So I'm level 80...

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strygwyr.2941


For those of us not interested in cosmetics or vanity items, even the legendary variety of ‘model upgrade’, what now? I was hoping there would be some sort of PvE endgame.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyHoudini.2917


Nope, no PvE end game if by PvE you mean getting better gear. Your choices for PvE is you can trophy hunt (get all the achievements, like map), farm karma from DE or run dungeons.

80 is just better for PvP basically

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


Basically there is nothing to tie you down to the game now unless you want to grind.

The most incredible aspect of this game so far is the journey to 80, and then it’s lacking in options.


So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kqpro.8410


I don’t know about you guys, I blow money on things all the time without doing any research, then complain about it.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cawesome.1580


Love the whole you should have researched before you bought. Let me ask you this once you get done with the miserable amount of PvE there is in this game and you’re bored with the PvP in this game then what? You already have your vanity gear from dungeons, karma vendors or w/e, what will you do then? Sit in a city and talk on general chat? Anet should’ve known that people would want some sort of endgame content, be it in the form of an extremely hard group event or something. The fact that there is literally nothing to do at 80 is just sad. Sure for those that like to PvP this game will be great, for those that don’t why should they be forced to miss out on a fun game because Anet couldn’t put it together that people want something to progress towards?

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orbys.4895


This is why I dont get the people who are farming the same event over and over. I asked why and they told me because it was easy experience and they would get to 80 faster lol..

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nvmvoidrays.2158


The fact that there is literally nothing to do at 80 is just sad. Sure for those that like to PvP this game will be great, for those that don’t why should they be forced to miss out on a fun game because Anet couldn’t put it together that people want something to progress towards?

what are you talking about? i’m running dungeons at 80. i’m helping out friends/guildmates at 80. i’m upping my crafts. i’m doing WvW. i’m doing s/tPVP.

just because you have a shallow perception on what there “needs” to be doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to do at 80.

guess what? GW1 had a similar system: you either did the dungeons for gear that looked cool, PvP’d or worked toward HoM points (which didn’t come out ’til… 2007?). oh and farm gold to buy every skill in the game and capture the occasional elite.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dratyan.4315


Quit and wait for more content.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


if youve completed every dungeon in explorable mode and have 100% world achievement, and you dont wanna do spvp/WvW, and you dont wanna start an alt, then no one can really help you. it’s not ANet’s fault you devoured hundreds of hours of content in 2 weeks.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenic.8259


I have been 80 for awhile on my Thief now and I still have not gotten all orange gear/Jewelry yet. It does take a bit to get all the top end gear you want, but I have not gotten bored at all with the game so far. I sPvP, do dungeons, maybe try to get 100% map which I am at like 50 something. WvW with my guild. I am still having a blast even though I am 80. Play the game to have fun.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sixfeetunder.6508


its a pvp based game….not wow.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


miserable amount of PvE there is in this game

Which adds up to several hundred hours. Seriously, find anyone with 100% map completion and a set of dungeon armor, and he’ll likely have an /age of no less than 300 hours.

you’re bored with the PvP

Kinda make you wonder how FPS games get by. Oh wait, that’s right; the gameplay itself.

The fact that there is literally nothing to do at 80 is just sad.

It’s also not a fact.

Sure for those that like to PvP this game will be great, for those that don’t why should they be forced to miss out on a fun game because Anet couldn’t put it together that people want something to progress towards?

Do you have your 100% completion? No? Then get the hell back in Tyria and finish that up. Were you looking for progression gearing a la every cookie cutter MMO in existence? Tough, because ANet has been telling us for a long time about how that stupid crap wouldn’t be in GW2, and that’s why many of us, ya know, the people who actually decided to be informed consumers, bought the game.

You want WoW? Go back to it, and stop insisting that GW2 should turn into the very game it was intended to be different from.

What this guy says is true. I’m 85% give or take map completion with full CoF set + greatsword + axe/sword and I have around 280 hours played (sad).

In the last few days I’ve slowed my playing pace down a little but I still feel like there is a lot of stuff for me to do in the game.

The lovely grind for legendaries is just the tip of the ice burg. I want full t3 cultural armor for my charr, too. And plan to have 1 of each class at level 80. The list could go on for a while. GW2 has a staggering amount of content in it.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imakkiman.2875


My jimmies became so rustled i had to log on just to comment on this.

There is about 50 times more things to do at lvl 80 than in ANY other MMO.

The only thing that is NOT there is instanced raiding.

About 30 different dungeon paths that are extremely challenging and fun to do if you want to ‘pve’ They actually require you to talk with your team and strategize.

getting top gear doesnt happen so fast either.

Jimmie status:

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


game has no future. just another failboat.

