(edited by diabluz.2860)
So much negativity lately. Is GW2 doomed?
The game is certainly not dying. Despite what the whiners and doom-prophesiers would like to tell you, the player population is still very much at a good level, I still see plenty of players participating in events and wandering around and such, and half the populaton is certainly not bots, as some would have you believe.
The game certainly can be successful without those people in the long term, as the people who are crusading against the game are generally part of a vocal minority who feel every game (and aspect of life) must be tailor-made to fit exactly their expectations. When this proves not to be the case, then the tirades and crusades begin in an attempt to convince other people to hate the game too. Keep in mind though, for every person that says how much they hate the game, there’s probably 10 others who like the game and shut up about it.
Trust me, I was concerned about this, and even made a similar thread about it a bit ago, but I find the best solution is to just ignore the idiots and continue enjoying the game if you like it.
Isle of Janthir – Sylvari Mesmer – Alexandre Le Grande
I’m going to say one thing. This game can’t survive low populations purely out of design. DE’s and WE’s are already empty, regularly on what is labled often as a full server but never bellow high. As higher level players wont pay to play in low level zones with high level investments (repairs and waypoints) filling out lower zones will always be a problem without constant influx of new players, thus leaving large portions of the world, underpopulated for purpose.
I suppose, with a loyal enough base, re-rolls or new characters will sustain the game for some period of time but in the long run the same problem will occur.
Is it dying? No. Is it thriving? No.
(edited by Masaki.2153)
The problem is that old gaming habits die hard. GW2 breaks from some MMORPG traditions, and it’s rubbing some people the wrong way. A lot of those people thought the game would be more like WoW than it turned out to be.
For example, if you get bored with the game, put it down for a while until new content comes out. There’s no subscription fee, so no harm done by not playing it. Believing that I have to put in hundreds of hours into the game in order to get my money’s worth is one mindset that some people need to get past.
Believing that I have to put in hundreds of hours into the game in order to get my money’s worth is one mindset that some people need to get past.
I have to agree with that as well.
I don’t think this game is in trouble from a long term perspective. It has some issues, yes, that’s very true. However, I’m going to list a few reasons why I think that even though it will surely have a decrease in the total amount of players, it will still be a fundamentally healthy game in the long term:
1. WvW. If they can get rid of the glaring issues that plague WvW (culling issue, server imbalances, free transfers and so on) this alone will give the game a very huge benefit in the long term.
2. SPvP. This is hardly even in working order at the moment, it’s missing so many key features, and balance issues are of course a problem (these don’t really count for long term issues, they get fixed eventually). However, the core of the SPvP system itself works really well. It’s easy to get matches, it’s quick to get in and out of them, there’s a ranking system and tons of unlocks for people to make themselves look awesome. They simply need to add some critical aspects like more game modes, and then some bells and whistles like spectator mode. They get things like that in, this will — similarly to WvW — help this game maintain health over the long term.
3. PvE variety. While true, at the moment, Orr is clearly the only way to go for efficient grinding, this could easily be rectified in the future. I suspect, that if they make rewards better for other zones like Frostgorge Sound, the variety in PvE will make the grind more fun. Not to mention, the dungeons are pretty sick. Of course, they need a lot of work, but there is a lot of variety to be found — and each dungeon is done at end game for various reasons. Right now, the game does not have quite enough PvE variety, but I suspect that will start to change.
4. F2P. This one is the most important aspect. You mentioned your friends quitting… well, have they gotten rid of their game? I bet you most of them still have it on their computer — and are simply waiting for the problems that bug them to be fixed before they come back. There’s nothing pressing about logging into a F2P game, there’s no urgency. People will pick it back up months from now, enjoy it for a while, then stop again. That’s just the way these things work.
Overall, I feel that this game will maintain a healthy population over the long term. I don’t know if it will be huge or not, and it’s definitely no WoW killer, but I’m much more positive on my view of the future with this game compared to SW:ToR, Diablo 3, or even Rift.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
I’m just hoping they have some big additions coming. Sooner rather than later. I understand they want to get things “perfect” and all.. but if it takes too long, there won’t be so many people left to care. Even being B2P, people are only going to keep it installed for so long, before they move on for good.
It’s definitely losing momentum, at the very least, but I think there’s still time for them to turn that around.
Honestly, Guild Wars 2 is still very appealing and interesting to me. I’m taking everything very slow, getting familiarized with each of my two (yes only two so far) characters, and really enjoying the game for what it is- A piece of art, with each of the components being players at home.
