So much awesome.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostInReverie.5432


Ok, I’m a very new player. My first and only character is only level 7. But can I just say how awesome I think this game is? It feels like this game was made exactly for a player like me, a player who loves to explore things and be a completionist. The dynamic events are fun and exciting. I love how a random group of players just starts playing together and cooperating to do the event. The scenery and graphics are so pretty. I love the character designs I’ve seen so far. The voice acting is pretty good. The story lines intrigue me so far. And the combat is unlike anything else I’ve played in an MMO or RPG before. You mean I have to actually move around and dodge or I will get killed?! Haha, but that is awesome to me, because it is much more realistic than simply standing there and mashing buttons over and over again till the enemy is dead. You still have that of course, but there is much more going on on screen and much more you have to do.

So yeah I just thought I would tell you all this, because I am excited and silly. Feel free to share your own ridiculous amount of enthusiasm for the game.

Nyx Amaranthea [Sylvari Necromancer]

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiran.1896


Come back in 20 days.

We’ll see if you still think the same way.

I mean, sure this game is awesome with its graphics, its gameplay, I was just like you at level 7 and now I see what the devs have done with the end-game…

Oh my gad, running repetitive dungeons again and again, just like WoW… no reason to come back to the wonderful areas, it’s totally unrewarding… the only activity I still enjoy is massive PvP, and yet it lacks real rewards too…

And they are trying to make you grind for legendary weapons that they sell for real money. Lol ! I mean sure it’s great to get a legendary but it’s just dumb if someone else can get it for a little thousand dollars.

(edited by Keiran.1896)

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Son of Elias.5420

Son of Elias.5420

Hi, I’m a player who just started about three weeks ago, and I think this game is amazing. The graphics are awesome, the maps are great, I’m enjoying the combat, and I haven’t even played through half of what’s available. I’m really looking forward to experiencing everything this game has to offer, because what I’ve seen so far is incredible.

“A man who trusts everyone is a fool.
And a man who trusts no one is a fool.
We are all fools, if we live long enough.”

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LinkR.6190


Come back in 20 days.

We’ll see if you still think the same way.

Ignore him. A few players are a little kitten they allowed themselves to burn out on the content WAY faster then it was intended. There is a ton of stuff to do. Just don’t allow yourself to burn out and you will be fine. Gotta keep in mind the game has no monthly fee. It isn’t designed to entertain everyone for the rest of their waking lives.

P.S. Welcome to the game! Feel free to ask here or in game any questions you might have! I’ll gladly answer anything you might be wondering about. Just use that name you see over there when entering a tell, LinkR.6190

Also, be sure to take a visit to gw2lfg at some point! It’s a fantastic grouping board that helps people find others across servers to tackle dungeons together! Yes you can do dungeons cross-server. The earliest is Ascalonian Catacombs which is at level 30. Good luck!
There is also a dedicated wiki you can check out for more information, or you can just type /wiki in game.

(edited by LinkR.6190)

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I am a player who started in August and I still enjoy the game daily. Hopefully you will have many, many more fun hours ahead!

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yocchan.8902


I’ve been playing since release and I still feel like this about this game. Sadly, this forum tends to be dominated by people being negative about it, so it’s nice to see a thread like this once in a while.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wobbles.6408


I am a new Player as well. I could very easily get burned out playing this game. I could play for hours and hours. To combat this I play League of legends and Dayz inbetween. I am loving GW2 atm and I don’t want to do what I did in WoW and just straight up dedicate my time to only 1 game.

Thats the beauty of this game. Doesn’t feel like a chore, unless ur farming for legendaires I guess but no way I am doing that lol

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noir.3204


Come back in 20 days.

We’ll see if you still think the same way.

Started in September and still love the game, and still feel very much like the player in the original post. The game does have flaws, and some glaring bugs you scratch your head in massive confusion wondering why they aren’t fixed, but overall the game is beautiful and plays well. Hopefully given a little more time it will become polished.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I hit 80 about 3 weeks after release and I can assure you it just keeps getting better and better

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Come back in 20 days.