I see you haven’t got your refund yet. That’s a shame.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrosiaa.6054


But seriously, MMOs are about the endgame, and GW2 has zero endgame.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salt.4621


game has no future. just another failboat.

Hai guyz lets go play WoW an paid $180 a year to do raidz n stuff n get good gearz dat for some reeson they keep making us replace!!!

“Your face is funny. All squished and weird.”

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alusian Fareluil.9254

Alusian Fareluil.9254

game has no future. just another failboat.

I see you haven’t got your refund yet. That’s a shame.

I’ll miss him too.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dyno.9467


If people are bored or cant be bothered to do the hard dungeons/wvw/pvp/ farm for gear just quit.

I love the game ive always got things to do.

WoW expansions coming soon go and play that.

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rannulf.9417


another spam thread…

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


But seriously, MMOs are about the endgame, and GW2 has zero endgame.

I think you missed the year or so of marketing the did before release on how they are completely changing the MMO experience with GW2. The whole world is beautiful to look at, so many DEs, heart quests, achievements/titles to earn, PvP is fantastic especially WvW. You’re just an idiot if you paid $70+ for this game and flew through it looking top-down at your character on the ground just so you could say you were quick to max level.

If you don’t care about looking good in the best armor, 100% the map, or killin noobs in WvW for your server, why the hell did you buy the game for in the first place. What other type of content do you want from such a game? Getting digital rewards is all they can give you, and they gave you a kitten ton of those to earn. Either do the content 100% or don’t complain that there isn’t enough because YOU can’t be bothered with half of what they gave you.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vakirauta.6397


Good thread, bad answers.

The Iron Butterfly

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vytal.7942


Just thought I’d pipe in here. Like the above are saying this isn’t a trational MMO in the fact that there is an ever escalating gear grind, i.e. WoW. Basically find the way you want your guy to look and go out and do it. As far as content at level 80, there’s a bunch. For example I have 304 hours played on my Thief, I’m in full exo’s 100% world completion, all the jumping puzzles done (which you can do each day), all that time for just that, I still havent done all the paths in all the dungeons, all the slayer achieve’s or all the achieve’s in general. I have harly touched WvWvW and am only Rank 20 in sPvP. So yeah if your looking there’s a ton of things to do. Just because it’s not what you want to do at level 80, shouldn’t put a gray fog over the game. Do the dungeons give you the satisfaction as a Heroic raid kill? No, definitely not, but it doesnt mean they aren’t challenging. And maybe once I’ve done everything in the game that there is to do, and if I have a sour taste in my mouth, I’ll leave, hell I only payed 60 bucks for the game, and 20 bucks in gems, pretty good deal for 300+ hours of gameplay.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kal.4350


hell I only payed 60 bucks for the game, and 20 bucks in gems, pretty good deal for 300+ hours of gameplay.

The problem, in my case and most of my friends, is not money. It’s time. We love gaming, but work many hours each day. So, if we invest time in a game, we want it to last. This isn’t lol or team fortress. It’s an mmo. Spending 1 month in an mmo, and then qutting is kind of.. a waste of time. Not totally of course. We are having fun anyway. But we like to invest time in a game that will last for a long time. It’s not about the 55€

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Payne.5062


For those of us not interested in cosmetics or vanity items, even the legendary variety of ‘model upgrade’, what now? I was hoping there would be some sort of PvE endgame.

it’s never the destination it’s the journey

..if you didn’t enjoyed the game up to level 80 but rather was interested in raw power than im sorry for you ..this game isn’t about one man with power but power in numbers …it’s called guild wars for a reason

..if you did enjoy it then make a new character …you have 7 classes left to try out (and 5 races)

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vytal.7942


hell I only payed 60 bucks for the game, and 20 bucks in gems, pretty good deal for 300+ hours of gameplay.

The problem, in my case and most of my friends, is not money. It’s time. We love gaming, but work many hours each day. So, if we invest time in a game, we want it to last. This isn’t lol or team fortress. It’s an MMO. Spending 1 month in an MMO, and then qutting is kind of.. a waste of time. Not totally of course. We are having fun anyway. But we like to invest time in a game that will last for a long time. It’s not about the 55€

Yeah but one of the really cool things that sold me on this game, is that you can pick it up and leave it as quick as you like. So you got to level and aren’t having a ball? Drop it.
Come back when there is more content maybe, you aren’tpaying a monthly fee, so my suggestions is to try to find things in the game that make it fun for you and your friends. I was running into the same dilemma, and then I found out how fun a 5 man roaming gank squad in WvWvW is. I truely mean it, some of the best gaming experiences I have ever had in a MMO. Nothing like going head on into the trail part of a zerg rush with the 5 of you. Truly epic.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deith.7596


game has no future. just another failboat.

Hai guyz lets go play WoW an paid $180 a year to do raidz n stuff n get good gearz dat for some reeson they keep making us replace!!!

