So how is the game doing?

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vynas.2063


I have not played this game since a few months after it was released, getting bored with WoW again though so thought I might swing back around to give it a shot again. Just curious as to the state of the game, and if it is still active enough to justify coming back. If you go on the WoW forums the way they put down GW you would think that its a dead wasteland so I just had to make sure.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


No, it’s still pretty well populated. Thanks to the Megaserver architecture, you’re always guaranteed to be put into a map with other players (you’ll get a prompt to switch to a more crowded server if you’re on a dead one).

The only time your specific server matters is if you’re interested in World vs World, and even then, as long as you join one of the more populated servers, you should find no shortage of players on when you are.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hexicz.8450


Hey there,

I just started back as well after stopping roughly 4-5 months after release. I can report back to you saying very little in the game has changed, and whatever caused you to originally quit would still be its valid as ever.

PvP is still just conquest, and the only major differences I have noticed are better rewards through “PvP reward tracks” and one or two new maps. Compared to Guild Wars 1, and frankly most any other MMO on the market, PvP and its’ support from the devs is quite lackluster. That’s not to say the actual PvP isn’t fun, it really is, but the lack of variation of gamemodes and maps really ruins it.

WvW is essentially the same too. The largest difference is Edge of the Mists which is a floating archipelago roughly the size of a single ordinary WvW map. It functions much like ordinary WvW, however it is on a 4 hour timer as opposed to the normal one week length. They also added a trait-like addition where you gain skills in particular areas of WvW.

PvE is virtually the same (notice the pattern?). No new dungeons have been added apart from temporary ones in the episodic living story. The major source of new PvE content are the living story episodes, which are released fortnightly and only offer 2-3 hours of straight content (which is free though, mind you). The only long term content these episodes give is the grind for new skins.

However, the seemingly majority of new skins added to the game are only attainable from the gem store. From my perspective, it seems like most of the new character customisation content has come from there.

Also no new skills (apart from some healing slot ones) have been added to the game. No new professions, races and very little traits (if any) have been added as well.

Compared to this game, the one you have ome from has released orders of magnitudes more content in the past two years (two expansions and all the tier updates within them). If you got bored with WoW, you will undoubtedly get bored with this sooner.

Also to answer your original question, the player base is still quite active and you won’t have a problem finding people to play with ;) .

Hopefully that helped.

(edited by Hexicz.8450)

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cormac.3871


Just a quick note. Most of what Hexicz said was wrong in one sense or another.

WvW has now got WvW skills progression, and the maps have had a small change of mechanics (bloodlust mechanic gained by claiming ruins)

Two new level 80 PvE maps, with a different style of meta event, essentially giving two new options to those who just ran around Orr.

You may or may not have left before the Fractals dungeons came out. If you left shortly after they came out there are now twice as many Fractals.

Living World Season 2 has about 90 minutes play. Per episode. If you don’t play for achievements. We are on episode 7 so there is 10 hours of new content there, although you will have to pay gems to unlock the content you missed.

The game was always intended to be pay for looks rather than pay to win or pay to play, but there are still a bunch of new skins that that can be acquired via gameplay, such as ascended weapons and armour, carapace armour, fractal weapons, tequatl weapons and champion weapons as well as the skins related to achievement points.

Also, five new top tier traits per class have been added.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The game is fine. If you liked it before you should like it now. If you didn’t, you probably won’t.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


Exactly what the Hexicz said. If you’re interested in PvE then you probably are not going to be happy about it… It’s not that there is no new content. Just the opposite. There is a lot of new stuff flowing into the game. But it’s either to short and without any replay-ability or it’s just a huge grind for skins.

Just wanted to add that in a few hours Vayne is going to post here something about how fun the game is…

Edit: to late…

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Exactly what the Hexicz said. If you’re interested in PvE then you probably are not going to be happy about it… It’s not that there is no new content. Just the opposite. There is a lot of new stuff flowing into the game. But it’s either to short and without any replay-ability or it’s just a huge grind for skins.

