So Wrong with World Completion

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I hate the fact that to finish world completion you have to go through WvW I never go in there cause its a free for all with people just beating on others to bully them like PvP….A Game is not gun when people just bully each other for no reason and with PvP and WvW in MMO like games that’s all they are and now QW2 forces people to go in and play the Massive bullying game that is WvW just to get world Completion. After I finish the PvE I think I won’t even think about world completion cause I refuse to be bullied in game when I try and get the things I need to complete the Maps. Bad Idea Anet Bad bad idea.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bartas.4908


World Completion is one of the fairest requirements in your Legendary hunt. Also, it is not THAT hard to complete. Except EB, all Borderlands are designated to your server at some point. I mean, for example, this week your server home BL is Green, next it can be Red so it is easy to get all WPs, Vistas, Skill Points and PoIs.

I remember the only hard part were the EB just because of queues.

Proud member of [BOO]
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


.. You don’t need to participate in the PvP aspect of WvW if you want the map completion there. Just check your WvW tab to see what spots your sever owns and go grab the POI’s you can. It may take a little time, but shouldn’t be too bad.

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
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80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Does not help when getting the waypoints poi and such we get bullied and attacked by people that just find it funny to attack others for no reason. Thats all WvW and PvP is…and I have gotten no legendaries they cost alot of gold very very very much. More then I can ever gain. At any rate I think it should not force us to have to go through WvW cause I just do not want to have to face other people knowing I will never get the poi’s and such when all I will have is 12 people on one or two will get nothing that way.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


This has been discussed many time before. While I do agree with you that world completion should not include WvW, currently it does. It is not bullying for other players to kill you in WvW, that is the purpose of the area. WvW IS a PvP zone it is not just like PvP. It can be done but it takes time. You just need to run with the zergs for a while, and pay attention to what color your world currently is.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Just rounding a corner for a poi would get me killed by a group of 15 people or more that will just sit back and laugh wait til I come back and do it all over camping there just to get people down.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


There is the problem right there…I do not zerg cause I do not get loot or exp that way and loot goes to others more then it would if I was alone or with just my small group.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zepher.7803


WvW is also considered a End-Game area for a lot of people, I used to hate PvP bullpuckie with a passion, but after realizing that dying doesn’t hurt and actually learning more stuff to the game; it is quite fun

Sincerly, Me.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nowitsawn.1276


Can we remove the enemies from PvE maps too, then? They’re just bullying people for no reason.

I shot the seraph~
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


When you cannot get what you come to get cause you have groups of people camping the areas just to attack one person for the shear fact of thinking its funny. If they came to get the map completion why act like a bunch of morons and upset people just cause you think its funny.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

This used to be a real issue back when servers where locked into their color based on their ranking. You would have lower population servers that were locked into one color and never move from that color for months.

Now that colors rotate for servers on a regular basis, it is not that hard to get map completion done. You just have to be patient, log in at the right times, and grab what you can when you can.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Monsters and Enemies are different they are on auto….you can most of the time slide past them. You cannot pass by a person behind a computer they get kicks out of attacking people every time they pass by. I have had one group of people come at me everytime I went through a PVP area before just to laugh at it…so since then I stopped doing them.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I will just finish PvE with all my characters and stop playing less a Event strikes my fancy. I won’t be bullied by groups of people thinking its funny to attack people in groups.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


I hate the fact that to finish world completion you have to go through WvW I never go in there cause its a free for all with people just beating on others to bully them like PvP….A Game is not gun when people just bully each other for no reason and with PvP and WvW in MMO like games that’s all they are and now QW2 forces people to go in and play the Massive bullying game that is WvW just to get world Completion. After I finish the PvE I think I won’t even think about world completion cause I refuse to be bullied in game when I try and get the things I need to complete the Maps. Bad Idea Anet Bad bad idea.