So, the game is definitely NOT dying because I know that many others feel the same way that I do, but for another group of people, Guild Wars 2 is just not the game for them so they leave.
Very expected and understandable.
Every day, the game is growing: No we will most likely not have overflow zones again, nor will new servers be added to the roster every week. However, seeing that all of the American servers except one are at a high population, GW2 is prepared for the future in my opinion.
The biggest problem with the game atm other then the obvious skill point glitches etc, at least in my opinion, is that ANet hasn’t enabled the events that will give the game more depth.
Bar brawls, the shooting range, Moa racing, etc. Once ANet enables more of the events like those the game will draw a lot more people in.
As it is, it seems like they’re fixing what’s up and available before turning on more features. Something which I think is a very good idea.
As for the game suffering from seemingly low populations, you have to consider that even if a server is ‘Full’ that population can be spread throughout every single zone thanks to downscaling. So not all the level 80’s HAVE to be in the level 80 zones.
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
I believe they are working on some issues, right now, game is still fun to me.
Lotsa things to do, many explorer pathes I didnt do it and still a whole lot of orr to complete.
The difference between me and the mass that went ahead is that I actually am completing many events I see on my way.
I think they are in alt mode right now. Many have reached cap and are bored and playing alts, although I’m sure there are plenty on their mains. Every day though more players reach cap and get bored and start alts, or farm de’s, or pvp. Even playing alts is getting boring because you are going thru the same exact content.
Whats scary to me, as a MMO, is the incredible loneliness of the game. Level chat is barren for hours, literally. The entire nature of the game is anti social. The shared kills and such are pure genius, but the Achilles heel is that they don’t build community. The feel of the game is very much like a single player game, even the dungeons to a large degree are Zerg fests where little to no conversation or strategizing takes place.
I don’t mean to bad talk the game, I absolutely love it and I do still see plenty of people playing and doing de’s so personally I don’t think the game is dying at all. It’s just that, and it may only be myself, I find the lack of community worrying for the future of the game. There is something missing that I can’t put my finger on.
You realize that nobody just walks past events right? Nobody is “rushing” through this game like some people are saying. Getting to 80 doesn’t require a whole lot of time.
@Rick: That incredible ‘lonely’ feeling you get? You can solve it by starting a conversation in map chat. You’d be surprised how easy it can be to strike one up sometimes. A lot of people seem to be shy or don’t want to be the one to STARt the conversation, so chat stays empty.
Speak up, unless you’re playing in off hours, people will eventually respond I’ve found.
My friend hasn’t played in weeks and I personally haven’t been on in 9 days. I’m certainly not going to delete it from my HD but since it’s F2P I might come back in a month or two to see if things have been improved. ANet got some things really right with this game but there are other things, and unfortunately for me large things, not-so-right. Enough so that my interest has really fallen off.
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
You’re done? Except you’re here……
There is not much negativity with the game. The people who come up with negativity are clearly teenagers with too much time on their hands and excessive emo angst.
There are some good constructive criticism threads, but this is just one that will end up closed. There is nothing to discuss here except anecdotal stories about “friends” and rumors. Which is great, if you are in high school.
I find your comments, assumptions and attacks on the validity of my post extremely insulting. You know nothing about me or my age. I assure you I am MUCH older than a teenager and I can tell you that the 4 people I personally know that have already left the game are all different ages ranging from 15 to 28.
There is a valid concern here and it would be nice if we could get a response from an ArenaNet person on if they have plans to address a lot of these issues or if they are satisfied with many hardcore MMO players leaving the game.
It’s people like you that get threads closed. This thread was started with good intentions to encourage discussion and opinion and instead you come in here and start throwing around insults. Now, who did you say was being “high school”?
If you don’t have anything to add really and your only goal is to insult then perhaps you should just post elsewhere.
The idea of an “endgame” itself is simply a byproduct of the “game starts at 80” mentality of previous MMOs. There is no “endgame” in the traditional sense, because “endgame” doesn’t apply in the traditional sense to Guild Wars 2.
Isle of Janthir – Sylvari Mesmer – Alexandre Le Grande
Everyone needs to get past this “endgame” idea. Endgame is nothing more then a name for bad game design. GW2 just wasn’t made that way; and the complaints were addressed several weeks ago.
We didn’t want the endgame to be something you could only experience after a hundred hours of gameplay or after you reached some arbitrary number. We wanted it to be something that players got to experience every step along the way, spread out across the entire world of Tyria, so we’ve introduced game elements that you’d normally associate with “endgame” at every level and every possible opportunity.