Hai guyz lets go play GW2, level up to 80 as slow as possible because it’s only thing you can do in this game!!!

None of good stories starts with “I was drinking my milk when suddenly…”

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


game has no future. just another failboat.

Hai guyz lets go play WoW an paid $180 a year to do raidz n stuff n get good gearz dat for some reeson they keep making us replace!!!

Hai guyz lets go play GW2, level up to 80 as slow as possible because it’s only thing you can do in this game!!!

Which is a total and utter lie? More facts and less emotion due to being mind washed by previous games which give an illusion of content please?

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Think of dungeons as 5 man raids. They are just as complex and infinitely more interesting.
There ya go! Endgame!


Open your Hero pane.
Click the next to last icon on the left, the one that looks like an ArenaNet logo.
See all those empty bars?
There ya go! Endgame!!

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


If you were expecting killing giant monsters for giant stat gear to show off, nope, there aren’t any. There are giant monsters though. There aren’t much ego feeding in GW2, sorry.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


If you were expecting killing giant monsters for giant stat gear to show off, nope, there aren’t any. There are giant monsters though. There aren’t much ego feeding in GW2, sorry.

Apparently you missed all the exclusive dungeon armors and legendary weapons. There is plenty of stuff in the game for those that want to inflate their kitten. It’s just not going to be obtained if you only play 1 hour a day.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raingiver.6470


It seems to me that what people are really complaining about is that there is no endless gear treadmill. Because this game doesn’t charge you a subscription, there is no incentive to keep you in an endless loop of loot acquisition. The simple truth is that this game offers the exact same things to do after reaching the level cap as before: exploring zones, running dungeons, or pvp/wvw. Reaching 80 doesn’t change the core gameplay, so whatever you enjoyed about the game before the level cap are the same things you should be doing after. Just play the game for fun. And if you aren’t having fun, then whats the point?

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


If you can’t be bothered playing for fun and occasional visual upgrade, you simply chose the wrong game.
Even if they add more PvE contect later, guess what will be the reward?

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


Apparently you missed all the exclusive dungeon armors and legendary weapons. There is plenty of stuff in the game for those that want to inflate their kitten. It’s just not going to be obtained if you only play 1 hour a day.

No I haven’t. But the OP wouldn’t be interested in legendaries and dungeon armors since they have regular, exotic item stats. He can’t feed his ego even if he wears a legendary while there are many other people wearing exotic items.

On the other hand, I really like this feature of the game.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mechasauce.1309


You payed an amount of money for a game….let me just say that again…A ONE OFF PAYMENT…for a KITTEN HUGE GAME.

And you are not satisfied. What cloud are you on?

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullcrusher.7849


But seriously, MMOs are about the endgame, and GW2 has zero endgame.

Soo, you like raiding with 9-24 other ( mostly useless ) random players ?
5-8 player s( mates) inguild that where good, , the rest where warm bodies gaining phat lootz they didnt deserve

I did it for 6 years, at times pretty hardcore. Trying to teach the unskilled is like pulling teeth.
IM OVER RAIDING, no more….

4 core mates that a great players, challenging dungeons with a few paths IS our endgame in gw2, Its all i could ever ask for.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foxodi.4809


Personally the only reason I would want to play a theme-park MMO is for a dungeon treadmill. There is no real incentive/treadmill in this game; so after completing exploration on every dungeon it seems all we can do is quit and wait for new content.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unleaded.9270


I’ll continue playing this game for PvP, for now at least. PvE though, I just can’t see myself playing it much, if at all anymore. The Dungeons honestly aren’t that fun. The ones that actually are challenging (and I love challenging), are challenging because of bad mechanics, not because of skill. Running a dungeon 80 times just to get a set of gear that looks cool, just isn’t for me.

Part of me hated raiding in WoW. I will say though, nothing has ever beat that feeling or rush, when you down a hard boss you have been working on for a long time for the 1st time. I remember being the 2nd guild on my server to beat 10 man Heroic Lich King, that feeling after beating him was indescribable. I don’t care about the loot, it was the challenge. My armpits were literally sweating with nerves the last 20%, it was just crazy.

I guess I should have researched the game a little more. I don’t regret my purchase, I actually enjoyed my time leveling up, which is the first time I have said that in an MMO in long long time. It was refreshing getting away from the quest grind.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riyu.2103


you`ll soon be in the same boat as I am:

I am in the same boat. i am bored as kitten.