I hate the fact that as a WvW player I need to craft and pve to get ascended gear. PvE is nothing but a boring champ train and full of elitest PvErs who tell you how you should play. Its bad enough other MMOs force you to raid with your guild to get gear but now GW2 forces you to run with random people in queensdale to get you materials.

see what I did there op? Yeah and to let you know WvW players need to pve more often then pve players need to wvw.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Seems most are not getting the point. If people actually played the game and did not bully others in groups for no reason then I would not mind playing PvP and WvW but their not for people running around attacking people for no reason other then to laugh that their 15 people kicked one or two peoples butts. Its not for that reason its for competitive playing not for bullying and pushing people around. My job has nothing to do with this topic..cause I do not work where groups of people harass and push me around or attack me for no reason. That would be stupid. but to force such treatment on someone when they are alone or with a small group….should make it fair.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Does not help when getting the waypoints poi and such we get bullied and attacked by people that just find it funny to attack others for no reason. Thats all WvW and PvP is…and I have gotten no legendaries they cost alot of gold very very very much. More then I can ever gain. At any rate I think it should not force us to have to go through WvW cause I just do not want to have to face other people knowing I will never get the poi’s and such when all I will have is 12 people on one or two will get nothing that way.

You do realize what WvW is, right? They attack you because you’re their enemy. Unless you have everything else that you need for your legendary then there’s no need to rush for world completion.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hjorje.9453


That is a funny post, considering that WvW is in the mist and not actually a part of Tyria. Now I can understand where the OP is coming from. I was strictly a PvE player for the longest time and never thought I would be able to complete exploring WvW, but I did, took a little time and effort but it got done. I actually enjoy going out there once I learned a little more about it.

Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.

(edited by Moderator)

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


Dude, you’re in a PvP (that’s Player vs Player) environment. The whole point of it is to attack others. It’s not bullying, it’s playing as intended. If I were defending my outpost I’d kill anyone who approached too. Basic defense. Otherwise, what’s to stop a player from just running up and saying “oh I’m just POI capping, don’t attack me” and then sneak attacking? You’ve got to be smart man. If there’s a group of players defending a spot, don’t go to that spot. I mean really, common sense. Instead, go somewhere else you need to explore. Wait for your realm to control it and come back. Running straight lines from place to place is asking to get attacked. You’ve heard of WvW roaming? It’s players that prefer to roam the area and fight small battles…like a lone guy…like you. Be sneaky, be alert, be smart, be patient.

Disclaimer: I too think WvW maps should not be necessary for World Completion

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I hate the fact that as a WvW player I need to craft and pve to get ascended gear. PvE is nothing but a boring champ train and full of elitest PvErs who tell you how you should play. Its bad enough other MMOs force you to raid with your guild to get gear but now GW2 forces you to run with random people in queensdale to get you materials.

see what I did there op? Yeah and to let you know WvW players need to pve more often then pve players need to wvw.

All the more reason to have PvE and WvWvW stand on their own instead of trying to combine the two. Alas ANet won’t listen to that idea. (helpless shrug)

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


They ARE playing the game. You’re completely missing what WvW is.

(edited by Moderator)

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nowitsawn.1276


The world isn’t out to get you, brah.

I shot the seraph~
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray

(edited by Moderator)

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Seems most are not getting the point. If people actually played the game and did not bully others in groups for no reason then I would not mind playing PvP and WvW but their not for people running around attacking people for no reason other then to laugh that their 15 people kicked one or two peoples butts. Its not for that reason its for competitive playing not for bullying and pushing people around. My job has nothing to do with this topic..cause I do not work where groups of people harass and push me around or attack me for no reason. That would be stupid. but to force such treatment on someone when they are alone or with a small group….should make it fair.

no I get it. You don’t. WVW is not a balanced form of pvp. You will get run over by larger groups, this is an every day occurrence for anyone who plays wvw. What you need to do is find the commander on the map and travel with the large group in the map. WvW is open world pvp when you enter it you are flag to the other servers as an enemy, you are worth wxp and loot just like a pve mob and will be treated as such. No one in pve backs off and lets you solo a monster so why would you think this would happen in the game play where you are the monster?

