(edited by Wolfgrey.2049)
So many of you misunderstand this game....
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I think most of the players here are more PVErs than PVPers.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this person has no idea what Guild Wars even means.
The game isn’t called Guild Wars because of PvP. It is not about Guild Battles in a PvP environment.
Guild Wars originated from the Lore. The different guilds in lore waging war against each other. (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lore) Read up, then rethink your post.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I think most of the players here are more PVErs than PVPers.
Aye most likely. Even if the dungeons get revamped , the mostly cosmetic differences from the best armor should be a hint. Sure there is a 12% difference in stats(i believe) between the crafted and the exotics but however that isn’t enough to change pvp from what i have seen.
The original Guild Wars was crafted around pvp not pve.It is the same here, just pve is a lot bigger than last time.That is all.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume this person doesn’t even work for ArenaNet, nor has he had any constructive input in what they as a company have decided for the path of their beloved product.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Both PvP and PvE players are catered too just fine. The main issue is that no matter how much content is offered, an alarming amount of players have way too much free time on their hands, rush through it and then have the audacity to complain that there’s nothing for them to do. Arena Net aren’t running a business to keep people entertained 24/7, they’re running a business to allow gamers to indulge in a hobby.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this person has no idea what Guild Wars even means.
The game isn’t called Guild Wars because of PvP. It is not about Guild Battles in a PvP environment.
Guild Wars originated from the Lore. The different guilds in lore waging war against each other. (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lore) Read up, then rethink your post.
I knew that already however Guild Wars 1’s focus was still pvp regardless. Unless you consider the fact you could instantly make a character at lvl 20 and join in pvp and never take part in pve not as a sign? Guild Wars 1 lasted years off of pvp for the most part not pve.
That is simple fact.
Each expansion was huge though so there will be plenty of pve to enjoy i am sure.But pvp will always be the main focus.
Uh, two things I gotta address here.
1. Spyder’s right: The game isn’t called “Guild Wars” because of some focus on guild-based PvP. It’s called “Guild Wars” because the Guild Wars were an event that happened in the game’s lore, and they decided to name the game after it: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Guild_Wars
2. Just because PvP is the “endgame” for you doesn’t mean it’s the “endgame” for everyone, nor is there any sort of focus on PvE (the numbers speak for themselves in that regard; compare how much content there is in each mode).
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume this person doesn’t even work for ArenaNet, nor has he had any constructive input in what they as a company have decided for the path of their beloved product.
Ah Lance Coolee, you had about as much constructive input as a lot of people who complain around here.
I am simply stating the focus of the game, i am not even complaining at all.I am simply stating how i see it, you are free to discuss it but i suggest you do so a little nicer.
Uh, two things I gotta address here.
1. Spyder’s right: The game isn’t called “Guild Wars” because of some focus on guild-based PvP. It’s called “Guild Wars” because the Guild Wars were an event that happened in the game’s lore, and they decided to name the game after it: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Guild_Wars
2. Just because PvP is the “endgame” for you doesn’t mean it’s the “endgame” for everyone, nor is there any sort of focus on PvE (the numbers speak for themselves in that regard; compare how much content there is in each mode).
I already addressed 1.
As for 2 i am simply stating what Guild Wars 1 was mostly about.The pvp only characters, the arenas, and everything else proves my point on it’s own. Since this is Guild Wars 1’s sequel it would only stand that the focus is the same yes?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume this person doesn’t even work for ArenaNet, nor has he had any constructive input in what they as a company have decided for the path of their beloved product.
Ah Lance Coolee, you had about as much constructive input as a lot of people who complain around here.
I am simply stating the focus of the game, i am not even complaining at all.I am simply stating how i see it, you are free to discuss it but i suggest you do so a little nicer.
My apologies if I was abrasive.
But c’mon, let’s not assume we know what ArenaNet has in store for the entirety of their audience just because of what we as an individual have experienced or want out of the experience.