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
No endgame = end of game lol
But really, there is endgame. Just not in GW2. There is no sense of it at all, no less a “traditional” one. What can you do when you are done? Just keep on doing the same thing for no reason… just keep doing bad dungeons and unbalanced WvWvW… and keep on playing some broken classes. If their goal was that we kept playing for “fun” then why didn’t they make it more… fun…. and less grindy?
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
You’re done? Except you’re here……
There is not much negativity with the game. The people who come up with negativity are clearly teenagers with too much time on their hands and excessive emo angst.
There are some good constructive criticism threads, but this is just one that will end up closed. There is nothing to discuss here except anecdotal stories about “friends” and rumors. Which is great, if you are in high school.
I find your comments, assumptions and attacks on the validity of my post extremely insulting. You know nothing about me or my age. I assure you I am MUCH older than a teenager and I can tell you that the 4 people I personally know that have already left the game are all different ages ranging from 15 to 28.
There is a valid concern here and it would be nice if we could get a response from an ArenaNet person on if they have plans to address a lot of these issues or if they are satisfied with many hardcore MMO players leaving the game.
It’s people like you that get threads closed. This thread was started with good intentions to encourage discussion and opinion and instead you come in here and start throwing around insults. Now, who did you say was being “high school”?
If you don’t have anything to add really and your only goal is to insult then perhaps you should just post elsewhere.
I do not intend to be insulting, im just questioning what the goal of this thread is ultimately.
The thread title is "So much negativtly lately is GW2 DOOMED? That is not a great start to a productive thread.
Then you go on to say they need to rework the game. And touch on “lack of endgame” for “hardcore” players. These are broad, sweeping, negative and vague commentary, what are you asking for an ANET dev to respond to exactly?
I think you will get a response from an ANET employee, saying this thread is closed.
Everyone needs to get past this “endgame” idea. Endgame is nothing more then a name for bad game design. GW2 just wasn’t made that way; and the complaints were addressed several weeks ago.
We didn’t want the endgame to be something you could only experience after a hundred hours of gameplay or after you reached some arbitrary number. We wanted it to be something that players got to experience every step along the way, spread out across the entire world of Tyria, so we’ve introduced game elements that you’d normally associate with “endgame” at every level and every possible opportunity.
I think what people are complaining about in all actuality when they say there’s no “end game” is the lack of a carrot on a stick for them. They want to raid over and over and over to try to achieve that super hard to get item or whatever. I think the lack of raiding is what is turning the no “end game” crowd off to this game.
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
You’re done? Except you’re here……
There is not much negativity with the game. The people who come up with negativity are clearly teenagers with too much time on their hands and excessive emo angst.
There are some good constructive criticism threads, but this is just one that will end up closed. There is nothing to discuss here except anecdotal stories about “friends” and rumors. Which is great, if you are in high school.
I find your comments, assumptions and attacks on the validity of my post extremely insulting. You know nothing about me or my age. I assure you I am MUCH older than a teenager and I can tell you that the 4 people I personally know that have already left the game are all different ages ranging from 15 to 28.
There is a valid concern here and it would be nice if we could get a response from an ArenaNet person on if they have plans to address a lot of these issues or if they are satisfied with many hardcore MMO players leaving the game.
It’s people like you that get threads closed. This thread was started with good intentions to encourage discussion and opinion and instead you come in here and start throwing around insults. Now, who did you say was being “high school”?
If you don’t have anything to add really and your only goal is to insult then perhaps you should just post elsewhere.
I do not intend to be insulting, im just questioning what the goal of this thread is ultimately.
The thread title is "So much negativtly lately is GW2 DOOMED? That is not a great start to a productive thread.
Then you go on to say they need to rework the game. And touch on “lack of endgame” for “hardcore” players. These are broad, sweeping, negative and vague commentary, what are you asking for an ANET dev to respond to exactly?
I think you will get a response from an ANET employee, saying this thread is closed.
Again, please leave the topic if you really have nothing to say. I find it personally insulting that you insist that you weren’t trying to be insulting with the statements that you made… I hate it when people don’t like things because they are “negative”. Oh I’m sorry, did I make you sad? This game deserves a lot of both positive and negative comments.