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


If we have to do it to get Map completion then all I would want to do is get the poi’s and such why should I be forced to fight for my life every few minutes just to get map completion just cause people want to down a single player in big groups…if I was in a zerg or something I could under stand but if you have 15 people defending a place and ONE person comes up to get a way point why the heck would 15 people attack ONE person for no reason other then they want to see the person get mad. Its not capture the flag and you lose points for me getting a poi or way point….if so Not like I will be around long if I did go in there I would get what I needed and leave.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


The Commanders will be the ones bullying cause their the ones with the highest levels and the highest Armour and weapon gear. They will be leading the big groups to attack the single players or the small groups…I walk upto someone I do not know and ask for help they might be the one that calls in their forces to make me lay on my back more then half the time I am even in WvW so yeah think I will stay out of there. Most of the people downing me on the forum now would be the ones massing big groups to down me every 5 minutes anyway.

umm, what? You do know your own server can’t attack you. I think you have no idea what wvw actually is and the lore you talk about it the more I think you have never even gone into the mist.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I would let them solo cause I am not into taking others exp and loot to be honest…unless its someone in my party which is my wife and close friends. maybe 4 people tops. If I saw someone just trying to get map completion I would let them pass cause thats all they are after.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Samhayn I have been second I walked in I was attacked by 10 people just cause I was standing there trying to figure out what the place was and how to play it….not one person even attempted to explain anything just decided I was a good target to attack then make fun of.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


and I would only have ONE team member which would be my wife.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


I would let them solo cause I am not into taking others exp and loot to be honest…unless its someone in my party which is my wife and close friends. maybe 4 people tops. If I saw someone just trying to get map completion I would let them pass cause thats all they are after.

again, this shows a lack of game mechanics knowledge. WvW works like pve, if you are a participant in the kill you get full reward just like in pve. The loot is not split up the more people you have involved. It works this way in pve and WvW. It is a staple of gw2 to not discourage players from all working together even if not grouped since you do not diminish the loot and XP they get.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Enemies drop loot in WvW. That is why I attack them. I am not a bully, I just want your bags.

I’d put you through a month of forced EvE online. Then you would see real e-bullying and stop misusing the word.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


You do realise that Commander’s don’t have exclusive access to the best gear, right?

And no, they’re not forming groups to ‘bully’ you. I mean, how can they? They probably don’t even know your character’s name, thus they can’t hunt you specifically.

Here’s a solution; go it alone for loot, join a zerg for map completion. Failing that, stay off of the beaten track. You’re less likely to encounter zers that way. Also, if their names are in red, don’t bother asking for help; they’re the enemy, if you hadn’t have guessed.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

(edited by Moderator)

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hjorje.9453



Man I feel you pain, but I will try to explain this to you so you might understand. First, there is no cross server talking. You can only talk to the players on your server. That mean the other two servers your server is fighting can’t talk to you and you can’t talk to them. All they see is a red player. They don’t know if your there to explore, or going to try to kill them.

Second, the point of WvW is to kill the enemy and capture all the tower, keeps, and camps to build your servers score. If there is a red player running around whether by himself or in a group, it is wise to try to take him down since it helps your server.

I don’t think anyone is bullying you. I think you don’t have a good understanding of WvW. The players that are killing you are doing it for the above reason.

Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I would let them solo cause I am not into taking others exp and loot to be honest…unless its someone in my party which is my wife and close friends. maybe 4 people tops. If I saw someone just trying to get map completion I would let them pass cause thats all they are after.

Experience and loot cannot be taken from someone. There is no pool that is divided up amongst players.

Samhayn I have been second I walked in I was attacked by 10 people just cause I was standing there trying to figure out what the place was and how to play it….not one person even attempted to explain anything just decided I was a good target to attack then make fun of.

Enemies cannot communicate with you and you cannot communicate with them.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Samhayn I have been second I walked in I was attacked by 10 people just cause I was standing there trying to figure out what the place was and how to play it….not one person even attempted to explain anything just decided I was a good target to attack then make fun of.

that can’t happen, you zone into a spawn keep with guards who can’t be killed and one shot eneimes. Now if you left the safety of the spawn point before you asked for help or found a commander to follow then you walked into it.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


So if someone attacks me I lose whats in my inventory too….now that is even worse then bullying….I need my loot I get in my inventory…..You can for sure count me out. Good thing I did not have anything when I went in there the first time those 10 people would have bled me dry. Did not say me specifically I mean solo’ers period. I just won’t go after Map completion anymore. cause I would never get it Cause WvW would be impossible to get the poi’s and such cause people would stop you everytime you tried after one. So why even try it would take a year just to finish 4 maps cause everytime you tried after a poi or way point or something you would never get it cause people would just stop you in yer tracks just to take your inventory.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hjorje.9453


So if someone attacks me I lose whats in my inventory too….now that is even worse then bullying….I need my loot I get in my inventory…..You can for sure count me out. Good thing I did not have anything when I went in there the first time those 10 people would have bled me dry. Did not say me specifically I mean solo’ers period. I just won’t go after Map completion anymore. cause I would never get it Cause WvW would be impossible to get the poi’s and such cause people would stop you everytime you tried after one. So why even try it would take a year just to finish 4 maps cause everytime you tried after a poi or way point or something you would never get it cause people would just stop you in yer tracks just to take your inventory.