There is a TON of PvE lore in the game; to assume they’d just shrug it off as “filler” between opening the box and burning faces in PvP is just silly. Besides the style of gameplay for the entirety of the PvE experience is completely different from the PvP experience.
There are some very solid PvE-centric players looking for the next big thing, and I for one am still rooting for ArenaNet.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
As for 2 i am simply stating what Guild Wars 1 was mostly about.The pvp only characters, the arenas, and everything else proves my point on it’s own. Since this is Guild Wars 1’s sequel it would only stand that the focus is the same yes?
Not really. Sequels can be drastically different from their predecessors, and in the case of GW2, that’s one of the reasons ANet decided to go with a sequel instead of making another campaign; they wanted to make a game that was very different than GW1.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
That is fine with me Lance, like i said i was simply stating what the previous game’s focus was for the most part.Sure the world was beautiful but pvp remained to be what kept people around once all was said and done.
I simply see the same here.The “lack” of endgame for me just solidifies what i see in it.Otherwise it would be a lot deeper yes?
However i do agree the PvE is quite solid and i enjoy it a great deal.I came for the PvP and was very pleasantly surprised by how fleshed out and fun the PvE is.
As for 2 i am simply stating what Guild Wars 1 was mostly about.The pvp only characters, the arenas, and everything else proves my point on it’s own. Since this is Guild Wars 1’s sequel it would only stand that the focus is the same yes?
Not really. Sequels can be drastically different from their predecessors, and in the case of GW2, that’s one of the reasons ANet decided to go with a sequel instead of making another campaign; they wanted to make a game that was very different than GW1.
True enough. I still simply think time will show that PvP will be what makes it last.
However if they can bring the top notch PvP i knew and flesh out the PvE to a point that it really stands on it’s own then i am all for it.Just makes the game even more addicting and enjoyable.
I have seen that they are listening to an extent about dungeons so i think the farming code will be tweaked along with rewards to a point.I don’t think they will completely reverse it(i really hope they don’t) but it will be decent. Personally i like the idea of having to balance loss and gain then really working hard for what i need to the point of punishing. I embrace Anet on that decision.
It does have some bugs but it should be fine soon enough.
True enough. I still simply think time will show that PvP will be what makes it last.
Not sure how long people can stand playing deathmatch on four maps and unbalanced WvW.
True enough. I still simply think time will show that PvP will be what makes it last.
This is true for many players, and that makes this game good. We all have preferences, and ANet’s meeting them in a meaningful way. But PvP isn’t the only aspect as it stands for lasting appeal. If it were, I would have quit by now.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
Agree…. Grinding doing things over and over and over and over isn’t End Game that MOST are so used to!
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I think most of the players here are more PVErs than PVPers.
That may be, but it was clear that the endgame here, such as it is, was going to be more like DAOC’s endgame than like a traditional PvE MMO endgame, just like it was for GW1.
This is Guild Wars.“G-u-i-l-d W-a-r-s” As in guilds going to war.So as in PvP. PvP is the focus here. Once you hit 80 you are suppose to soak in the pvp, learn the ins and outs, perfect builds, join guilds, and duke it out. Balancing, new content, and patches will constantly change the pvp scene.
PvE was never meant to replace it.They simply gave you a much larger PvE experience than last time.That is all.
PvP will make this last for many years to come, not the PvE.But having said that there is tons to do with 5 characters on the way to 80 and i am sure it will be a long time before i care. Nvm that i played the original Guild Wars so i know where the true focus is.
Either way folks, grinding dungeons isn’t end game.
Pvp, trying to stand on top of everyone else in SPvP, getting a legion set up for WvWvW, setting up teams and goals,knowing your builds, and learning new strategies is the end game. And that will last til the game’s eventual demise.
Welcome to “Guild Wars”.A game based on pvp.
