(edited by Artemis Noir.3804)
So.. if this were a party-driven, single player game...
Tybalt, Logan, Mad King Thorn & Palawa Joko.
It’d be a hilarious comedy-mayhem ride through Tyria and back, with Logan as the straight man.
Basically, what if it were like GW1, with heroes?
My 4 party members would be:
Riot Alice
Shashoo (the “violent” Quaggan)
I actually like Logan…
@Kain Francois,
I never actually played GW1; when it was released I was suffering from MMO burnout. I just looked up the heroes in that game, though, I’m pretty sure the idea would fit into what I mean.
I’d been thinking of games like Dragon Age Origins, or for those who remember it, Baldur’s Gate Two, as a model. But really, any group-based game would illustrate the concept.
I have not yet continued very far in my human character’s story, but based on what I have seen, my sense is that Logan is actually quite complex beneath the surface.
Rytlock, Ogden, Magister Tassi, Fen the Giant, and that Halloween quaggan dressed like a ghost.
With occasional assistance from the Crush Cubs.
Should be a well balanced and entertaining party, I’d think.
Tybalt, Sayeh, Mad King and Zojja. I particularly look forward to the mad king-sayeh conversations ^^
Shashoo: “Quaggan’s ready!”
Sayeh: “Your respite will be brief.”
Riel Darkwater
Doern Velazquez
Mad King Thorne
Yeah that about covers the JRPG mix
Just Dinky.
Tybalt, Logan, Mad King Thorn & Palawa Joko.
It’d be a hilarious comedy-mayhem ride through Tyria and back, with Logan as the straight man.
This is genius. Arenanet hire this man. Now.
I’d go with the members of Destiny’s Edge. It would have been nice to see more of them in the game than we did.
Pale Tree
I would like them to introduce Mercenary Heroes like in gw1, where you can use your alts as your party members. Just like in gw1, you can dress them up in the best attire at your disposal, equip their weapon/skill set, visit an NPC and he takes a copy of your alt all geared up. Then you can use them in your party. To me that was the best addition to gw1 and I had most fun in the game after that, although it took some doing to set up 8 alts just the way I wanted.
I just feel sorry they introduced it so late in the game, so I only got to enjoy my alts for a few months before i stopped playing, coz well, I had achieved everything i wanted to in the game. So yea I would really love to see this back, even if it was only available for the dungeons.