So about that claim that end game...

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


A focus on grinding amazing looking skins if you chose to….

I am sorry but the only really good looking skins have been BS gem store items.

We have yet to really receive any in game content that leads to a amazing cosmetic armor set.

And now with the ascended horror armor set on the way I have my doubts about future cosmetic items.

What are everyone elses opinions on this?

Do you feel a bit let down that they have yet to introduce anything other than Black lion chest weapon skins, and endless backpieces?

Do you think they will start adding better looking armor sets after the ascended armor business is out of the way?

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Theundersigned.4761


I like most of the skins. Some don’t really fit in with my tastes, but I can see why others would like them. I also like the ascended armor sets. I find them fun to look at, different, charming, intricate, and honestly beautiful.

I haven’t really felt like I’m missing out on anything for not getting skins from Black Lion stores and chests, though. I have a bunch other skins in-game to make up for it.

As for new armor additions, I’m sure they won’t stop at ascended. I don’t think they will be “better looking” because I don’t mind how the ascended armor looks, but I’m positive those looks won’t be the only ones in the future.

Beauty is, after all, in the eye of the beholder /cliche

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


That’s your opinion. The back items -all obtained in-game (except the ‘plushy’ ones)- are really cool and give variation, instead of everyone wearing the same back piece.

The weapons that they’ve distributed in-game have been really good looking, in my opinion. This is especially true for the new blue weapons from the new path released yesterday. It’s also nice that they made the BL chest skins tradable, thus they’re listed on the trading post for others to obtain as well.

Armor skins that are in the trading post Gem Store are still obtainable through grinding out gold to swap for gems. A set of 800 Gem costing armor is roughly kitten gold, which is reasonable for those. If you don’t have the gold, then there’s the obvious option of paying $10, supporting your hobby’s development team, and getting the set through there.

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’ve known whole groups of RPers who’ve left this title because all of the cosmetics seem to be the large amount of normal items they put out at the beginning of the game, and the few temporary content patches they’ve had along the way to get tickets, and the few armor sets in the store only. They’re tired of it frankly, nothing new cosmetically for armor has really been added to the game since launch and people like to feel they have lots of options from just regular gameplay/crafting without a grind especially RPers who generally need all the time they have to RP.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Haven’t you heard? The whole game is endgame has been “cancelled.” What we now have is the acquisition of BiS gear that involves crafting (or luck with random number generation akin to winning a lottery); farming for gold/mats via zerg, presumably to craft a legendary weapon; and the featured content of the bi-weekly period. The focus has shifted, and the rest of the game has been put on the back burner. Non gem skins have been relegated to the carrot for the bi-weekly content.

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


Indigo’s comment is disturbingly accurate, I’m afraid.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I agree. I think the focus has shifted from working toward cool aesthetics, and more torward grinding out that max stat set of gear. I didnt sign up for this, which is why I am no longer playing the game.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Indigo’s comment is disturbingly accurate, I’m afraid.

I agree.

The rest of the game is being ignored. Polishing dungeons. Polishing WvW. Adding more skills, more zones, more mobs, more deep lore(not 2 week living story crumbs). Adding more personal story. Adding more interesting events and reasons to head back to zones like Orr an Frostgorge, while also having reason to play intrinsically in the lower level zones. All of this is ignored in favor of Flavor of the week/month LS patches, small “content” updates, and weak story.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Indigo’s comment is disturbingly accurate, I’m afraid.

Indeed. I would like to add EVERYONE who played MMOs in the past saw this coming. Last year, Sept/Oct., when the end game was revealed to be completely lacking, when Ascended was announced along with Fractals (the repetitive grind dungeon), when it was obvious Colin had flushed the sales pitches about no grind, no gear treadmill, down the toilet, we ALL saw this coming. Yet another grindy tread-mill laden MMO.

GW1 was stripped of names and some lore, and it was tacked on to this “game” called GW2, which the title itself has NO bearing on the product. Where is the Guild Wars in this Guild Wars game?

Still waiting on Landmark, very much sadly, and later EQN. At least I doubt Sony will try and do the bait and switch Anet has. Sony is pretty good at letting you know up front of the grind and gear tread-mill.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.
