So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flubbernaut.9584



I remember at the end of the personal story, there was a ton of fanfare, everyone was all happy, Trahearne narrated this stirring monologue to a beautiful cutscene, and to top it all off Fear Not This Night played in the background

It was beautiful. I may not have liked the Zhaitan battle (spamming 1 wasn’t to fun), but this ending was perfect

At the end of Hot we got… nothing. Not even Fear Not This Night played. I was dissapointed but I shook it off. It wasn’t that big a deal

So I was planning to ask the devs, what do you have planned for the end of the PoF story?

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheQuickFox.3826


Just wait and see…

Ascalon will prevail!

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So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


I think we will have a replay of HoT in the fanfare department. I have a feeling that we will continue south and east of where PoF takes place as well as north of the maps we currently have.

The living stories are so tied into expansion/main game content now that it is hard to have a giant celebration because there is always another big bad on the horizon.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOrlyFactor.8341


Nothing of consequence.

Playing GW2 for the story is like expecting plot in a porno. You’ll be left disappointed.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

You discover it was all a dream..

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOrlyFactor.8341


You discover it was all a dream..

If only this could be the true ending to HoT…

…but I’d also settle for this for PoF if it nullifies the events of HoT and the last fifth of LWS2.

Playing GW2 for the story is like expecting plot in a porno. You’ll be left disappointed.

(edited by TheOrlyFactor.8341)

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarie.1630


You have to spend an average of 200 hours grinding a specific drop from an Arctodus in Snowden Drifts in order to “please” Palawa Joko and earn his allegiance. Once Palawa Joko is on your side he will reveal that he has resurrected Scarlet and his grand plan is to allow Awakened Scarlet to absorb all of Balthazar’s Power and become a new God. In order to do this the player must make a decision within the story. Do you help Awakened Scarlet by farming blade shards in the Not So Secret jumping puzzle to fuel her or do you try to stop her by farming blade shards from the Not So Secret jumping puzzle to throw at her?

If you choose to help Awakened Scarlet then Palawa Joko will reward you with a special weapon skin with Ellen Kiel’s face on it but if you do not then he will expel you from The Desolation and only give you a bad Warhorn skin which, when used, sounds like Evon Gnashblade cursing continually for five minutes. This will also revert your PoF story by 5 steps and will force you to replay it until you choose to help Awakened Scarlet.

When you finally destroy Balthazar and Awakened Scarlet takes on his power to ascend to godhood she will reveal that she was Mordremoth all along. You will need to complete Dragon’s Stand 10 times to collect a special drop from Axe Master Hareth when he appears within the dragon’s coil at the end of the map meta so that you can purchase a special oil lamp like the Elonian skin but prettier and has grawl graffiti all over it. You can then face the god Moredremoth and shout “You wanted to be a God? You got it, and everything that goes with it!” and suck Mordremoth into the special oil lamp.

There is then an endgame quest to bury the oil lamp deep within Augury Rock which is then buried in sand for the next 500 years.

Sorry I should have used spoiler tags.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ider.1276


So I was planning to ask the devs, what do you have planned for the end of the PoF story?

Livia will come to us and say in her bored to death voice: “Oh, you killed a god? Ok, go and save the world from the next super-villain or something”.

a bad Warhorn skin which, when used, sounds like Evon Gnashblade cursing continually for five minutes.

Actually, I want that!

(edited by Ider.1276)

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarie.1630


a bad Warhorn skin which, when used, sounds like Evon Gnashblade cursing continually for five minutes.

Actually, I want that!

So many people want that, that’s why the devs are going to have to nerf it slightly. The duration of the noise will be reduced from 5 seconds to 2.5 seconds and instead of Evon Gnashblade cursing it will be Steward Gixx chuntering about which knitting patterns he likes the least.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


u going to north of tyria or spread democracy to cantha… they are under tirany if i reccall altouuuh south cantha migh have some free people accampments.
But we will see cantha for sure when they will make us visit the Aviccara temple in LA in first place.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ImTasty.2163


At the end of PoF we discover that Mordremoth discovered how to use waypoints and is now back.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


I would predict that they’ll throw whatever storyline we are following then out of the window to pull a new bad guy out of a hat with no connection or introduction, and then we are going into xpack 3 fresh and free from any previous story, sense or care about any of the major NPCs.

Oh wait, that’s this xpack. Hrm. Guess they might repeat it?

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I would predict that they’ll throw whatever storyline we are following then out of the window to pull a new bad guy out of a hat with no connection or introduction, and then we are going into xpack 3 fresh and free from any previous story, sense or care about any of the major NPCs.

Oh wait, that’s this xpack. Hrm. Guess they might repeat it?

LOL, one god down 5 to go even kormir will be down… that leecher.
Abadon will be the new trully god :P and he wins what he always wanted when he betrayed the other gods.

Btw isnt balthazar plot a repeat story of Abadon one ?

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOrlyFactor.8341


I would predict that they’ll throw whatever storyline we are following then out of the window to pull a new bad guy out of a hat with no connection or introduction, and then we are going into xpack 3 fresh and free from any previous story, sense or care about any of the major NPCs.

Oh wait, that’s this xpack. Hrm. Guess they might repeat it?

This is the correct answer.

Playing GW2 for the story is like expecting plot in a porno. You’ll be left disappointed.

So what's gonna happen at the end of PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trise.2865


At the end of Path of Fire, the unicorns will rise up against their machine overlords, much to the surprise of everyone, especially Tulane and the Commander, and defeat the mighty hidden dragon Changus, who was inside Balthazaar the whole time, controlling the crouching tiger and its birdman minions. Then you press F to drop your weapons and remember Blorgg Alamo because war never changes. But then you have to quickly get to the chopper, waiting to take you from Neverland, before the Timelords initiate Ragnarok.

Then Kormir appears out of nowhere and gives you a speech about how awesome you were for winning the game and how a powerful mortal would become the new God of War…. which she then becomes.

(edited by Trise.2865)