Just wanted to add that in a few hours Vayne is going to post here something about how fun the game is…

Edit: to late…

So the 200 people in my guild interested in PvE aren’t going to be happy about it? Gotcha. Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

/rolls eyes

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


Exactly what the Hexicz said. If you’re interested in PvE then you probably are not going to be happy about it… It’s not that there is no new content. Just the opposite. There is a lot of new stuff flowing into the game. But it’s either to short and without any replay-ability or it’s just a huge grind for skins.

Just wanted to add that in a few hours Vayne is going to post here something about how fun the game is…

Edit: to late…

So the 200 people in my guild interested in PvE aren’t going to be happy about it? Gotcha. Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

/rolls eyes

I wrote: “you probably are not going to be happy about it”.

And it means that there are people like your guild mates. But it also means that all of the people that I know personally and who bought the game stopped playing. As many others that I met in the game. Most of them because they couldn’t find anything worth doing.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Exactly what the Hexicz said. If you’re interested in PvE Dungeons then you probably are not going to be happy about it… It’s not that there is no new content. Just the opposite. There is a lot of new stuff flowing into the game. But it’s either to short and without any replay-ability or it’s just a huge grind for skins.

Just wanted to add that in a few hours Vayne is going to post here something about how fun the game is…

Edit: to late…

Fixed it for you

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Exactly what the Hexicz said. If you’re interested in PvE then you probably are not going to be happy about it… It’s not that there is no new content. Just the opposite. There is a lot of new stuff flowing into the game. But it’s either to short and without any replay-ability or it’s just a huge grind for skins.

Just wanted to add that in a few hours Vayne is going to post here something about how fun the game is…

Edit: to late…

So the 200 people in my guild interested in PvE aren’t going to be happy about it? Gotcha. Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

/rolls eyes

I wrote: “you probably are not going to be happy about it”.

And it means that there are people like your guild mates. But it also means that all of the people that I know personally and who bought the game stopped playing. As many others that I met in the game. Most of them because they couldn’t find anything worth doing.

Do you know the OP personally that you can tell from his OP say why he left or what he looks for in a game? When you apply personal prejudice to everyone, it’s called projecting.

If you notice, my own quote wasn’t that this is a great game, like you implied I’d say. I said nothing like it. All I said was if you liked it before you’ll probably like it now, if you didn’t you probably won’t.

This way I’m not pushing my personal likes an dislikes on someone else. You’re claiming I’m a fan boy but my post wasn’t a rave review of the game and I didn’t say how great it was.

Your post was simply negative. One of us is displaying bias, one of us is not.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


Just curious as to the state of the game, and if it is still active enough to justify coming back.

It certainly is not a dead wasteland. Thanks to the megaserver technology you will find plenty of other people even on maps that aren’t very popular, and due to the way trait aquisitions now work for new characters, you will easily find others to team up with even on mid-level group events (while the trait aquisition rework is widely critisized, it did a good job in bringing people to do those events regularly).

How long the game will keep you interested will depend a lot on the type of gamer you are. From my experience, people who get their fun primarily from the rewards they win in-game tend to be more easily bored and/or frustrated by perceived grind than those who get most of their fun from the acivity they play and see rewards only as a nice extra. Fortunately, once you’ve bought the game, you can just jump in and see for yourself anytime you want. You can even check out the chapters of the living story that you missed by teaming up with somebody who has them unlocked, before deciding whether to unlock them yourself or not.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


Your post was simply negative. One of us is displaying bias, one of us is not.

Dude… I said: “probably”! If I would change my post my post like this:

“Exactly what the Hexicz said. If you’re interested in PvE then you probably can be happy about it… There is a lot of new stuff flowing into the game. But take note that it’s either short and without any replay-ability or it’s just a huge grind for skins.”

Would you be more happy?

And being bothered only by negative posts can also be seen as displaying bias…


Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

Why do you assume that the content I enjoy the most are dungeons? If I would have to name the content I enjoyed the most in gw2 then it would be:
1. Revamped Tequatl
2. Nightmare Tower
3. Guild Challenges
Do you see any dungeons there? The problem is that I’m bored with pointless grind(I stopped caring about the skins since my character already have a huge pile of them) and the lame story instances(I would rather read about the story then play those instances). And I really don’t expect some gear grinding just some other reason to play then just collecting skins.