We’ll see if you still think the same way.

I mean, sure this game is awesome with its graphics, its gameplay, I was just like you at level 7 and now I see what the devs have done with the end-game…

Oh my gad, running repetitive dungeons again and again, just like WoW… no reason to come back to the wonderful areas, it’s totally unrewarding… the only activity I still enjoy is massive PvP, and yet it lacks real rewards too…

And they are trying to make you grind for legendary weapons that they sell for real money. Lol ! I mean sure it’s great to get a legendary but it’s just dumb if someone else can get it for a little thousand dollars.

I was the same as the OP when I started and I guess I would also qualify as the person coming back 20 days later because I have had the game almost a month. My highest character is level 40 and that’s not from lack of playtime or ability, its from enjoying the game as I come up. I’ve made and deleted characters as I am trying and experimenting with different race/class combos and storylines.

I still enjoy exploring every area to the fullest and by that I mean beyond the map completion points. If I had ignored all that and rushed to 80 I suppose I may feel the same way as you. Then I would have missed everything else the game had to offer though, and whose fault would that be but mine?

People need to be responsible for their situation, especially ones they put themselves in. There is still so much of the game I have not seen yet and I am not even the slightest bit feeling the need to speed things up and reach 80. It’s been a long time since I have enjoyed a game so much that I have taken my time with it.

That being said, with the varying playstyles of people and wants and desires in MMO’s I don’t think the endgame should be lackluster under the excuse “the game is still new”. Any company wanting to be successful and have a happy consumer base needs to account for the type of player that does rush through leveling to play at the end game. It’s becoming more and more prevalent and companies are going to need to adapt to that and have content ready to roll out consistently, even with a month or so of release.

I guess I try to see things from all angles and what I am trying to get across is that although it may not be the case for you, it is possible to still have that feeling after 20 days, 30 days and more. I respect your feelings on the game though and hope they address things to make it more enjoyable for you.


So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


So what you can take away from this is either you’ll continue to like the game or you’ll end up on the forums seeing how much doom and gloom you can sow amongst those players who are still happy and having fun.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


Glad you like it, I’ve been playing since launch, def more a casual player compared to some. This game Is fantastic, I love WvW. My advice, join an guild that is active in WvW, really adds to the enjoyment

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiran.1896


Come back in 20 days.

We’ll see if you still think the same way.

I mean, sure this game is awesome with its graphics, its gameplay, I was just like you at level 7 and now I see what the devs have done with the end-game…

Oh my gad, running repetitive dungeons again and again, just like WoW… no reason to come back to the wonderful areas, it’s totally unrewarding… the only activity I still enjoy is massive PvP, and yet it lacks real rewards too…

And they are trying to make you grind for legendary weapons that they sell for real money. Lol ! I mean sure it’s great to get a legendary but it’s just dumb if someone else can get it for a little thousand dollars.

I was the same as the OP when I started and I guess I would also qualify as the person coming back 20 days later because I have had the game almost a month. My highest character is level 40 and that’s not from lack of playtime or ability, its from enjoying the game as I come up. I’ve made and deleted characters as I am trying and experimenting with different race/class combos and storylines.

I still enjoy exploring every area to the fullest and by that I mean beyond the map completion points. If I had ignored all that and rushed to 80 I suppose I may feel the same way as you. Then I would have missed everything else the game had to offer though, and whose fault would that be but mine?

People need to be responsible for their situation, especially ones they put themselves in. There is still so much of the game I have not seen yet and I am not even the slightest bit feeling the need to speed things up and reach 80. It’s been a long time since I have enjoyed a game so much that I have taken my time with it.