Man, stop and read my post above, now to answer you on what you said here, no your loot in your inventory DOES NOT GET USED to give the enemy loot. IT IS YOURS.

Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


So if someone attacks me I lose whats in my inventory too….now that is even worse then bullying….I need my loot I get in my inventory…..You can for sure count me out. Good thing I did not have anything when I went in there the first time those 10 people would have bled me dry. Did not say me specifically I mean solo’ers period. I just won’t go after Map completion anymore. cause I would never get it Cause WvW would be impossible to get the poi’s and such cause people would stop you everytime you tried after one. So why even try it would take a year just to finish 4 maps cause everytime you tried after a poi or way point or something you would never get it cause people would just stop you in yer tracks just to take your inventory.

ok, you need to go to the gw2 wiki and read how the game works. Still I will know that you do not drop YOUR loot. You are on a loot table like a pve mob and the loot people get from killing someone in wvw is pulled from this table and does nothing to the defeated players inventory.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Won’t go into the loot and exp issue I have read the wiki but I have seen decline in both things when playing with others. the more people playing with me in my party or guild seems to cut down on what I usually would have gained I watched it I calculated it and it matters little.

As for the loot in WvW if someone kills me how can they get loot from me if its not from my inventory the loot table has to be getting it from somewhere its not just tossed out from no where….it is either mine or something makes no sense. Either way I started this post to vent that I would never finish the whole map cause I would never go into WvW…I think its silly to include it and force us into a PvP situation if we are not wanting to be in that situation. I for one do not like fighting with other people cause its never fair….its always low levels against high levels big groups against small groups or big groups against one person. I think it not fair…which is why I have never no matter how many games I have played have I down PvP type games.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Yes, you misunderstood me. You drop loot like mobs in PvE, but it is randomly generated, it’s not what is in your bags

I would be glad to help

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Moderator)

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


and I would only have ONE team member which would be my wife.

So my GF, who absolutely hates PvP, gets anxiety from it, has a computer that literally will freeze if more than 20 people are on the screen at any given time has completed the WvW exploration. You really have no excuse.

If you’ve been inside WvW you wouldn’t be saying the things you are saying. You portal in and you’re in a safe area, like a capitol city. You take a look on map for what towers/camps are in your server’s control. You run there (usually without any encounters) and get the POI. Start with everything that your server owns because once you get there, if its a tower, you can enter it and be completely safe from attack.

I can’t promise there won’t be times you will encounter enemies, but they don’t bully. They are groups of enemies roaming around trying to capture your stuff and they will engage you if they see you. You have to learn to be OK with dying. There are no penalties to dying in this game. If you and your wife are running somewhere and see some enemies either a) turn and run to the nearest tower b) find other allies near you and hang with them or c) run past them as fast as you can and suicide on the POI you need. You just need completion after all if that’s what you’re after.

It really is a lot easier than it seems. If your wife is anything like my GF she will be scared at first but the first time she killed someone she honestly thought it was fun. We found 2 others that were running to where we were going and came across two enemy players. Was 4v2 so it was an easy fight. She was absolutely thrilled. Even just auto-attacking helped in that fight and she felt she contributed. Then we kept moving on to the next spot.

When we did it we started at the far North camp and went counter clock-wise until we finished everything. If it’s your server’s BL it will be especially safe/easy. When you venture into enemy borderlands it slows down a bit since you can’t cap towers they own so don’t even bother.