(edited by HiddenNick.7206)

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Your post was simply negative. One of us is displaying bias, one of us is not.

Dude… I said: “probably”! If I would change my post my post like this:

“Exactly what the Hexicz said. If you’re interested in PvE then you probably can be happy about it… There is a lot of new stuff flowing into the game. But take note that it’s either short and without any replay-ability or it’s just a huge grind for skins.”

Would you be more happy?

And being bothered only by negative posts can also be seen as displaying bias…


Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

Why do you assume that the content I enjoy the most are dungeons? If I would have to name the content I enjoyed the most in gw2 then it would be:
1. Revamped Tequatl
2. Nightmare Tower
3. Guild Challenges
Do you see any dungeons there? The problem is that I’m bored with pointless grind(I stopped caring about the skins since my character already have a huge pile of them) and the lame story instances(I would rather read about the story then play those instances). And I really don’t expect some gear grinding just some other reason to play then just collecting skins.

I’d certainly call the Nightmare Tower a dungeon. Anyway, there’s no way you can say your post wasn’t more negative than my post which was neutral. You started the argument by trying to pre-empt what I was going to say. Don’t act all coy now, after you fired the first shot.

I’m sure if the OP wants he can look at your post history (as he can look at mine) and see what you’re about.

But if you don’t want to get burned you stay out of the kitchen. Stop bringing up my name in posts for absolutely no reasons and you won’t have to deal with this kind of thing.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


My post WAS negative. As I’m negative about the game. As you are positive about it. There is no reason to claim otherwise. There is no shame in it. What I was trying to say is that I’m not talking for someone else.

PS. I’m not a fairy to predict the exact future but still… I was pretty close… I just didn’t know that you are trying to be the judge now. It’s a change since you ware always so white knightly.

PS2. And if Nightmare Tower was a dungeon then I’m a Jon Snow.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: simplesimon.2084


Why do you assume that the content I enjoy the most are dungeons? If I would have to name the content I enjoyed the most in gw2 then it would be:
1. Revamped Tequatl
2. Nightmare Tower
3. Guild Challenges
Do you see any dungeons there? The problem is that I’m bored with pointless grind(I stopped caring about the skins since my character already have a huge pile of them) and the lame story instances(I would rather read about the story then play those instances). And I really don’t expect some gear grinding just some other reason to play then just collecting skins.

Skins are endgame for this game so if you don’t like skins you may be Sol.

(edited by simplesimon.2084)

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Game have lots of people playing.Every1 who says otherwise lie or hate GW2 and WOW fanboys are ofc top in that.Now,will u like game or not,that all depends from what type of games you like since GW2 is vary different then WOW.As of my opinion,i play GW2 only LS (LS season 2 is vary good) and sometimes sPvP,WvW.I dont care for achievements or legendaries so there is nothing for me to do in game.My opinion is that GW2 is great game but lacks end game content.
What is sure is that GW2 have huge amount of players and with megaservers,every zone is well populated or at least have some players in there.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


My post WAS negative. As I’m negative about the game. As you are positive about it. There is no reason to claim otherwise. There is no shame in it. What I was trying to say is that I’m not talking for someone else.

PS. I’m not a fairy to predict the exact future but still… I was pretty close… I just didn’t know that you are trying to be the judge now. It’s a change since you ware always so white knightly.

PS2. And if Nightmare Tower was a dungeon then I’m a Jon Snow.

If you look at the OP all he was really asking about are people playing right now. The answer is a resounding yes. Either you’re not logging in at all, so you wouldn’t know, or you are logging in, so you would.

Trying to sell a guy off the game because you don’t like it isn’t really all that helpful, and it has nothing even to do with the question he asked.

The real answer (given by others so I didn’t) is that there are plenty of people playing this game).

What I didn’t do was come here and rave about the game. What makes you think posting your negativity was appropriate for the thread?