There’s the thing; you’re “done”. You feel as if you have completed the game already. Because of this “endgame” mentality imposed by the average MMO, you already feel as if the content provided by the game is exhausted. You’re no longer playng for fun since the elements you’re playing, which have comprised the traditional endgame, are not “fun” to you. In this case, examine other things to od in the game and find something fun, or just stop playing. But don’t attribute the lack of fun to the game itself when in reality it is due to the players refusing to let go of the most deep-seated ideologies of “traditional” MMOs.
Isle of Janthir – Sylvari Mesmer – Alexandre Le Grande
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
You’re done? Except you’re here……
There is not much negativity with the game. The people who come up with negativity are clearly teenagers with too much time on their hands and excessive emo angst.
There are some good constructive criticism threads, but this is just one that will end up closed. There is nothing to discuss here except anecdotal stories about “friends” and rumors. Which is great, if you are in high school.
I find your comments, assumptions and attacks on the validity of my post extremely insulting. You know nothing about me or my age. I assure you I am MUCH older than a teenager and I can tell you that the 4 people I personally know that have already left the game are all different ages ranging from 15 to 28.
There is a valid concern here and it would be nice if we could get a response from an ArenaNet person on if they have plans to address a lot of these issues or if they are satisfied with many hardcore MMO players leaving the game.
It’s people like you that get threads closed. This thread was started with good intentions to encourage discussion and opinion and instead you come in here and start throwing around insults. Now, who did you say was being “high school”?
If you don’t have anything to add really and your only goal is to insult then perhaps you should just post elsewhere.
I do not intend to be insulting, im just questioning what the goal of this thread is ultimately.
The thread title is "So much negativtly lately is GW2 DOOMED? That is not a great start to a productive thread.
Then you go on to say they need to rework the game. And touch on “lack of endgame” for “hardcore” players. These are broad, sweeping, negative and vague commentary, what are you asking for an ANET dev to respond to exactly?
I think you will get a response from an ANET employee, saying this thread is closed.
Again, please leave the topic if you really have nothing to say. I find it personally insulting that you insist that you weren’t trying to be insulting with the statements that you made… I hate it when people don’t like things because they are “negative”. Oh I’m sorry, did I make you sad? This game deserves a lot of both positive and negative comments.
I would just ignore any further comments/insults from him. They mostly close threads when they turn into insult ridden bickering.
I see no reason for them to close this thread as long as we are having constructive discussion, as we are.
(edited by diabluz.2860)
I’m going to say one thing. This game can’t survive low populations purely out of design. DE’s and WE’s are already empty, regularly on what is labled often as a full server but never bellow high. As higher level players wont pay to play in low level zones with high level investments (repairs and waypoints) filling out lower zones will always be a problem without constant influx of new players, thus leaving large portions of the world, underpopulated for purpose.
I suppose, with a loyal enough base, re-rolls or new characters will sustain the game for some period of time but in the long run the same problem will occur.
Is it dying? No. Is it thriving? No.
I like this. I got MOP and a month’s subscription on a whim, and I was musing on the CRZ feature for quite a while.
It’s a terrible feature in WoW. With how the community is, it actively encourages antisocial behaviour. It was more fun to be in abandoned zones than in populated ones simply because of how party/tagging/etc mechanics work.
It would be an absolutely beautiful feature in GW2 because the game actively encourages having a large number of warm bodies participating in DEs.
Not exactly perfectly relevant to the thread but I thought it was an interesting irony.
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
You’re done? Except you’re here……
There is not much negativity with the game. The people who come up with negativity are clearly teenagers with too much time on their hands and excessive emo angst.
There are some good constructive criticism threads, but this is just one that will end up closed. There is nothing to discuss here except anecdotal stories about “friends” and rumors. Which is great, if you are in high school.
I find your comments, assumptions and attacks on the validity of my post extremely insulting. You know nothing about me or my age. I assure you I am MUCH older than a teenager and I can tell you that the 4 people I personally know that have already left the game are all different ages ranging from 15 to 28.
There is a valid concern here and it would be nice if we could get a response from an ArenaNet person on if they have plans to address a lot of these issues or if they are satisfied with many hardcore MMO players leaving the game.
It’s people like you that get threads closed. This thread was started with good intentions to encourage discussion and opinion and instead you come in here and start throwing around insults. Now, who did you say was being “high school”?
If you don’t have anything to add really and your only goal is to insult then perhaps you should just post elsewhere.
I do not intend to be insulting, im just questioning what the goal of this thread is ultimately.
The thread title is "So much negativtly lately is GW2 DOOMED? That is not a great start to a productive thread.
