So, I went to check Blade & Soul

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tomerant.2701


And here I am…. back on GW2 again.

Zones are way to small
Combat is utterly boring, laggy and repetitive
Each loading is potential game crasher
Whoever stuns first – wins battle
Crafting is stupid and time gated as kitten

I saw a topic here few days ago about BnS being threat to GW2 and by watching some streams and videos one could easily think that is awesome game.
Trust me… it’s not.

If you haven’t tried it already, save yourself some time and don’t try it at all.
Fast mob respawn rate will kill your will to play the game, especially if you are used to such sophisticated systems in GW2.
BnS just looks cheap. Mobs scattered around wihout any sense. Insane high respawn rate and trust me population isn’t there to justify it. If you pull 3 mobs, by the time you kill third, first one will respawn and you will pull him again..
Just stay away from that game, trust me.

EDIT: Forgot to mention their awesome idea of WPvP… just lol. It’s literally like this:
- equip a faction costume and tag yourself for pvp
- attack someone while he is reading quest as he is not able to see anything cept quest npc due to zoom in kitten while taking quest
- kill him
- unequip costume and smile in his face as he is not able to attack you anymore

Also… it’s seriously stupid to watch ppl fight in same camp (quest hub) for no kitteng reason while guards stay there doing nothing.
WPvP in BnS in a nutshell:
“OMG he wears red shirt – ATTACK!!”
*taking off pvp tag
“In ya face, can’t touch me”

Yep… it’s literally like that.
Were those guys on some drugs while they were making that game?

Pentium 200Mhz; 64Mb RAM; HP Nvidia GeForce 64Mb;

(edited by Tomerant.2701)

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


If you can master the contorted skill mapping and enjoy fighting games ala Street Fighter/Tekken you may like it.

As an MMO, there is only one quest line so it’s riding on a rail. Clans start with a limit of 50 characters and costs gold in a game that drops only copper to upgrade eventually a whole 80. Everything is character based including server and clan membership.

They avoid the zerg framerate issue we have be heavily culling other players.

So it’s different and I don’t think it’s a direct threat to GW2. Now that said every thread about BnS have been closed here so I will assume this will be as well.

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So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Were those guys on some drugs while they were making that game?

No, just typical Koreans making a typical Korean MMO thats an older generation than GW2 (ie the if-its-not-exactly-like-WoW-with-nekos-its-not-an-MMO generation). Later generations at least try to change things.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killface.1896


1vs1 Arena is really good,well that is the only reason to play this game

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


And here I am…. back on GW2 again.

Zones are way to small
Combat is utterly boring, laggy and repetitive
Each loading is potential game crasher
Whoever stuns first – wins battle
Crafting is stupid and time gated as kitten

- They are kinda small yeah.
- What level were you to decide that? Granted, it’s a little old school in that you still get to unlock yours kills looong into the leveling. In fact I’m pretty sure you unlock your last skills at level 45 (the level cap) Aka, low level combat lacks variety but it gets more complex fast
- No problem here. Must be a problem with your computer :o I never had the game crash on me except when the servers go down.
- World PvP at your level is like in GW2 where everyone is either in all greens or in zerk. Yeah fight will end quickly. Also, you don’t have your many stun breaks yet at such a low level. If you tried the Arena PvP that puts you in standard gear and at level cap (but NOT with all the skills so you are still weaker) you’d know that it takes quite some beating to kill people.
- Can’t comment :p

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Im not sure why people still worry about crap like this. A threat to GW2? The game just had its first major expansion and has had several years to build its core customer base. I dont know why you would still be worried about the next game being a threat Unless you really had a low opinion of GW2. Or you think that there are so few people still playing GW2 that the inevitable that do go will cripple GW2.

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So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


Unfortunately this post is going to be deleted for not being about GW2, but interesting to hear about the stability problem. I assume you have to reboot the computer every time it crashes because it refuses to start up again, right?

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Famine.3164


agree with op 100% Tried it, uninstalled it.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riku.4821


I also tried it in my down time. Got past tutorial on two characters and it was bad lol.