Wrong! Guild Wars is based on the LORE of the game not about guilds within the game facing one aother or PVP centric. It’s pretty easy to see if you have any brain at all that the game is PRIMARILY focused on PVE content. 100x more PVE content than PVP. PVP is just an afterthought to appease the whiners that want to PVP and thus bring in a little bit more revenue for the game (about 2% according to polls). So, really you need to go back and read the LORE of this game and then you’ll find GUILD WARS is LORE not the FOCUS.
True enough. I still simply think time will show that PvP will be what makes it last.
Not sure how long people can stand playing deathmatch on four maps and unbalanced WvW.
WvW is a new concept to them and will take time to be refined into what it needs to be.
The four maps will also take time but i urge you to look for videos of some real matches.They can get quite intense and a lot more strategical than what you normally see. Unfortunately a lot of new pvp players atm prefer to Zerg like mad. Though this usually ends up in lone players taking points and making those zerging goups a laughing stock.
Guild Wars originated from the Lore. The different guilds in lore waging war against each other. (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lore) Read up, then rethink your post.
This is only accurate if they wrote the lore, then named the game based on that lore.
I think the reality is that that’s the in-game explaination of the name, not the actual reason they named the game that.
I can’t see the people in charge saying “read this part of the lore, I think we should name the game after it!”.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
The game focus is what you make it for you. Just stop updating this useless threads, the guy wants attention.
This is Guild Wars.“G-u-i-l-d W-a-r-s” As in guilds going to war.So as in PvP. PvP is the focus here. Once you hit 80 you are suppose to soak in the pvp, learn the ins and outs, perfect builds, join guilds, and duke it out. Balancing, new content, and patches will constantly change the pvp scene.
PvE was never meant to replace it.They simply gave you a much larger PvE experience than last time.That is all.
PvP will make this last for many years to come, not the PvE.But having said that there is tons to do with 5 characters on the way to 80 and i am sure it will be a long time before i care. Nvm that i played the original Guild Wars so i know where the true focus is.
Either way folks, grinding dungeons isn’t end game.
Pvp, trying to stand on top of everyone else in SPvP, getting a legion set up for WvWvW, setting up teams and goals,knowing your builds, and learning new strategies is the end game. And that will last til the game’s eventual demise.
Welcome to “Guild Wars”.A game based on pvp.
I assure you that it’s you that does not “get it” and not the community complaining. Regarding sPvP go to the gw2esport subreddit and watch the youtube vid in the thread “Anet should listen to this…” it’s a video post by a shoutcaster (Gijesus) who carefully articulates why sPvP in this game is just not worth getting too serious about right now.
WvW is the logical place to go for endgame as things are designed. The issue with WvW is what is my reward? What am I working for at level 80 with great gear in WvW? The reward system needs to be rethought.
When you come out saying a major component of a game needs to be retooled you are essentially saying the game is broken. This is a very difficult thing for me to say about this game
This is Guild Wars.“G-u-i-l-d W-a-r-s” As in guilds going to war.So as in PvP. PvP is the focus here. Once you hit 80 you are suppose to soak in the pvp, learn the ins and outs, perfect builds, join guilds, and duke it out. Balancing, new content, and patches will constantly change the pvp scene.
PvE was never meant to replace it.They simply gave you a much larger PvE experience than last time.That is all.
PvP will make this last for many years to come, not the PvE.But having said that there is tons to do with 5 characters on the way to 80 and i am sure it will be a long time before i care. Nvm that i played the original Guild Wars so i know where the true focus is.
Either way folks, grinding dungeons isn’t end game.
Pvp, trying to stand on top of everyone else in SPvP, getting a legion set up for WvWvW, setting up teams and goals,knowing your builds, and learning new strategies is the end game. And that will last til the game’s eventual demise.
Welcome to “Guild Wars”.A game based on pvp.
Wrong! Guild Wars is based on the LORE of the game not about guilds within the game facing one aother or PVP centric. It’s pretty easy to see if you have any brain at all that the game is PRIMARILY focused on PVE content. 100x more PVE content than PVP. PVP is just an afterthought to appease the whiners that want to PVP and thus bring in a little bit more revenue for the game (about 2% according to polls). So, really you need to go back and read the LORE of this game and then you’ll find GUILD WARS is LORE not the FOCUS.
