So what's the big problem?
Because before the patch lots of people are complaining about grinding.. Now there are rare items everywhere
There is just no pleasing some people, i also enjoy this patch very much and have to say, lately im enjoying guild wars 2 more then i did at launch. At first the dailys where to boring, then too hard and now when u can choose what to do, it’s still not right for some people.
It seems to me some people just want everything handed to them on a silver platter. I think we should ignore those people and remember they are just a vocal minority. Most people who are happy with this patch are not complaining on the forum but are playing the game.
People will complain about anything.
There are still a great many things worth criticizing with this patch. Namely issues left untouched.
Of course there are valid complaints, but I think anyone really looking at this patch objectively should be able to admit the game is better than ever.
Every patch, every update, every lack of update will result in the following:
-Players complaining that the game is grindy
-Players complaining that the game needs to be more grindy
-Players complaining that loot is too hard to get
-Players complaining that loot is too easy to get
-Players complaining that a nerf to one mechanic most people didn’t use, makes an entire class unplayable
-Players complaining just because (In real life, a charr would never wear a pink backpack to work)
-Also, the game is dying
Some people don’t like change, and complaining is fun. Which I don’t mind, reading these threads sometimes is more amusing than watching a terribly produced made-for-tv drama.
The main complaint is down to wanting to play the content made for us. Small guilds feel shut out at the moment and that is probably the main complaint and justified too.
My only other complaint is wanting more living story stuff as its building nicely and im impatient for more
Otherwise there little wrong with the patch. We got better drops, a much better ac dungeon, fantastic overhaul in previews incl tp previewing, new dances i think, some new social stuff and lots of other little changes which all add but have been largely overlooked. Forums are a magnet for complaints – the rest of the community are likely happy getting on with enjoying an otherwise top notch game
in pve;
the problem is not the game, its the endgame.
companies want their game to have longevity, some people get addicted to the farming, others complain and drop the game after realizing that it isnt fun.
basically, you have to realize that some people still play diablo 3!
ditching hours and hours for a few minor improvement that ultimately only enable you to get the same thing you were getting, but a tad faster.
gw2 vanilla pve endgame is no different to that.
we start to see some improvement with laurels, because they arent not farmable in the old school sense.
anyway, so yeah, people get addicted to the farming and then complain there isnt enough loot or there is lag getting loot or what not.
its a frustration that is innevitable if you get into that hamster wheel.
Here is an idea… brace yourself… it’s a doozy.
You could try… I dunno… maybe reading a little? And forming your own opinion? Instead of asking people you don’t know to summarize the opinions of people they don’t know… which just seems kind of silly.
The only big problem with this patch is the horrible Guild Missions system.
Other small problems:
- New ascended gear can´t be obtained trough FotM.
- Really old bugs (like legendary medal for Surnrise and Twilight) unsolved.
I don’t know who bluewanders is talking about… anyway.
It’s honestly sad that people are so emotionally irrational, it’s why I stopped coming to the forums for months and months – however I’ve come back as there’s some small bit of useful information to be had here and there.
They could change the color of the clothes of a random NPC in Lion’s Arch and there would be an uproar that the game is unplayable and dying.
This however doesn’t change the fact that there are errors where there are errors, but also that the game shines where it does. Over all I think this game is fantastic and a growing master piece bound to only get better and better – as it has since day one. But also the game obviously isn’t perfect, things go wrong here and there, but it’s not the end of the world.
Browsing the Forum and seeing a lot of complaints about how the latest patch is the worst thing to happen to Guild Wars 2, but since logging in I find myself having a lot of fun and being happier with the game over all. Most complaints seem to be aimed at the ruining of peoples farming routines and guild missions not being achievable by their respective guilds. With farming being ‘killed off’ and forcing people to play events and group-ish stuff more, and being able to join multiple guilds, I don’t see these two as very valid complaints, but that’s just me, so what is the really big problem with this patch that’s got everyone so mad?
The farming one is is due to shelt/pent being a “hub” for farming. People knew where to go to at least get in a few events, kill a bunch of mobs, and get some loot. Now with it being harder they get less loot, less people are there, and you kill a lot less mobs. So while it was an effective move in stopping people farming there, there needs to be a hub where people can group up.
As for the guild thing, that’s a can of worms. A lot of bigger guilds will not let you join unless you Rep them 100% of the time. I and my friend have already been kicked for not repping a WvW guild in PvE and that was well before this patch. A lot of smaller guilds also HATE large guilds because most aren’t really a fun atmosphere where everyone knows your name(cheers!). These small guilds have been together for years and shouldn’t be forced to give up there small guilds because Anet decided they should, they would sooner quit the game….and many have.
You play a Necromancer, now imagine if next patch the necromancer was nerfed completely into the ground. Even with full ascended at most you’re doing 10 damage. No groups will take a necro now so you cannot do any dungeons. Then people kept telling you all you need to do is just make a new class, it would kind of anger you right? You put all your work into your class and even though it was already below most of the other classes you enjoyed it, now you have to toss that work away and play a class you might not enjoy. Same exact thing here with guild missions. You’re asking people to toss aside their guilds, things they’ve worked on possibly since launch, because Anet made a bad design choice.