Guild Leader of Lunar Tree[LT].
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So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


Why would it be a threat to GW2? Blade & Soul is NCSOFT, so is GW2. And thus far, GW2 has beaten all other NCSOFT games in investment.

I recommend checking the quarterly reports, they’re a good read.

That said, my main quip about GW2 in comparison to other MMOs of that style is that it still lacks decent non-Human races. The Asura are great, and the Charr are okay for furries (except that the image players portray them as – fuzzy kitties – clashes with their actual in-game lore and society), but all other races are just copy and paste of Humans, including the Sylvari who are basically just wood elves.

TBH I’d play “horrible” games like Blade & Soul just to have a character that doesn’t look like they stepped out of someone’s clipboard.

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(edited by Hannelore.8153)

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Im not sure why people still worry about crap like this. A threat to GW2? The game just had its first major expansion and has had several years to build its core customer base. I dont know why you would still be worried about the next game being a threat Unless you really had a low opinion of GW2. Or you think that there are so few people still playing GW2 that the inevitable that do go will cripple GW2.

Considering there was a thread about how BnS was a possible threat, yeah some people think the Megaservers are hiding a population problem and that people have left in massive numbers, with so few left playing that any game can pull away a critical mass of players.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178


It’s literally like this:
- equip a faction costume and tag yourself for pvp
- attack someone while he is reading quest as he is not able to see anything cept quest npc due to zoom in kitten while taking quest
- kill him
- unequip costume and smile in his face as he is not able to attack you anymore.


This right here is one of the main reasons why I’m 200% against open world PvP in Guild Wars 2.

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So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


Well, I’m in before deletion
Mostly agree with OP, but …
Two quick points
1) B&S character creator beats GW2’s hands down. The stock faces/bodies are plentiful, the randomiser is useful for helping to start you off, and the Slider menu has many, many options that allow you to play and create the character you want.
2) OP – if you are wearing faction gear, and then choose to open NPC dialogue, you are asking for a beating. Sorry, that’s the way it is, it’s effectivly going AFK for 30+ seconds. Faction gear is for when you actually want to participate in open world PvP.
Yes, there are trolls who will look for easy kills, then remove the faction gear before you can get retribution. These folks are found in any aspect of PvP everywhere, even in GW2. The methods very, but the troll remains the same.

I’m guessing none of you got beyond level 20. If you weren’t feeling it, no problem. No sense in grinding a game you don’t like.
I’m finding B&S to be a nice distraction, but after an hour, I finish my gaming night with GW2. For me, B&S is fun in small bursts.
Guild Wars 2 remains my #1, but it’s nice to stretch your legs once and awhile.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


I got tired of the pve grind at level 41. PvP is kind of fun but sometimes I’m cc’ed to death and can’t even do a thing. Not to mention chats are the most toxic chats I’ve seen in a while and gold sellers are out in force.. You only get a 50 max blocklist so that is pretty pointless as I blocked 50 gold sellers the first few days. I can’t believe people actually pay premium for this game.. /facepalm

edit: oh yea and mob stealing I forgot.. Most quests you have to kill x amount of monsters or get x amount of drops from monsters.. Not much fun to me standing around waiting for mobs to spawn and fighting for the first hit so you get the credit. I got cursed out a couple times because I was faster at getting to the targets when I was the first one standing around waiting for the respawns to begin with.

Don’t like grinding dungeons for a chance at a weapon upgrades? Too bad you have to grind them to upgrade your gear.

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(edited by briggah.7910)

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dravyn.4671


I was going to try it, but seeing as summoner could only be the little cutesy race and your summons were cartoony kittens, I decided to pass.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dav.9152


I also checked the game out. I haven’t leveled very far but the gameplay and story is not too gripping for me. If you ever wanted to “play” an anime, this game will let you do so. The characters all look very cartoony and the character creation system really lets you make some weird characters. I made one so tall my chest was off the top of my screen on the character select screen. As with other K-MMOs, the UI was very flashy and shiny, and hard to use. It also looked very cluttered even after moving stuff around. Aside from the UI and character models, the game world and music were very pretty. It was nice to just run around and explore a little. Combat looks like it can get quite fun once more skills and combos open up. It was fast and responsive, if repetitive at low-levels. Questing was mind-numbingly boring, and as previously mentioned, you have to compete with other players for quest targets/resources. Oh yea, and chat is just spammed with gold sellers so player interaction is stifled. Overall, its nice just to play something different, but not worth much time investment.