You should probably read the rest of the thread but your still wrong mate.It was already mentioned what “Guild Wars” meant. People should really learn to read past the first post.
Anyway PvP was always the focus no matter how good the lore was.I don’t even have to respond much further on that.
This is Guild Wars.“G-u-i-l-d W-a-r-s” As in guilds going to war.So as in PvP. PvP is the focus here. Once you hit 80 you are suppose to soak in the pvp, learn the ins and outs, perfect builds, join guilds, and duke it out. Balancing, new content, and patches will constantly change the pvp scene.
PvE was never meant to replace it.They simply gave you a much larger PvE experience than last time.That is all.
PvP will make this last for many years to come, not the PvE.But having said that there is tons to do with 5 characters on the way to 80 and i am sure it will be a long time before i care. Nvm that i played the original Guild Wars so i know where the true focus is.
Either way folks, grinding dungeons isn’t end game.
Pvp, trying to stand on top of everyone else in SPvP, getting a legion set up for WvWvW, setting up teams and goals,knowing your builds, and learning new strategies is the end game. And that will last til the game’s eventual demise.
Welcome to “Guild Wars”.A game based on pvp.
I assure you that it’s you that does not “get it” and not the community complaining. Regarding sPvP go to the gw2esport subreddit and watch the youtube vid in the thread “Anet should listen to this…” it’s a video post by a shoutcaster (Gijesus) who carefully articulates why sPvP in this game is just not worth getting too serious about right now.
WvW is the logical place to go for endgame as things are designed. The issue with WvW is what is my reward? What am I working for at level 80 with great gear in WvW? The reward system needs to be rethought.
When you come out saying a major component of a game needs to be retooled you are essentially saying the game is broken. This is a very difficult thing for me to say about this game
As mentioned WvW is a new experience for them, i think it will simply take time to refine it and all will be fine.
PvP will be fleshed out as time goes on. Guild Wars 2 hasn’t been out long so i am not worried at all.
The game focus is what you make it for you. Just stop updating this useless threads, the guy wants attention.
I am simply discussing with people my point of view on a subject that is discussed quite a lot on these forums.
You don’t have to take it personally mate.You can either join in discussion or simply leave the thread or ignore it.
I couldn’t give a crap if no one replied to me.If they didn’t it simply meant they weren’t interested in discussing it. Big deal.
Historically there have been three kinds of endgame in MMOs:
(1) Sandboxish (e.g., UO, SWG, EVE) — i.e., open-ended player-defined content often involving politics and open-ish PvP
(2) EQish (WoW is a refinement of this, nothing more) — raid till you drop (refined now to instance till you drop)
(3) DAoCish — realm v. realm PvP on specific PvP open world maps
“sPvP” is an addition, which can be found in both EQish and DAoCish kind of endgames, but is generally never the endgame in itself in terms of the overall design of an MMO game (obviously there are other online genres with overlapping playerbases with MMORPGs that are based around sPvP like LoL and other MOBA games).
GW2 is an hybrid of (1) a DAoCish endgame with (2) an all-world explore PvE endgame (something which is new for persistent world MMOs) based around map completions, the downleveling system to ensure challenge and so on. Most of the complaints around endgame come from people who would prefer an EQish endgame design to a DAoCish one, because they are not PvP fans. The second element of GW2’s endgame, which is entirely PvE, however, is also not popular with this group because it is decidedly not EQish either, but is its own new paradigm. SO the EQish endgame fans are kind of stuck — which was to be expected because the game was explicitly not built to be an EQish type of game, but in any case that’s why there is so much wailing and gnashing of teeth at the moment I think.