That being said, with the varying playstyles of people and wants and desires in MMO’s I don’t think the endgame should be lackluster under the excuse “the game is still new”. Any company wanting to be successful and have a happy consumer base needs to account for the type of player that does rush through leveling to play at the end game. It’s becoming more and more prevalent and companies are going to need to adapt to that and have content ready to roll out consistently, even with a month or so of release.

I guess I try to see things from all angles and what I am trying to get across is that although it may not be the case for you, it is possible to still have that feeling after 20 days, 30 days and more. I respect your feelings on the game though and hope they address things to make it more enjoyable for you.


I’ve not missed anything, I’ve explored everything, done every single jumping puzzle… maybe a few events that I have never done but no point in seeking those, they don’t reward anything good. But I’ve really not missed anything, I’ve just completed the game faster than others like you.

But really, the core game is wonderful and everything but as I said, it’s handled like <kitten word> in the end. They said the game begins at level 80, well all I can say is that it ends and not nicely. The game is EXTREMELY polished from level 1 to 40, still worked from lvl 40 to 70 and then it’s just <kitten word> full of bugs, undeads, rushed content, and no one to tell you what to do with the events they’ve made.

Fractals ; grindy and annoying.
WvW ; great and unrewarding.
Open world ; awesome and no point.
Legendary ; impossible and no point since people can buy it with dollars.

REWARDS, hell, REWARDS, is it so complicated? Or do you have to sell every single mini/cool skin in the cash shop, Anet? In the name of logic, you need players to buy those things in the Gem Store! And you have far less players if no rewards.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yaki.9563


Come back in 20 days.

We’ll see if you still think the same way.

I mean, sure this game is awesome with its graphics, its gameplay, I was just like you at level 7 and now I see what the devs have done with the end-game…

The problem is that it took you only 20 days to get to 80 and start grinding. You play too much.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Straylight.7408


I’m glad you enjoy the game. Now turn around and run as fast from the forums as you can…and don’t look back!



So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Come back in 20 days.

We’ll see if you still think the same way.

I mean, sure this game is awesome with its graphics, its gameplay, I was just like you at level 7 and now I see what the devs have done with the end-game…

Oh my gad, running repetitive dungeons again and again, just like WoW… no reason to come back to the wonderful areas, it’s totally unrewarding… the only activity I still enjoy is massive PvP, and yet it lacks real rewards too…

And they are trying to make you grind for legendary weapons that they sell for real money. Lol ! I mean sure it’s great to get a legendary but it’s just dumb if someone else can get it for a little thousand dollars.

I was the same as the OP when I started and I guess I would also qualify as the person coming back 20 days later because I have had the game almost a month. My highest character is level 40 and that’s not from lack of playtime or ability, its from enjoying the game as I come up. I’ve made and deleted characters as I am trying and experimenting with different race/class combos and storylines.

I still enjoy exploring every area to the fullest and by that I mean beyond the map completion points. If I had ignored all that and rushed to 80 I suppose I may feel the same way as you. Then I would have missed everything else the game had to offer though, and whose fault would that be but mine?

People need to be responsible for their situation, especially ones they put themselves in. There is still so much of the game I have not seen yet and I am not even the slightest bit feeling the need to speed things up and reach 80. It’s been a long time since I have enjoyed a game so much that I have taken my time with it.

That being said, with the varying playstyles of people and wants and desires in MMO’s I don’t think the endgame should be lackluster under the excuse “the game is still new”. Any company wanting to be successful and have a happy consumer base needs to account for the type of player that does rush through leveling to play at the end game. It’s becoming more and more prevalent and companies are going to need to adapt to that and have content ready to roll out consistently, even with a month or so of release.

I guess I try to see things from all angles and what I am trying to get across is that although it may not be the case for you, it is possible to still have that feeling after 20 days, 30 days and more. I respect your feelings on the game though and hope they address things to make it more enjoyable for you.


