So about that language filter update...

So about that language filter update...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akuni.8604


I’m sure not everyone noticed so far but here, if you haven’t read it so far:

  • Added a chat option – enabled by default – that shows only the messages coming from players sharing your client’s text language.
  • This option is only applied in to the /map and /say channels, as well as the /team channel in the Edge of the Mists. Other channels are not affected.
    Messages from players in your friend list are never hidden.
  • Messages from players in your friend list are never hidden.
  • Messages from players from the same World as yours are never hidden.
  • Messages from players currently in your party are never hidden.
  • Messages from players representing the same guild as you do are never hidden.
  • Reminder: if you encounter players using abusive or rude language in chat, please report them by right-clicking their name in the chat window and selecting ‘Report.’
  • Blocking a player still functions the same way.

First off, I’m an EU player which plays on a GER server (No one really reads the forums over there though, so here I am). My client was bought and hence is, german. However, I have changed my client language and VO to english as it is aesthetically more pleasing to me. Now, the new language filter does following things to me:

  • I can only read chat, which is written on clients which are exactly set up like mine.
  • People who do not own a client exactly set up like mine cannot read my messages.

The problem is, due to the Megaserver I am put on servers with similar *base clients/language (Ger)*

The result is, that I have to disable the language filter to even read chat at all since the large percentage on my server has a german client/VO. Also, since the other people still have the filter turned on, they can’t read my messages at all.

You guys literally isolated players with your hotfix/filter system!

I don’t want to be forced to play on german again (Yuck that VO…) just because your filter system is not optimized for edge cases. Please fix it asap!

So about that language filter update...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


As discussed in other topics, before MegaServers it was considered taboo to speak another language anyway and it all languages were separated in other servers. The only time you got a chance to speak to other servers was when MegaServer was introduced, and a large majority complained how they saw other languages and thats the reasoning for this hotfix

The best solution for you is to change your native game clients language and the problem will be solved.

Sorry, we can’t please everyone

(edited by Chase.8415)