Thank god you won’t respond more because you don’t know what you are talking about. Everyone has known since the beginning of GW1 why the title was what it was. It just happened to be a humorous coincendent that it also tied in with Guild War pvp battles within the game. But, game both GW1 and GW2 was never PVP centric else they wouldn’t have made so much PVE content. If you notice unlike say SHADOWLANDS which was a PVP centric game (that failed mind you) there is NO PVP ALLOWED in the PVE game.
SHADOWLANDS was a PVP focused game and it failed miserably. This game would also if it were only PVP centric. Bye now.
WvW is the logical place to go for endgame as things are designed. The issue with WvW is what is my reward? What am I working for at level 80 with great gear in WvW? The reward system needs to be rethought.
When you come out saying a major component of a game needs to be retooled you are essentially saying the game is broken. This is a very difficult thing for me to say about this game
I disagree.
I loved WvW when I first tried it in the low levels.
And I’ll love it even more when I’m the appropriate level instead of boosted with minimal skills, etc.
While I wouldn’t disapprove of further progression / rewards in WvW, it’s important to keep in mind that further progression increases the gap between a booster player and a maxed out lvl 80. They need to find that balance between providing rewards (to some “fun” isn’t a reason to play – they feel entitled to more and more rewards) and the actual gameplay which is supposed to be the important thing.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
The issue is that you queue as a guild and only 4 people get in every 3 hours.
Historically there have been three kinds of endgame in MMOs:
(1) Sandboxish (e.g., UO, SWG, EVE) — i.e., open-ended player-defined content often involving politics and open-ish PvP
(2) EQish (WoW is a refinement of this, nothing more) — raid till you drop (refined now to instance till you drop)
(3) DAoCish — realm v. realm PvP on specific PvP open world maps
“sPvP” is an addition, which can be found in both EQish and DAoCish kind of endgames, but is generally never the endgame in itself in terms of the overall design of an MMO game (obviously there are other online genres with overlapping playerbases with MMORPGs that are based around sPvP like LoL and other MOBA games).
GW2 is an hybrid of (1) a DAoCish endgame with (2) an all-world explore PvE endgame (something which is new for persistent world MMOs) based around map completions, the downleveling system to ensure challenge and so on. Most of the complaints around endgame come from people who would prefer an EQish endgame design to a DAoCish one, because they are not PvP fans. The second element of GW2’s endgame, which is entirely PvE, however, is also not popular with this group because it is decidedly not EQish either, but is its own new paradigm. SO the EQish endgame fans are kind of stuck — which was to be expected because the game was explicitly not built to be an EQish type of game, but in any case that’s why there is so much wailing and gnashing of teeth at the moment I think.
That was a excellent definition of the game and i completely agree despite having come from EQ long ago myself.
2 types of Endgame i can certainly agree with.I just simply believe one will be more fleshed out over the other in time.But that is my opinion and only time will tell if i am correct or not. Either way i will stand by the game probably for a few years like GW1.
Thank god you won’t respond more because you don’t know what you are talking about.
Everyone has known since the beginning of GW1 why the title was what it was. It just happened to be a humorous coincendent that it also tied in with Guild War pvp battles within the game. But, game both GW1 and GW2 was never PVP centric else they wouldn’t have made so much PVE content. If you notice unlike say SHADOWLANDS which was a PVP centric game (that failed mind you) there is NO PVP ALLOWED in the PVE game.
SHADOWLANDS was a PVP focused game and it failed miserably. This game would also if it were only PVP centric. Bye now.
You sure misread a lot.You even missed why i wouldn’t reply…not worth discussing anything with.
I edited the first part so people would actually discuss the meat of the post and point of discussion for this thread.
(edited by Wolfgrey.2049)
The issue is that you queue as a guild and only 4 people get in every 3 hours.
That certainly needs to get fixed and soon.With that going on PvP i am sure is taking quite a hit for being as enjoyable as it could be. I would be pretty frustrated.