My suggestion: Hit “B”, see what color your server is. Go to your border lands and cap everything you can. Whatever you aren’t able to (if enemy controls something) just leave and come back later to see if we’ve recapped. Possession changes constantly in WvW so waiting and hour and checking back will likely be all you need. Once you finish that entire BL hit up Eternal Battlegrounds. Each server controls 1/3 of the map. Explore everything you possibly can that you own. When that is done, just wait until the match up changes (not sure on the time frame for this to be honest, I’m under the impression its weekly). Hit “B” see what color you are. If you are the same as the previous week then don’t even bother. If you are a different color, hop into your borderland, hit everything you own, if you can’t, leave, wait, come back and see if possession has changed. When you finish that BL, hit up Eternal Battlegrounds and do the 1/3 of the map you have access to. Then wait until server match-up again to see if you switched colors to the last one you need. That’s pretty much it.

Oh and also, if you enter Eternal Battlegrounds and your server has control of the center (Stonemist Castle) get the heck over there and explore everything. That area changes hands constantly so if you have control best take advantage.

You won’t get ganked, you won’t be bullied. You can see an enemy group coming from pretty far off. Simply avoid them. A zerg isn’t going to chase down 2 people that are 2000 yards out of the way of the direction they are heading. They just won’t.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Won’t go into the loot and exp issue I have read the wiki but I have seen decline in both things when playing with others. the more people playing with me in my party or guild seems to cut down on what I usually would have gained I watched it I calculated it and it matters little.

As for the loot in WvW if someone kills me how can they get loot from me if its not from my inventory the loot table has to be getting it from somewhere its not just tossed out from no where….it is either mine or something makes no sense. Either way I started this post to vent that I would never finish the whole map cause I would never go into WvW…I think its silly to include it and force us into a PvP situation if we are not wanting to be in that situation. I for one do not like fighting with other people cause its never fair….its always low levels against high levels big groups against small groups or big groups against one person. I think it not fair…which is why I have never no matter how many games I have played have I down PvP type games.

the loot does litterly come out of thin air.

but the real issue is you don’t like pvp. Then just say that. Its ok to not like an aspect of game play. I happen to be bored silly by pve and will most likely never get map completion because of that and you know what. I am ok with that because I’m choosing not to do it much like your choosing not to wvw. Outside of that you do seem to not understand some of the aspects of wvw and I think finding a larger wvw oriented guild on your server and trying to play with them may help you get a better understanding of the game mode and at the same time help you finish your map completion.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Problem is I do not have other ALLIES I do not play with anyone else….Just me and My wife sometimes but very few and far between two others that are very new and very low leveled. So we would be on our own…No help no allies nothing but targets so how would be even hold down a fort that we do not even own.

Just going to stay out of there and just finish the maps in PvE and move on to another character. When they are all done I will just use them for events that seem fun.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

Holy moly…. This thread hurt my brain.

I used to complain about this too. I’m sure I posted complaints 6 months ago, so I don’t blame you. I got ganked a lot, I cried and moaned and got really angry. (Nothing from my inventory was lost when I got killed though… O.o)

But then I finished, and I realized I had an easier time doing it with my guild and server mates than I ever had solo mapping pve maps, where I’d die right near an undiscovered wp and no one around to res me.

It’s hard. But it was worth it. My bifrost was worth the struggle for the badges and the gift of exploration. If you work with your server and guild, you will have a better time.

Do I do wvw now? No. I hate that place, but at least small group take downs with my guild was more fun than doing a zillion heart quests for the tiniest amount of karma I’ve ever seen.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Problem is I do not have other ALLIES I do not play with anyone else….Just me and My wife sometimes but very few and far between two others that are very new and very low leveled. So we would be on our own…No help no allies nothing but targets so how would be even hold down a fort that we do not even own.

Just going to stay out of there and just finish the maps in PvE and move on to another character. When they are all done I will just use them for events that seem fun.

you don’t have to have friends. Its not hard to find out who the WvW guilds are. Just ask in LA and someone will tell you. WvW guilds normally have a lot of players and run guild events also. You may discover people you like and more reasons to play.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Does not help when getting the waypoints poi and such we get bullied and attacked by people that just find it funny to attack others for no reason. T.