OP, there are still lots and lots of people playing.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sogradde.8016


So the 200 people in my guild interested in PvE aren’t going to be happy about it? Gotcha. Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

/rolls eyes

So you asked all 200 of them personally? Don’t speak for everyone Vayne, gosh!

Midnight Mayhem [MM]
Gunnar’s Hold

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So the 200 people in my guild interested in PvE aren’t going to be happy about it? Gotcha. Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

/rolls eyes

So you asked all 200 of them personally? Don’t speak for everyone Vayne, gosh!

I didn’t ask all of them personally. We don’t just randomly invite anyone to the guild. We don’t have an open application. We don’t recruit in Lion’s Arch and at some point, I’ve talked to every single member of the Guild about Guild Wars 2.

There are a handful of people who are unhappy, including one who posts on the forums. There are also a whole bunch of people who are VERY happy.

Everyone has some complaint about the game, whether it’s not being able to skip cut scenes in stories, or too many badges they need to get the stuff they want, or they didn’t like a specific episode of the Living Story.

But a hundred people in my guild log in every single week and play, most of us happily.

I’m not sure why it would surprise you that people who join a specific type of guild like a specific type of content and so would generally as a rule be happy or unhappy. For example, we’re not a guild filled with dungeon runners and the PvPers in the guild (such as we are) are mega casual.

The stuff they like is very similar to the stuff I like so why would they be happy?

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


If you look at the OP all he was really asking about are people playing right now.

I looked: “Just curious as to the state of the game, and if it is still active enough to justify coming back.”

So he is asking about the state of the game too…

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


If you look at the OP all he was really asking about are people playing right now.

I looked: “Just curious as to the state of the game, and if it is still active enough to justify coming back.”

So he is asking about the state of the game too…

This is his full quote “Just curious as to the state of the game, and if it is still active enough to justify coming back. If you go on the WoW forums the way they put down GW you would think that its a dead wasteland so I just had to make sure.”

What makes you think he was asking for a critique on the game and not just a player count. He made it quite clear he heard the game was dead and he wanted to make sure it wasn’t before giving it a try.

You simply assume that he meant something else by it. At any rate, if you stop bringing up my name, you won’t have to deal with me answering you. Particularly because most of what you’ve said about me was wrong anyway.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FalconDance.1637



BEFORE the little veering off by the two individuals duking it out, I was interested in knowing the answer to the OP’s question(s), as well.

I was a beta tester for GW2 (and a veteran of GW1 since right after its release) and gleefully purchased the game. My guild formed up immediately, and we were really excited to play. Until the rampant bugs started showing up in the personal story – game-breaking bugs that prevented progression. Then the first of the living story episodes hit —- and were actually game-breaking in their own ways.

I return every now and then to see what progress there is in the game. Being a persistent world, I’ve seen Lion’s Arch destroyed again, what, 3 times now? But, I thought, I shall start playing again because I’m reading reports that many of the bugs have been squashed (finally!). I don’t generally PvP or WvW, so that leaves PvE and the content Anet has added.

Only to have most of the episodes locked behind the cash shop counter.

So, how is the game now? Is it worth paying to play?

BirchFlower [RBW] – Sylvari ranger, Isle of Janthir
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s only worth paying if you are either a story nut or an achievement point nut. Beyond that it’s probably not. But I like it.

It’s quite a lot of free content that’s released quite often that you get for free as long as you log in. It’s not unreasonable to consider it a kind of DLC content that most of us get for free.

There have been a couple of threads about charging for the stories and very very few people seem perturbed by it. Most of the people posting in those threads seem to think it’s not that bad. It’s a couple of dollars for an episode.

Also, if you like the story but you don’t care about achievements, anyone who’s unlocked them can take you in for free so you can see the story. You only really have to buy it if you want the achievements.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890



So, how is the game now? Is it worth paying to play?

Depends how much you enjoy the story side of it. If you do enjoy the story then yeah it’s not too bad and I’d say worth it. If you’re not a massive fan of the story then you don’t need them to access the new maps/areas. Just walk in and get on with stuff.