Then you go on to say they need to rework the game. And touch on “lack of endgame” for “hardcore” players. These are broad, sweeping, negative and vague commentary, what are you asking for an ANET dev to respond to exactly?
I think you will get a response from an ANET employee, saying this thread is closed.
Again, please leave the topic if you really have nothing to say. I find it personally insulting that you insist that you weren’t trying to be insulting with the statements that you made… I hate it when people don’t like things because they are “negative”. Oh I’m sorry, did I make you sad? This game deserves a lot of both positive and negative comments.
The game does deserve a lot of positive and negative comments, in a format that has some direction. Random negative (or positive) comments do not help.
It is cathartic to some degree to vent negative impressions, but there is no end goal here- what is being said is nothing more then a kitten session, that is going off on as many tangents as there are replies.
I can appreciate some constructive criticism, when it is focused and has a realistic end goal.
GW2 isn’t doomed.
However, it has shifted away from the horizontal progression present in GW1, and opted to move in directions that do what mmorpgs generally do in terms of progression.
GW1 retained a surprising amount of players because of it’s types of horizontal progression, and I think Anet got away with murder when they made a game that was such a success with a lot of mmorpg players when the game wasn’t even an mmorpg.
Anet just needs to go back and look at what GW1 did that managed that. Trees can only grow so high before their branches taper out and end. It’s then the tree needs to look back down to it’s roots. Explore your roots Guild Wars!
floats way into the heavens
(edited by Redfeather.6401)
“WoW blahblah” as always… anyway :
There’s the thing; you’re “done”. You feel as if you have completed the game already. Because of this “endgame” mentality imposed by the average MMO, you already feel as if the content provided by the game is exhausted. You’re no longer playng for fun since the elements you’re playing, which have comprised the traditional endgame, are not “fun” to you. In this case, examine other things to od in the game and find something fun, or just stop playing. But don’t attribute the lack of fun to the game itself when in reality it is due to the players refusing to let go of the most deep-seated ideologies of “traditional” MMOs.
Then please, tell us, what is it so incredibly fun in GW2 that we could keep doing for months and months again, and again, and again ? I really want to know, and ANet needs to know as well. Because i’m really trying to figure out but .. I can’t.
-> jumping puzzles 100 times ?
-> zerg dungeons with no strategy 5000 times ?
-> Dynamic zergy events “spam AOE fast tag farm” a million times ?
-> Dragons events ? they look amazing, yeah, but that’s it.
-> Farming ALL skins ? (lolz)
-> Hugeeeee grind for legendary skins ? (lolz)
-> Making gold for … no idea ?
-> Beat this epic Zhaitan 10k times ? ( megalolz)
-> Exploring 100% map every months ?
-> Smash our head on doors in WvWvW every day ?
Honestly the most entertaining thing i’ve experienced in gw2 is the Norn’s barrel match mini game.
Please teach me what is the “new fresh ideology” of ANet’s guild wars 2 : Hanging out in a beautiful world with .. nothing to do ?
All of these “negative” threads are actually very constructive since ANet needs to know how the customers feel about their game. Why are we here ? because we care abut the game, because the game has a HUUUUGE potential. We expected a lot about gw2. They promised a lot too … and now it feels like it was a lie.
We’re not hating, we’re trying to help.
You think the game is wonderful and perfect ? fine, your opinion is important !
But so is mine.
(edited by Hughs.6549)
Most people who post about “endgame” really just want raids and tiered gear progression. Anet made the game “grindy” they say, but the idea of playing the same raid over and over and over and over and over until you get all your gear only so you can start the next one and so on apparently is not “grindy”. You can do the same thing in this game, however because the gear doesn’t have a bigger number in the stat department it isn’t worthy or something. I don’t get it I guess, the gear exists in GW2 to make you look unique and standout from the crowd, but the progression folks don’t like it because the stats are the same?
“No endgame” folks….what exactly are you looking for? Is it simply better stats or what?
It’s not the fact that people’s opinions are less important than others, which they aren’t, it’s that people feel the need to foist their opinions down the throat of others under the pretense of “helping”. If you wanted to “help”, you’d type a well-constructed e-mail and send it in the direction of Anet, and keep vitriol off of the forums.
As for stuff to do, why does it always have to be “stuff to do”? Why can’t playing the game itself ever be fun in MMOs? For me, since the release, I’ve simply been exploring all the various zones in the game, completing them, levelling up and playing events along the way. I’m not even 50% complete yet, and I’m only level 48, but it’s been quite fun. Just wandering around, doing Heart Quests and participating in dynamic events left me with a feeling of Skyrim-esque exploration, and there’s nothing more satisfying than killing a massive boss with a large group of players who’ve come together out of the blue to kill it.