I think the two main issues with W3 right now are (1) access issues (not sure what can be done about that, but it’s an issue) and (2) benefit of it is too weak. DAoC had Darkness Falls, a dungeon which was only accessible to the realm that held the PvP areas. The setup here would have to be different because it is server based, but a substantial server bonus like that — access to a dungeon that other servers don’t have access to, which has cosmetic gear that is unique (probably the most unique in the game) — on some kind of a shortish timer (say access is for one of the two weeks and then it resets) would be a step in the right direction, I think. Giving people increased power based on wins would be against the core philosophy of the game, but you could give them access to a unique place where unique and rare gear looks could be farmed (anti-farming turned off for this, because that would be the point) to provide motivation.
I think the two main issues with W3 right now are (1) access issues (not sure what can be done about that, but it’s an issue) and (2) benefit of it is too weak. DAoC had Darkness Falls, a dungeon which was only accessible to the realm that held the PvP areas. The setup here would have to be different because it is server based, but a substantial server bonus like that — access to a dungeon that other servers don’t have access to, which has cosmetic gear that is unique (probably the most unique in the game) — on some kind of a shortish timer (say access is for one of the two weeks and then it resets) would be a step in the right direction, I think. Giving people increased power based on wins would be against the core philosophy of the game, but you could give them access to a unique place where unique and rare gear looks could be farmed (anti-farming turned off for this, because that would be the point) to provide motivation.
Heh, I remember leveling alts in DAoC & rushing to DF for easy PLing whenever we won access to it (although first we’d have to clear out all the enemies).
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
I think the two main issues with W3 right now are (1) access issues (not sure what can be done about that, but it’s an issue) and (2) benefit of it is too weak. DAoC had Darkness Falls, a dungeon which was only accessible to the realm that held the PvP areas. The setup here would have to be different because it is server based, but a substantial server bonus like that — access to a dungeon that other servers don’t have access to, which has cosmetic gear that is unique (probably the most unique in the game) — on some kind of a shortish timer (say access is for one of the two weeks and then it resets) would be a step in the right direction, I think. Giving people increased power based on wins would be against the core philosophy of the game, but you could give them access to a unique place where unique and rare gear looks could be farmed (anti-farming turned off for this, because that would be the point) to provide motivation.
Now this ^ is an idea I could sink my game into. Kind of like UW and FOW were before they opened them up to everyone where certain parts of the world had access to them while others didn’t. I could go for that again based on who’s winning the WvWvW but how would it work? You know how players exploit to the side/team that is winning all the time.
I think the two main issues with W3 right now are (1) access issues (not sure what can be done about that, but it’s an issue) and (2) benefit of it is too weak. DAoC had Darkness Falls, a dungeon which was only accessible to the realm that held the PvP areas. The setup here would have to be different because it is server based, but a substantial server bonus like that — access to a dungeon that other servers don’t have access to, which has cosmetic gear that is unique (probably the most unique in the game) — on some kind of a shortish timer (say access is for one of the two weeks and then it resets) would be a step in the right direction, I think. Giving people increased power based on wins would be against the core philosophy of the game, but you could give them access to a unique place where unique and rare gear looks could be farmed (anti-farming turned off for this, because that would be the point) to provide motivation.
I can’t really refute anything your saying there.Those are some excellent ideas.Have you tried posting this to them?
It would be excellent if they took the idea.
I am atm however looking forward to new maps and WvW getting worked on.Once access issues are taken care of though it will be a lot easier for more people to really get into it.
I’m looking forward to them putting more emphasis on the PVE content as I KNOW THEY WILL. Because PVP isn’t that important right now. It’s just a ZERGfest out there nothing more. Nowhere close to what GW1 PVP was about and like. Just goes to show they put more priorities into the PVE game this time than before.
You know how players exploit to the side/team that is winning all the time.
That would need some thought – you couldn’t have people transferring around easily to the winning team, I agree.
I’m looking forward to them putting more emphasis on the PVE content as I KNOW THEY WILL.
