick the adversary (demonstrating wisdom). I can’t point out the most applicable one for every person to understand the concepts. I could even reference hard science and people might still chose to see evil actions, evil, and insanity as the same thing. Don’t pretend this is about a mere child being taken hostage, dealing with things that no one else on the planet is coping with, and having to respond with what’s ‘relatively the righter thing to do’. The stories about men struggling through horrible circumstance placed on them are more effective than the ones where a person is doing nothing and committing no error because there’e no challenge put upon them. That’s why people show more mercy and lesser judgement towards the child, or the person under extrme duress, hoping it was a one-off and they can be retaught.
That’s probably enough for writing content for adults for the time being. PM stuff to deal with about it.
Female or male, I think it’s awkward how these key NPCs (Rox, Braham, Kasmeer, Marjory) feel so weak. They don’t seem to have much of an effect in fights when they appear (e.g., in Fractals for the molten boss, Braham and Rox are just thin meat shields…).
Let’s say I’m in a party with some players with expensive gear, we’re swinging our swords of night/dawn/spiritual fire/lava/etc, with our Asuran energy reactors, items of purple chaos energy, divine light, the power of rainbows, liquid metal armor, etc, doing zerker DPS, constantly throwing down big flashy spells and what not.
When I play the content, I feel like these NPCs are not worthy of traveling with my character or other party members. The weak NPCs really don’t feel like they belong, in personality and ability.
In the Scarlet cutscene, Marjory gets one-shotted by Scarlet’s downed skill. =\
I can’t really remember what the other NPCs do in combat, they don’t seem to make much difference. It’d be nice if Kasmeer would cast time warp… I do all the work, and they just talk.
I would like to see some darker characters, with more ‘weight’ in their lives and concerns.
It feels like the current main NPCs don’t perceive the enormity of “The dragon gods have awakened”, if the narrative highlights are their romantic relationships or minor career aspirations (let’s open a detective agency or something, I hope my warband interview goes well).
If that’s above their paygrade (and it seems they don’t have the personal power for much more…), then they shouldn’t be adventuring with the player character. Give me something like the mightiest warrior in the land, an Asuran genius who’s a leader in their field, or some very powerful and politically connected mage (like say, the Master of Whispers in GW1. For a female character, Countess Anise would be fine too). Give me the exemplars of the various races and factions.
If an NPC is to be the player’s companion, it should be a peer in strength, or at least have some unique aspect, or unique connection to the larger events in the story. The current NPCs feel weak and expendable.
I had similar feelings about Trahearne, but less so. He felt weak in combat, but the plot at least gave him a strong reputation with the various factions and races, as well as unique experience with Orr. He had stronger reasons for his importance in the story.
The player character is a high officer in the Pact, the massive, modern army that defeated the dragon god of death. If you’ve done all the dungeon paths, you’ve delivered a thorough beatdown to most of the harmful factions in Tyria. If you’ve done Fractals or WvW, your character has ventured beyond the confines of the world and conquered mighty foes in the dreams of reality. Your accomplishments make you a super champion, most baddies should cower in fear at the mention of your name.
Why am I hanging out with the village guard, a warband intern, a random noble, and a detective, these weak newbs?
Over time, I’ve come to like Scarlet more as a character and to dislike the key NPC set (Braham et al.) I used to dislike Scarlet and felt indifferent about these NPCs.
(edited by voidwater.2064)
But….but….what about the true hero of the story.
We love you Evon!
We’re forgetting the hero that could have prevented this all from happening had he not been selling apples with Koss, Gwen, Keiran and the rest.
7o Two-Tibs A’whisker.
Braham better not get Majory, Rox, and Kasmeer as his 3 girlfriends. I swear.
kitten fanfiction.
From what I’ve seen in this game, anything is possible.
IMO, Braham is the GW2 version of George of the Jungle.
Content Marketing Manager
Because this thread has veered away from polite, respectful feedback, it will now be closed.