Lol, the whole reason for people to be there is to kill others. And of course it’s fun, would you rather they not enjoy it?
And it’s not hard at all, I got mine with my elementalist and got almost all poi’s outside keeps/towers solo.
Funny topic btw.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


Complaining about it won’t get you anywhere, only WASD will. If you think it’s a pain to get now, you should have tried it back when server colours were determined solely by Glicko ratings.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

(edited by Moderator)

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


but other guilds would be my enemy in WvW so it would be full guilds against 2 people with us in the open cause we do not own a fort nor do we know how to own a fort or base….and would never be able to win a fight for one. So what would asking another guild to help do other then get us stomped. Its not the fact of dying its the fact of dying so many times that it becomes impossible to get the poi’s and waypoints and such. So why bother cause you would not be able to get them unless we actually took a base over which would be totally impossible since there is only two of us in our guild and other guilds would just wipe us all over the maps every time we stuck our heads out.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I’ve complained about the mapping achievement requiring involvement in PvP pretty much since day one and I’ve had a lot of ignorant responses to it, some going as far as trying to convince me that WvW isn’t actually PvP. You’ll never convince many PvPers that you have a case here because of a very widespread superior attitude that you don’t deserve any kind of achievement because you don’t get off on playing Punch & Judy with other players. It makes you a scrub.

That being said, I now have one character at 99%, despite my dislike for PvP, and I fully intend to get the full 100%. I’ve also taken many months off from the game since I started so it hasn’t taken a year to reach it. I’ve only really been working on those WvW maps for about three months, putting maybe 2-3 hours per week into it.

So here’s what you do…

Create a character that focuses on evasion and stealth. I’d recommend a Thief because you can go for extended periods in stealth, enabling you to skirt many encounters, even against other players. Take skills that give you the best chance to disengage and increase your movement.

When you enter WvW, look for the maps that your server has the most control over and go there. Go to locations that your server controls and pick them up. Watch chat and find out where the action is at and then avoid it. At least until the location is captured, then run and grab it. Alternatively, find a zerg and follow it around, staying in the rear with the gear so you can bail out if you encounter a bigger zerg. You can also parasite off it and grab some easy loot and XP if you have ranged weapons.

Then be patient and be an opportunist.

Eventually, you’ll have access to all the locations on all the maps as the worlds alternate in the rankings. It’s kind of tedious and not exactly what you want to be doing with your time, but it does make it possible to grab that stupid achievement with a minimal amount of interaction with enemy players. There’s only one real speed bump here. If you happen to be on a perennially losing server who just can’t capture WvW locations for you, you’re screwed unless you swap to a better server.

Don’t feel guilty about joining WvW and taking a spot from someone who actually wants to play in it, then leeching off the work of others. You didn’t design the achievement requirements and didn’t want to participate in the first place. You’re just playing by the rules they’ve set out for you. Be selfish and unapologetic since that’s too often the attitude that you get in response to your desire to remain in PvE.

One last thing. You may not find WvW to be as bad as you think once you get more experience with it and a better understanding of how it works. If you play cautiously and stay aware, you may not find it as loathsome as you feel it is right now. Even after my initial aversion to it, I find myself voluntarily jumping into fights just because I’m nearby, instead of ignoring them and going for the next location.

But that’s me and unlike some PvPers and ANet themselves, I respect the fact that others want nothing to do with PvP at all and shouldn’t feel strongarmed into participation because it’s the only way to pursue what is, at it’s core, an explorer’s achievement.

Good luck and don’t be stat padding for someone else. Get your achievement.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hjorje.9453


but other guilds would be my enemy in WvW so it would be full guilds against 2 people with us in the open cause we do not own a fort nor do we know how to own a fort or base….and would never be able to win a fight for one. So what would asking another guild to help do other then get us stomped. Its not the fact of dying its the fact of dying so many times that it becomes impossible to get the poi’s and waypoints and such. So why bother cause you would not be able to get them unless we actually took a base over which would be totally impossible since there is only two of us in our guild and other guilds would just wipe us all over the maps every time we stuck our heads out.

You are not understanding this. Everyone on your server is your ally. Everyone. The enemies come from 2 other servers different from yours. Find the players from your server, run around with them and you will get the POI’s and stuff out there. Help them take the tower to get the POI you need.

Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

You don’t fight guilds from your server for anything…

Btw my husband sounds like you. He knows nothing at all about the game either. But his two person guild is the only one I’m allowed to rep when we play together, so he just ignores the fact that having multiple guilds is a thing,

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

So Wrong with World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


This topic is pure gold.. OP what is your homeserver?