Because PVP isn’t that important right now. It’s just a ZERGfest out there nothing more. Nowhere close to what GW1 PVP was about and like. Just goes to show they put more priorities into the PVE game this time than before.
At least you managed to agree that GW1 was pvp focused.While i agree that they put a lot more work into PvE this time around i still believe PvP is the main focus.
However atm i can’t argue that PvP needs a good deal of work before it will finally become that endgame i enjoyed so much in GW1.
As for the zerging…i don’t understand why people do it so much.I have seen more organized teams wipe zergers like no tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t remain commonplace.
Wolfgreyi still believe PvP is the main focus.
There are no dynamic events, skill challenges, hearts, or other similar content in PvP unless you count WvW as strictly PvP, and even ANet doesn’t do that. There are 26 massive PvE explorable zones, compared to 4 sPvP maps, all one gametype, and 4 maps for WvW, three of which have the same terrain.
PvP is not the main focus of the game itself. Just because you choose to make it your main focus (and that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with that at all) doesn’t mean ANet does.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
Wolfgrey Although you are correct in saying that you could make a a PvP character at level 20 right off the bat you are forgetting how you had to unlock the skills for PvP . You had to either Buy the PvP packs from the store ,Unlock them in PvE or use Balthazar faction which isn’t exactly ideal when you have few skills to begin with .So in that respect alone Guild Wars 1 was PvE oriented .
Something else to think about is that the very first additions to Guild Wars was Sorrows Furnace and the Titan Quests which are both PvE . Only when Factions came out did you get more PvP oriented stuff . Never mind they changed how favor worked as well as changing it from being PvP oriented to PvE oriented ( seeing as affected PvE in the first place ) . Although I think the biggest argument for PvE orientation in guild wars is the fact after each expansion there has been no content updates in favor of PvP (bar holiday events) and a TON in favor of PvE
Funny, I played GW1 for over 7 years, and I hardly spent any time at all doing PvP. Guess no one informed me GW1 was a PvP focused game. =/
Here’s a radical thought… what if… Guild Wars 2… managed to focus on… both? Like, what if, they had PvP worth playing… AND PvE worth playing…?
Amazing, right?
Yk im in the same boat as you I hardly ever did PvP bar some 1v1s to teach Wars a lesson on my mes and event PvP ( such as Snowball and DA ) and i played 7 years .
Funny, I played GW1 for over 7 years, and I hardly spent any time at all doing PvP. Guess no one informed me GW1 was a PvP focused game. =/
Ditto here, though I played off and on. Long stints, long breaks. I imagine I’ll be doing the same with this game.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
Now, not that I’m disagreeing here.
But if they put so much work making such a massive PVE world, just to let it go to waste, that will be a huge dissapointment.
I hope they add some things to make the past content have some more replayability. To me it feels like they set up a massive world, got some basic DE’s functioning, and now it’s ready to be filled with more stuff to do and improved to be more fun. From what I hear they’ve done it before (GW1).
Also I am a pvp’er, but nothing in pvp can compare to having a massive open raid against a difficult world boss with 5-10 different objectives and everyone having to work together to even have hopes of beating it.
(edited by Knote.2904)
The focus is whatever each player wants it to be, end of story. If you want to focus on PvE, that’s the focus of the game for you. If you want to focus on PvP, that’s the focus of the game for you. There is no main focus aside from players being able to do what they want, and there’s plenty of content for both PvE and PvP.
I think a lot of you are actually missing something rather important. Yes, the game is called “Guild Wars” due to appropriate lore in the past. However, when the original Guild Wars came out, that game WAS purely designed to be a PvP game, this is probably where the OP has this idea from.
I feel as though Wolfgrey wanting to tell us his opinion on this game doesn’t warrant its own thread, let alone one that outright state the majority of the player base is somehow wrong.
@ Mexican cookie
the Prophesies manual doesn’t have a singe chapter dedicated to PvP and yet has an entire chapter dedicated to the creatures of Tyria. Makes you wonder dont it.