I’ve not missed anything, I’ve explored everything, done every single jumping puzzle… maybe a few events that I have never done but no point in seeking those, they don’t reward anything good. But I’ve really not missed anything, I’ve just completed the game faster than others like you.

But really, the core game is wonderful and everything but as I said, it’s handled like <kitten word> in the end. They said the game begins at level 80, well all I can say is that it ends and not nicely. The game is EXTREMELY polished from level 1 to 40, still worked from lvl 40 to 70 and then it’s just <kitten word> full of bugs, undeads, rushed content, and no one to tell you what to do with the events they’ve made.

Fractals ; grindy and annoying.
WvW ; great and unrewarding.
Open world ; awesome and no point.
Legendary ; impossible and no point since people can buy it with dollars.

REWARDS, hell, REWARDS, is it so complicated? Or do you have to sell every single mini/cool skin in the cash shop, Anet? In the name of logic, you need players to buy those things in the Gem Store! And you have far less players if no rewards.

I guess that’s why I am happy taking my time leveling up. I have 2 40’s, a couple in the 30’s and many others that I keep switching between. I have not found a game yet that has got end game right. It all has the same thing. Run the same dungeons over and over and over. It gets very boring very fast. I’m in no hurry to get there!

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I have an 80, 35 and 15… On my 80 just 1/2 the map finished. Good times.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Son of Elias.5420

Son of Elias.5420

They said the game begins at level 80, well all I can say is that it ends and not nicely.

No one said the game begins at level 80. The game begins at level 1. Level 80 means nothing; it’s not the beginning nor the end of the game. The game keeps going regardless of what level you’re at.

WvW ; great and unrewarding.
Open world ; awesome and no point.
Legendary ; impossible and no point since people can buy it with dollars.

REWARDS, hell, REWARDS, is it so complicated?

What’s happened to people? Is everyone incapable of having fun unless someone gives you a medal for it? WvW is great and unrewarding? So it’s great, then? You have fun in it? Well, that’s the reward. Congratulations. It’s a game, you play it to have fun. That’s it.

Open world has no point? Playing it was the point to begin with. Legendary’s are impossible? Odd that people have them, then. Obviously they’re all millionaires spending thousands of dollars on them.

Look, my point is that Guild Wars 2 is a game. The point of a game is to have fun. That’s it. Not to get shiny objects, or prestige, or ‘rewards’. To have fun.

If you aren’t having fun, why would you play?

“A man who trusts everyone is a fool.
And a man who trusts no one is a fool.
We are all fools, if we live long enough.”

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


We all went through the honeymoon phase. You’ll eventually see the cracks in the foundation.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


Look, my point is that Guild Wars 2 is a game. The point of a game is to have fun. That’s it. Not to get shiny objects, or prestige, or ‘rewards’. To have fun.

If you aren’t having fun, why would you play?

No that’s the point of Tetris or Call of Duty or Madden.

An RPG – especially and MMORPG – is supposed to be fun PLUS offer depth variety and progression. Deep experiences with long term goals and player satisfaction.

Simple “play” that provides simple-minded “fun” is simply not enough for an MMORPG.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Straylight.7408


They said the game begins at level 80, well all I can say is that it ends and not nicely.

No one said the game begins at level 80. The game begins at level 1. Level 80 means nothing; it’s not the beginning nor the end of the game. The game keeps going regardless of what level you’re at.

WvW ; great and unrewarding.
Open world ; awesome and no point.
Legendary ; impossible and no point since people can buy it with dollars.

REWARDS, hell, REWARDS, is it so complicated?

What’s happened to people? Is everyone incapable of having fun unless someone gives you a medal for it? WvW is great and unrewarding? So it’s great, then? You have fun in it? Well, that’s the reward. Congratulations. It’s a game, you play it to have fun. That’s it.

Open world has no point? Playing it was the point to begin with. Legendary’s are impossible? Odd that people have them, then. Obviously they’re all millionaires spending thousands of dollars on them.