60g on the bank
300k karma
4 different exotic sets of gear (dps, tanky dps, healing, condition) for my ele
full set of fancy (imo only good looking skin) CoF armor (yes, you need to go there over 100 times to get the full set)

Now i only want to do W3, but i cba waiting in the queue for more than 8 hours, or probably miss the invite because being in windows, afk or whatever, what about an alarm sound if its ready? I am doing 5 to 10 or more sPVP games a day, but thats it, I get bored of it always the same stupid capture the flag. If i want to play proper CTF i go play UT, q3, or tf.

you will say, change server.. why should I if i have a guild of 50 people there?

also I am adding since i was able to get into W3 for the last couple of days:

W3 is boring as kitten without any deeper intention/rewards. why should I raid keeps and kill dozens of players without any reward? it can be fun for some hours, but than what? give us some deeper purpose like in DAoC and RA`s etc.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

There is a massive amount of content in GW2 for a new themepark game. If you’ve “worked” yourkittenoff and blown through it all in less than a month then maybe just set the game aside until the next content patch or expansion hits the servers?

One – Piken Square

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wyvers.9237


You buy a non subscription game, pour hundreds of hours into it in the first couple of weeks, and then you seem shocked and dissapointed that you’re now bored? To me, that is incredibly good value for money, I would be nothing but pleased with that. I can’t name any other non-subscription games that would offer me that much entertainment at that price.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


People complain about end game content… but in other MMOs there isn’t any. WoW raiding. Same raid , 3 to 5 times a week for 2-3 hours, for like 6 months- To get better stats on your gear… be ready for the next raid…. rinse and repeat. LOL.

The treadmill fools you into thinking you actually have content. You don’t. You work for months for absolutely nothing at all.

GW2 has a ton of content. Enjoy it or return to your treadmill.

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phex.8423


There’s no end-game exactly. Just like games like Skyrim, levels are just a way to get more perks and once you complete the main questline you can stay in the world and keep doing whatever you feel like. Of course, you could do whatever you felt like from level 1 in Skyrim too.

It’s the closest comparison I can think of for Guild Wars 2’s gameplay.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaga.9274


So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gank.4957


If you want to do a gear treadmill and call it endgame, there is WoW. If you need stats to keep playing a game you are addicted and beyond the point where “fun” decides what game you play.

If you want to do leveling content, WvW and dungeons as endgame without the addicting ever-increasing fake progression play GW2. I’m working towards multiple long term goals like legendary weapons, skins and titles. Just like GW1, this is what kept me playing casually for many years. Raiding? Boring after 4 months for me. Felt like a job to keep up the item level. That’s not fun, that’s lame.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: helladoom.4317


Seeing the many suggestions to do something else besides lvl80 DEs, pretty much everyone seems to agree that there is very little DE content for lvl80.

Literally only one of those 80 things is about dynamic events, which underscores the complaint that many have about lvl80 content: there are very few on-level dynamic events for lvl 80 (the fact that of those that are there half is bugged doesn’t help either).

Compare that to the huge amount of DE’s available for lvl 1~79.

GW2 dungeons are intended as hardcore content, so that’s not for everyone. By Anet’s own admission crafting and exploring/map completion is not for everyone either. For lvl 1~79 that’s not an issue because there is so much else to do.

Whichever way you turn it, the game changes rather drastically once you have reached level 80.

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foomnz.6954


This is to be expected really.

people have a lot of WoW deprogramming to go through and its going to be rough
for some people.
gear grinding and weekly repeating the same old raid content week after week after week has been embedded in many gamers minds as acceptable long term Gaming “a reason to play” literally and metaphorically.

In fact some people just wont be able make the leap to a game that provides fun
as the primary motivator to play…..rather than the virtual ego support a long term gear treadmill provides

In fact some people (like the kid that stabbed his neighbor) gain real personal sense of achievement from having the best gear and such.

I love that I will be able to have busy month at work and not fall woefully behind some impossible gear curve …if that means I have to provide my own motivation to play
rather than be spoon fed a upgrade treadmill so be it…im in boots and all

In fact it almost sounds healthy …having to be creative enough to make my own fun
sounds like whats kids have done since the cardboard box was invented

So I'm level 80...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strygwyr.2941


Game itself is great, loved the journey to 80 because the time I was investing was developing my character, Once you get to 80 and spend 10g in the TP, your character development is purely cosmetic. You wanna compare to guildwars 1, how long did you spend building your skillbar/heroes? I spent months perfecting my party, this took 2 weeks. Sorry, but the development in this game went into grinding armor sets for the purpose of transmuting them. Not my idea of End Game. There are so many great systems in this game, for example, simply making the dungeon sets that take over 100 runs beneficial other then “I GOT DAT LOOK”. You wanna tell me that im on a treadmill for wanting return on my investment while you grind for a set of armor that wont even improve your gameplay, allow you to do more challenging content (if it ever comes), enable you to Survive longer, DPS harder, support better. Instead all you get is a pretty login screen. Yeah… I’m the one thats on a treadmill. I want my time to get me somewhere. Sorry, but low level events isn’t my idea of “endless content”.