Isle of Janthir – Sylvari Mesmer – Alexandre Le Grande
Vermillion HawkAs for stuff to do, why does it always have to be “stuff to do”? Why can’t playing the game itself ever be fun in MMOs?
Why walking in the street i mean in real life, staring at people 24/7 isn’t fun in itself ? because it’s not. Same in gw2.
For me, since the release, I’ve simply been exploring all the various zones in the game, completing them, levelling up and playing events along the way. I’m not even 50% complete yet, and I’m only level 48, but it’s been quite fun. Just wandering around, doing Heart Quests and participating in dynamic events left me with a feeling of Skyrim-esque exploration, and there’s nothing more satisfying than killing a massive boss with a large group of players who’ve come together out of the blue to kill it.
Maybe because we all have already done all that you said ? You’re not 80 yet..
Quests ? all done
Events ? same
Puzzles ? same
Dragons ? they’re lame man, it’s fun the first time, but then /no
Explore ? 100% complete
And i swear i didn’t “rush” or anything.
Evil :the idea of playing the same raid over and over and over and over and over until you get all your gear only so you can start the next one and so on apparently is not “grindy”.
What is gw2 ? grind the same poor designed dungeons again and again and again until you get .. a skin. how’s that better or more fun ? There’s no difficulty, so you’re not even happy to have “beaten” or “accomplished” anything with your teamates.
I don’t get how can someone defend that. really.
“No endgame” folks….what exactly are you looking for? Is it simply better stats or what?
We want challenge. Is it surprising asking for that in a video game ?
And yes, giving to ANet a customer feedback is still more helpful than you saying we’re only Haters.
(edited by Hughs.6549)
I started playing during beta weekend #1 and have not stopped enjoying the game at all since then. I’m not sure how many people feel the same way I do (by reading the forums during beta and even now, I don’t see many that do), but I will say that I’ve been taking the game very slow and at my own pace. I don’t know if people are burning out because they’re rushing through or they just genuinely don’t like the content available.
I play a few hours a day and I still crave more time. Even on weekends when I’m off work, I still want a bit more time. I mix things up; one night I’ll do a couple dungeons and exploring, the next night will be WvW and exploring, the next will be hearts/personal story and exploring. Did I mention I love to explore?
There’s a lot of things in this game that I really like. I’ve only played one character, a charr engineer, and stayed faithful to him the entire way. There’s just so much to do, I never seem to get bored. Even when I hit 100% map completion and finish my story, I’ll still have fun doing dungeons/WvW/completing random achievements.
And alts? Oh yes, I’m very excited to make a second character. But I’m so hooked on my engineer that I can’t seem to give him any rest, haha. Soon I’ll be making an alt, just to try on new armor, take up a new story, live in another charr’s shoes.
Anyway, this is my opinion on the game. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, or that anyone needs to feel the way I do. Maybe just me rambling, I don’t know. But I will say that I really love GW2 and hope that many others do, too. As someone else said, I don’t think it’s dying, but it’s also not thriving, either. But it’s still a new game and I feel as though ArenaNet has a lot of potential.
Hughs, you seem pretty angry, but you exactly made my point. There is no difference between the dungeons and raids elsewhere, so why all the fuss here? I don’t think it is better or worse, but I don’t remember much difficulty in PvE in any MMO since perhaps vanilla WoW? Really, the only hard part then was coordinating 40 people at once.
I, for one, would love to see a punishing end game with nearly impossible difficulty. I enjoy a solid challenge and I look forward to figuring stuff out on my own. So, if you are seeking a more difficult challenge in PvE I would support that 100%, but many (and you can’t deny this) are seeking a gear treadmill to keep them interested. They don’t care if it is hard or not, but they just want to collect their shiny things at the end of everything they do. I enjoy the process more than the end result and always have.
There is nothing for me to do in PvE at level 80, I can’t play WvW because a single server has every fortification max upgraded, and I don’t want to play SPvP because I simply don’t find it fun. I think ANET is focusing to much on this eSport business, and not enough time on PvE and WvW… I also don’t like how there is little reward for hard work in this game. In other traditional MMOs the main goal is to improve your strength as a player, but in this game it takes 7 days to get to max level, and gear yourself with top notch equipment… I love this game, but I can’t see myself playing it for long periods of time. And I will not be surprised if a moderator deletes many posts in this thread because its bad publicity.