If you do decide to buy stuff remember you can buy gems with in game gold (I believe each episode will cost around 36 – 40 gold going on GW2Spidy’s current conversion rates) or if you just want to experience the story and aren’t too fussed about the achievements/rewards then you can join a friend (or stranger) who has it unlocked and do the missions with them.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sogradde.8016


So the 200 people in my guild interested in PvE aren’t going to be happy about it? Gotcha. Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

/rolls eyes

So you asked all 200 of them personally? Don’t speak for everyone Vayne, gosh!

I didn’t ask all of them personally. We don’t just randomly invite anyone to the guild. We don’t have an open application. We don’t recruit in Lion’s Arch and at some point, I’ve talked to every single member of the Guild about Guild Wars 2.

There are a handful of people who are unhappy, including one who posts on the forums. There are also a whole bunch of people who are VERY happy.

Everyone has some complaint about the game, whether it’s not being able to skip cut scenes in stories, or too many badges they need to get the stuff they want, or they didn’t like a specific episode of the Living Story.

But a hundred people in my guild log in every single week and play, most of us happily.

I’m not sure why it would surprise you that people who join a specific type of guild like a specific type of content and so would generally as a rule be happy or unhappy. For example, we’re not a guild filled with dungeon runners and the PvPers in the guild (such as we are) are mega casual.

The stuff they like is very similar to the stuff I like so why would they be happy?

Well you implied every single one of your 200 guildies would be happy, didn’t you? If you did not ask every single one of them, how can you know? Are you speaking for them Vayne? Are you the hivemind?


I know how much you like arguing semantics.

Midnight Mayhem [MM]
Gunnar’s Hold

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So the 200 people in my guild interested in PvE aren’t going to be happy about it? Gotcha. Oh, I forgot, PvE is only dungeons.

/rolls eyes

So you asked all 200 of them personally? Don’t speak for everyone Vayne, gosh!

I didn’t ask all of them personally. We don’t just randomly invite anyone to the guild. We don’t have an open application. We don’t recruit in Lion’s Arch and at some point, I’ve talked to every single member of the Guild about Guild Wars 2.

There are a handful of people who are unhappy, including one who posts on the forums. There are also a whole bunch of people who are VERY happy.

Everyone has some complaint about the game, whether it’s not being able to skip cut scenes in stories, or too many badges they need to get the stuff they want, or they didn’t like a specific episode of the Living Story.

But a hundred people in my guild log in every single week and play, most of us happily.

I’m not sure why it would surprise you that people who join a specific type of guild like a specific type of content and so would generally as a rule be happy or unhappy. For example, we’re not a guild filled with dungeon runners and the PvPers in the guild (such as we are) are mega casual.

The stuff they like is very similar to the stuff I like so why would they be happy?

Well you implied every single one of your 200 guildies would be happy, didn’t you? If you did not ask every single one of them, how can you know? Are you speaking for them Vayne? Are you the hivemind?


I know how much you like arguing semantics.

As I said, at some point, I’ve spoken to every single one of those 200 people. The active guild, the guild that logs in, I speak to quite frequently. Those 100 people are the core guild and they’re happy.

The other people are relatives, people in other guilds who just do guild missions with us. But you know the whole pick on Vayne thing is very cute. It doesn’t make your arguments any stronger.

A lot of people probably don’t like the game and a lot of people do.

I’m sure it’s very hard to accept that if you close your mind to it though.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


What makes you think he was asking for a critique on the game and not just a player count. He made it quite clear he heard the game was dead and he wanted to make sure it wasn’t before giving it a try.

You can think whatever you like… I’m not bothered. But for me it is safe to assume that if someone is asking for the state of the game then he wants to know how is the game now. And I don’t need you to tell me how I should understand what people post…

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


getting bored with WoW again though

So much about how long new expansions would maybe bind players.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

The grinds are still there if you want them. The LS is better than last year, but ‘expansion level content’ is not (regardless of the white knight’s bloviating). Some of the QOL changes they’ve put in has been well received.