Look, my point is that Guild Wars 2 is a game. The point of a game is to have fun. That’s it. Not to get shiny objects, or prestige, or ‘rewards’. To have fun.

If you aren’t having fun, why would you play?

This. Thousand times over. Playing the game is reward enough, at least for me.

People nowadays are so difficult to please. Take a trip into a third-world country, stay there for year…and then come back and suddenly you’ll feel very silly having complained about certain features in one of your video games not being rewarding enough.

Every time I log into Gw2 I’m reminded of this:


So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


We all went through the honeymoon phase. You’ll eventually see the cracks in the foundation.

Or you’ll understand the game is what it is and accept it as such.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proxy.7963


I am pleased that you are enjoying the game! I also enjoy the game – I’ve personally found it very rewarding simply working on world completion (64% and counting), and I’m actually thinking about making another new character to see if it still feels fresh the second time around. Maybe I’ll betray my Asuran roots and try a Sylvari? :O

While there are some people on the forums with legitimate gripes with the game that I’m wholly appreciative of, there are also some that seem to treat it like a lover that spurned them to be with someone else. Please do take the forums with a pinch of salt.

Happy travels!

Behold: Opinions!

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Yep, having fun here too.

I recently got my first 80, and have a 45, 40, 34, and 6 also. On my 80, I’m working on Map Completion and getting Crafting to 400, and working on leveling my others too.

Tons of fun.


My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I have played since pre-launch and I still think that this game is the most awesome game I have ever played. Yes like all games it has some problems.. that is expected. I still log in everyday and I still have fun!

Don’t get me wrong there are things I don’t like and things I still want to see fixed but at the core I still feel this game is a huge chunk of awesome!!!

Host of SOTD Podcast

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


Been playing for 4 months, and I’m still playing it. I agree with the combat, it is by far the best system I’ve played ever. And as an explorer, I’ve yet to explore and find the jumping puzzles in the world. Also, there are events that I have not seen before, which keeps this game interesting for me. And there are those events that I just love to repeat if it ever pops up.

It is awesome now… wait until they make it more awesome this year.

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) :

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amos.8760


Been playing since the first beta for prepurchasers. Still play as often as I can, and I still feel like there’s so much I want to do! I don’t even have an alt past 20 yet because I love my main, and have a ton of stuff left to do on him. Don’t let forumgoers get you down OP!

My turret is so much better at this game than I am.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genevra.6318


OP, I’m really glad that you’re enjoying the game. I’ve played GW2 since the pre-launch, and I’m still loving it—the graphics, the variety, everything. Yes, there’s things that could be improved or fixed, but I think that ANet has been doing their best to fix issues while continuing to provide new content. My highest level character is “only” level 56, but that mostly due to my alt-itis.

I think a lot of the people who are so negative on these forums have missed the point of this game. They’ve been so busy rushing to max level, looking for rewards, and/or expecting what they’re used to from other MMOs that they miss out on what makes GW2 so awesome. If you take the time to explore, experience, and enjoy what this game has to offer, you’ll keep having fun.

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


Just finished my 3rd lvl 80, over 800 hours logged…. still logging on daily to do something I haven’t done before, still loving the game.

Glad to see another new face, always happy to see more people coming into a game that so many of us enjoy Welcome aboard and hope you continue to enjoy for months and years to come!

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


Im still enjoying it and will do for many years to come welcome aboard newbie

[WM]give us in game ladder

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


They’ve never said that the game begins at 80. They said that the whole game is meant to be endgame, as 80 is not meant to be different from before.

For vanilla, they focused on making a broad leveling experience with some post-80 content (remember that all the dungeon sets except AC are level 80), and were reserving more of the higher-level stuff for expansions.

So, to the OP, as someone who plays a lot and still loves the game, don’t rush, take time, have fun, and don’t get caught up in the aggros over fractals and legendaries. And welcome to Tyria!

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast