So what's your mf at?
184% since implementation. I got at least 14% just during Wintersday.
I think the base is around 160%. I’m in no rush as most loot comes from bags and chests which are not affected by MF.
Last I looked, about 161. And as Ayrilana said, the fact that it’s really only for kills puts a damper on getting it higher.
Add another to the 160, almost 161 pile. 160 mf is where all the cool kids at.
222% While I see quite a bit more rares, exos still elude me, even though I have a gambling addiction and throw all of them into the toilet.
Hit 199% today. That is from playing normally, salvaging all whites, blues, greens, and most yellows.
Last I remember seeing, 58%. But growing!
well since you dont get any from white and yellow they are abit redundat to list. Im at 171 myself
Only 106. I only salvage blues, not greens.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
About 115-120. Not really made any sort of effort with it, will have it grow without putting too much effort into it
The kind of people who will set an orphanage on fire after locking themselves inside it.
I am around 160 too. Aside from Halloween (or was it Wintersday) it has been pretty slow going recently. I whistfully remember the days when I could do the two low level paths of Twilight Arbour, salvage my drops and go up 1 point in magic find.
All luck must be destroyed!
15 chars
158% I think. I’ve taken to salvaging everything I find lately.
150ish%. I can’t remember the exact number, but it’s in the 150 area.
About 81%. – GW2 – A world of wonder
233% 15-characters
140% but I don’t salvage ectos for EoL, just blues and greens that drop.
RIP City of Heroes
Hit it a week or two ago.
Also, I refuse to ever intentionally salvage a glob of ectoplasm. May have salvaged one accidentally once a long time ago though. Thinking of doing such a thing intentionally makes me shudder.
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Mine’s at +99% from Luck. I am thus way far behind the curve apparently
Also, I refuse to ever intentionally salvage a glob of ectoplasm. May have salvaged one accidentally once a long time ago though. Thinking of doing such a thing intentionally makes me shudder.
. . . I can’t do it. My GW1 characters stare at me accusingly from the past.
242% (14 from achievements). I play a lot and salvage a lot. When there’s cheap ways to get luck I usually focus a bit on that farm (like wintersday) get some MF boost. Though now it’s only 30k per lvl, 71 levels still. I’m not rushing this, 242% is comfortable and close enough to max for me. Though in the far future i would like full MF, by just playing the game.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Mine is 136% from luck and 7% from achievements.
About 310% or more, I think (300 from luck and the rest from achievement point buffs).
With everything coming from containers, my MF doesn’t do kitten to get good drops though. In other words: you’re not missing out on anything if you have low MF.
Somewhere over 120%(stopped looking a while ago ), but I would sometimes whish I had lower. The higher mf you have, the faster your inventory gets filled.
Good luck and may the six watch over you
I’m somewhere in the 140’s. Though like others have said, I’m not in a rush since it doesn’t effect bags or chests.
162% I salvage all blues and greens. Sell yellows and higher.
I think around 130% And I see no difference from when I had like 20%..
300% … duno what to do with my luck now :S
Hit 199% today. That is from playing normally, salvaging all whites, blues, greens, and most yellows.
Youre so lucky!
I never get any essences of luck from salvaging yellows. ;(
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
310% including achievement rewards.
Netted out to a substantial profit going from 200 to 300% by smart buying from TP using spreadsheet assistance. The time cost is non-trivial though.