With all that said, its worth giving it a shot and see if what drove you away is still around.


So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vynas.2063


Thanks for the posts, and really guys there is no need to argue you both brought up good points. As for what made me quit in the first place, it wasn’t the PvP or PvE, I had fun with both it was just that I could not find a profession that clicked with me. I tried them all, but I just couldn’t find the one that made me say “Hell yeah, this is my toon right here.” With WoW’s new expac though it feels like they gutted and changed the classes there way to much to the point where characters I have loved for years do not even feel the same anymore, so I figured now was a good a time as any to give GW a second chance.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neb.4170


Thanks for the posts, and really guys there is no need to argue you both brought up good points. As for what made me quit in the first place, it wasn’t the PvP or PvE, I had fun with both it was just that I could not find a profession that clicked with me. I tried them all, but I just couldn’t find the one that made me say “Hell yeah, this is my toon right here.” With WoW’s new expac though it feels like they gutted and changed the classes there way to much to the point where characters I have loved for years do not even feel the same anymore, so I figured now was a good a time as any to give GW a second chance.

I have the same issue with the game. Leveled up every class, don’t like any of them. I come back every so often to see if the professions have been changed and/or new ones have been added.

No luck yet.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


What makes you think he was asking for a critique on the game and not just a player count. He made it quite clear he heard the game was dead and he wanted to make sure it wasn’t before giving it a try.

You can think whatever you like… I’m not bothered. But for me it is safe to assume that if someone is asking for the state of the game then he wants to know how is the game now. And I don’t need you to tell me how I should understand what people post…

I’m not sure how clear I can make this. You brought up my name. I didn’t bring up yours. You don’t get to poke fun at people (wrongly in this case) and not expect a response. And whether you need someone or not to tell you how to interpret things, that doesn’t matter either. This is the internet. If someone things you misinterpreted they’re going to say so.

Whether or not you think you misinterpreted the OP, I think you did.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Thanks for the posts, and really guys there is no need to argue you both brought up good points. As for what made me quit in the first place, it wasn’t the PvP or PvE, I had fun with both it was just that I could not find a profession that clicked with me. I tried them all, but I just couldn’t find the one that made me say “Hell yeah, this is my toon right here.” With WoW’s new expac though it feels like they gutted and changed the classes there way to much to the point where characters I have loved for years do not even feel the same anymore, so I figured now was a good a time as any to give GW a second chance.

Okay now we have something to work with. What type of characters do you like to play?

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Why does every thread have to turn into Vayne vs. everyone?

Hexicz is 100% correct and it’s really quite pathetic. That doesn’t mean that the game sucks, though, or that it’s dying. It just means Anet needs to get their crap together – they’ve had more than 2 years to do it.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vynas.2063


Really want to get into caster or ranged cause I have only been melee in most of the games I have played. I liked the idea of necros but I despised the idea of hurting myself while I play solo and the whole staff skill set where literally every skill has to be placed on the ground was a huge hell no for me. I loved my mesmer in GW, but it feels like all the spells i loved are gone and replaced by this strange hybrid. I suppose I could give ele a try just have to find a build that lets me wreck face and feel like I am doing something. I thought Anet’s idea of no dedicated roles was preety cool at first but now I see it makes you feel like your character is decent at everything, but good at nothing.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Why does every thread have to turn into Vayne vs. everyone?

Hexicz is 100% correct and it’s really quite pathetic. That doesn’t mean that the game sucks, though, or that it’s dying. It just means Anet needs to get their crap together – they’ve had more than 2 years to do it.

How come you didn’t talk to Hidden Nick to ask him why he mentioned me by name in the first place?

I understand. You agree with him, so therefore what he did was right. You don’t agree with me, so therefore what I did was wrong.

If people would stop talking to me, I’d stop replying a lot sooner. If Nick hadn’t spoken about me (first I might add) I might not have commented on his post at all.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neb.4170


I thought Anet’s idea of no dedicated roles was preety cool at first but now I see it makes you feel like your character is decent at everything, but good at nothing.