Live, learn, level up.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No no no, how can this be?

BnS was supposed to kill WoW, erh I mean GW2. Or wait, is it BDO now? I keep losing track of which soon to release MMO is supposed to save all humanity and give everyone endless joy and hapiness.

In all seriousness though, it’s nice to see people who have evolved past the stage of:“But the next one, that will be the one I’m sure of it.”

You did the right thing TC. You gave the game a shot to see if you’d enjoy it. You noticed that every MMO comes with its ups and downs.Turns out you didn’t enjoy BnS (and if you had, that would have been fine too).

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


Btw, it takes like kitten cast time to remove a PvP shirt :o Interrupted at the first instance of damage.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CadeRG.4508


The game is decent, but it’s nothing that would be a threat to Guild Wars 2.
Blade and Soul is simply 10% combat and 90% fan service.

Try it out if you want, but don’t expect to stay for long. Just my opinion though.

Vaulting daredevil leap frog teef of AoE destruction

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riku.4821


Well, I’m in before deletion
Mostly agree with OP, but …
Two quick points
1) B&S character creator beats GW2’s hands down. The stock faces/bodies are plentiful, the randomiser is useful for helping to start you off, and the Slider menu has many, many options that allow you to play and create the character you want.
2) OP – if you are wearing faction gear, and then choose to open NPC dialogue, you are asking for a beating. Sorry, that’s the way it is, it’s effectivly going AFK for 30+ seconds. Faction gear is for when you actually want to participate in open world PvP.
Yes, there are trolls who will look for easy kills, then remove the faction gear before you can get retribution. These folks are found in any aspect of PvP everywhere, even in GW2. The methods very, but the troll remains the same.

I’m guessing none of you got beyond level 20. If you weren’t feeling it, no problem. No sense in grinding a game you don’t like.
I’m finding B&S to be a nice distraction, but after an hour, I finish my gaming night with GW2. For me, B&S is fun in small bursts.
Guild Wars 2 remains my #1, but it’s nice to stretch your legs once and awhile.

Personally I don’t think it is fair to compare gw2 creator and any new game creator for characters. Gw2 was made way before these games came out back when 2d creation was top notch. Like skyrim for example( granted it is a single player game). Fallout 4, BnS, Etc all have 3d model creation engines now.

And to be honest BnS was terrible for character creation. But it might just be the terrible resolution of the models for me. ( even though I was playing on 1080p and tried DSR 4k. Still terrible looking.)

If you want a character creator that blows every single competition out of the water. Say hello to BDO. Just don’t expect to much from the games content department.

Guild Leader of Lunar Tree[LT].
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


Actually, It’s completely fair to compare the two.
You probably didn’t realize that B&S launched the same year as GW2, but was exclusive to Korea. In the following years it branched to China and Japan.
It only hit the EU and NA last week.
So, GW2 and B&S share legs.

I agree with BDO having the champ title of character creators, but then again I heard that that feature alone is in the neighbourhood of 8Gb. With a character creator that beefy, it better look good.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


I also tried it in my down time. Got past tutorial on two characters and it was bad lol.

That’s like doing defense of shaemoor and saying GW2 sucks because reasons.

Not saying that you can’t complain about BnS but you can hardly form a fair opinion of the game if all you’ve done is get to level 4 and killed a few crabs.

BnS has tons of issues such as sharing loot in dungeons, chat spam, salvaging delays, TP restrictions and more but honestly the combat system and general gameplay was never an issue for me. I really like their channel / district system which lets me choose which map to be on (usually channel 1 = more people so great for bosses and channel 5 = least people = great for soloing).


So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: panzer.6034


GW2 has much better QoL features: account wardrobe for ALL skins, unique nodes per player, shared tagging on mobs, etc. In BnS, nothing sucks more than other players stealing kills and nodes.