(edited by Scorpio.3821)
“The problem is that old gaming habits die hard. GW2 breaks from some MMORPG traditions, and it’s rubbing some people the wrong way. A lot of those people thought the game would be more like WoW than it turned out to be.
For example, if you get bored with the game, put it down for a while until new content comes out. There’s no subscription fee, so no harm done by not playing it. Believing that I have to put in hundreds of hours into the game in order to get my money’s worth is one mindset that some people need to get past."
This is exactly why it was a mistake for Anet to try and emulate WoW. Sure they updated things and changed it a little, but by drawing the attention of the old World of Warcraft crowd they are also subjected to their expectations for content. The thing I’ve been hearing from a lot of former and current wow players is that “raiding is better” or “there’s no difference between quests and DEs” or “this game is grindy and there’s nothing to do at level 80”.
I think they’ve attempted to appease most of the GW1 fans as well some WoW fans but this game was probably a bit more ambitious than their resources would allow for.
I’ve no doubt that this game will continue to grow with each subsequent content update. (not those cosmetic changes to the environment Anet, even if they are lovely. >_>) But for the next few months there may be a lull in population since people are busy playing MoP etc.
Another reason why GW2 feels like “just another fantasy MMO” to many people is that they haven’t done enough to incorporate lore into the game. They started off ok, but for now it isn’t enough to keep some new players immersed and interested as it is for us old fans.
Don’t you worry, ANet won’t let this game die. They don’t care too much about improing the current game since they’ve already got your money and don’t care if you leave.
By the time they release a new expansion, then they’ll be worried about player complaints. They won’t want possible new customers to know about the negative issues. Then, they’ll be sure to improve things for the new expansion, try to hide stuff under the rug.
The new players will bring lots of money to anet because they’ll likely buy both the current game and the expansion.
If you’re unsatisfied with the game, wait until then and try again.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
One thing I think that is being over looked in this discussion is the fact that MoP is out and the new raid has started. Players ‘left’ to spend more time getting thier WoW toon to 90 and step into the holiday events. Some of them will be back once they get tired of grinding dailies.
And yes I know there is a ‘grind’ in this game too but it doesn’t feel like its as tedious of a grind as in WoW.
I suspect if they give us “challenge” as in raids without tiered geared progression like traditional models people will complain they are wasting their time in hard content for “nothing”. Just be sincere and say you want gear lol.
GW2 is catering different audiences, if you love the aspect of the game, you will enjoy it, simple as that.
GW2 will never offer the carrot on the stick, the gear treadmills, vertical progressions that some people whining and ask for these features adding to the game. And if you really love these features, there are tons of tradition online games that you can play it and you can still play GW2 as a sided-game anyway with no subscription fees. Or if you hate the aspect of this game so much, you can ask for refund from their customer service, and just left the community which is I don’t understand why those whiners and haters still infest in this forums.
However, you should know that ANet will improve the game and add more contents for free eventually, so there is no reason to quit GW2 forever.
If you doubt about what is so fun on the horizontal progression aspect in the game, is it fun to play the online games with no carrot in the stick, no gear treadmills progression, and reward you with the cosmetic items. You should ask these questions to the people who enjoy DotA, HoN, LoL, Team Fortress 2.
Although, I am agree that GW2 has some flaws;
- The Bad Design Dungeons,
- too Zergfest combat,
- Simplistic Boss mechanics, including World bosses.
- Simplistic Dynamic Events,
- Being as a Guild is pointless, No contents for Guilds and large group of people,
- sPVP is dull
- Zhaitan Fighting is suck, and Zhaitan hasn’t much impact to the world.
But these flaws don’t stop me from login to the game, IMO I still enjoy GW2 much more than other tradition MMO games.
I think GW2 is no WoW killer or Jesus Christ of MMO but it can hold a lot of players in a long term and have a success as a big title co-exist MMO game with mighty WoW cause their business model.
(edited by Amadeuz.4617)
I suspect if they give us “challenge” as in raids without tiered geared progression like traditional models people will complain they are wasting their time in hard content for “nothing”. Just be sincere and say you want gear lol.
No, I don’t want gear, I’ve never played WOW or other grinding/gear games. GW1 was my only MMO before gw2.
I want a game that’s worth playing, instead of being so easy to play that I can just read a book and press 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.