Unfortunately you have only one goal in this game, regardless of your class choice. Do damage. You can make a ‘support’ build, but you’ll just be a hindrance, especially so if you plan on doing any dungeon content.

Also don’t roll necro if you plan on doing dungeons/fractals.

@Vayne, have you ever heard of ignoring people? You should try it out. For all of our sakes.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vynas.2063


Now that I am Looking at the skills again I take back what I said earlier. Mesmer might actually be fun to try out. The complete randomness of the staff skill set mixed with signet of inspiration and midnight, might be the worst possible combo for all I know, but the complete and utter chaos from the randomness of it all sounds pretty fun.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Why does every thread have to turn into Vayne vs. everyone?

Hexicz is 100% correct and it’s really quite pathetic. That doesn’t mean that the game sucks, though, or that it’s dying. It just means Anet needs to get their crap together – they’ve had more than 2 years to do it.

How come you didn’t talk to Hidden Nick to ask him why he mentioned me by name in the first place?

I understand. You agree with him, so therefore what he did was right. You don’t agree with me, so therefore what I did was wrong.

If people would stop talking to me, I’d stop replying a lot sooner. If Nick hadn’t spoken about me (first I might add) I might not have commented on his post at all.

I didn’t mean to insinuate the fault is totally on your side. It just gets tiresome how so many threads just turn into back and forths between you and x other person over stuff that is usually highly subjective.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Now that I am Looking at the skills again I take back what I said earlier. Mesmer might actually be fun to try out. The complete randomness of the staff skill set mixed with signet of inspiration and midnight, might be the worst possible combo for all I know, but the complete and utter chaos from the randomness of it all sounds pretty fun.

Mesmers are really fun, but leveling them, to me was an utter pain. I also really like Ele and dagger dagger builds are really good fun, even in dungeons.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


Now that I am Looking at the skills again I take back what I said earlier. Mesmer might actually be fun to try out. The complete randomness of the staff skill set mixed with signet of inspiration and midnight, might be the worst possible combo for all I know, but the complete and utter chaos from the randomness of it all sounds pretty fun.

As munkiman said Mesmer’s are really good fun. I’m a big fan of Sword and Torch on mine (torch isn’t optimal and the Phantasm’s poor but the other skill is really good fun :-P )

With regards to your earlier comments about Necro’s some of their skills can work really well together. For the ranged side of it try Scepter (900 range) or Axe (600 range) as they require less ground targeting and Axe can be useful in group settings (applies vulnerability). About hurting themselves you don’t have to use the corruption skills (personally I only use Blood is Power) but if you combine that with off hand dagger, Consume Conditions or Plague Signet you can easily rid yourself of any damage and inflict slightly more on you opponent.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


I really had my best time with leveling my necro. It is straigth forward and strong in most situations. Use dagger as main hand and try to find out what else you prefer as off-hand. Warhorn or dagger, I never could really decide. Self-centered wells, as you are in melee range all the time anyway, no targeting needed.
Go with a power build, ignore conditions.

Leveling an Ele is OK, but I never really got connected to the class. Very flexible, very interesting, just not too much fun for me.

Mesmer has been my main since release. They look fun on paper, but leveling them is torment. If you left the game because you felt disconnected to the classes and want to come back now, I would avoid this profession, as it can be fairly frustrating.

So how is the game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I really had my best time with leveling my necro. It is straigth forward and strong in most situations. Use dagger as main hand and try to find out what else you prefer as off-hand. Warhorn or dagger, I never could really decide. Self-centered wells, as you are in melee range all the time anyway, no targeting needed.
Go with a power build, ignore conditions.

Leveling an Ele is OK, but I never really got connected to the class. Very flexible, very interesting, just not too much fun for me.

Mesmer has been my main since release. They look fun on paper, but leveling them is torment. If you left the game because you felt disconnected to the classes and want to come back now, I would avoid this profession, as it can be fairly frustrating.

Leveling them WAS torment, i can only imagine what it is like with the NPE and trait system revamp, geesh!

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website