That said, having played to level 40+ inBnS and going back to GW2, it’s really hard to adjust because everything feel so slow and plodding in GW by comparison. My warrior stands still and does 100b in the same time that my destroyer would have landed 3 different skills, stunned, knocked someone down and comboed into a grab. Not to mention that windstride beats the heck out of guild wars meager speed boosts.

The aesthetics contrast a bit too. In guild wars, i struggle to find skins that look decent and almost never buy outfits. I always feel like i’m digging through manure to find a diamond. Meanwhile, in BnS pretty much all the outfits and weapon skins look amazing. If you took some of the more boring BnS skins and dropped them in the Gem store, they’d still probably be the most popular ones in GW2. Of course, in BnS, you have to pay to have a wardrobe at all, and the weapon skins are one-use only, which blows.

If i were to mash the games up, i’d take the zones, exportation points, quests, unique harvesting nodes, mob tagging and dodge rolling from GW2. I’d take character generation, all the skin designs, overall combat system, windstriding and bite-sized dungeons from BnS.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedek.8932


Why would I try it out in the first place?
“Uh, it’s chocolate ice cream. And I do not like chocolate at all. But I ate so much vanilla ice cream (GW2) so I might try chocolate anyways.”. BLARGH “Guess what, I tell you something: It’s chocolate, and it’s awful”.

I am fine with GW2 (or the other games I play). And I stick to them.

Zedexx, sly Asura Thief/Assassin
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


The only reason to play Blade and soul is the arena and oldschool faction pvp in the maps. That’s it.

- The leveling in pve is absolutely atrocious. A bajillion fetch quests.
- If you mock Guild wars 2 for its optimization, try B&S and you will realize that we really don’t have it so bad.
- Voice acting is cringe
- Asura >>> Lyn (Like really, wtf is that race?)

I could go on but this thread will be deleted anyway so why bother.

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tristan.5678


Blade and Souls sucks the end ……

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I personally Enjoyed BnS, it was a nice gap closer while I was waiting for the Tuesday Patch. Played it from the 23rd-25th. Hit Level 45 and finished the story line that you were able to play. PvP wise, I managed to hit Platinum within that time frame… I do enjoy the 1v1 aspect of their pvp and their match making system.

The only huge problem at the moment, is that once you hit level 45 there is nothing to do at all.. just achievement grind. Gear is very easy to max out with just a couple of gold which you can make a fortune by just doing daily quests in level 40+ areas.

It was a nice change of scenery for a couple of days, but not something that threatens GW2 or even tickles WoW. If you want to try the game out, it’s best to do so as a free account.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

So, I went to check Blade & Soul

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinope.5630


I have to say that BnS is different and it’s combat system is more complex than what GW2 have.

  • If you use in GW2 only auto attack 1,1,1,1,1,1 then I say that you don’t like BnS.
  • If you have problems with open world PvP, it only means that you don’t read what gears say. Gear say very clearly that this armor is opposite to this faction and there are swords showing that you will be dueling with it.
  • If you have problems with mobs, it only means that you haven’t learn use Soul Shields, AoE skills or you don’t know how to upgrade your weapon and trinkets to another level.
  • Crafting was really simple. You only need 2 gathering clans and 2 making clans and one making clan need to be Merry Pottery. Those clans need to be supported with each others before you can make anything. Then you find your materials (once from the nature) and after that you order your materials from the Clan and it delivers your materials where every you are. You can choose what you want to make from those materials and continue story or what ever you are doing and crafting is happening by itself in that time. Very easy infact.

So what I mean about different skill system:
1. you are not spamming only one skill or 2 skills, you need to use your keyboard.
Forexample Summoner use mostly Tab-V-Tab-F or Tab-V-Tab-2 or what variation you like. If you want to do AoE with Summoner then spam 1-F. If you want heal F. If you need more mana press LMB, or F when you have evolve that F skill, and so on.
2. Skills works without hesitation. There is no half second thinking time when it works. When you press button skills are on the way. Very fast.

I have to say, that I haven’t got my BnS Character yet Max level, but I have enjoy it very much at this point. Dungeons are awesome, with cross server option or solo or party find option.

Only minus with party playing is bidding system, but that is avoidable if you are doing everything with solo or with very good friend.