So Much To Do/Check Out in New Patch
Run around in LA probably
Wasen’t expecting that lololol
I’m excited to see how they changed Orr, personally.
get gems, buy the backpack, cheer in map chat. Go to sleep. Then come online and properly explore tommorow!
Walk around TC divinity reach spying on the rp’ers >:3 being sneaky and evil, ya know the usual
Yeah Orr is somewhere I will go but also I’m thinking of checking out the New Lore and Events in Way Foothills and so forth .. hmmm
Run my daily fractals like always. didn’t see anything to exciting in the patch.
cry at claw of jormag for finally being able to kill it in under 10min
get gems, buy the backpack, cheer in map chat. Go to sleep. Then come online and properly explore tommorow!
Testing an elementalist build designed for using conjured weapons.
First thing I’ll do is see what happened to the personal story mission I was on when I got booted…second thing is probably find out I have to do it all again then I’ll swear at the server for dumping me for a restart 40 minutes earlier than their system message said.
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.
I wanted to check out the new events, started by going to Hoelbrak. I have been stuck on the loading screen for 15 min now. I even tried logging off & back in, no change.
- Test out my engineer and ele
- Do dailies
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I’ve got a level 73 guardian and 73 thief. Straits is already cleared on the guardian, but other than that, I’m excited to start map completion in Orr on these toons under new drop rates/mob skills/event changes, etc.
TBH, I really enjoyed completing all 3 Orr zones on my ele and my warrior. It’s reasonably profitable and a bit challenging at times, unlike most of the lower maps. I only see it getting better with the changes in this patch. =D
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Im going to pvp on the NEW and DIFFERENT spvp / tpvp maps that are NOT capture the point bunker fest!
… aw wait
see you back in 3 month if i don’t forget all about this game until then.
I thought i was buying a PvP oriented game with e-sports potential, but i guess i got fooled and bought another PvE game and honestly there are allot better PvE MMO’s out there so…
I was going to do the new interesting dailies but they’re not really new, and they’re not interesting, and one you can’t do solo (or with strangers- you have to be in a party) and apparently can’t do at all as nobody in the game understands how to do it.
Go to Orr
all those changes were much needed and I’m glad they are doing them.
Walk around TC divinity reach spying on the rp’ers
I have friends there so I’m very interested in visiting the TC too. I like watching RPing but I usually don’t get involved. It’s kind of like visiting on online Ren Faire