I’m not a player that “buys a game, complains, buys another game, complains, etc etc”. I’m a player that buys a game after research, after knowing the company’s track record, being sure that the game will be worth my money and time.
I don’t care about gear, carrot, vertical progression, or “whatever other mmos have”.
I just want a game that’s fun and worth playing.
If they made it so there’s no levels or any fancy gear, that wouldn’t bother me at all. I’m not that kind of player. I don’t need bigger numbers or progression, I just want to login and know I’ll have fun.
I’m just a player that plays games for fun, you know, like when you play football you play it because it’s fun not because of the endgame.
That’s it. I just want a fun game. GW1 was excellent. GW2 is like anet hired 10 year olds to make a game. They’re the ones that are always like “mommy, mommy, I want this candy/toy/etc, I NEED IT, buy it for me, I WANT IT and I MUST have it”.
It’s like anet thinks we are 10 year old children like that, who just want shinnies.
I don’t want shinnies, I want a fun game.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Whats scary to me, as a MMO, is the incredible loneliness of the game. Level chat is barren for hours, literally. The entire nature of the game is anti social. The shared kills and such are pure genius, but the Achilles heel is that they don’t build community. The feel of the game is very much like a single player game, even the dungeons to a large degree are Zerg fests where little to no conversation or strategizing takes place.
I’ve been feeling that way. I refered to TOR as “that game where no one talks” because everyone was so engrossed in their cut-scenes, but this game seems to also have that problem. If I run into a hard skill point mob, I can just wait until someone shows up, then we both silently kill it and then silently go our own way :/
I played it more and really like the game, but my biggest problem now after playing 2 weeks slowly and taking my time is that I wish more people talked in this game, even the guilds don’t talk. It can have 200 people and everyone’s quiet. I gotta admit, it’s kinda of boring though. Sometimes it is fun to see people chat and act trolly on Map talk but most is asking for events or dungeons. Why is everyone so quiet? I’m in Crystal Desert so I dunno about other servers. So I agree with Halo. Everything in the game is too hold-hands so no one HAS to talk or ask for help. Just my 2 copper and my only reason this game is downing on me. :/ I mean even the crappiest of games can be fun with friends and some idle chatter here and there.
(edited by Rise.9702)
I played it more and really like the game, but my biggest problem now after playing 2 weeks slowly and taking my time is that I wish more people talked in this game, even the guilds don’t talk. It can have 200 people and everyone’s quiet. I gotta admit, it’s kinda of boring though. Sometimes it is fun to see people chat and act trolly on Map talk but most is asking for events or dungeons. Why is everyone so quiet? I’m in Crystal Desert so I dunno about other servers. So I agree with Halo. Everything in the game is too hold-hands so no one HAS to talk or ask for help. Just my 2 copper and my only reason this game is downing on me. :/ I mean even the crappiest of games can be fun with friends and some idle chatter here and there.
I am playing on a server where people seem to roleplay a lot and also have idle talk in some zones. I reckon most real chatting either goes on in whispers, party chats or chats outside gw2 (Ventrilo, Mumble etc.).
For that matter it is not much different than I experienced in other MMORPGs. Most chats happen in hubs. If your guild however does not talk but you want to talk then I’d recommend changing to a social guild.
I personally don’t do if any idle talk on map chat because I am just not the type for that. If I talk it’s mostly down to courtesy and to answer questions give advice mostly in private where I usually chat with friends in games anyway.
When I’m playing WvW I’m really playing LSD.
lorazcykI want a game that’s worth playing, instead of being so easy to play that I can just read a book and press 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Stop playing ranger? Plenty of complex classes where you also need to use “2” and some times “3”.
People saying they only need the “1” button propably didnt get past level 2-3. Anyhow, this forum is a sourch of complaints. People who are enjoying the game are playing it now, people who dont get over here to complain (not all of them, but allot). Besides the guildmates it play with are all enjoying the game allot and sure the game isnt perfect but its close enough for me
Stop playing ranger? Plenty of complex classes where you also need to use “2” and some times “3”.
Ding ding ding, wrong! I don’t play a ranger, can’t be bothered with bad pet AI ^^
I play engineer.
People saying they only need the “1” button propably didnt get past level 2-3.
Ding ding ding, wrong! Unless a level 3 can be in Cursed Shore O_o ? But I’m in Cursed Shore and I’m 80.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
What happend to the posts 0,o
As this thread is going out of hand, it is now closed, remember to help keeping these forums a productive and friendly place by posting in a respectful tone.
Thank you.
(edited by Moderator.6837)