So what happens to the old dungeons?
People will run the dungeons for the gear / look that they desire.
It has also been stated a number of times that they’re reworking (Possibly this patch?) the rewards for doing a dungeon. Hopefully, more incentive. But, I’ve yet to spend more than 5-10 minutes attempting to get a group together for a dungeon.
There will still be people that need those tokens to make legendaries and other exotics weapons.
The lost shores page said this is an “all new” dungeon but I wonder exactly how much different it is from the dungeons that came before. Especially because it says that it’s nine dungeons, when that’s more than the game launched with!
relax mate, i have only finished 3 story mode dungeons so far (150h played) i still have 5 more to go!!
so far i only did CM and Arah. And they’re adding 9 more? Why are you giving me more things to do, A.NET?
so far i only did CM and Arah. And they’re adding 9 more? Why are you giving me more things to do, A.NET?
I’m not against them adding new things— I’m just worried that the population of people who want to do dungeons will be spread even thinner making it harder to find groups.
Remember it’s not 9 new dungeons. It’s 9 paths
so it would be like 3 new dungeons (since the dungeons have 3 paths) :p
still a ton to do. Can’t wait
Just look at how many players still run Cataclysm-dungeons. You get the idea. better loot in new dungeons means old dungeons obsolete. Saves them the ressources for fixing them if noone goes there anymore.
New Ascended Gear & Infusions
Introducing Ascended items, artifacts of great power that can be improved by a special new type of upgrade called Infusions, which can be found in dungeons. Look for more information about Ascended gear soon!
I believe they are talking about old dungeons here.
More like what’s going to happen to all the past zones?
They haven’t even been touched. (Maybe 1-2 tiny things)
You’d think with the “whole game is endgame” slogan they would work on the replayability of old zones, new events, revamping old events to be more challenging and interesting instead of mob spam, and having better rewards for higher levels and maybe even unique rewards.
A little bit off topic, but similar problem. I see the page for the Lost Shores all this shiny new stuff or w/e, but all I can think is “So all these zones are just being thrown away?”
They did add new things to the zones last patch and they are going to add new things this patch. Wait long enough and the old zones will feel a little bit different and ready for an alt. You can’t expect them to revamp whole zones each patch. People you are getting ridiculous.